Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Possible Answers

In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Braith"] [member="Lisette Kuhn"]


For the man known as Vitor Imperieuse, many of the bad things that had happened to him seemed to simply be the fruit of bizarrely poor luck. He had married twice, and both of his wives had died from illness. He had four children - all of whom were mutated in some minor manner. He was even once driven to the point where he would've easily killed people had they not placed him in a stasis casket.

But there was one thing he had done of his own volition, something committed in the spur of the moment that he had never been able to forget, let alone tell anyone. And perhaps today was the day he would be forced to spill the beans.
Lisette had never been to such a diverse planet, as far as the nature was concerned. Over the last several years she had integrated herself in with the Mandalorian people, trying to forget her family and adopt the culture that her mother had sprung from. At one time she had tried her hand at being a Jedi but had quickly discovered she was far too harsh to keep such a peace-loving title. Why, exactly, she had come to Zahat'n'ira was beyond her - she must have have dozed off on the wrong transport, or maybe accepted some delivery job requested of the Mandalorian people for some small amount of credits - but still she found herself standing in the middle of a relatively small space port with an odd fluttering feeling in her gut. What it was she didn't know, but she certainly wasn't at ease.

[member="Vitor Imperieuse"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Lisette Kuhn"]

Though he could soon be prepared for his next job, a sigh crossed his lips as he stepped through the spaceport, preparing to go towards his ship. Most of the natives, as was typical of them, avoided him, moving out of his way for fear that whatever curse he carried(a fallacious one at that) could spread to them. Despite this, he still stepped onward, accidentally running into a woman and falling over.

"Pardon me, miss..." He slowly returned to his feet. "You're new here, aren't you..."

Not only new, but also Force Sensitive.
Where the average person most likely would have been at least mildly frustrated with being walked into, the woman that had come to know Mandalorians as an extended family had grown used to such occurrences and wasn't exactly the sort to really care. Where the man seemed to trip and fall over her, the smaller, much more petite, woman instead retained the majority of her balance and stepped to the side - though she did falter in her steps. Rather than grant the man a look of disdain, which the local populace seemed to shoot at them almost immediately as the spectacle occurred, Lisette's gaze was rather neutral, in that there was little to no emotion to speak of in her expression. "Yes." She replied tersely, not entirely interested in having a discussion with a stranger in the middle of an unfamiliar space port - but judging by the rather heated looks she garnered from her armored clothing she supposed it was better than trying to entertain the locals, and it was certainly better than trying to raid a Primeval ship again. Placing her hands on her hips, leaning a bit to one side, Lis glanced around the walkway for someone that might stand out, someone who might be willing to pay her for another delivery run so she could pay her way off the planet as quickly as she'd gotten here. "Any idea where I can find a ride off of this backwater world?"

[member="Vitor Imperieuse"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Lisette Kuhn"]

"I've got a ship. Can take you there in the morning." He responded. "I've a quiet place a few kilometers out you can stay at until then. Most technologically advanced place to stay on the planet, unfortunately - the natives are all exceedingly primitive when it comes to technological development." He looked at her - something was eerily familiar about her, but for the moment, he would shrug it off. "I'd be glad to help you with your things - the natives seem as wary towards you as they've been to me since I landed here."

Silently, he pondered over a slightly swelling suspicion in his mind. Perhaps...
She tilted her head, not a look of appreciation apparent on her face. It wasn't that she didn't appreciate a free ride - it was more so that being offered a free ride, especially in such a primitive world, was highly suspicious to her. Perhaps it was having a Sith Lord for a mother, whom had plenty of enemies, or a step-father that had made so many that her parents had to fake their deaths - though the tearing of the once-sickening bond between mother and daughter had painfully made her aware of the Sith Lady's passing. But she had long since shut out such frivolous matters, learning to keep her head low and her feelings buried while she learned to live like a soldier would during her late teens. In any case she gave the man a questioning look, wondering what would be required of her for the 'free ride' - knowing full well that nothing came free to people in this galaxy, though she also knew there were things money couldn't buy, which her parents quickly found out. "What do you want in return?" Lisette asked, not willing to be coaxed into a ship only to be put to work or sold as slave labor - or something equally stereotypical.

