Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Paecean was the language of the Paecian Empire as well as that of the Witches of Dathomir. Although one language, the various clans are known to have distinct differences. The following list puts together a large number of the words that are still today known on Dathomir. Due to the extensive list, use CTL+F to find what you're looking for.

You are no obligated to use the words but you are more than welcome to even form sentences from the gathered list. For the sake of others, always put a translation in your posts so others know the meaning of used words.
P A E C E A N to B A S I C

a’oh - watch out
agli - to return
ahoappa - wheat
ah'coi - arm
ai - yes
aki’cita - peacekeepers
Allya’nee hi’jan - the Daughters of Allya
Allya tanan kici un - may Allya bless you
amba - goodbye
an’petu kin - the day
ana’po - the dawn
anho - to count
a'pe - wait
coup ate - father
awi - they
awa -will


canku - metal
cetan - hawk
cetan’nagin - shadow hawk
cha - without
Chaka dee Wakpa - the Powder river
chante - heart
chata’winna - left-handed woman
chikala - little/small
chun - tree
ciye - my brother (a man’s brother)
Ci – want
ci'ni - need
cola - friend
colapi - friends

dho! - an exclamation
dopa - four

e'con - do
El’da – Elder
El – to
esnella - a loner
Eta’ma Gozua - Rain-in-the-Face
Ey’hee! - alas!


Glaz'uzu - Pay for

Haho! - look at this!
Ha'laa!- Hurry up!
He’ay’hee’ee! - a call to the Ancients
he’yah - no
he’yoka - clown
Hecheto aloe - it is finished
Hecheto welo - it is done well/ it is good
heecha - owl
hi - teeth
hi’ja (n) - my daughter (s)
hi’jo (n) - my son (s)
hin - yes
ho’hahe - welcome
hohe - enemy
hoka hey - pay attention!
hoppo! - let’s go!
hu- legs
Huhn - kill cry
Hun’kaschila - young man
Hun’tka - god of the east

Ik’tomi - trickster spirit
iku - chin
iku'seto -block
iko’wayeka - catching
inipi - purification rite/sweat bath
inyan - rock
is- he
ishta - she/female/girl
itawa - belong
iye – him
iyotake - sitting
Isi'co'la Wi'ca'sa - Freeman

Jaa – love
Jaa’mae - I love you
Jaa’nu – beloved
Jai – Jedi (also a male witch when not in the vernacular sense of the word)

ka- that
kage -make
kaga - demon
Ka’Dish Day - farewell/until we meet again
kangi - crow
kapi - story
katiyimo - enchantedmesa
Kici – for
kik’ipapi - fears
kik’suyapi - don’t forget/remember
kik’ukanpi - makes room
kin - this
kokipa - fear
kola - friend (same as cola)
kte - dead/killed
ku - come back
kuwapi - is chased by

le'cetu - path
le’mita - mine
le’mita cola - my friend
le’mita pila - my thanks
leksi - uncle
lela - very
lela oosni - very cold
li'at – you are mine
Li’la’hci’sni – not much
li'la was'te - very good
loca –crazy
Luna’i-wi - the moon
luta - red

Ma’tra – Clan Mother
Ma'dri - mother
Mie - I
mah’pyua - cloud
Mah’pyua Luta - Red Cloud
maka – land
maka’mani - walk on foot
Maka’Sichu - Bad Lands
mani - walking
mato - bear
maya o’wicha paka- fate/ he who pushes you off a cliff
mi - me
mi’caje - my name is
Mie’yebo - I am
mila - knife
mila hanska - long knives
minne - water
minne sosa - muddy waters
minne’ sota - many waters
minne’wakan – Liquor
mita - my
mita kuye ayasin - we are relatives
mita’wa- mine
mita’win - my wife/my woman
miyelo ca kola - I am friend
moksins – leather boots
mor'orn - idiot

