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Name< wenov>
Region: Unknown
Suns: 1, Kroyn, dwarf star
Orbital Position: 92,234,000miles from the sun
Moons: none
System Features: worm hole (600,000 miles from planet)
Coordinates: undefined
Rotational Period: half the planet is eternal day other half is eternal night (still planet)
Orbital Period: 725 “days”
Class: Terrestrial, 5 times the size of Earth
Diameter: <NOT REQUIRED: Diameter at the equator. For reference, Earth is 12,756 km in diameter>
Atmosphere: 300 hundred miles thick
Climate: On the day side of the planet it’s all desert weather is rare rain, sand storms, and sand tornados. On the night side of the planet there is rain, forests, forest life
Gravity: 0.6 lbs
Primary Terrain: Day side: clay desert, desert mountains
Night side: forest and rain forest
Native Species: day side: Accipiptero, [SIZE=10.5pt]Banthashttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bantha,Dewbacks[/SIZE], Epies, Krayt dragons, Rontos, Sarlacc, Scurriers, Womp rats, Wraids, Worrtsm Galoomps, Anoobas, Jackrabs, Profoggs,Urusai, Woodoo,Sketto, Gorg
[SIZE=10.5pt]Night side:[/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt]lizards, blasé,Blurrghttp://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Blurrg,Boar-wolf[/SIZE],Bordok,Caranak,Endor chicken,Churi,Condor dragon,Ferret,Geejaw,,Gib,Goats,Gurreck,Korrina,Kurnbeast
Immigrated Species: <[SIZE=10.5pt]Rancorhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Star_Wars_creatures#Rancors[/SIZE] >
Primary Languages: <Galactic Standard Basic is the movies' English, all others are can be seen on Wookieepedia>
Population: 23 billion residents
Demonym: <all residents moved into planet >
Major Imports: ship fuel, droids, refugees, life sustaining liquids/foods (towards specific species),
Major Exports: precious minerals, scrap metals, wood, fabrics for royalties, totems, basic weapons
Affiliation: neutral, respect toward leaders
Major Locations: Leafla (Capital region), Jaxnohr (City of Imports and Exports), Dalinkl (Major producer of wood and spiritual totems), Concentria(Spiritual capital), Johnann (Major producer of royal fabrics), Linkjan, Ranciah, Donklor.
Culture: <General overview of the planet, should include information about daily life, society, government, arts, sports, military, religion>
Technology: <A description of how technologically advanced the planet is relative to the galaxy>
History: <Abridged history of the planet>
Notable PCs: <Native or immigrant player-characters>
Intent: <To sustain life, trade resources>
Region: Unknown
Suns: 1, Kroyn, dwarf star
Orbital Position: 92,234,000miles from the sun
Moons: none
System Features: worm hole (600,000 miles from planet)
Coordinates: undefined
Rotational Period: half the planet is eternal day other half is eternal night (still planet)
Orbital Period: 725 “days”
Class: Terrestrial, 5 times the size of Earth
Diameter: <NOT REQUIRED: Diameter at the equator. For reference, Earth is 12,756 km in diameter>
Atmosphere: 300 hundred miles thick
Climate: On the day side of the planet it’s all desert weather is rare rain, sand storms, and sand tornados. On the night side of the planet there is rain, forests, forest life
Gravity: 0.6 lbs
Primary Terrain: Day side: clay desert, desert mountains
Night side: forest and rain forest
Native Species: day side: Accipiptero, [SIZE=10.5pt]Banthashttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bantha,Dewbacks[/SIZE], Epies, Krayt dragons, Rontos, Sarlacc, Scurriers, Womp rats, Wraids, Worrtsm Galoomps, Anoobas, Jackrabs, Profoggs,Urusai, Woodoo,Sketto, Gorg
[SIZE=10.5pt]Night side:[/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt]lizards, blasé,Blurrghttp://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Blurrg,Boar-wolf[/SIZE],Bordok,Caranak,Endor chicken,Churi,Condor dragon,Ferret,Geejaw,,Gib,Goats,Gurreck,Korrina,Kurnbeast
Immigrated Species: <[SIZE=10.5pt]Rancorhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Star_Wars_creatures#Rancors[/SIZE] >
Primary Languages: <Galactic Standard Basic is the movies' English, all others are can be seen on Wookieepedia>
Population: 23 billion residents
Demonym: <all residents moved into planet >
Major Imports: ship fuel, droids, refugees, life sustaining liquids/foods (towards specific species),
Major Exports: precious minerals, scrap metals, wood, fabrics for royalties, totems, basic weapons
Affiliation: neutral, respect toward leaders
Major Locations: Leafla (Capital region), Jaxnohr (City of Imports and Exports), Dalinkl (Major producer of wood and spiritual totems), Concentria(Spiritual capital), Johnann (Major producer of royal fabrics), Linkjan, Ranciah, Donklor.
Culture: <General overview of the planet, should include information about daily life, society, government, arts, sports, military, religion>
Technology: <A description of how technologically advanced the planet is relative to the galaxy>
History: <Abridged history of the planet>
Notable PCs: <Native or immigrant player-characters>
Intent: <To sustain life, trade resources>