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Private Poli-Sci 302


The ride down into Dromund Kaas was never a pleasant one. It's perpetually cold and wet temperature reminded Jorryn too much of her place of work, Yavin IV. She didn't much care to be reminded of all the paperwork that she had to do when she traveled abroad to other planets in the Sith Empire. Unfortunately for the Echani, this was a rather necessary trip out into the other planets in the galaxy. She was here on a visit, truthfully more of a mission to her.

As Tower Vandiir came into view, Jorryn finished the last touches of her makeup. It always helped to present nicely, especially to a Dark Councillor with as much a taste for flamboyance as Adrian was.

Hopefully her new acquaintance would appreciate the effort.

"Drop me at the front entrance, driver!" As much as Jorryn would actually enjoy a drink or ten at the Passionbefore meeting with Lord AMCO AMCO , it probably wouldn't be the best idea to meet with him without a clear head. So, unfortunately, she would avoid that club for now. Instead she would go through the main entrance, perhaps a bit miffed that there wasn't a private docking bay she was allowed to use.

Without so much as acknowledging the driver, Jorryn stepped out into the glowing lights that lit up the entrance to Tower Vandiir. A Zeltron with an umbrella stood waiting outside, a black umbrella in his hand and a nicer outfit that the Inquisitor might almost believe it wasn't probably just another cafaral. But as she felt a touch of pheromones, she wasn't surprised in the least.

"Right this way, My Lady. Lord Vandiir has been expecting you."

The meeting had been set up in advance, but not too long ago. Jorryn knew it was never a good idea to keep a Sith Lord waiting, let alone a Dark Councillor. Especially if one was attempting to curry their favour, for one reason or another. With a quick nod the Echani let the butler lead the way into the building, passing him her designer coat as soon as she made it properly past the threshold. The tower was, of course, far nicer than the rest of the downright murky Dromund Kaas. The Inquisitor was pleasantly surprised to find out that she wasn't to be kept waiting in the lobby, instead guided towards a private elevator that rode straight up towards the Councillors personal office.

Perhaps she made more of an impact than she thought.

With one last bow the cafarel made his way into Adrian's office, a message from Jorryn that she had arrived a smidge earlier than anticipated. It helped to hopefully catch the other person a bit off guard. She took a moment to touch up some of her makeup as she sat in one of the waiting areas, a mirror held to her face as she waited for Adrian to come out from his abode.
As far as Adrian was concerned, Dromund Kaas was beautiful, in its own way. Where others saw the scars of Mandalorian-induced cataclysm and the taint of the Dark, he saw a world with power flowing through its very veins - nowhere was this more evident than in the boiling storm above.

As inclined as he might be to watch that display of power most primal for hours on end, he had business to attend to.

Returning to his display, he pushed aside the preliminary data on a rather novel new blend of Yaladai being developed for the Sith in favour of the woman that would be joining him soon. Jorryn Fordyce - for the longest time she had been content with a more secondary position, but recently she had made moves to consolidate her interests, or so his sources said. Motivated by the great Tai Fa stepping away from the limelight, perhaps?

He would know soon enough, he supposed.

Nodding in thanks as the butler-cum-"hospitality provider" let him know that his guest had arrived early - not that his administrator had not already informed him of such - he bade the Zeltron bring her to an attached parlour; much more suitable for singular guests than his towering office.

No doubt arriving in the room at around the same time as the Echani, he would smile warmly, moving to shake her hand in a decidedly secular manner. "Lovely as ever, Knight-Inquisitor Fordyce. If you have need of any refreshments, simply utter the request aloud - the Tower has ears."

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It was a pleasant surprise to say the least when the Zeltron guided Jorryn into a more private side parlour instead of the main office, was a promising sign for the Inquisitor's goals this evening. It was a pleasant enough space, windows that let Jorryn enjoy the soft tapping of rain without the temperature of it.

"You don't clean up half as badly as well, My Lord." Returning the smile to him as she let him take her hand. "And while your walls having ears may be a tad concerning, I wouldn't mind your man here making a quick drink."

The words barely reached the servant's ears before he was already preparing her refreshment.

"It certainly is an impressive little corner of the galaxy you've made for yourself in this tower, My Lord." The words coming as she slowly took a seat in one of the couches and crossed her legs, her amber gaze roaming across the parlour. "It appears plenty of benefits come with that title of yours."

"A certain level of privacy that isn't quite easy to come across." The Inquisitor had done her homework before coming to this tower. The both of them knew the laxness that the Sith Empire gave to Lord Vandiir when it came to... transparency with the Empire. With the Saaraisash. "I must ask. how did you manage it?"

It wasn't a particularly surprising question, Jorryn had done little to cover up her curiosity with Vandiir's surge through the ranks. The pair of them were at one time of equal ranking at one point, with the Echani being the senior.