na - and
net’dahe mate - death to all intruders
na'cacijin - loyal/faithful
nagi’tanka – The Force
najin - stand/standing
napa lute - red hand
nimitawa ktelo - you will be mine
niye- you
nita - yours
nitu’we he? - who are you?
nimitawa li’at - you will be mine
niyaha - feather
nunpi - two
Nu'we - divers

ocheti - seven
ocheti shakowin - 7 Sacred campfires of the Elders
ohan! - yes!
ohinyan - forever
ohitika - brave/courageous
ohunko - false/untrue
okute - shooter
on’shimala ye - pity me
on’sila - poor thing
oo’oohey - it is time
oosni - cold
O’pe to - buy
o'wo'tal - just
owa - wound
owa sicha - bad wound
owanka - floor
owanka wakan - sacred altar
owatamla - straight tongue
owayyeke wasse - everything is good for the eyes
owo'tal - just
ozuye - warrior
Osu'koyu'spe - coral
Oya'Te - Clan

paha - butte/mountain
Paha Sapa – Black Hills
pahaska - longhair
pe’jula - medicine
pe’jula sapa - Stim caf
pe’jula wacasa - medicine man
peta – stone
pila’maya thank you
pila’mita - my thanks
piskin - corral



schila - old
sheo - sage hen
Shi’aad – mate (female)
shinte - tail
shunkaha - boar -wolf
sicha – bad
siha -foot
sit’omni - all over
siyo’tanka - flute made of wood
ska - white
skan - sky
Shi’kaa – mate (man)
ski'ise - But
sku’yela - sweet
spa'ya'in(i) - cook(ing)
sosho - snake
sota - many
sun’kaku - younger brother

ta - to sing
taku'we - why
ta'wa - his
tanka - big/great
tashina – robe
tawa -his
Ta’zani’yaki – damage
to - blue
to'kehci - however
toh'anl - until
tuwe - who

upi - use


Wa - an
wa'sake - strong
Wo’sna – offer
wo'was'ieco - work
Wika'la - believe


yata – place
Yada’lanh - farewell
Ya Ta Say (Ya a teh) - greetings/ hello
yus'iyak - catch
yusi'yete -scare
Yuha – have

