Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Phrikity Phrik Phrik [invite only]

"I'm not a miner. Besides, can't you weigh this with the force?" He replied back to the Jedi. He began mining where [member="Vulpesen"] was and noticed that he was gaining more phrik than the last place he was mining. He thought that they probably have at least 50 pounds or more than that. He needed to get the amount that was needed in order for him to make armor out of it. Fifty at least. And he also needed to help Vulpesen on getting him some of the treasure that he needs.
Vulpesen rolled his eyes. "I can't do everything ya know. The force isn't exactly a complete tool for all." He continued to hack away. He couldn't cut through the phrik with his saber, but by shearing away the unneeded rock, he was able to help [member="Canal Tal'Verda"] make his way to the valuable phrik. "So, what was it you were making again?"
Thanks to Vulpesen who was shearing the rock Canal could get to the phrik at ease. "I was planning to make some armor with the ore," as he continued to mine the phrik with his pick ax. The phrik began to rise and were concealing their feet. "What about? What plans do you have for this precious mineral once we've extract it?"

Vulpesen shrugged and continued his work. "Same here. Figured that with as many sith as I've been taking on, some good armor would come in handy. Though, I doubt it'll be anywhere near as bulky as what you've got in mind." After a few moments, he moved to another strategy, using his saber to cut around the revealed phrik, leaving a hunk of phrik covered in hunks of stone. It was tiresome work, but worth it.
[member="Canal Tal'Verda"]
"Ah, I see. So how are we going to split the treasure? Fifty-fifty?" He saw a hunk of phrik ore that Vulpesen carved out. With a couple of mighty swings the chunk fell to the pile of ore that they extracted. He continued mining until he knew that it was enough of what they earned.

Vulpesen shrugged and looked at the chucks of phrikite lying around them. "Sound's good to me." He called upon the force to help him start moving the phrik to the entrance of the cave. "Seems like we did fairly equal work... well, I think I did a few more things, but I believe you need more tahn I do so we'll keep it at a fifty fifty." As he walked to the entrance of the cave, he clicked into his com. "Torrevaso here, bring the ship and a few hands in for pickup."
Finally, their work was done. The phrik that they won was enough to make a man rich. He called in his gunship so they could transport his share of the treasure. As his Jedi friend used the force to pick up the phrik Canal piled up chunks of phrik and carried it to the entrance of the cave. It was heavy but he kept his balance as he walked slowly with the baggage. "Yeah, that seems fair enough. Besides, the republic and the Jedi might need it for war or something else that would be used for." He took a sip from his cocoa as they waited for their transportation to come.


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