[member="Vitor Imperieuse"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Lisette Kuhn"]

"Nothing, really." He sighed. "I have spare rooms I just don't use anymore, and I'd prefer getting use out of them instead of leaving them to gather dust in memory." He merely looked the woman over for a moment, eyebrow slowly raised. "You remind me a lot of another woman who came out here once. She was nice enough, certainly, though I do wish she'd stayed longer - she didn't reLly seem to know where she was going." He of course left out the more sordid details of his encounter with the one known as Silara, but those were for his mind only.

He sighed, waiting to see if she would accept his offer.
[member="Vitor Imperieuse"]

Though she was hesitant to accept the offer, she really didn't have much of a choice outside of spending another week on this hellhole. For a moment she stood and seemed to ponder on the decision - though she had already decided prior - and then closed her eyes and sighed. "Alright, lead the way." Lis said as she opened her eyes. His mention of another woman that would have been familiar to her didn't really come to her as a surprise, there were quite a few women who had a similar build and complexion to her, though she supposed her ever-dye-her-hair-blonde or brunette of a mother had, at some point, gone about without a clue in the world prior to her apprenticeship to that first wretched Sith Lord. There wasn't really a feasible way for her to make any connections, though, so she opted to simply follow the man home.
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Lisette Kuhn"]

He nodded, intentionally standing in front of her in order to best lead the way. Why so? Well, it was a symbol of trust. He expected her not to stab him in the back - after all, she did require his assistance to get to the home. When they arrived, she would likely be surprised - it was an ample-sized building, crafted of large trees felled by an axe, sealed with some sort of sealant, with lit-up windows. It seemed a perfect little eco-house out in the woods a good way.

He opened the door, waiting for her to go inside herself. "You first, I insist."
[member="Vitor Imperieuse"]

The home was as primitive in fashion as the rest of the planet, though she didn't really quite care so much about that as much as she cared about finding a place to rest her head. The place was sizeable, nothing compared to the excessive mansion her half-sisters had on Teta, though she doubted anyone was as rich as the Kuhn family was. She wasn't sure why he walked so slowly - though she supposed it was just that she walked too fast - but when they reached his house it was surprising it wasn't the next day. Lis didn't say a word, of course, because she needs to rest and the way off the planet - the easier the better. His gesture, asking her inside first, was a bit odd, for this planet anyways. Everyone on the streets seemed to be xenophobic, even to humans, as long as they weren't from the planet. She walked in without a word, turning a few feet in to wait for him to follow her inside. "Where would you like me to sleep?" She asked, looking around curiously.
In Umbris Potestas Est
He motioned to a bed on the far side of the cabin, one on the opposite side of the room of another bed that seemed to be somewhat messed up - his own, of course. "I have a shower, a small kitchen, and a basic holocomm. If you want to access the holonet, I'm more than willing to let you use my terminal on a guest account. It's a nice place out here - built it myself for my family some years ago." He smiled. "Take a look around. It's not much compared to what you're probably used to, but it's decent enough accommodation."

He paused a bit, taking a seat in a comfortable chair. "So, tell me a bit more about yourself, Lisette."

[member="Lisette Kuhn"]
Lisette, for all intents and purposes, was mostly uninterested in the layout of the house, or of any connections to the holonet. [member="Vitor Imperieuse"]'s short story about the place wasn't much of importance to her, either, but recently she'd found that very little was. Her whole reason for pressing on was the idea that some day she could have killed her mother herself, and with her passing that was simply not an option. So, like today, she'd found herself aimlessly traveling across the galaxy in search of work, of things to find, and not much else. People, especially talkative ones, bored her, though being alone did too. Really there wasn't much she liked to do anymore besides sleep and break things, most ceramic or bone things. Rather than sit somewhere, when addressed, Lisette merely stood to answer the request. "I'm a Mandalorian, there isn't much to really say. As far as my past is concerned, I was raised on my lonesome, never needed or had a parent to look out for me. I don't really have much of a story." She replied without much of a change in expression.
In Umbris Potestas Est
He nodded, understanding her reluctance to elaborate a bit more on her past - either it was something she wanted to keep quiet about, or something that really wasn't that interesting. He paused for a moment before giving a careful nod. "I understand. I don't have much of one either, to be fair." For the time being he would ponder asking a question before finally enunciating it. "You had any work recently?"

