Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAMES: Payiat
FACTION: Shadow Empire
SPECIES: Chitlik
AGE: 3 months
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1 3/4in long w/o tail; tail is 3 2/3in long, approx.
EYES: Chocolate brown
HAIR: Light golden color (stripes have not yet come in)
SKIN: pale rose pink
FORCE SENSITIVE: No (but just imagine...a Sith could rule the galaxy!)


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

The Despereaux of Star Wars: Curiously enough, Payiat lacks the normal responses most rodents have -- the creature rarely, if ever, exhibits fear. Desperation, maybe, but not fear. If a Sith were to start screaming at her, she would probably just kinda sit back and watch him for a moment before finding something else to do.

I'm So Adorable!: Like most babies from various species, Payiat is cute and harmless looking enough that only monsters would be inclined to harm her. At the same time, she is also small and fragile enough that it doesn't take much to hurt her.

I'm Like a Mole, But Not: Though not able to burrow as efficiently as adult Chitliks, Payiat is still a pretty mean burrower.

Cheese! Cheese! Glorious Cheese!: Give her cheese, and she will be your best friend forever. Unless you promptly hurt her. Then she won't like you.

Almost, But Not Quite: Chitliks are smart critters, but they're also semi-sentient. This means that while Payiat can make basic decisions, don't expect her to plead before the Senate or something.

Small enough to fit into the cup of one's hand, and with a tail that's almost 3 times the length of her body. Her eyes are a warm chocolatey color, and her fur is extremely soft and fluffy.

Payiat was born to the pet Chitlik of a pet shop owner within the empire of the Shadow King, Romeo Sin. As the runt of the litter, Payiat was initially going to be thrown out (thus providing more for the better specimens) but the owner caught wind of Romeo's partiality towards small, adorable critters. As such, the owner offered Payiat as tribute to Romeo in the hopes of not only ridding himself of the unwanted burden, but also getting some favour from the king.


N/A (But can you just imagine? Death by Chitlik? I'd feel sorry for that poor schmuck)

N/A (Again, though, can you just imagine?)


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[member="Mit Tuxaire"]

Oh I see x3

Anyway, you can't have these guys -- they belong to [member="The Shadow King"]
[member="Mit Tuxaire"]

*borrows into pocket*

[member="The Shadow King"]

Just one baby, now :p having two would be too difficult, as they're technically only semi-sentient

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