Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Phun and Games [OS Dominion of Phu]

Objective: SURVIVE
Allies: ?
Enemies: Death
Posts: [10/20] (11)

Dietrich needed to think fast, his podracer was falling out of the sky. He needed to act quickly, he had survived so much in his life already and this podracer was not about to become his coffin.

Images of Dietrich’s life flashed before his eyes. The horrific memories of the events that transpired in his former Master’s chambers when he was around 6 years old… His escape from his master at 11… His murder of the real Dietrich Klein at the age of 15… Starting his business, RevoTech… His desire to win the race... All these moments of time, all of Dietrich’s struggles will be lost like tears in the rain if he did not do something quickly.

For once, the skill Dietrich excelled at, slicing could not help him. Even if Dietrich could hold his DataPad steadily, it was impossible for him to type with it. Dietrich’s podracer was now approximately 10 meters from the ground. Without the ability to slice there was only one thing Dietrich could do. JUMP.

Dietrich waited until his podracer was about 5 meters from the ground before he opened the hatch of his podracer, abandoning it.

THUMP! Dietrich hit the ground hard. His head was throbbing with pain and he could barely move one of his legs. Dietrich slowly turned his head to where the podracer had fallen. As Dietrich expected, it was in flames. Had he not jumped, he would have had a Viking’s Funeral with the flames lapping at his body.

Dietrich bellowed out in laughter. He had survived once again. He was like a cockroach that would never die. His consciousness was fading but he fought hard against it. ‘Kark you death, you’re not taking me today or anytime soon.’ Dietrich thought as he was loaded and taken away on the stretcher.

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god

Objective: Having more fun
Location: On foot
Allies: None
Enemies: Found one!

It was the Sith Lord, Darth Timoris. She didn't say a word. Her hatred screamed at the Jedi with words of dour silence. It clung to her like a shroud. The Padawan was aware that somewhere, in the distance, a dagger of lightning cut the sky. Her multifaceted eyes, however, were locked upon the Sith’s lightsaber's blood-red blade. She held it high, the blade cutting a rainbow through the air as it arced toward her.

The Padawan was dead. For a moment, she was as sure of that fact as she was of her own name. But then her training took over. She caught the Sith's energy blade on her own, sending sparks flying in all directions. Then, before the Sith could counter her defence, the Padawan tumbled to the side, closer to the open cargo compartment and momentarily out of the Sith's reach. She regained her feet in one fluid motion, drawing on the Force to lend strength to her arms and legs.

"Even Jedi whelps can surprise me," Melori growled, taking a cautious step toward her. "But in the end, it's always the same. The Jedi whelp is dead, and I score another kill."

The Padawan tried to steady her voice, but she knew she was no match for the Sith. "You have a lot of deaths to answer for," she said, keeping her lightsaber's blade in front of her.

"Perhaps, Jedi whelp, perhaps." She took another step toward the Jedi. "But I won't be answering to you."
Location: Isolated Cliff Cabin
Mission: Cut Crystal
Posts: 1/20

Three Sith were meditating around some sort of large deep jade colored crystal, if you could call it meditation. One was out like a light snoring his head off hands on his stomach, another was kneeling in her long red robes gracefully eyes shut, and Kylath was sharpening his knives, or in this case adjusting the weapon hilt to better focus the beam... how things never changed.

That of course meant a rare meeting of the three acolytes, and the remaining, surviving part of the circle of six, [member="Sera Inkari"], Connar and [member="Kelon Amadis"] on an isolated area of the planet. Kel's thick beard shuffled about as he moved his lips, blinking his eyes open. Kylath glowered at the proximity to his half brother, seething and using that anger to better craft the saber as he wanted it, the vein on his neck bulging as it often did. Taresa Kae was also somewhere to be seen, probably patrolling around the perimeter of the small building as the Kae Echani girl was prone to, keeping her eyes and ears peeled for trouble. Most of them carried multiple weapons and other oddities befitting them individually, each their own expression of the force and their transition into becoming full sith.