zastee! - kill!
zunta - honest
zuya - warpath
B A S I C to P A E C E A N
Abandon /AY'USTA/ ah-yue-shdah
Abdomen /CEY'OHE/ chay-yoh-Hay
Ability /IKI'PI/ ee-kee-pee
Able /KI'HI/ O-kee-hee
Abominate /WAH'TELA'SNI/ wah-gh-Day-lah-shnee
Abortion /OKA'SKA'TOPI/ oh-kah-shkahn-dohn-pee
About then /WA'HE'HAL/ wah-hay-hanl
About/WA HE'CEL/ wah-hay-chayl
Above/IWA KOB/ee-wahn-kob
Abreast /OCI'BLAGA/ oh-chee-blah-gahn
Abroad /MANIL/ mah-neel
Absolution /WO'YUSKE/ woh-yue-shkay
Absorb /YUA'TAS/ yue-ah-dahsh
Abstain from (leave off) /KI'CUNI/ kee-chuen-nee
Abundance /WIYA'TAGLE/ wee-yah-dah-glay
Abundant /OTATO/ oh-dahn-dohn
Abuse /OKA'KISYA/ oh-kah-kee-shyah
Abyss /OKI'KSAHE/ oh-keek-sah-Hay
Accept /I'CU/ ee-chuen
Access (to) /OAU/ oh-ah-ue
Accident (bad luck) /OSTEYA/ oh-shday-yah
Acclimate /MAK'I'YOKIPI/ mah-kee-yoh-kee-pee
Accomodate /WAWI'YOWIYA/ wah-wee-yoh-wee-yah
Accompany /WAWO'KIYA/ wah-woh-kee-yah
Accomplish /YUS'TA/ yue-shdahn
According /EKTA'SNIYA/ ayk-dah-shnee-yah
Accordingly /OG'NAYA/ oog-nayah
Accumulate /WO'PEMNI/ woh-Pay-mnee
Accumulation /YUO'WISNI/ yue-oh-wee-shnee
Accurate /YU'SNA SNI/ yue-shnah-shnee
Accurately /EC'OPI/ ay-chohn-pee
Accuse /IYA OPA/ eeyah-ohn-pah
Ache /YAZA/ yah-zah
Acorn /UTA/ ue-dah
Acquire / KICI'YAMNA/ kee-chee-yahm-nah
Acrimony /WO'YATA'GE/ woh-yah-dah-gay
Across /AKO TAHA/ ah-koh dahn-hahn
Act /SKA/ shkahn
Action /WI'COHA/ wee-chohn-hahn
Active (lively) /IS OS O/ eesh ohsh oh
Actor /WA'ECO/ wah-ay-choh
Add (over do) /EGNAKA/ ay-gnah-kah
Address /MAKO CAZE'YATE/ mah-koh-CHA-zjay-yah-Day
Adhere to /IYA'KITO/ ee-yah-kee-toh
Adhere /IKO'YAKE/ ee-koh-yah-kay
Adhere /SKA'PA/ skah-pah
Adjourn /KI'GNAKA/ kee-gnah-kah
Adjust /IYU'TEYA/ ee-yue-Day-yah
Admire /STELA/ sday-lah
Admit /TO'KIS/ toh-keesh
Admonish /WA'HOCA'KIYA/ wahn-hoh-chahn-kee-yahn
Adopt /WAL IYACI/ wahl ee-yah-chee
Adore /OHOLA/ oh-hoh-lah
Adorn /WAICI'KSU'KSU/ wah-ee-chee-kshue-kshue
Advise /ECONSI/ ay-chohn-shee
Afar /TEHA TA/ day-hahn-dahn
Affect /OIY'OPA/ oh-ee-yoh-pah
Affected /ONI'YETO/ oh-nee-yea-dohn
Affection (without natural) /OLAKOLWICAYESNI/ oh-lah-kohl-wee-chah-yea-shnee
Affection /WACATE OG'NAKE/ wah-chahn-day oh-gnakay
Affirm /YA'TIZA/ yah-dee-zah
Afraid /KO'KIPE/ koh-kee-Pay
After /OH' A'KAB/ oh-ahn-kahb
Afternoon /WI'COKA SOM IYAYE/ wee-choh-kahn-shom-ee-yah-yea
Afterwards /OH' A'KAB/ oh-ah-khab
Again /AKE/ ah-kay
Against /KICI'PAESYA/ kee-chee-pah-ay-syah
Age /WANI'YETU TONAHCA/ wah-nee-yea-duh doh-nah-gh-chah
