Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Poro want a Poro Snack!

NAME: Poro
AGE: Unknown
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6 in.
WEIGHT: 5 lb.

Eyes: Black

HAIR: White
SKIN: Grey


Poro want a Poro Snack!
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

He hasn't been active since March 23rd...That doesn't bode well, but still I will squeak a hello to him!


Poro want a Poro Snack!
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Poro stares uncomprehendingly at [member="Dakita Calfur"], squints his eyes and grunts with exertion, and then grows a mustache and changes his his fur color to mimic her. He liked showing off to those who gave him affection. He panted and let his tongue hang out.
Dakita picks up [member="Poro"], squeezes him and says, "Would hims like to go in this bag? Yes hims would."

She plops Poro into her purse with Wilhelm so the two ropos can get to know each other in the cozy confines of her handbag.


Poro want a Poro Snack!
Poro squeaks in surprise and, like Kirby losing his mimic, reverts back to a normal poro when he "Whumps!" into the purse. He looks to his left to see another ropo staring straight back at him. They awkwardly stare at each other for an indiscriminate amount of time, unsure of what to do.

[member="Dakita Calfur"]


Poro want a Poro Snack!
Poro accepts the tribute of nachos because he loves nachos just like everyone else.


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