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Public Part Time Paddies


TAGS: Ko Vuto Ko Vuto


(Open to customers and problems)
Part Time Paddies:

Braze had recently caught wind of Ko's dilemma. It seemed his friend was in a bit of a financial bind, yearning for some luxuries that the Jedi Order's stipend couldn't quite cover. Ko had his eyes set on a few items that, while not essential, would certainly make life more enjoyable. Braze, ever the supportive friend, proposed a practical solution: why not earn some extra credits through part-time work? He even volunteered to join Ko in this endeavor, seeing it as an excellent opportunity to gain some real-world experience and pad their wallets a bit.

Eager to embark on this new adventure, the duo scoured the local job listings, applying to various establishments that seemed promising. Their search culminated in success at a peculiar place—a 24/7 fast-food restaurant known as "Guy's Galactic Griddle." The establishment was notorious for its high employee turnover, a red flag that somehow flew under the radar for the eager young Jedi. In their excitement, Braze and Ko overlooked this detail, focusing instead on the prospect of working together and earning their own credits.

"Guy's Galactic Griddle" was an eclectic diner that catered to a wide array of species and palates, offering everything from traditional Corellian breakfasts to exotic Tatooine treats. Its neon sign flickered invitingly (or ominously, depending on one's perspective) at all hours, a beacon for the hungry and insomniac alike. The interior was a mishmash of diner aesthetics and old school memorabilia, with booths lined in retro-futuristic chrome and walls adorned with holoposters of famous starships and battles.

On their first day, Braze and Ko were thrown into the deep end, quickly learning the ropes of fast-food service in a galaxy far, far away. They manned the counters, took orders, and even tried their hands at the grill, all under the watchful eyes of a droid manager who was as strict as he was efficient. The work was hectic, the hours long, and the customers a motley crew of night owls, space truckers, and alien beings with dietary needs as diverse as their languages.

Yet, amidst the chaos of sizzling griddles and beeping order terminals, Braze and Ko found a rhythm.
Taking a well-deserved break towards the end of their first shift at "Guy's Galactic Griddle," Braze leaned back against the cool durasteel counter, a small sigh of relief escaping him. He glanced over at Ko, a slight grin forming on his face, the kind that comes from shared trials and triumphs. "It's not so bad, ey?" he mused, reflecting on the hectic activity they had just navigated.

They had carefully maintained their anonymity, blending into the diverse tapestry of Coruscant's working class without a hint of their true identities. It was a novel experience for Braze, seeing life from the perspective of those they were sworn to protect, without the distinction of being Jedi.

"I think we've finally got the hang of things," Braze continued, his voice carrying a note of satisfaction. The day had been a crash course in patience, multitasking, and humility. From memorizing the menu's vast array of dishes to managing the constant flow of customers with their unique and sometimes bewildering orders, it had been nothing short of a challenge. But now was a nice momment to relax and take a breath as they had two hours left.


Location: Coruscant, Guys Galactic Griddle
Tags: Braze Braze |

Ko wasn’t entirely sure how things were going to go for them. Even worrying that it was going to negatively affect his training as a Jedi. But he also wanted his own personal funds. And since the cost of living as a Jedi was largely a non-issue for him he knew he could save up a fair amount just with this part time job at “G.G.G.” It also helped when Ko started to tell himself that this could be training as well. At least a type of training if he never needed to do things that didn’t revolve around combat and academics. Jedi Sentinels often took a more blue collar approach to their work after all. Nothing wrong with acquiring some more worldly wisdom and responsibility. It’d probably remind him of his years in the Service Corps.

The Kel Dor was surprised that Braze had wanted to tag along as well. Ko didn’t mind sharing the experience with the younger padawan. But he wouldn’t dare explain what exactly it was that he wanted his own credits for. Stuff that he couldn’t justify spending the NJO’s funds on.