Ago (a little while) /LE CALA/ lay chah-lah
Ago (just a minute) /LE'CAS/ lay-chahsh
Agree /WE'CALA/ Way - chah-lah
Aground (Run) /AZE/ ah-zay
Ahead /KA'IP'SILYA'LAKE S E/ kah-eep-seel-yah-lah-kay s ay
Aid /WAWO'KIYE/ wah-woh-kee-yea
Ailing /WAYA'ZA KA/ wah-yah-zah kah
Aimless (Round And Round) /OYU'MNI'MNI/ oh-yue-mnee-mnee
Alarm /WACIHAHELA/ wah-chee-hah-Hay-lah
Alcohol /MNIWAKASKA/ mnee-wah-kahn-shkah
ALE /MNISA/ mnee-shah
Alert /OYU'SKEYA/ oh-yue-shkay-yah
Alike /NU'PITU/ nue-pee-tuh
Alive (to be) /NI/ nee
All around /ENANA/ ay-nah-nah
All of a sudden /WATU'KTEHAL/ wah-due-kday-hahnl
All over (every direction) /AYA'BEYA TOKI'YOTATA/ ah-yah-bay-yah doh-kee-yoh-dahn-dahn
All the time /OKIWAZILA/ oh-kee-wahn-zjhee-lah
All this time /LEYALAKA/ lay-yah-lah-kah
All /IYUHA/ ee - yue - hah
Allow /IYO'WIN'KISNI/ ee-yoh-wee-kee-shnee
Almighty /IYO'TA WA'SAKE/ ee-yoh-dahn wah-shah-kay
Almost /TKA/ dkah
Alone /ISNA LA/ ee-shnah lah
Along that way /HOG'NA/ hoh-gnah
Along this way /LOG'NA/ loh-gnah
Along /AGLA'LA/ ah-glah lah
Already /EHA'NI/ ay-hahn-nee
Alright /TOKA SNI/ toh-kahn shnee
Also /NAKO/ nah-kohn
Altar /O'WAKA WAK'AN/ oh-wahn-kah wah-kahn
Alternate /UM'ATOK TOK/ ue-mah-dohk-dohk
Although /KEYAS/ kay-yash
Always /OHIN'NI/ ohee-nee
Amateur /WAYU'SIK'SICA/ wah-yue-sheek-shee-chah
Amazement /INIHA/ ee-nee-hahn
Ambitious (to be) /WIS OS OKA/ weesh ohsh oh-kah
Amble /OM'ANI/ oh-mah-nee
Among /EGNA/ ay-gh-nah
Amongst /OPEYA/ oh-Pay-yah
Amuse /BLEB'LESYA/ blay-blay-syah
Ancestor /HU'KA/ huen-kah
Ancient (Old) /TA'NIKA/ dahn-nee-kah
And /NA/ nah
Anger /CAN WIYO MNI/ chahn wee-yoh mnee
Angry /CONZE/ chohn-zay
animal /WAKI'GNA/ wah-kee-gnah
Ankle /ISKA'HU/ ee-shkah-hue
Annihilate / NA'WA'NIL/ nah - wah - neel
Annoy /KI'SLEYA/ kee-shlay-yah
Anoint /IN YU/ een-yuen
Another /TO'KECA/ doh-kay-chah
Answer /AYU PTE/ ahyue-pday
Anticipate /WAWINAKIHNI/ wah-wee-nah-kee-ghnee
Anxious /TOKEKEKEL/ doh-kay-kay-kayl
Any /ETAN HCI/ aydahn ghchee
Anybody /TUWE KE EYAS/ due-way kay ay-yahsh
Anyhow /EKITA/ ay-kee-dahn
Anymore /ICINUMPA NIS/ ee-chee-nuem-pah neesh
Anything /TAKUKE EYAS/ dah-kue-kay ay-yahsh
Anytime /TO HANTU KEYAS/ doh hahn-due kay-yahsh
Anyway (in spite of it) /TOKESA/ doh-kay-shah
Anyway /ES ES/ aysh-aysh
Apart /ICITEHA/ ee-chee-Day-hahn
Apparent /KAOTAI/ kah-oh-dahn-ee
Appear /TAI/ dahnee
Appearance /ITEOYUZE/ ee-Day-oh-yue-zay
Appetite (no) /YAICESNI/ yah-ee-chay-shnee