Hopefully his answer was something to emulate.

A bit concerning? Hah, if only she knew; this little domain of his was as tightly surveilled as any Saaraishash stronghold, which combined with layers upon layers of security measures ensured a greater level of security than most actual fortresses.

It was hardly a surprise that the residence of two Dark Councillors featured some... unusual measures.

Shaking her hand in a characteristically egalitarian fashion - he had never been one for theocratic formalities - he requested a drink of his own before taking a seat opposite her. A superbly comfortable seat, of course, for nothing but the best could be permitted within his walls.

"Oh, the Tower itself has been in my possession since I was a mere Acolyte... various security measures have been added, however."

Smiling warmly, his blue eyes - and it was odd that they remained blue, given how strong his tie to the Dark was - met her amber, his tone amused. "The power or the privacy? Oh, but I supposed they are rather interconnected."

Pausing in thought, he gestured towards a seemingly unremarkable wall panel. "Behind that wall stands a Sithspawn, a genetically engineered killing machine able to rend apart entire units of soldiers with its bare fists while shrugging off blasterfire. Personally, I consider its kind among my least impressive creations; take the Saaraishash, for instance - do you have any idea just how many of my creations are involved in intelligence gathering?"

Chuckling softly, he shook his head. "Ah, but you are probably more interested in the political part, no? I would recommend you familiarise yourself with the governors, Moffs in particular. Never hurts to know a few when conducting an investigation... or seeking a promotion."

Despite best efforts to retain a similar atmosphere of knowledge and coolness of the man in front of her, the visage did manage to crack for a second upon the mention of Sithspawn. The Echani had always viewed the creatures as disgusting malformations of nature, avoiding them in all cases necessary. Simply put, they disgusted Jorryn.

"I would be obliged if that panel would stay shut." Too late to hide her disgust, Adrian was a tad too savvy to miss such a signal. "I don't have much of a tolerance for monsters, truth be told."

There was little effort to hide her true feelings towards the beasts.

"But I will acknowledge their usefulness in our operations... your usefulness."

The smirk on her black lips returned quickly as Lord Vandiir struck the exact chord Jorryn wanted. To any with eyes, it would hardly come as a surprise that she was gathering allies to seize power for herself. But the Dark Councillor knew the exact reason. Lord Fa, as much as the Echani respected him, had begun to move further and further away from the limelight. A light that would would shine on Jorryn rather spectacularly, she felt.

"I'm glad you understand me, My Lord." Not acknowledging the specific reason, but it took little leeway to understand their meaning. "As much as I enjoy the company of Moffs, it's much more beneficial to familiarize myself to men with real power. Men like yourself."

A glass of spectacular purple was produced from the returning "hospitality provider". Now that her motives had begun to be laid bare, she could afford a couple drinks. The glass pressed to her lips as she waited for a reaction from the man, hopefully one of mutual understanding. If not, then she had little pause to offer him many reasons that would assure him with a feeling of mutual beneficiality.

The Echani wasn't leaving without the good doctor's favour.

Disgust, disgust which she briefly attempted to conceal before astutely ceding the attempt. Not unusual, even for a Sith.

"Monsters? An apt moniker, for some of my more inelegant creations... but there are others who are more than they were, in more than one sense of the word." Calling the drink the Zeltron had been preparing for him with a flick of his wrists, he swirled the blueish-pink liquid thoughtfully before taking a sip. "There are even members of our Order who have felt my touch in that regard, entirely of their own volition, of course."

Regarding her thoughtfully as the discussion shifted to more political matters, he took another sip and nodded once. "Power of the tangible sense, then? It certainly has its uses, though I have found that the subtler hand usually plays the best cards, if you will."

Cold eyes glimmering, his refined features curved upwards in a smirk. "Take, for instance, my enemies - have you ever heard of any? Any at all?"

He would not be surprised if the answer was negative; part of the reason was a fairly inoffensive personality, by Sith standards anyway, and a tendency to favour diplomacy over cruder means, but there were also those who had disappeared along the way... sometimes drastically.

Jorryn herself would certainly have a few skeletons in her closet... the only question was how tightly the doors where shut.

The fact that members of the Sith had experimented on themselves wasn't particularly interesting, but Jorryn had imagined that those that did were the more alchemical and sorcerous of their order. The thought that there were others that had changes done to them, and even worse that it might be some that they knew.

"You've experimented on other Sith?"

The only Sithspawned Sith that Jorryn had known of was Drachau Zambrano. An efficient weapon to be sure, but one that had been created for that sole purpose. The thought of a Sith twisting themselves around like that was nauseating to the Echani.

"Anyone in the Council? The Saaraisash...?" Legitimate questions that would probably go unanswered, but ultimately trailing off to the one Jorryn found most concerning. "The Valkyries?" The Inquisitor knew that the Valkyries used Sithspawn, but the thought of them being operated on directly discomforted the silver-haired Sith greatly.

