Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Skirmish Pillage the Weik - OOC: Sign Up!

Malan Durane


THE TARGET: Guild Hall in Vossport

"It is winter on Weik. A time when most towns and cities have gone quiet, blanketed by the snows.

But not THIS winter.

While most focus on keeping warm inside, I plan on taking my fleet to Vossport in the night at high tide and pummel the walls with cannon fire until they break from the onslaught. Treasure awaits in the Guild Hall. The Guild Hall Masters think that they can divert the more valuable goods away from the Rimesea and out of our reach. But they are sorely mistaken. And so, my friends, we will take the treasure from their very hands and slaughter those that get in our way! It's all ours for the taking! The Guild Hall Masters will rue the day that they thought they could thwart us!

Now who's with me? Say AYE!"

OOC: This skirmish takes place on Weik. There are no spaceports or spacecraft of any kind here. It'll be a ship to shore battle at first, followed by a skirmish within the city.

Players can either:
*Create a character for Weik
*Write as an NPC just for this thread
*Find some reasonable story for how your character got onto Weik and find themselves on either side of the battle.

So sign up below! Feel free to ask any questions! And don't steal all the rum!
PIRATES: Malan Durane
Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya +1

Sola Wessiri
Cyprian Ichar
Rayia Si Rayia Si
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