On one hand, he was unsure as to whether he could offer her a job. On the other, she still seemed... Very interesting.

[member="Lisette Kuhn"]
The chances of the two of them not having an all-too-special history wasn't exactly alarmingly slim, even if it was Lisette didn't pay the admission much mind besides nodding her head in acknowledgement. In the pause between his response and further questioning, Lis glanced around to study the surroundings again - mostly out of sheer boredom than anything else, if her expression of express disinterest was anything to go by - and then zeroed her gaze in on the man with the slow tilt of her head when her work, or lack thereof. She sighed, eyebrows raising up as she shut her eyes and rubbed the bridge of her nose with the index finger of her gloved left hand, and shook her head to answer his question. "I was supposed to be protection for some trader or smuggler - I didn't ask which - but was stood up, about a day ago." She said bitterly, not at all pleased with losing out both on a job and the credits it took to get to the rotten planet in the first place. Obviously she wasn't built for physical melees and such, but the lightsabers at each side of her hips were enough of a sight to prove she at least possessed a weapon to account for that.

[member="Vitor Imperieuse"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Lisette Kuhn"]

Vitor pondered for a moment, considering the repercussions of this action. Silently he thanked whoever had been foolish enough to stand Lisette up - she would be a fine employee in the service of Emeritus. Still, the fact that she had to be betrayed by corporate interests in order to be here was something he as a businessman was ashamed of. "I have no idea who was responsible for practically stranding you here, but I'm willing to offer you a job. A fair job. Good pay, excellent benefits. Something that'll actually make use of your skill as a bodyguard. Out of respect for you, and what you suffered thanks to that crook, I feel it's the right thing to do to make you this offer."

Still he wondered if this was the right thing to do - or if she would even consider it in the slightest. Her disinterest with her surroundings, and with him as a person, still kept things in question consistently.
Now it wasn't that she wasn't glad to hear about a job offer, it was just the circumstances that brought this discussion up - and the context of the situation - put her on her guard. The man, however hospitable and pleasant he was being, was still largely a stranger, and she was already in his debt for the ride off of the planet she was going to receive. She doubted it was anything unbecoming of her - likely more of the same work, guard work and the like - but there was always the chance she might be protecting something or someone she wasn't fond of, like Sith or the like. "What kind of job?" She asked, casting a questioning gaze at [member="Vitor Imperieuse"]. Lisette wasn't about to become hired muscle for a slaver, at any rate.
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Lisette Kuhn"]

He pondered thoughtfully as he eyed the woman before him - one whose resolve certainly seemed steady and well-tempered. Yes, that job would do nicely. "Well - I run a company that deals in exceptionally exotic technology and equipment. If it hasn't been seen in the hands of your average Republic citizen, we probably have an example of it down in the basement. All sorts of fun stuff - stygium, lethal bioweapons, experimental weaponry, antimatter reactors..." He trailed off, deliberately leaving room for her to ponder what else could be down there. "Long story short, I need someone willing to guard my company's prototypes. Pay is good, you'll get weapons to supplement your own, and you'll get a chance to take a look at some of the most advanced pieces of technology in the galaxy. I don't trust droids to do it - they're too prone to getting hacked or otherwise malfunctioning. You on the other hand appear to be someone quite reliable."

Looking down at his datapad, he scrolled over the contract she would sign if she accepted - the only real limitations would be her need to be gene-tested prior to entering and exiting the vault - not to mention scans to determine she had nothing on her that could cause trouble. The last thing he needed was for something to escape from down there.

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