Turning his head to watch Sera, Kylath said nothing, the red witch creeped him the hell out, he was as well to not say anything, just bore his eyes into the back of her skull till she looked his way, which Kylath did with the best of them, unnervingly so at times. Eventually Kelon's yawning stirred him to act, and his larger brother raised to his feet to stretch wide.
Objective: A (Seize the Guo Mines)
Location: Guo Mining Complex (Main facility)
Posts: [03/20]

Adekos lit up light blue as his personal energy shield absorbed most of the shots. Without that, he probably would have been killed instantly, so naturally in his ensuing litany of profanity, he invoked both an ancient Umbaran deity and the mothers of the Phuii responsible. His droids were not so lucky to be equipped with advanced shield generators, and many were cut down before they sought cover. Darth Adekos bravely crammed himself into a corner out of the line of sight provided by the door. Energy shield or not, the kinetic force of the impact was bound to leave some bruising. Just once he'd like to be able to do his job without having to get dunked into bacta immediately afterwards.

Contrary to his original suspicions, the security team was composed entirely of Phuii. No droids. This made things a little more complicated, he supposed. Though Adekos could pull off the occasional Force Fear or Mind Trick on small groups, there were far too many Phuii on the other side of the door for that to work. Besides that, it wouldn't be an instantaneous affect. His shield probably couldn't afford another pounding like that, not if he didn't want to take it to a repair shop afterwards. How embarrassing to have his droids and his stuff broken by a bunch of dopey, little dinosaurs with blasters. Mentalism was hardly his forte, but he did have a knack for manipulating power supplies.

If they were going to break his equipment, he'd have to return the favor.

The Umbaran focused, probing the room just beyond not for life signs- but electricity. Power. Specialized training allowed Adekos to sense these as clearly as any Force User could sense vital signs. All it took was practice, continual training... And probably the most comprehensive collection of pertinent holocrons. He did go out of his way to make this his skillset. It only made sense to seize as many advantages as possible. These 'advantages' ultimately culminated in him learning how to manipulate electronics, including the power packs present in most laser-based weaponry. Normally Adekos might have overloaded the individual power packs of each blaster rifle that had been aimed at him. Right now, however, time was of the essence, and he didn't quite feel like playing around.

On the other side of the door, the giant battery attached to the E-Web began to shudder and vibrate as it began to overheat. The Phuii operating the E-Web cast a glance behind him, towards the battery. "What the-"

After the catastrophic blast that took out the gunner and two of his companions, the remaining Phuii were in enough disarray that the ensuing counterattack only lasted a minute or so. The Sentinel droids stormed the room on Adekos' unspoken order, mechanically fanning out and executing the stunned defenders with single bursts of shots. A pretty decent chunk of money had been expended on refurbishing these Sentinel droids, and now the Phuii had gone and wasted a dozen of them. Adekos had no need for any more prisoners. Especially not the ones that damaged his property! Once the firefight had ended, Adekos stepped into the smoke filled room and gave an annoyed grunt.

"Now, where was that office?"
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Objective: Evacuate the Dagoyan Masters
Allies: [member="Jorus Merrill"]
Enemies: The One Sith
Post: 6/20

At first Sam wasn't sure what Jorus was talking about. He had been fairly busy vaulting over a chasm, trying to pull a General up and then breaking the Masters free from their cages to really pay attention to any details - like the loss of an important weapon that held sentimental value to Merrill. But then he noticed the lack of Taralkaar, his brow furrowed in thought before he grunted and accepted the explanation.

He'd offer to go and fetch it, while Jorus loaded up the racer... but this was a three-man job. They couldn't afford one of 'em backtracking to get the sword, simply because that would mean more pressure on the other two and a delay of the evacuation efforts, that was unacceptable.

Especially after Merrill's hyperspace chucking act. Sith Lords all around woulda felt that explosion, and Sam didn't want to be around when they came to investigate.