Holding one of the disposable cups Ko pressed it against the drink fountain, a vibrant red liquid rushed into the cup before Ko placed a straw inside of it. Listening to Braze’s comment, he turned towards the younger boy leaning against the counter. “It’s hard to tell how difficult things will be just off of one day. But I’m sure it’ll only get easier for us as we clock in more hours.” Saying that out loud felt weird. They were both Jedi by trade, but that was more like a lifestyle. Not a job that they “clocked in and out” of. It was a constant for them.

After that Ko inserted the straw into his mask and drank the bright red soft drink. The overwhelming carbonated flavor made Ko recoil some and pull the cub away from him before he was put into a violent coughing fit under his mask. “W-What… cough that’s not tea.” Ko’s blindness had bamboozled him. Accidentally getting himself soda rather than the overly sweetened tea that he was expecting. After a few more coughs he got his composure back. Fortunately there weren’t any customers around to see Ko’s coughing fit.

After that he handed the beverage over to Braze. “You want it? I’m really feeling thirsty anymore.”


TAGS: Ko Vuto Ko Vuto

Braze couldn't help but let out a soft snicker, shaking his head in amusement. "Do you want me to grab you some tea? They don't keep the tea over there," he offered with a chirp,"And sure, I like strawberry pop," he added, accepting the cup with a smile. He took a leisurely sip, the sweet and tangy flavor of the strawberry pop refreshing his palate.

As he leaned against the counter, Braze's gaze drifted towards the front, watching as a speeder pulled up to the diner. The soft hum of the engine and the gentle whoosh as it settled dow. The neon lights from the sign above flickered slightly, casting a warm glow that reflected off the sleek surface of the speeder.

Inside, the diner buzzed with the sound of conversations, the clinking of cutlery, and the occasional laughter from the patrons. Braze felt a sense of contentment in this moment, enjoying the simple pleasure of a good drink .

The doors of the establishment swung open with a force that seemed to echo through the lively chatter of the restaurant, drawing the attention of patrons and staff alike. In strode a group of four, their demeanor as loud as their entrance. Clad in mismatched armor pieces that clanked with every step, they were a motley crew, each bearing the unmistakable swagger of those who thrived on chaos and revelry.

The leader, a towering figure with a scar running down the side of his face, barked a laugh that resonated across the room. "This place better have something strong!" he declared, slamming a heavy gauntlet onto the counter, causing a few nearby customers to jump in their seats.

His companions, not to be outdone, made their presence known in their own unique ways. One, with a shock of neon-colored hair, began drumming on the counter with a rhythm that was more noise than melody. Another, adorned with an array of glowing tattoos, leaned too close to a family trying to enjoy their meal, regaling them with tales of their supposed exploits across the galaxy, much to the family's discomfort.

The fourth member, quieter but with a mischievous glint in his eye, wandered towards the condiment station, beginning to mix together an improbable concoction of sauces and spices with the enthusiasm of a mad scientist.
Braze was startled briefly and met the loud fellow at the counter. " We have coffee and tea that we can make strong for you. " Braze chirped.

Sazo nibbled at the meal in front of her- something called a "Coruscanti quesadilla". This was the first time she had had enough free time to herself to actually justify leaving the Temple all together since arriving a month ago. The question of where to go was challenging in itself- just exploring the Senate District of the sprawling ecumenopolis was daunting in itself. So, Sazo had settled on a getting some non-Temple good.

Some Padawan sat the Temple had suggested this "Guys Galactic Griddle". So to GGG Sazo went. It was...a lot, to be sure. A healthy mix of human, and non-humans, a diverse array of cuisine, and fairly prompt cuisine. But for the first time since arriving from Haruun Kal, Sazo felt like she was really seeing the wider galaxy, tucked into her little booth as she ate, and people-watched.

She went to sip her Corellian Cola, gagging as the fluids hit her mouth. "This is not Cola", Sazo muttered, getting up from her booth to go to the front register. As she got up, the door banged up open; she payed it no mind. She did pay attention when she was nearly shouldered into the wall by what could only be described as a group of degenerates swaggered into the establishment. The lead degenerate was loudly demanding "something stronger".