Appetite /LOLHWAKA/ lohl-ghwah-kah
Applaud (applause) /WAASAPI/ wah-ah-shah-pee
Apple /HASPA/ hah-shpahn
Apply (put on) /GNAKA/ gnah-kah
Appoint /KAHNIGE/ kah-ghnee-ghay
Apprehend /OYUSPE/ oh-yue-shpay
Approach (to) /AKIYA/ ah-kee-yah
Approve /HECETULA/ Hay-chay-due-lah
Apricot /HASPAISMA CIKALA/ hahn-shpah-ee-shmah chee-kah-lah
Argue /AKINICE/ ah-kee-nee-chay
Arise /INAJI/ ee-nah-zjee
Arithmetic /WAYAWAPI/ wah-yah-wah-pee
Arm (of the lower) /ISPAHU/ eesh-pah-hue
Arm (upper) /AHCO/ ah-gh-choh
Arm /ISTO/ eeshdoh
Armband /OIYUSKITE/ oh-ee-yue-skee-Day
Arms (weapon) /NAPOKTA / nah-poh-kdahn
Around Here And There /OKSAKSA/ oh-kshahn-kshahn
Around /OHOMNI/ oh-hoh-mnee
Arouse /YUHICE/ yue-ee-chay
Arrest /KASKAPIYA/ kah-shkah-pee-yah
Arrest /OYUSPE/ oh-yue-shpay
Arrested (Have) /KASKEYA/ kah-shkay-yah
Arrive /Hi/ hee
Arrow /WAHIN KPE/ wahee-kpay
Artery /KA/ kahn
Arthritis /HUHU WOYAZO/ huen-huen woh-yah-zoh
As /EL/ ayl
Ascending /AIYAKAPTEYA/ ah-ee-yah-kah-pday-yah
Ash tree /PSETI/ P-shay-dee
Ashame /OHITOKIPA/ oh-ghee-dohn-kee-pah
Ashamed (make) /WISTELKICIYAPI/ wee-shdayl-kee-chee-yah-pee
Ashamed /ISTE CE/ ee-shday chay
Ashes /CAHO TA/ chah-hoh dah
Aside /HEYAB/ gh-ay-yahb
Ask /GE/ gh-ay
Assemble /YUWI TAYA/ yue-wee dah-yah
Asset (s) /WOICIGLE/ woh-ee-chee-glay
Assimilate /KIWASICU/ kee-wah-shee-chue
Assist (serve) /OKIYE/ oh-kee-yea
Assure /AYUWICAKA/ ah-yue-wee-chah-kah
Astonishment /WOYUSIYE/ woh-yuh-see-yea
At Last (final) /NAKES/ nah-kaysh
At /EKTA/ ay-kdah
Attach /IKOYAKA/ ee-koh-yah-kah
Attack /TAKPA/ dah-kpah
Attempt /AKOZA/ ah-koh-zah
Attend (attentive) /ECEWAKTA/ ay-chay-wah-kdah
Attention (pay no) /EL ETOWASNI/ ayl ay-dohn-wahn-shnee
Attract /IWICAYUTA/ ee-wee-chah-yue-dahn
Attracted to /ASCU/ ah-schue
Attraction /OIYOKIPI/ oh-ee-yoh-kee-pee
Attractive /CHO/ choh
Auction /PAWIYOPEYAPI/ pahn-wee-yoh-pay-yah-pee
Audition /WANAHOPI/ wah-nah-ghoh-pee
Aurora borealis /WANAGIWACHIPI / wah-nah-gh-ee-wah-chee-pee
Authority/WO IYOKIHI/woh-ee-yoh-kee-hee
Autumn /PTANYETU/ P-dahn-yea-due
Available /ICUPICA/ ee-chue-pee-chah
Avarice (greedy) /WIKAGLIGIKE / wee-kahn-glee-gee-kay
Avenge /WATOKICO/ wah-doh-kee-chohn
Avoid /KIPASIYAYA/ kee-PA-shee-yah-yah
Await /APHE/ ah-phay
Awaken /YUHICA/ yue-ghee-chah
Aware /TOKEWACISNI/ doh-kay-wah-chee-shnee
Away /TOKI/ doh-kee
Awhile /OWATOHAYA/ oh-wah-doh-hah-yah
Awkward /WAYUHIYA/ wah-yue-ghee-yah
Awl /TAHISPA IHUPA/ dah-ee-shpah ee-huen-pah
Axe /NA ZUSPE/ nah zjuen-shpay