"We will come back for it." Sam responded after a while, getting the speeder ready for transport. It didn't sound like he was even doubting his own statement.
Objective: Offer sponsorship to winner of the Super Phun Galaxy Classic
Allies: [member="Lord Mythos"] [member="Dietrich Klein"] [member="Kyber Salurra"]
Post: 10/20

Tmoxin watched the monitor carefully as the pods entered the last lap of the race. As she predicted, it was going to be close. All three pods were neck and neck, and none of the racers were willing, or even able to give an inch to pull ahead. In a cloud of dust, the White Racer, Kyber Salurra and Dietrich Klein passed over the finish line simultaneously. The slicer's pod went spinning out of control, and Klein popped out of his seat, hitting the ground so hard that even Tmoxin winced with the impact.

The Hapan executive rose, smoothed her skirt out and exited the VIP booth. Immediately the noise of the crowd assualted her ears, and the smells of common Phuii made her wrinkle up her freckled nose. She swiftly made her way down to the judges' booth.

Her goal? Review the photo finish and also see if there was a judge or two to bribe.
Location: Caves outside city
Allies: [member="Samael Rekali"]
Enemies: TOS
Objective: Rescue and evacuate the Dagoyan Masters
Post: 0.45

"Nah." Jorus squinted across the skyline, cybernetic eyes magnifying. Sith patrol ships or airspeeders incoming. "Nah," he said again, patting the old racer's duraplast flank. "We don't even have time to load the podracer, let alone the sword. Plus there's more Bardottans than I planned for, so there's no room in the hold. No safe room, anyway. Come on."

He stepped through the invisible bubble and into pure darkness, lit only by the Gypsymoth's running lights. Beyyr was guiding the last of the Bardottans through the side ramp. Jorus clapped the big Wookiee on the shoulder and slid past him. Inside, the cargo hold was full of Dagoyan Masters, Adepts, and families. Squeezed in tight: the YV-929 might be cavernous, but it wasn't much longer than a starfighter. He nodded his way past their thanks and climbed into the cockpit to get a look through the periscope. Once Sam was aboard, they'd take off in earnest.
Location: The Track
Allies: The White Racer.
Objective: Photo Finish.
Opponents: [member="Kyber Salurra"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Dietrich Klein"]
Passing the finish line was like walking into an explosion. Mythos throttled the main engines of the racer even after the finish line to go around and then park beside the other competitors. He sat on the racer for a long time while letting his body relax through the pressure of afterburners and turbo g-force. The strain in his muscles bent and ached thought his body contrary to what most believed was an activity which did not tax the mind and body, they would be wrong

Slowly he made his way from the cockpit of the racer around and over to land on the ground of the newly acquired planet of his order, his feelings of doubt and adrenaline were slowly vanquished as the sound of roaring crowds greeted him as he looked upwards into the public. He smiled inside his helmet and waved to the amassing cheers of the onlookers fearing not his defeat and knowing not of his victory, it was not known to him if the other racers even survived, there was a detonation and an explosion but he could not allow himself the benefit of looking back, now he was rewarded with a victorious welcome.

Instinctively he thought of removing his helmet to take in the fresh air but suddenly he stopped himself before the deed was done and reminded himself of the purpose that drove his speeder: The eye of the jewel of Sarvchi. He thought the goal to be completed yet when he looked back at his racer he realized that there was indeed much room for improvement however the final design was solid and a great base to improve upon.

The prize was a sponsorship to continue to race under said sponsorship and the cash pool, this put Mythos into thought as his pit crew took the racer and the routine gathering to announce the winner was being discussed. The sponsorship could not know of his real identity as the ruler of Atrisia otherwise his chances of continuing to race would be barred in most Techno Union sponsored podraces which would be many, on the other hand being sponsored would increase his notoriety and renown, placing him a top tier events as a champion of the peculiar chiss planet, it would be a process of course. For now he waved to the roaring crowds as the tension built around the decision about to be made.

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god

Objective: Having more fun
Location: On foot
Allies: None
Enemies: Found one!

There was a noise from the shuttle and as soon as Melori turned her attention to whatever it was, the Padawan took advantage and rolled to the side, bunched her legs beneath her, and leaped. Her jump carried her past Melori’s exposed back. She slashed with the lightsaber, hoping to at least wound the Dark-sider. The Sith responded quickly and perceptively. Instead of slicing into the black robes, the Padawan’s blade bounced off the Sith's ignited lightsaber.