Snarling, Sazo dusted herself off as stormed to the front, as one of the employees- a young human, with white hair- said finished saying something Yes, coffee, to the lead degenerate. Next to him was a Kel Dor.

"Why don't you worry about getting some manners before getting something stronger?", the Korun said curtly, stepping in front of the brute. "Listen, sir? I ordered a Corellian Cola, and this is not it. I'm going to need a refill, please."

Braze Braze | Ko Vuto Ko Vuto
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Location: Coruscant, Guys Galactic Griddle
Tags: Braze Braze | Sazo Vass Sazo Vass |

Once more Ko’s blindness had been a minor thorn in his side. But he knew that he was doing pretty well for his first day and would improve and decrease the mistakes he made. As he gave his younger coworker the strawberry soda. It wasn’t long until a new group of customers made their way into the establishment. Carrying in with them an unpleasant energy.

They could’ve been bounty hunters, thugs, or even both. They seemed to wanna have something ‘strong’. Braze seemed to assume that they were asking for coffee or tea that was high in caffeine. Which wasn’t what Ko believed they meant. If the blind Kel Dor could, he probably would’ve rolled his eyes some over the Echani boy’s innocent response. But before he could correct what the boy said another individual cut in front of the group. Somewhat ironic chastising them on their manners before mentioning something about Corellian Cola.

She also said that she wanted a refill. Which communicated to Ko that she didn’t like the drink that she got, drank it all and wanted more. Instead of asking for another kind of drink. But Ko deduced what she likely meant. “Sorry to hear that miss, I’ve heard that the Cola can taste different at some franchises.” Oftentimes it was by changing the soda syrup to water ratio to account for the melting of ice in the drink. Altering the flavor some. Ko grabbed a new cup and stepped over to the soda fountain. “So which one can I get ya?” Mentally he tried to remember what beverage correlated with each button based on the mistake he made earlier with the cherry soda. He also hoped that the other customers wouldn't give Braze any issues.

The leader of the rowdy group stepped forward, his scarred face twisted into a smirk.

"Ha! Looks like we've got ourselves a little firecracker here," the leader chuckled, his voice resonating deeply through the bustling diner. "I like your spunk, sweetheart. But maybe you should let the little man finish with me first, aye?"

The drummer, with a grin stretching from ear to ear, leaned in closer to the counter, eager to witness the spectacle. "Whoa, hold up, this is getting good! You tell 'em! Never a dull moment at Guy's, huh?"

Across the room, the tattooed one reclined in their seat, a smirk playing on their lips as they observed the unfolding drama. "Well, well, looks like we've got ourselves some entertainment," they mused.

The leader leaned in closer to Braze, with a playful demeanor as he corrected the young Jedi with a chuckle. "Hey, kid, I appreciate the offer, but I'm not looking for coffee or tea," he remarked, his tone tinged with amusement. "I'm here for something a bit stronger. How about you whip us up a couple of your finest Corellian ales, eh? Make it quick."

Braze's frown was fleeting, replaced by a strained, false smile. "Certainly. If you and your companions would just take a seat, we'll have those right out for you," he responded, his voice maintaining a composed tone despite the underlying tension. Knowing he couldn't serve alcohol, Braze gestured towards Ko. "Cola is the one on the right," he instructed his friend.

The leader chuckled, his scarred face twisted into a smirk as he settled into a nearby booth. "Well, well, aren't you a helpful one," he remarked, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Don't worry, kid, we'll take it from here. Just make sure those ales are cold, eh? We've had a long day." With a dismissive wave of his hand, he signaled for his companions to join him, leaving Braze and Ko to fulfill their request.
"Sorry to hear that miss, I've heard that the Cola can taste different at some franchises." Oftentimes it was by changing the soda syrup to water ratio to account for the melting of ice in the drink. Altering the flavor some. Ko grabbed a new cup and stepped over to the soda fountain. "So which one can I get ya?"

Sazo opened her mouth...and then closed it. He wasn't wrong; maybe she had been so distracted in her people-watching, enjoying the sights and sounds of the diner, that she had simply let the Cola get watered down.

