Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Suggestion Passive Hex Gains

Thank you for the kind words, but as Tefka said if you don't like the current system there's the door. I took him at his word.
You're still here ♥ And I don't say this to poke you in any way. I think you're a good presence to have on the site.

Strangely this is literally our argument against dominions. I guess we just disagree on whether dominions suck all the oxygen out of the room for anything else. I can respect that you think it boils down to human nature, just as long as you understand I think it is the system that uses expansion as a carrot on a stick that makes the priority a false choice for most people.
I'm having an alternative suggestion boiling in the back of my mind... I'll sleep on it for a day or two before posting though, make sure it's what I think it is.
I refrain when it comes to responding to a lot of OOC threads. Mostly because I do not buy into them. I'm here for the sake of a story. This will probably be my one and only OOC post in suggestion threads.

However. As I read this OOC thread, I cannot help but shake my head. Do you want to know why Destiny was so popular when it first dropped? It was because of a sense of accomplishment that we all got when we put in the grind to achieve something as a team. There are even group finders to help accomplish team based activities. Fireteams. To do raids and nightfalls.

Do you think that Destiny would have lasted so long without the grind that so much of us loved? That if we were handed some of the items that we got that we would have stuck around to develop some long lasting friendships that we now have?

How many of us actually spend time on COD? What system does it have to keep us engaged? What new gun, emblem or shader is it going to award us for working as a team to accomplish something? Nothing. It's why it has spat out so many games while Destiny, the first didn't need to. Destiny thrived on the grind. Thrived on the friendships that it helped create.

Come on. Free hexes? No dominions? Might as well suck out team work to get them done or potential friendships that might have been made to make a dominion even get to 50 posts. Want to make them longer? Cool. I'm for that. Come at me. I'll do the grind. I love stories and potential character development. No work? Pfft. Might as well kill Chaos itself.
Just wanna throw this out there for the millionth time: any faction thread can be turned into a dominion by just changing the tag. I don't see any set structure saying what a dominion consists of besides number of posts.
Do I believe that factions should gain hexes just for existing upon the map? No.

Do I believe that a Dominion can, at some times, feel like forced dev threads? Eh. Depends.

Do I believe that there could be other ideas and suggestions for how factions can gain hexes? Eh not really.

Here is where my thoughts are. Dominions can legit be done however you want. It could just be a party, it can be a mass training of students in a new area, it can be a Speed Dating simulator, it can be whatever kind of story you want! The only reason I feel people do not like dominions over other "Faction threads" is because Dominions require a set amount of posts with a story that is written to a close. Where as other faction threads can be left open and untouched for months, but still counted as faction threads for activity. Instead, I feel like changing up how dominions can be written, would be a better alternative than just "Get rid of them."

It was mentioned earlier that Development threads through the factory were removed. The majority of people feel that this is a good move. Same idea with Master/Knight nominations. However, I feel they do not play context to this as they are an INDIVIDUAL'S ability to write a story. NOT a factions. A faction as a whole can write stories rather quickly. It has been done many times in the past. Hell, factions used to do "Speed Doms" where 100-150 posts were done. I still think to this day the faction "The Dominion" did a dominion in less than an hour with 100 Posts by having five writers pre-write posts with each other, then just throw them down when they were done.

Passive Hex gain? No.

Change of how a Dominion can be written? Yes.

Write however you want to write. It doesn't always have to be one of war, or dominion over a planet, or defending a base. It can be other situations that arise.
Dominions are fine as they currently stand, in my opinion. Want a social dom that's a party? Diplomacy? A rebellion that needs to be quashed? An archaeological expedition? Building, renovating, or otherwise developing a location and the lore of you faction? Literally nothing stopping you from doing any of this and gaining hexes. Not every hex has to be fought for in a dom.
Overall, Chaos is a creative place. Put that to use to figure out a way to make doms fun for you and other members of your faction. Hell, have a social objective, a ground combat objective, and a diplomacy objective in one dom. Think outside the box, talk to the others in your group and figure out ideas that work for you all, it isn't hard.


Disney's Princess
No please.

Passive gains is fluffy and easy and meaningless. I abhor it with all my drunken soul.

Likewise. I'd like to see much larger community activity discussions before I engage with more 'change the system' topics. Tef was on to something about how a pandemic affects people, their time, and their goals. I sense fatigue. I sense dysphoria. I sense unrest. Yes. Yes I do. However. I also sense that it has less to do with Map Game and more to do with people. Lots and lots of people. And this sudden streak of suggestion threads offering to 'change the system' is just our most primal, animalistic impulse right now in dealing with change.

I get that people want to cut back. Chop the fat. Milk as much fun from their even-more-limited posting time than past years. I get that. I'm for that. I love that. But just handing out free stuff? Nah. No me gusta amigo.

Passive hex gain is fluffy, easy, and meaningless. And I don't think it properly addresses the problem either.

No please.

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