Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Power in the Galaxy [Master Needed]


NAME: Deimos Kelros
SPECIES: Nautolan
AGE: 20
HEIGHT: 2 Meters
WEIGHT: 105 kg
EYES: Light Purple
HAIR: Tendrils
SKIN: Blue-Green
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Strengths: Superior Strength, speed, and stamina. Also his calm mind in the heat of battle gives him that edge to overcome his opponents. Honor for those he fights for.
Weaknesses: Inexperience leads him to make fool-hardy decisions, and his age accompanied with his immaturity can get him into fights he wasn't prepared for. Pride in his own abilities allow for carelessness in the heat of combat.

SHIP: Not yet

Deimos was your everyday average young Nautolan in his community. He played with the other young-lings in the waters of his home. He was one of the fastest and strongest swimmers at an early age, and quite tall even for his species. As he grew, he discovered he could manipulate objects without touching them on accident; he'd been jumped by some of the older boys in the group. They began to tease him for his size, but when they pushed, he pushed back, without his hands. He could leap high from the water with only one kick of his feet. His family sent word to the Republic and a Jedi came to visit, he asked him some strange questions that Deimos appeared to have all the right answers to. In three weeks, he was on his way to Coruscant. He was put into classes for those he'd come to know as Force Sensitive. His training was extensive, and rigorous. His body pushed to its limits and his mind stretched beyond what he thought possible. He was given his training saber for dueling, and his master saw potential in him. Deimos overpowered most of his partners, so after a time, his master stepped in to test his skill. Deimos was able to disarm his master their first round, and it was then he developed a knack for dual-wielding. His master taught him Form V and VI specifically for this reason. Deimos became all but unstoppable in a duel and open combat with training droids. But every step he took forward, he fall back two because of his unwillingness to completely listen and be patient before he acted. He was left with many a taser round welts on his body. He was determined to become as strong as he could, to stop 'bullies' wherever they lie. For all his physical strength, his mental connection to the Force needed some serious work. He often became frustrated when meditating on the Force as it was difficult for him to Secure a connection. He would practice meditation techniques in his room for hours on end, to no true success. He had so much going on that he wasn't able to let go of. His continuing drive is what kept his masters hopes high. Upon finishing his training at the temple, he was granted the opportunity to create his own lightsabers. He chose two separate designs and blade colors. Deimos traveled with other Padawans to Ilum to create their own lightsabers. The crystals he chose were a dark green Pontite and a black-blue Mephite crystal. He meditated for hours to channel the Force into the crystals. He completed this in just under 34 hours. Due to his constant break of focus, the crystals were almost too large to fit inside their housings, but with a little twisting and hoping, they snuggley fit into place. Once assembled, Deimos activated his blades to show a almost black core with the corresponding colors on the outer edges, almost giving a dim light off instead of the usual bright, pure light that was seen. His master said they would function just the same as any other, but with a ruff appearance like their wielder. He was now ready for the more practical side of being a Jedi, active duty serving in the galaxy as a Republic Jedi Padawan.

KILLS: None as of yet.

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