Melori had to spin around to protect herself, and was unable to stop the Padawan who landed next to a speeder bike and immediately set off on it.

The Padawan pushed the thrusters to full. As it raced away from Melori, the Padawan sought every advantage. She, not the Sith warrior, would choose the battleground. She would dictate how the conflict would be waged. The Rodian Padawan wanted to frustrate her adversary at every turn.

Melori had rolled with the impact, rising instantly to her feet. She glanced around, saw that her lightsaber had fallen near the wrecked transport, and reached into the Force. She immediately found the invisible line that stretched between the lightsaber and her open hand. With a gesture, she plucked that line and the lightsaber returned to her. A few seconds had passed, but when she looked up the speeder bike was already disappearing into the distance.

"No!" she shouted, her rage building. "I will not be denied this kill!"

Gathering the Force around her, she ran. Like a stroke of black lightning, she dashed across the clearing, following the speeder's path. The Force-powered burst of speed might not catch the Jedi's vehicle, but it would keep her close.

She opened herself to the Dark-side, impossibly increasing her speed even more.
Location: Isolated Cliff Cabin
Mission: Cut Crystal, Gain the First.
Posts: 2/20​

Unlike her former creators need to use conflict to seed power, Sera sort it in the fabric of what wove the universe together, like Raien once did before being blinded to such as what was already there. There was so much in a crystal, or could be if someone knew the proper techniques, where to harvest it from and what to expose it to. Did an acolyte seer know these things, no most darker rituals were beyond her meagre comprehension, good thing then that Raien had left the instructions in front of her.

While the lumbering fool awoke, and the one who blindly sort power via the saber sharpened his own devices, Sera sharpened hers. Reaching in her meditations to better yield understanding from what would happen to the crystal in the next few hundred years, small flashes bounced off her, unclear misty comprehensions would come and go, her technique still not having the definition needed to gain true farseeing but she was close now.

The spirit of a sith wyrm…. that was his gift contained in the glowing green formation, one of several spirits to be granted, with these the first aspects of their new weapons. The assassins were not supposed to gain these crystals, they were meant for Raien’s apprentices but as they died or fell as unworthy hosts, new blood had to fill the void. Kylath was the first to stand and reach, but was stopped by some great force, and propelled half way across the room to land heavily against the wall.

~Not yet.~ Came a cutting sound through the darkness, painfully burning its way into the youth’s mind.
Objective: Offer sponsorship to winner of the Super Phun Galaxy Classic
Allies: [member="Lord Mythos"] [member="Dietrich Klein"] [member="Kyber Salurra"]
Post: 11/20

(OOC: I will be rolling the dice for the winner, after Tmoxin tries to bribe the judges)

Tmoxin knew who she wanted to win. Why, the White Racer of course! While it seemed that the crowd at the Super Phun Galaxy Classic admired the racers equally, cheering for all of them as they made their way off of the track, the mysterious White Racer had what the Morpho Sports Complex marketing team would call the X-factor.

Oversized sunglasses perched back on her pert nose, Tmoxin slunk cat-like around the judges booth, trying to figure out how to charm her way in to view the results. Two of the judges were Phuii and appeared disgruntled that she was even back there. But a couple of the other judges were former podracers themselves. They were familiar with Morpho Sports Complex. This was promising.

The Hapan wormed her way between them as they reviewed the photo finish. She pointed with her index finger.

"But the White Racer is clearly ahead. Don't you see?"

"Doesn't look that way to me, ma'am," said one of the former racers.

The other shook his head in disagreement, which is when Tmoxin saw her opening. Pulling out her wallet, she said, "Well, gentlemen I can easily solve this predicament with the matter of payment."

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god

Objective: Having more fun
Location: On foot
Allies: None
Enemies: Found one!

The Padawan held on to the speeder bike pushing it with keen instincts and sharp reflexes. She sensed the Sith coming after her, and was not ready for a fight. She had both been shaken up by the crash, as was her Master.

As the speeder completed a complex series of twists and turns and settled back onto a more-or-less straight course, she risked a glance over her shoulder. Startled, she almost let go of her grip. The Sith was right behind them! She must have cloaked herself in the Dark-side, because she didn't seem to have noticed her proximity. She was moving with Force-boosted speed and was almost upon her.

