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Approved Tech Plate of Typhon Dlukav | Armor of Dual Elements

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  • Intent: To create the new main armor for Lorale Farmar.
  • Image Source: (X)
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification: Multipurpose
  • Weight: Extreme
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Extreme
    • Kinetic: Extreme
    • Lightsabers: Very High
    • Elemental: Very High
    • Sonic: Very Low
    • EMP/ION: Very Low
    • Dark Side of the Force: Extreme
    • Light Side of the Force: Very Low
  • Connection to the Dark Side
  • Elemental Nexus
  • Otherworldly Guide: Unknown to even Typhon Dlukav, Lorale somehow stumbled upon a feature of the armor the ancient Artisans, who would curiously go on to become the first of the Apostatious: that of a connection to the apparent "Buried Goddess of Noxis", whom Typhon allegedly romanced and then outcast during his reformation of the aforementioned planet. Named Adon, the "Goddess" states that she was the twelfth in a long line of sole survivors to discover the planet and evolve to nigh-omnipotence within the world's borders and was the creator and killer of Typhon's race. How the Koignalteth discovered her wandering essence upon the planet and implanted her within the armor itself, even she does not know, stating that her disembodied consciousness and voice were only returned due to Lorale himself. She has repeatedly stated that she senses the presence of the eleven before her within the armor and that she and Lorale must work to unlock their voices so as to understand the events of Typhon's rise to power and how the Apostatious truly came to be.
  • Master Crafted: The armor is crafted out of thrice folded plates of fresh Heavensteel steeped in the Dark Side via extensive Alchemy, granting it resistance to nearly every form of physical and elemental damage, including the vacuum of space itself.
  • Dark Side Conduit: The Plate of Typhon Dlukav connects its wearer to the Dark Side in a manner normally only seen in rituals, bridging the gap between the mind and the Netherworld of the Force, which has been noted to be similar to the Wolfblade's connection to the Heart of Noxis. This connection ultimately drives the wearer to greater heights of power within the Dark Side, enabling them to achieve nearly impossible feats of death and destruction and survive even the most grievous of wounds.
  • Otherworldly Guide: While Adon can no longer bestow or take away powers of her subjects, she is highly knowledgable on many key factors of the ancient galaxy and acts as a form of an endearing grandmother, warning him of danger and enlightening him on any and all information she deems useful to him at the moment. It is also believed by Lorale that Adon has some hand in minorly suppressing the innate corruption the armor injects into him every day, although this has yet to be proven.
  • Elemental Nexus (Imbuement of the Moons): Additionally designed to serve as a walking Nexus for two of the four natural elements, the armor grants the wearer enhanced mastery over Cryokinesis and Pyrokinesis via advanced Koignalteth sorcery. Lorale is thus able to summon storms of ice and fire with near-impunity, as well as rapidly cast bolts and spears.
  • Light Side of the Force: Having been seeped into the Dark Side by its creator, this armor is highly vulnerable to the Light Side of the Force, meaning that if enough of it is applied, the armor will shatter and potentially kill its wearer. Its powers and effects can also be limited by skillful applications of Force Suppression and Void Stones.
  • Nigh-Fatal to Wear: The immense endurance and willpower required to wear this armor are so tremendous that the wearer is constantly in danger of buckling under the strain and dying on the spot. This is due to the barrage of dark power seeping into their very being on a second by second basis, thus forcing the wearer to always use some level of energy to hold back the tide lest they fail their mission. This can incidentally be used against the wearer in combat, as an opponent can drag the fight out and risk the wearer dropping their guard against the tide, thereby dying in the middle of a fight.
  • Soul Grafting/Craving Desire: Once worn, the armor becomes grafted to the soul of the wearer until such time in which they die or discover a way to separate themselves from the armor's power. This grafting means that the wearer will always feel the pressuring need to don the armor, even if they are not entering battle.
  • Incredible Weight: The sheer magnitudes of weight this armor bears down on its wearer is such that even a being of stature like Lorale Farmar must use the Force to even move. While Lorale has showcased an astounding, if not impossible proficiency to move and bound as if the armor were weightless, in truth, it is incredibly straining and routinely sends him to his personal healers.
  • Soul Corrupter: In line with the craving need the armor creates, the wearer can very quickly succumb to the potential at their fingertips, driving them to become mindless warlords rather than competent battle masters. Lorale has already begun to showcase signs of this growing madness, although it seems to be held at bay, relatively, by his siblings and the mystical duty placed upon his shoulders.
A walking suit of shrieking ice and charring flames, the Armor of Dual Elements is a sight to behold upon the field of battle, with a helm bearing a rough canine-like appearance and pauldrons from which ethereal "wings" of power spew into the air, serving as the final indicator that the Avatar of Typhon Dlukav has joined combat.

Crafted ages past by Koignalteth artisans, the Armor of Dual Elements, commonly known as the Plate of Typhon Dlukav, is comprised of alchemized, nearly impenetrable plates of Heavensteel and sealed in place by a form of armor liner. Uniquely, the frame is split in twain by the contrasting elemental powers, giving it a chaotic, almost volatile appearance, one that would make any sane person wonder as to why the Wolf of Noxis would willingly don a suit of armor so clearly dangerous to wear.

The answer the Wolf would give them is very simple: conquest. With the powers granted by the armor, Lorale becomes a living network of destructive power that can turn the tide of any battle at any time.
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Vora Kaar Vora Kaar Linked Heavensteel and Armorweave. Imbuement of the Moons is just a little fluff I added and is described under strengths, which I added a tiny bit more explanation for. And power armor liner doesn't seem to have a wookia and I always assumed it was just a generic thing to include.
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