'What made me get so worked up? It's just soda, it's not a big de-'

"Ha! Looks like we've got ourselves a little firecracker here," the leader chuckled, his voice resonating deeply through the bustling diner. "I like your spunk, sweetheart. But maybe you should let the little man finish with me first, aye?"

The drummer, with a grin stretching from ear to ear, leaned in closer to the counter, eager to witness the spectacle. "Whoa, hold up, this is getting good! You tell 'em! Never a dull moment at Guy's, huh?"

Across the room, the tattooed one reclined in their seat, a smirk playing on their lips as they observed the unfolding drama. "Well, well, looks like we've got ourselves some entertainment," they mused.

Right, them.

"A curse on your houses. Your mothers are whores to the Hutts, your fathers are bastards without honor", Sazo muttered in Korunnal as the white-haired boy told the Kel Dor where the Cola was.

Her scowl deepened as the lead degenerate continued to attempt to browbeat the white-haired boy into giving them alcohol; the boy was maintaining his composure, quite admirably. She nodded gratefully at the Kel Dor as fixed the drink. She moved closer to him, while keeping her back to the degenerates.

"Do you all require assistance?", she whispered. She shifted her coat, allowing a lightsaber hilt to come into view. This seemed like the sort of thing a Jedi would do.

'I think? Maybe? Well it's sound right, so we'll go with it.'

Braze Braze Ko Vuto Ko Vuto
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Location: Coruscant, Guys Galactic Griddle
Tags: Braze Braze | Sazo Vass Sazo Vass |

Ko continued to overhear the thuggish group talk to each other and the other customer. Other than just having some bad manners and attitude they didn’t seem like they would cause any issues. Being unpleasant to be around wasn’t a crime after all, and hardly one worthy of Dorin retribution. He even heard the young woman mutter something in a language he didn’t recognize.

The Kel Dor nodded to Braze’s words, reminding him of which nozzle had the cola. “Right, thanks…” As he fashioned another cup of Corellian Cola Ko mentioned, “Galactic basic isn’t my first language.” Which was true, but he said that as a cover for his physical blindness.

Serving the young woman her new drink he listened to her whisper. His attention being drawn to the hilt she carried. Being able to more clearly observe it through The Force, now recognizing both the energy in the weapon and in herself. She must’ve been a Force Adept like himself and Braze. Ko wondered if she might've recognized him and his Echani friend as force sensitives as well.

“Oh, I really don’t think that will be necessary Miss.” Ko replied quietly to her. Not wanting things to escalate too sharply. The Kel Dor and Echani were both more than capable of handling the occasional brigand and troublemaker. Behind him Ko sensed their cold droid manager step into view from the kitchen. Eyeing the pair of new employees with a neutral, dispassionate stare through its photoreceptor. Knowing that he was being watched Ko asked the young woman respectfully. “So is there anything else I can get you Miss?”

Braze observed the commotion unfolding with the rowdy group, but he swiftly diverted his attention to a table that had been vacated by some departing customers, leaving behind quite a mess. With a sense of duty and a spring in his step, he set about diligently clearing the table, wiping away crumbs and tidying up the scattered utensils.

After attending to the table, Braze smoothly transitioned to taking the orders of the rowdy bunch, jotting down their requests with practiced efficiency before making his way to the point of sale system to ring them in. With each button pressed, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air, but he pushed it aside, focusing on the task at hand.

Once the orders were processed, Braze returned to the mess near the condiment station, where an assortment of sauces had been spilled. He grabbed a cloth and began wiping up the spills, his movements purposeful as he restored order to the chaotic scene.

Satisfied with his efforts, Braze briefly retreated to the back of the diner to communicate with the kitchen staff, ensuring that the orders were being prepared promptly and accurately. Despite the rowdiness of the customers and the occasional mishap, things were oddly smooth at the establishment today, running more efficiently than ever before.

There was a sense of pride in Braze's demeanor as he moved about the diner, a dedication to providing excellent service evident in his actions.