She didn't assume Vaylin would ever do something so rash, especially since Jorryn assumed the Zabrak knew of her discomfort around them. Then again if it was something unnoticeable....

A deep swig of the drink in her hands helped cleared her mind, returning to the other words that Lord Vandiir produced. The like-mindedness of the pair was of some comfort, though Adrian had clearly darker ambitions than the Echani. All she wanted was to become the next Lord Inquisitor in simple truth. But Vandiir didn't seem interested in even the Dark Councillor wholly.

Not as much as what benefits it had given him.

"I cannot say I have, My Lord." A smirk on her face returning the one Adrian wore, a shared confidence hopefully hiding the doubt the Jorryn felt. Everyone had their enemies, but there was something more important than that. "And, though I hope this isn't presumptuous of me, how are you doing for friends?"

The leading question would doubtfully catch Vandiir off guard. The Inquisitor's hand was tipped and the Councillor knew every card in her hand.

Sometimes blatancy was the best negotiation tactic.

It seemed the Echani was getting the wrong impression... or was just unreasonably bound by petty taboos and natural constraints.

Chuckling with amusement, Adrian quirked his head slightly sideways before replying. "Oh, but Ms. Fordyce, I fear you misunderstand me, for I am hardly some nefarious lunatic lurking in a dank dungeon, throwing Dark Side energies at my fellow Sith in order to see what sticks; my experiments, as it were, are about as safe as it comes. I make augmentations, not ravening monsters."

Smirking slightly, he shrugged. "But yes, there are those in the Saaraishash I have improved, not so much the Council or the Valkyries. Not yet."

Was she scared that someone she knew had felt his touch, perhaps, or just that she would interact with one? How would she feel, he wondered, if she knew just how much of his power base was composed of beings he had augmented or even created outright?

Whatever her feelings on the matter, something told him her political aspirations would come first.

Raising an eyebrow at her bluntness, he nonetheless smiled softly; unlike some, he was not averse to the straightforward approach. "Oh, I like to think I have quite a few... but a few more couldn't hurt. Especially mutual beneficial ones."

The subtle differences in what makes a monster a monster was something of little interest to the Echani. When you take away the natural and replace it with something perverse, there was nothing that could justify the molestation of nature that it entitled. The scientific method only helped ease her mood so much when such ideas were discussed, an opinion Vandiir didn't need to know.

"Of course, My Lord."

A small nod of her head and quick sip of her drink to ease her out of the thoughts she held.

The feeling of ease she felt when the Councillor admitted he hadn't worked on the Valkyries was short lived, a half admission of his plans forcing Jorryn's brow to furrow as if she was affronted. The idea of this man working on Vaylin's organization was... unappealing to say the least. Curiously enough, the idea that there were sithspawn in the Saaraisash didn't provoke a reaction.

She could handle her own organization.

"It's comforting to know that the Emperor is promoting the smart as much as the strong." The glass was placed down on the side table beside her, before leaning in towards Adrian and propping her chin on her hand to stare at him. "You seem to be a creative man, My Lord. I'm sure you can think of the benefits of being in bed with the Inquisition."

A devilish grin rolled across her lips as the words came out. Not in a sense of seduction, though the words certainly came out sweet. Her eyes were refreshed with a cold look of desire.

There were plenty of benefits to being good friends with the Inquisition: Blind eyes when you need them; information on your enemies; fresh and un-registered live specimen. Of course, as she imagined Adrian would soon come to the conclusion of, these were services that a simple Knight-Inquisitor could not provide.

But a Lord Inquisitor...

The woman still held her prejudices, he was sure, but at least she was not inclined to throw a tantrum about it.

For now, that would be sufficient; he did, however, respond to her deferential statement with a knowing smirk.

As the conversation transitioned to more political matters, his smirk shifted into a mocking smile - if not one directed at the woman in front of him. "I have found that strength without cunning makes for excellent cannon fodder... but not much else. You seem the sort to agree, no?"

Swirling his drink thoughtfully in response to her offer, he gave it a moment, a long moment, as if to measure how essential this could-be association was to the Echani's no-doubt lofty aspirations. He had his connections with the Inquisition, plentiful connections, but not necessarily at the very apex of the organisation. He had little interest in hitching his ship to hers... but more indirect support might have its advantages.

Goodness knew he had skeletons aplenty in his closet, albeit well-hidden ones.

"That I can." Punctuating his words by taking a sip from his drink before placing it on the table, his tone turned serious. "Tell me though, Jorryn - do you mind if I call you Jorryn? - what makes you think you have what it takes to come out on top in this grand game we all play?"

"What is your edge and how does it relate to me?"