She pressed the footpads that regulated the thrusters until they wouldn't move any further, and the speeder shot forward. That had to be enough, the Jedi thought. There just wasn't any more for the speeder to give.

Melori’s face twisted with rage as she summoned even deeper reserves of Dark-side energy to bring herself within a few scant meters of the bike's mortified passenger. Even with the Force, could she really keep up with her? Her lightsaber flared to life and she swung at the speeder. The stroke made her lose her balance, and she tumbled feet over head and hit the ground hard.

The Sith had struck her mark, the tip of her Iightsaber blade sIiced into one of the bike's power cables. The damage didn't prove immediately fatal, but the speeder would run out of power at an increased rate.

The Padawan looked back once more, but the Sith didn't seem to be pursuing her any longer. Perhaps her resolve had finally given out, as well.
Location: Isolated Cliff Cabin
Mission: Cut Crystal, Immerse the First
Posts: 3/20

Attachments very rarely happened to an object at the point of death, doubly likely when alchemised, which still meant it rare but eventually killing enough animals in proximity bore fruit, at least that was his experience. The biodroids had worked tirelessly on Byss with little break, the death of hundreds of many such smaller offerings or enough at least of each of the larger ones, till one of each species attached itself had been painstaking. Sadly Byss was not the place to break the seal, and risk them going free to a natural release, an unsuspecting place such as Phu was a better choice for cutting them free of each other. Locked in spiritual conflict even now encased in crystal, their primal energies knew no peace, just like their lives, their deaths and now their next incarnation.

Hundreds of years or so asleep made anyone rusty at alchemy. In other realities or times before, shards of the Kaiburr crystal were almost his to command but they were long lost to others. Now the One Sith had shown him they knew how to wield power, to effect ultimate and lasting change over generations to come, it was this inspiration that Keth had awakened to accomplish anew.

Immersing the green mass into a dripping pool of black torment, the spirits inside roared in conflict unable to escape this new blending. The galaxies conflicts were just one more tool to leverage in the forging of new weapons, so it was with the dead galactic alliance troopers, their pained memories and final moments mixing with the crystals he now alchemized. They should have done more to stop him, he had warned them.

He allowed Sera to complete the final process, holding sway over the future, signs or imprints that might better guide her own hand to work. Each man and woman who had died that day at Coruscant, or lay wounded, and in the weeks afterwards been exposed to the long dark, one even someone as twisted as Raien Keth will not speak of, all those memories now openly merged with the crystals.

A grim business, one he did not do lightly, but if the Galactic alliance wanted to know fear, he would show them it to them from their own, those who had it experienced it so well. Darth Krayt's final memories inside of his armor might even have approved, if only for a moment.

"Where are you now Serian, Hana, Xion, Manu, Proeliator, Caltin, Revan, Ressa, Killian, Aizen, Aiden, James, and all my turned weak apprentices, all my sisters and brothers, you are dead one and all, and yet it is I who still stands." With that he cut a shard from Krayt's own armor off into the boiling black liquid to affirm the history of the crystals that would be made, Krayt's final voice and command to be in each, as it was in Keth, whether he wanted it or not.

Kelon Amadis

Checkmate (Dead pm Writers Account)
Location: Isolated Cliff Cabin
Mission: Cut Crystal, Be Glared at, Smoke?
Posts: 4/20

Kelon yawned again. Rubbing his eyes as the boss decided to make an appearance, long speeches and badly dressed as always, he coughed clearing his throat, feeling rough as the neighbours unwashed, fleabitten dog was on a good day. That fifteenth drink was the one that had done it. Damned could use a cigarra about now, feeling around in his pockets. He thought better of it when kethy turned his helmet, eyes boring into him, what was it with Ky and Keth and their damned stares.

Sniffing and reaching for a glass of the strongest thing he had to drink instead, black ooze, crazy sorcerer, green mumbo jumbo, check, all about the average day for a Sith Pirate. Still if he got a shiny new toy, good, might be worth a credit or two, let them have at it!

