Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Pass along Padawan.

Jax Thio Jax Thio

Now let me tell ya, Rose was used to being the hottest thing around. But this planet took the damn cake!

She trudged forward. Now she never thought this planet would occupy many people. Which it did and didn't. But the absolute strangest thing was. She felt… called here. After her second master ended his career with the Jedi. She became nothing but a game of Pass along Padawan. And she hated it. It burned her up more than this forsaken rock.

She gazed at a drunken man drinking what looked like some extremely cheap booze. She glared at the man. There was no Goddamn way this is who she felt called to by the force. She turned her head looking around for anyone else. But the force was still nudging her to THIS MAN. She sighed in discontentment and just tried to swipe her sweat away. Only spreading it around. Before she finally made contact with the man. "Hello." She greeted him simply.


Location: Mustafar, Klegger Corp Mining Facility (bowling alley room)
Equipment: Jedi Hobo Outfit, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Rose Ann Lovely Rose Ann Lovely


Jax held the bowling ball in his hand pressing his lips against the hard surface. From the corner of his eye he could see the pins in front of him as he began to line up his shot. Taking a deep breath, the Jedi Master spun the black and white bowling ball as he curved against the shiny floor before colliding against the middle pin. Smirking, Jax saw the pin collide with the other pins in a chain reaction until a split second later all ten pins were knocked off.

"That's how we do it!" Jax raised fist in the air pointing at his Droid companion BB-12 who was consuming a Bantha Burger in the process.

<You're the greatest bowler in existence Jax,> BB-12 beeped sarcastically.

As Jax strode through the bowling alley he smiled at the mining workers many of whom gave him incredulous stares. "That's like your 25th strike in a row today!" A Duros said. "How did you that?!"

"The Force," Jax thought holding his hand against the bowling ball receptor. "Just pure skill!" Jax exclaimed. "When you get on my level, getting strikes is as natural as taking a piss!"

"I call it luck!" A human chimed in sticking a spice stick in his mouth.

"Call it what you like," Jax chuckled. "But my ass is going to win that Bowling trophy!"

Jax grabbed bowling ball as it came from the receptor and shook his head. "Give me my 26th strike in a row!" Jax mumbled.

Rose watched from a little ways away grabbing a ball from someone and tossing it, correcting the ball's course with the force and crossing her arms.

"Let me see," she pointed one at a time at the bystanders who had commented on Jax's performance. "Luck, or skill." Her finger pointed over Jax's chest as she spoke the last word. She leaned over a table, her pale crystal blue eyes staring straight through Jax. "I prefer the term, over qualified."

Her expression made it clear she didn't think highly of him. A cheat. She brushed past, placing a hand on him. While she leaned over. Letting her warm breath tickle his neck as she spoke. Her lips were so close to him they could almost be felt.

"Want to try something, or someone that is a little more challenging for you." She moved away so she could greet the BB unit. Every thing seemed cold and calculated. She wanted her appearance to be remembered.

"We can even place a bet on it, anything you like. Or…" she drawled. " you back out and have to leave this place and come with me." She tossed the words over her shoulder at him like last week's leftovers. "I'm sure either way it won't be a total loss. "

The woman was obviously headstrong and her show of taking the ball was to make very sure the man knew they would be evenly matched and have to stick out this battle forever. Turning it more to will. Then whatever little skill they had to put into their force game of bowling.

The walk had been a long one. Leaving Rose slick with sweat. She still managed not to smell like a pigsty however.


Location: Mustafar, Klegger Corp Mining Facility (bowling alley room)
Equipment: Jedi Hobo Outfit, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Rose Ann Lovely Rose Ann Lovely

It felt so good to be free from the shackles of being a Jedi. Ever since his self-exile, Jax had battled with nightmares of his father Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex the more he fought, the more he floundered into the Dark Side. It didn't help that he lost his Force powers in the process, but once Jax regained his connection to the Force the first thing Jax wanted to do was to forget. Forget about the Jedi, the Sith, the whole fracking war which was over already. Jax gave his life to the NJO but it bought him pain and misery and it was best to leave considering that he was a liability since he was related to Carnifex.

Just then a young woman strode in front of Jax challenging him to a bowling match. "Well then," Jax could sense the Force simmering within the woman. She does have potential though he was not interested in being a Jedi not now and maybe not ever. "Let's start a new frame then! What's your name?"

Jax Thio Jax Thio

Rose was surprised at how simple the response was and nodded. "Alright big guy." She rolled her eyes. She didn't actually expect the man to accept her invitation. Though she wasn't totally blindsided. She was sure she could hold her own. she watched as the screen got cleared and she picked up her own ball. Purple swirled with a maroon. Though none of the colors were the same with what she was wearing seeing them next to her it was like they belonged there. She let her fingers hook into the holes of the ball swinging it. She was getting used to its weight and practicing.

"Why are you here?" She asked. "You could be so much more."


Location: Mustafar, Klegger Corp Mining Facility (bowling alley room)
Equipment: Jedi Hobo Outfit, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Rose Ann Lovely Rose Ann Lovely

"I've retired," Jax responded chuckling at the young woman's response. The woman was pretty perceptive, that or she's just making up chit just to make themselves look smart. Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin did this a lot years ago oh how he missed his old friend.

"So what's your name?" Jax asked while he took his bowling ball smiling at the reflection of his weathered face staring back at him. "You're not a miner that's for sure. How the hell did you gain access to this area?"

<It's for employees only!> BB-8 beeped. <And you ain't one girl!>

Rose remained cool around him as she finally took her turn. Managing to get a strike without the aid of the force. She brushed off her hands and looked at Jax. "Rose, Rose Ann Lovely."

She studied him closely. Too closely. Then slowly her figure contorted so she looked almost exactly like him. The only difference was in the eyes. And that would only be noticeable to the most trained and closest of people. It was safe to say, she could probably get most anywhere she desired.

"No one can catch you if they think you're someone you're not. Basically I'm a shapeshifter baby. And it has its perks." She snapped her fingers just as The clatter of the pins was heard a relaxing sound Rose hadn't listened to for a long time. Perhaps it was nice that she got out. Even if she was drawn to this man like a fly to honey. Yet she couldn't figure out why. The man hardly seemed… worth the effort in this condition. But she exhaled and softened.

"I just felt like." She paused letting the moment stretch on longer than it needed to be. "I had or rather still have to be here. Like I have some purpose here with you."

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