A small nod was all Jorryn offered in return to his wisdom, not everything needed to be rewarded with words. As obvious as she was tonight, being too overeager had never worked out for the Inquisitor in the past and presumably wouldn't work now. Plus Adrian could read her well enough, having to confirm his words with some of her own was just too much effort.

"I'm sorry, My Lord." A sly smirk appearing on her face, hiding some thin irritation with his familiarity. "The only people that call me by my name are the ones I'm in bed with in a more literal sense." Hoping to fluster the councillor a bit, though truthfully it was risky denying such a request. "Inquisitor Fordyce shall do for now." Words parted from her lips sweet as wine. She was here to command his respect, not beg for his assistance.

Not yet at least.

"Desire, Dedication," Lithe fingers raised as she counted out each trait, finalising with the third accompanied by a more cold look to the Sith Lord. "And desperation."

The time for subtlety was drawing to a close. Vandiir was a smart man and wouldn't assist Jorryn if he had any suspicions about her confidence or success. A little reassurance was all he needed.

"With or without you, it shall soon be Lord Inquisitor Fordyce." The smirk returned to her face as she leaned back in the sofa, admiring her black nails as she looked away from Adrian. "Rolls off the tongue quite well does it not?"

Smirking as her "for now" sent some rather surprising - and presumably quite unintentional - signals in conjunction with her earlier statement, he shrugged, seemingly unconcerned with her refusal. Having spent his youth on Serenno, he was hardly a stranger to formalities.

"So be it, Inquisitor... though I suppose that would make me "Your Dark Excellency", no?"

Eyes glittering with amusement, he shrugged in response to her comment. "You certainly aren't lacking in confidence, either, but I would say the cards are still up in the air, for there are ever so many eagre parties involved... none of which have done much to earn my support."

"Take, for instance, Darth Zijia. He recently had the audacity to reassign many of my creations to less central duties." His usual smile seemed somewhat forced; clearly, there was no love lost between him and the Lord Inquisitor. "I trust you would amend this slight if given the chance?"

"As you wish, Your Excellency." The title came out in a seductive tone as her eyes roamed over Lord Vandiir, perhaps a bit obviously. A little flirting never hurt when it came to negotiating with Sith, stroking their ego was always an efficient strategy. "The importance of titles can never be too understated in our Empire, especially when we're looking to change them."

Irritation begot Jorryn's face as she set down an empty glass, the name of the current Lord Inquisitor clearly being a bother to the girl.

"I won't mix my words regarding Zijia, the man is a simple fool." A finger beckoned for a second drink as the Echani clearly looked to begin a rant, another drink making it a bit easier to get through. "I will admit, I have a certain caution when dealing with Sithspawn. They disgust me. But Zijia would shoot himself in the foot if he could produce his idea of a purist and totalitarian Saaraisash, on that he can't even manage to fully influence. Why they handed him the role over me I shall never understand, Lord Fa made his choice clear when he allowed me to apprentice under him. Zijia is a strong sword hand and that's it, and even then I'm sure our Lady of Secrets shall find him wanting sooner or later."

Turning back to a calmer tone as she leaned back once again, it was clear that the High Inquisitor was readying to refine her arguments. If she was to become the next Lord Inquisitor, Vandiir's support would be of utmost importance to her. Not only as a voice in the Dark Council, but his mind and creativity would be useful in supporting her command of the Saaraisash.

"If given the chance," Intentional vagueness to keep it from being outright treason, even if that was a line she was barely riding during this conversation. "I could be persuaded to reassess the usefulness of your creations to the Saaraisash, as well as other places in our Empire."

A hand reached to collect the drink from the Zeltron bartender as he brought another, this one a magical silver in colouration. The bartender was a smart one, the drink reflecting it's customer. Adrian had a knack for surrounding himself with talent.

"Of course, I can only scratch your back if you scratch mine, Your Excellency."

Ever so slightly surprised by the Echani's suggestive tone - she had been oh-so-uncomfortable when he made some rather unsubtle attempts in order to observe her reaction last time they'd met - he could nonetheless understand the sentiment, even if titles had never been his focus.

He could not remember ever styling himself "the Imperial Champion", for example, despite his baffling victory in the First Sith-Imperial Tournament.

"Titles are all well and good, as is formal authority, but never forget that they're but the mirage concealing power..." ... and, it goes without saying, such titles were ultimately meaningless if the holder failed to exert the authority of their office, for one reason or another.

Smiling coldly as Jorryn finished her little rant, the Sith Lord shrugged. "Oh, I'm sure - Lady Raaf is not known for tolerating idiocy."

Smile broadening as she wrapped up her pitch, he finished his drink, signalling for the Zeltron to get creative with the follow-up. "I am glad you see reason; oh, and not to worry, I'd never leave such a no doubt lovely back unscratched."


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