Cracking his non too insubstantial shoulders back loudly Kelon readied his tech fist, he wasn't reaching into whatever the hell that was without something over his hand, two inches of metal was about right. “So we nearly ah, done?” Kelon sniffed, ceremonies, why the ceremonies? Couldn't just make a damned big gun, missile launcher or shoulder cannon, now there was an idea! Taking another drink for courage before he put the glass down. Whatever, he lumbered over closer, floor creaking under his weight.
Congratulations to all the drivers [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Dietrich Klein"] [member="Kyber Salurra"]

The race was over and Ren was standing at the highest point she could find, her hot dog in one hand, Izumi shaking her head behind her, and Ren shaking her other hand furiously to show her support for the Mysterious Driver. Had he won, they judges were looking they would hand down their decision soon.

She smiled so proud of him she was. She finished her food and felt better, Izumi was still tsking over the hot dog. Yes yes, we all know what it is made out of.

Izumi nudged her, turning, "ok ok" They turned and headed down towards where he would have parked his racer. She did not know if she would be allowed to get close and his identify was to be a secret so. what could she be doing there.

She was walking down the narrow steps that would finally put her near the pitting areas. She put on her best face and walked towards him, she could see the other racers they had all done this wonderful job.

"Excuse me Mysterious Racer, I just wanted to tell you what a fine race you drove, it...took my breath away"

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god

Objective: Having more fun
Location: On foot
Allies: None
Enemies: Found one!

The dark clouds that had crept over the horizon earlier now filled the sky. Night was coming, and with the cloud cover it would be almost completely dark. The storm, when it hit, promised to be spectacular. The Padawan reached out into the Force. The Dark presence was still there, but it wasn't close. At least not for the moment.

She had abandoned the speeder bike an hour earlier as its energy gauge dipped toward empty. Ditching the vehicle at the bottom of a deep ravine, she started running and kept her fevered pace until she had put a few additional kilometres behind her. When she reached the rocky hills that distinguished this part of the area, she found a small cave, partially hidden by undergrowth, and settled inside it to rest.

She was able to slip into a fitful half-slumber, troubled by dark dreams and images of the Sith. Most of the time, she simply tried to find some calm within the Force.

She ate rations from her survival pack and drank water from her canteen. The storm loomed threateningly but refused to spill its contents. The clouds above were dark and painfully bloated.

Time passed.

The Sith drew closer.

And the storm waited with sinister anticipation.
[SIZE=9pt]Objective: Unsure
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Posts: [11/20] (12)

Dietrich regained consciousness. He could now feel no pain – probably as a result of the tubes that were feeding some kind of pain medication into his body. Ugh. He could feel the money drain out of his bank account. Medicine was not cheap and more often than not, Dietrich preferred to go without. Dietrich made a mental note to himself to ask the doctor to stop the medication once the IV was empty.

Dietrich slowly lifted his head to assess the damage. Both of his legs were in casts and Dietrich remembering breaking a few ribs in his fall. Luckily, his left hand, his slicing hand was unharmed although his right hand was in a cast. Dietrich slowly moved his left hand up to his head. He could feel the bandages that were wrapped around his head. Dietrich was a frugal man and had a few million credits saved up spread over many accounts, credits that was going to experience decrease soon. Being bed ridden was more would end up costing him more in credits through job opportunities he would spend on going to one of the best hospitals for treatment to speed up his recovery.

Annoyed Dietrich carefully sat up and called for a nurse to asked for a DataPad. Dietrich needed to know the result of the race. Word was Tmoxin Temi, the one who hired Walka was looking to sponsor the winner of the race. 750 000 credits and a sponsorship, would be great for his current predicament. Perhaps he might even be able to convince her to pay for his medical treatment.
Objective: Offer sponsorship to winner of the Super Phun Galaxy Classic
Allies: [member="Lord Mythos"] [member="Dietrich Klein"] [member="Kyber Salurra"]
Post: 12/20

The head judge, a Phuii native, came waddling over. "Are you trying to bribe the judges?!?!?" he asked incredulously in perfect Basic.

Tmoxin gave him a "who me?" look and said, "I was just pointing out that the White Racer won."

