Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Parasitic Species & More

So this is something still very much in the works, and I have nothing to offer as far as a rough draft goes save for the concept itself. This will be my very first sub for anything regarding a species or an idea, so don't be too rough with me. :p

Basically the concept I've been working on will be a new chapter in this character's life, and perhaps his last. Darth Eversor was (is) undergoing a change that will allow him to transcend to a deeper, more malicious part of the Force. No longer heeding the call of Sith ideology, the entity desires a reputation that the galaxy won't soon forget. With the power of alchemy, he has begun the transformation into a sort of progenitor that is capable of spreading an infection that causes severe mutation and is mainly vampiric in origin. Said transcendence also involved the sacrifice of multiple soldiers and other Sith to create a new body without a soul so that Darth Eversor can inhabit it. This vessel will be constructed completely out of the Force and will be born as a new sort of species entirely, one that appears totally humanoid but is different in a manner of ways.

Firstly, the mouth and jaw can split apart and a sort of parasitic proboscis that can spread and feed will reveal itself. This pseudo species can also be killed by the removal of this organ, intense exposure to Force Light, and being able to tolerate daylight briefly. Prolonged periods of time without feeding can result in fatigue and death as well. Secondly, this species has a heightened sense of smell, hearing, as well as physical strength and endurance for pain.

Some major chinks in the species' proverbial armor include being susceptible to high-frequency sounds, flashbang grenades, as well as weaker performance in brightly lit areas. Extreme heat also has adverse affects to the parasitic nature of this species.

Some common character traits among them would be blackened eyes, lack of a pupil, and a smooth marble-like quality to their skin.

The victims/infected will be under a telepathic bond with their master host, being able to be manipulated and controlled. The virus itself would be fast-acting and extremely aggressive, causing imminent mutation and psychological impairment. Without the host, the infected will become mindless and twice as ravenous as intended, also being capable of spreading the same parasitic virus. These beings will not be on par with their host and will be horribly deformed and resemble nothing of their previous appearance in life. Flesh overgrowing the eyes and growing talons as well, these creatures will depend on echolocation, sound, and smell.

There will also be a 30% chance for those inflicted with this disease to become a host as well, becoming much like Darth Eversor and able to retain their free will as well as spread the disease. Being bitten by the parasitic proboscis will result in an 80% chance of mutation, as being scratched or attacked in another manner will yield a 50% of turning; however, those unfortunate enough to be fed upon are not completely lost. If a Force Sensitive becomes infected, it will come at a cost. Force Severance will kill off the infection guaranteed since it is a thing created purely out of the Force, and without a link to the brood host, the virus/parasite's offspring will become dormant and will begin to die.

For a NFU, depending on how long the infection has set in, prolonged exposure to Force Light will help kill the parasite but at a risk of being scarred and suffering some psychological aftermath. Another known treatment would be a parasite-repelling vaccine known as Paravacc 1.X; however, it is also possible to inhibit the spread and growth of the parasitic virus for a time through small doses of radiation, or even the direct injection of bacta into one's bloodstream. Long direct exposure to radiation may yield a cure, but at the risk of radiation poisoning.

This is pretty much all I have thus far for the idea as I continue to build it and mold it, but I figured a small presentation of what I had in mind wouldn't hurt. This idea is purely for fun and to introduce the possibility of creating an antagonist for Chaos.

Lemme know people!
I see a lot of powerful things going on in here and not enough weaknesses to balance it out.

Something like this will need some very serious weaknesses worked into it. More weaknesses than strengths would be my advice.
That's a lot of benefits you've got listed there. I like the idea, but you're going to have to balance the benefits with some setbacks. The one you do have is a good one, the removal of the probiscus organ (I wouldn't call it an organ, really). But like [member="Silencia"] said, need more weakness, baby.

I see what you're going for here. Similar in nature to the Borg from Star Trek, or the strain, as Taeli mentioned. The intent is to assimilate all or destroy all. Makes sense to me. The prospect of engineering this species also seems feasible (will require you to do a dev thread, though).

I'd focus on thinking about weaknesses for now. If you can't come up with enough, you might need to tone down the strengths.

[member="Darth Eversor"]
Darth Eversor said:
as well as beheading or the destruction of the brain.
Just going to point out that I'm not sure I'd count this as a species specific weakness. Basically every species dies when it's beheaded or has its brain destroyed, after all.

Darth Eversor said:
Going for prolonged periods of time can result in fatigue and death as well.
Not really sure what you mean by this? Prolonged periods of doing what, exactly? Right now it seems as if you're saying that using the split mouth for prolonged periods could result in fatigue or death.

It definitely still needs more. One of the key weaknesses I think it needs is something to do with the infection/disease. It needs to have a weakness. They're not going to allow an incurable plague on this board, as that's basically tantamount to a super weapon.
[member="Darth Eversor"]
Makes more sense now, but I think it still needs more weaknesses, or else a LOT of dev. Maybe both.

On the matter of the infection itself, Force Light is good, save for the fact that very few people can do that. It's kind of one of the strongest lightside abilities there is. I'd leave it in there, for sure, but you need to come up with a weakness for it that doesn't involve someone using the Force on them (as in something other than Force Light or Severance). Most infections/viruses have a weakness. Even the Krytos Virus was eventually stopped through a combination of Ryll Kor and Bacta (Rylca). It's gotta have some remote, normal weakness too, that way those without access to someone with the Force CAN stop it.
Darth Ignus said:
[member="Darth Eversor"]
Makes more sense now, but I think it still needs more weaknesses, or else a LOT of dev. Maybe both.

On the matter of the infection itself, Force Light is good, save for the fact that very few people can do that. It's kind of one of the strongest lightside abilities there is. I'd leave it in there, for sure, but you need to come up with a weakness for it that doesn't involve someone using the Force on them (as in something other than Force Light or Severance). Most infections/viruses have a weakness. Even the Krytos Virus was eventually stopped through a combination of Ryll Kor and Bacta (Rylca). It's gotta have some remote, normal weakness too, that way those without access to someone with the Force CAN stop it.
I did some snooping and found something that actually made a lot of sense, among some other things I added that don't seem too far-fetched for a NFU.

[member="Darth Ignus"]
[member="Darth Ignus"]

The physical weakness is all there, and there's not much making them (as a species) that much more resilient or better than another. They can be killed in typical fashion, however, they would be more tedious to deal with. Think of it as this: when playing on their terms, they would obviously have an advantage in darkness or in places they thrive. When having to accept the reality that not every combat scenario will work in their favor, things have to be more thought out.

Otherwise I've updated it again, I thank you for your pointers too. :p
If a Force Sensitive becomes infected, it will come at a cost. Force Severance will kill off the infection guaranteed since it is a thing created purely out of the Force, and without a link to the brood host, the virus/parasite's offspring will become dormant and will begin to die.

While severing the person completely from the Force would certainly work, I am curious if, due to the wording, breaking the link to the brood host would allow them to be healed without having to sacrifice their entire connection to the Force as a whole.

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