Babble /IWAKA/ ee-wah-kahn
Baby /O OPA LA/ oh ohn-pah lah
Back of a person (the) /CUWI/ chue-wee
Back of neck /TAHU/ dah-hue
Back There /EKTANI/ ay-kdah-nee
Back /HEKTAKIYA/ Hay-kdah-kee-yah
Back /LAZATO HO/ lah-zah-dohn hohn
Backbone /CAKAHU/ chahn-kah-huen
Backpack /WAKI/ wah-kee
Backward /ONZI HEKTA/ ohn-zjee hay-kdah
Bad (to become) /SIL AYA/ sheel ah-yah
Bad /SICA/ shee-chah
Badge /IPASISE/ ee-pah-see-Say
Badger /HOKA/ hohn-kahn
Badly /SICA YA/ shee-chah yah
Baffle /ISTELIC IYEYA/ ee-shday-leech ee-yea-yah
Bag /WOGNAKE/ woh-gnah-kay
Bait /WATA/ wah-dah
Bald /SLA/ shlah
Baldhead /NATASLA/ nah-dah-shlah
Ball /TAPA/ dah-pah
Band /OSPA YE/ oh-shpah yea
Bandage /IYUKITE/ ee-yue-kee-Day
Bank (river) /MA YA/ mah yah
Bank /MAZASKA OTI/ mah-zah-shkahn oh-dee
Banquet /OWOHE/ oh-woh-Hay
Baptize /MNI AKA STA/ mnee ah-kahn sh-dahn
Barbed /KESTO/ kay-s-dohn
Bare /COKALA/ choh-kah-lah
Bark (dogs) /SUNG WAPA PA/ shuengh wah-pah pah
Bark (tree) /CAN HA/ chahn-hah
Barley /PSIN SKA/ pshee-shkah
Barrel /MNI YAYE/ mnee yah yea
Barren place /SLAEGNAG/ shlah-ay-g-nah-g
Bashful /WISTE CE/ wee-shday chay
Basket /PSA WOGNAKE/ p-shah woh-ghnah-kay
Basketball /TASKATAPI/ dah-shkah-dah-pee
Bat (animal) /HUPAKI GLAKE/ hue-pah-kee glah-kay
Bathe /NUWA/ nue-wah
Bathroom (outside) /OIHEYE TIPI/ oh-ee-hay-yea dee-pee
Batter /WOBLEBLECA/ woh-blay-blay-chah
Battleground /OWAKA/ oh-wahn-kah
Bawl /HOTO/ hoh-dohn
Bay /OKAHMI/ oh-kah-ghmee
Be /UN/ uen
Bead (s) /PSITO/ P-shee-doh
Beading /WAKSU/ wah-kshue
Beadwork /WAKSUPI/ wah-kshue-pee
Bean /OMNICA/ oh-mnee-chah
Bear /MATO/ mah-doh
Beard /PUTIHI/ pue-dee-hee
Beast /WAMAKASKA/ wah-mah-kah-shkah
Beat (Drum) /KABU/ kah-bue
Beat /KAPE/ kah-pay
Beautiful woman /LILA WIYA WASTE/ lee-lah wee-yahn wah-shday
Beautiful /HOPA/ ghoh-pah
Beautifully /YUPIYA/ yue-pee-yah
Beaver /CHAPA/ chah-pah
Because /CUKE/ chuen-kay
Beckon /NAPE KICOZE/ nah-pay kee-choh-zjay
Become (to) /A YE/ ah yea
Become /IYECE CA/ ee-yea-chay chah
Bed /O YUKE/ oh yuen-kay
Bedbug /WABLUSKASA/ wah-blue-shkah-shah
Bedroom /WOHPAYE/ woh-ghpah-yea
Bee /TEMUGA ZIZILA/ day-mue-ghah zjee-zjee-lah
Beef /TALO/ dah-loh
Beer /MNIPIGA/ mnee-pee-ghah
Befall /WAKIPA/ wah-kee-pah
Before /SNI HANI/ shnee-hah-nee
Befriend /KOLA YE/ koh-lah yea
Beg /WOCI/ woh-chee
Begin /OHUTETANAJI/ oh-u
Beginning /OTOKA/ oh - doh - kah
Behalf / TAYA/ dahn - yahn
Behead/PA KAKSE/pah-kah-kshay