"Then why do you have that credit chit in your hand?"

The Hapan glanced down at the credit chit, eyes wide as though it had just materialized in her hand by magic. "Look, the White Racer would be a perfect spokesman for Morpho Sports Complex. I need him to win this race."

The head judge looked at the screen with the photo-finish. By using advanced camera technology they were able to identify the winner.

"The winner is Dietrich Klein," said the Phuii judge.

"Very well then," said Tmoxin. She also tapped on her datapad at that moment and sent a message to her assistant Beulah. Find out what hospital Mr. Klein is in. Then send a bouquet of flowers and I'll be on my way over there.
Objective: A (Seize the Guo Mines)
Location: Guo Mining Complex (Foreman's Office)
Posts: [04/20]

A short march down the hallway later, stepping carefully over the dead Phuii, Adekos arrived at the entrance to the Foreman's office. There was no intelligence available on Qi'wak. Adekos had no idea what sort of person he was. Would he go down fighting? Would he beg for his life? Cooperate? Had he already fled? Nothing. He could have rigged his office to explode for all Adekos knew. Well, he would have sensed the trap by now if that was the case. There was also the fact that Adekos could sense Qi'wak on the other side of that door, practically dripping in fear. It was very convenient that Qi'wak was not a human or a female. Otherwise Adekos would have almost felt bad about what was to happen.

Adekos ignited his lightsaber and triggered the door to slide open. He took one step inside. The office was rather nicely decorated. An expensive terminal sat on the desk, which was also adorned with a few picture frames and other office ammenities. The walls had a few nice paintings situated on them. Behind the desk was a nice window, displaying an almost picturesque view of the canyon. It was almost in the sense that a barren, lifeless canyon used mostly for strip mining and podracing was hardly what many would consider attractive. It was just a convienent view, and one that wasn't obstructed by Qi'wak's face. There was a bump that came from under the desk as Qi'wak shifted nervously underneath it. Adekos rolled his eyes. "Oh, mister Foreman?"

There was a start, then the Phuii leapt up from behind his desk and leveled his blaster pistol at Adekos. "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"

A single heavy shot was squeezed off. It only took a twist of his lightsaber to intercept the incoming bolt, deflecting it back into Qi'wak's face. The force of the shot flung the gangly, awkward Phuii backwards. He smashed into the window, but considering the creature probably weighed about fifty pounds soaking wet, failed to break it. Adekos lingered for a minute, deactivating his lightsaber and clipping it back to his belt.


His business concluded, Adekos exited the office. The door slid shut behind him.
Objective: Sign some autographs.
Location: Winners Circle (Triangle technically)
Enemies: Crowds
Buddies: [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Dietrich Klein"] [member="Kyber Salurra"] [member="Serena Bouie"]
The winner was announced, Mythos nodded at the declaration and cheered in support for his fellow racer. Winning was not necessary for the sith lord, being recognized and preforming admirably was all he needed, the holonet would go crazy with the "Mystery Chiss Racer" and that would reach the lady of Sarvchi faster than an interceptor hitting the hyperdrive in full thruster. Soon afterwords Mythos noticed that the winner of the race was no where to be found, a podracer was seen in flames and he feared the worst however he did not have time to worry as he was swarmed by native females wanting pictures taken and autographs signed. How quaint. Mythos thought.

He played along, praying to the force and the Gods that Serena wouldn't come in like a oxibeast and tear the girls apart. Serena, he knew, was very understanding with him yet lately she was exhibiting strains of dark side energy, and the force moved around her in a malevolent and insidious way, this worried Mythos ironically. Careful not to remove his helmet and visor he continued signing some datapads and getting his picture taken with various podracing fans of all ages. This, Mythos knew, was the core foundation of a good champion of the people, be it in Atrisia or in the races, a humble, "People Friendly" approach would get one very, very far.

Mythos clicked the headset in the built in helmcom to talk to Serena who was undoubtedly awaiting his call or in the higher podiums of the race. "Honey i'll be there in a blink, dealing with fans and the sort wont be long. Have the men prep the blade for dock, we leave soon"

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