"Oh, I really don't think that will be necessary Miss." Ko replied quietly to her. Not wanting things to escalate too sharply. The Kel Dor and Echani were both more than capable of handling the occasional brigand and troublemaker. Behind him Ko sensed their cold droid manager step into view from the kitchen. Eyeing the pair of new employees with a neutral, dispassionate stare through its photoreceptor. Knowing that he was being watched Ko asked the young woman respectfully. "So is there anything else I can get you Miss?"

"...No, I don't think there is", Sazo said reluctantly. She had a bad feeling about the men, but it seemed the Kel Dor and his seemed at ease. Maybe they'd seen enough to parse out the rowdy folks from the truly malicious. She took a sip of the Corellian Cola.

"This is perfect, thank you", she said, pressing a credit into the boy's hand before returning back to her seat to people-watch. Hopefully, her quesadilla wasn't too cold.

Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Braze Braze


Location: Coruscant, Guys Galactic Griddle
Tags: Braze Braze | Sazo Vass Sazo Vass |

Ko wondered if this very uniform of his actually was doing a good job at concealing the fact that he was a padawan as well. “Excellent, have a good day Miss.” Ko said respectfully as he felt the credits pressed into his clawed hand. Was it a tip? Or was it to pay for the refill? Ko just assumed they were free but he might’ve been wrong.

He then overheard Braze make his way over to the cooks to seemingly make sure that things were being done right. If Ko still could he’d likely roll his eyes over it. Thinking that the food staff knew precisely what they were doing. Afterall they were the newbies here, and he wasn’t gonna be the one trying to go around making sure that others were doing their jobs correctly. Since that was the job of the droid manager.

Then again Ko shouldn’t be surprised that even in a part time job Braze would still be an overachiever. Meanwhile Ko really just wanted some experience and spending money for himself. Not wanting to take from the NJO’s own treasury or Jonyna’s oddly high amount of financial wealth.

While Ko got to serving the orders and drinks of the rowdy group, Braze would face a new challenge. While there weren’t any new customers to make orders for, the two undercover padawans were off doing some other chores. Ko was inside the bathroom mopping the floor and Braze was sweeping the floor. During which the small, pale echani boy would feel an abrupt tugging on his pants. It was a tiny, snotty child. Trying to get Braze’s attention.


TAGS: Ko Vuto Ko Vuto


It appeared that the rowdy crowd began to settle down, at least to some extent, once they were served their meals, leaving Braze to sweep the floors and ensure the place remained tidy amidst the din of satisfied chatter.

Braze glanced down at the small youth tugging on his pants and greeted, "Oh... yes, hello there... Can I help you?" He cringed at the sight of the icky snot smeared across the youth's face. Hastily, he fetched a set of napkins and delicately handed them over, saying, "Uh... here, you've got some gunk on your face... you might want to, you know, wipe that off?" Braze encouraged, trying to be helpful despite his discomfort.​
Fashion ExtraOrdinaire

It wasn't often that Stomme indulged himself with a basic meal. His life was always about aestetic, and yet...

A basic fast food burger rarely ever looked good.

Entering the restaurant, Stomme made a disguisted noise as he did. Ew, this place looked cheap.

No matter. He'd get a burger. He couldn't help it, he was famished, and this was the closest joint he could find. Walking up to the counter, he paused.

He recognized that face.

"... Braze Braze ? Ze Padawan who called me about a photo shoot?" He asked. "Vhat are you doin' working at zis kind of...establishment?"



TAGS: Stomme Kleine Kikker Stomme Kleine Kikker


Braze blinked... oh... oh no... this wasn't good. He wasn't supposed to be recognized here. He pulled the bill of his hat down over his face a little, trying to hide. "Oh... you know... just have some bills to take care of, ya know~?" He half laughed nervously. He didn't want to be publicly known for his involvement with the Jedi. "Can you, uh... maybe just use my name? I keep my private and professional lives separate," Braze offered. "Isssss... there anything I can uh... help you with uh... sir?"

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