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Codex Denied Personal gang

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Group of Creeps​

  • Intent: To create a gang under Angie's command to put to work through Darkwire
  • Image Credit: Movie called Dark City
  • Role: Angie's gang and personal bodyguard if needed.
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    • Unit Name: The Creeps
    • Affiliation: Angelica Thindrel
    • Classification: Criminals
    • Equipment: RSKF-44 Heavy Blaster / DLT-20A Rifle (not carried all the time but brought on specific operations)
    • Description: Creeps are the strong few who, in one way or another, survived the harsh street life of Denon. They're a group of old gunjack using, trench coat wearing, smelly maniacs. They've all got real pale skin and dark circles around their eyes dressing in black like vampires. Some say it's because they're ghouls who live in the sewers but the truth is they're addicts that live in the sewers. Creeps can get on a steady gunjack binge and don't come up or sleep for days or weeks, infusing their black suits with the foulest of odors the whole time.
      COMBAT INFORMATION: The combination of Unit Size and Availability below is the indicator of how numerous your unit is. Stormtroopers for instance would be considered Large/Common, while Rogue Squadron would be a Small/Unique unit. Majority Force User Units are prohibited from being Common or Large. The stronger and more specialized your unit is (FU or NFU), the smaller and less common it should be.
      • Unit Size: Small
      • Unit Availability: Uncommon
      • Unit Experience: Trained
      • Combat Function: The Creeps differentiate themselves from the other Denon gangs by being far more exclusive and battle-hardened than the rest. To join you must have known an existing member for ten or more years and they've had to seen you take a life in combat. Even then that doesn't mean your in. There's a whole list of rules and hoops to jump through just to get acceptance. It might seem strict by street gang standards but the Creeps use the rules to help ensure they keep out the regular riff-raff of street urchins and wannabes. Every member of the Creeps is a certified killer and wears it like a badge of honor.

        Creeps are deployed in five-man teams, a shot caller and four soldiers. They try to keep a low-profile before they make their move and use their knowledge of the underground sewer system to their advantage. By attacking from below they can often take their target with ease but if forced into open battle the Creeps will fire on anyone in their way, civilians included. They always make sure to have a hard-out window for any fighting they do. Even if a target isn't dead sticking around too long in a shootout is never a good idea. Their speed and heavy impact is what wins them fights in open conflict.
      • [ Provide, in list format, some strengths of this submission. 2 recommended. ]
        Sewer Savy: The Creeps call the dangerous Denon sewers their home. As such, they have an intimate knowledge of the pathways and if something might be off in the underground.
        The Debt: In the Creeps, they have something called "The Debt". I refers to the Thindrel family helping lift them out of petty crime and the debt they owe each other as brothers. Because of their horrible backgrounds prior to joining, each member takes the debt very seriously and would never snitch on or fail to follow an order. In most extreme cases, Creeps will choose gruesome death over betrayal.
      • [ Provide, in list format, some weaknesses of this submission. 2 recommended. ]
        Creepy: Creeps by nature are odd looking, whiter than snow and all wear contrasting black outfits. It makes them hard to blend into a crowd or pull off any stealthy maneuvers in daylight. They also have a horrible stench many mistake for death but is the smell of the Denon sewers.
        Addicts: Creeps never go into battle without a bit of spice and there's a reason why. Without it they become jittery and can't focus, making it harder to follow orders and shoot straight. It's not that much greater when they are on the spice though, as their over indulgence makes them prone to violent outbursts and impulsive behavior.

      The Creeps were once officially under the branch of Thindrel family corporations listed as, Denon's Own Bioelectrics. It was a phony company set up to so Angelica's grandfather could attain certain permits to legally purchase powerful drug-making precursors for black-market manufacturing. The people who actually worked at the D.O.B were junkies and misfits, all getting high on their own supply while cooking up even more to sell and sniff down. They were a dirty little secret inside the Thindrel Company HQ, but also an extremely profitable one. Over time more and more resources were poured into the D.O.B until the corp became heavily involved with galaxy-wide smuggling and criminal organizations. Eventually they were wholly dependent on the Hutt Cartel to move product and the Suns to provide muscle, it was a bad mix that was sure to explode.

      When the recessions hit Thindrel Company closed it's doors and so did the D.O.B. Sure, there was still plenty of income from the spice trade but it was all off-books and couldn't be claimed on any official record. The operation continued as a completely criminal organization for a few years after but eventually their cutthroat business partners swooped in to take over the business for themselves. Destitute, the junkies from the D.O.B moved to the sewers below to live in and continue peddling whatever they could get their hands on. It'd take years and a proper leader for them to properly rise back up from the gutter but eventually they did.

      From a distance Angelica's father, the new patriarch of the family, had been keeping an eye on the old branch. It sickened him to see what had become of such profitable workers and decided to step in, but the years on the street changed them. They were desensitized to the violence and hardened because of it. He knew the group had to be refocused because being a lab tech wouldn't sate their need for action. After some soul searching, he landed in the realm of corporate assassination. Thindrel Senior might have lost all his corporate holdings, but he still had many contacts with feuds needing settling. Using them, he's been able to turn his family and the Creeps completely around. The Creeps he's made ruthless killers for hire and in return he's been able to regain some of his families personal wealth in the process.
Angelica Thindrel Angelica Thindrel Hey there! :) Love your creeps - I can seethem being put into good use in a whole buncha threads. I have a few comments for the submission, but all are of the technical kind:
  • In Out of Character Information,
    • In Image Credit, you've mentioned what movie this is from. But as this is not a screenshot you took yourself, I would strong recommend you add an additional source. This link would work nicely, but you're of course free to provide for any other you deem fit.
    • For Permissions and Links, you can just write n/a. However, as you refer to the planet Denon through out this submission, please add it with a hyperlink to the Wookie (Denon) to the Links section.
  • In General Information, in Equipment, you can remove the chart – it's not needed in the final submission.
  • In Combat Information, you've left part of the template. Please remove this ("he combination of Unit Size and Availability below is the indicator of how numerous your unit is. Stormtroopers for instance would be considered Large/Common, while Rogue Squadron would be a Small/Unique unit. Majority Force User Units are prohibited from being Common or Large. The stronger and more specialized your unit is (FU or NFU), the smaller and less common it should be.")
  • In both Strengths and Weaknesses, you've left part of the template ("Provide, in list format"…) Please remove it.
Once the edits are done, please tag me back so that I can approve it. If you need any help with any of this, also feel free to tagme.
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