Behind /IHAKAB/ ee-hah-kahb
Behold /IHO/ ee-hoh
Belch /APABLU/ ah-pah-blue
Believe /WICA LA/ wee-chah lah
Belittle /YATA KUNI SNI/ yah-dah kue-nee shnee
Bell steeple /HLA HLA TAKA/ hglah hglah dahn-kah
Bell /HLA HLA/ hglah-hglah
Belly /TEZI/Day - zjee
Belong /ITAWA/ ee-dah-wah
Below (just) /IYOHLATE/ ee-YO-ghlah-Day
Below /KUTA/ kue-dah
Belt /UPI YAKE/ ue-pee yah-kay
Bend (of a river) /IUKTA/ ee-yue-kdahn
Bend (of a stream) /OKAHMI/ oh-kah-ghmee
Bend /YUWI JE/ yue-wee zjay
Beneath /OHLATE/ oh-glah-Day
Benefit (make good) /IYUWASTE/ ee-yue-wah-shday
Benevolence /WACATKIYA/ wah-chah-dkee-yah
Bent /WIJAHE/ wee-zjah-Hay
Berries /WASKUYECA/ wah-shkue-yea-chah
Beseech /CEKI YE/ chay-kee yea
Beside /ISA KIB/ ee-shah keeb
Besides /NAKU/ nah-kue
Besmirch (to soil) /OHLOGECA/ oh-ghloh-gay-chah
Best /LILA WASTE/ lee-lah wah-shday
Bet /AHIGLE/ ah-hee-glay
Better /ISOM WASTE/ ee-shohm-wahsh-day
Between /O KOGNA/ oh koh-gnah
Beverage /MNI/ mnee
Bewail (deep sorrow) /KICICEYA/ kee-chee-chay-yah
Beware /IWAKTA YE/ ee-wah-kdah yea
Bewildered /WACIGNUNI/ wah-chee-gnue-nee
Bewilderment /YAIGNUNI/ yah-ee-gnue-nee
Bewitch each other /KICIHMUGA/ kee-chee-ghmuen-gah
Bewitch /HMUGA/ ghmuen-gah
Beyond /AKOKIYA/ ah-koh-kee-yah
Big /TANKA/ dahn-kah
Bind /PAHTE/ pah-ghday
Bird /ZITKALA/ zjee-dkah-lah
Birth /TONPI/ dohn-pee
Bite (to) /WAYASPA/ wah-yah-shpah
Bite /YAHTAKE/ yah-dah-kay
Bitter /PA/ pah
Black elk /HEHAKASAPA / Hay-hah-kah-sah-pah
Black plumes /WAPSAPA / sahp-sahpah
Black /SAPA/ sah-pah
Blackbear /MATOSAPA/ mah-doh-sah-pah
Blackbird /WAPATAKA/ wah-pah-dah-kah
Blackeye (to give one a) /ISTA OTOYA/ ee-shdah oh-doh-yah
Blackhills /HE SAPA/ ghay sah-pah
Blackskinned /HA SAPA/ hah sah-pah
Bladder /PESKA/ pay-shkah
Blade /OPE/ oh-pay
Blame / IELGLE/ ee-ayl-glay
Blame / IYAOPE/ ee-yah-ohn-pay
Blameless /YASILPICASNI/ yah-sheel-pee-chah-shnee
Blanket /SINA/ shee-nah
Blaspheme /YA SICE/ yah shee-chay
Blaze /ILE/ ee-lay
Bleach /KASKA/ kah-skah
Bleed /KAKAKPA/ kahn-kah-kpah
Bless /YUWAKA/ yue-wah-kahn
Blessed /YUWAKAPE/ yue-wah-kahn-pay
Blind /ISTA GONGE/ ee-shah-dah ghohn-ghay
Blink /KAPI/ kah-pee
Blister /MNIKAPOHYA HIYOTAKE/ mnee-kah-poh-ghyah hee-yoh-dah-kay
Block /IKUSETO/ ee-kue-shay-dohn
Blocks /MAKASPA/ mah-kah-shpahn
Blond /ZIZI/ zjee-zjee
Blood tribe (Coven) /WE WICA'SA/ way wee-chah-shah
Blood /WE/ whay
Blossom (bloom) /ITKA/ ee-dkah
Blow /POHA/ poh-hahn
Blowout /HUNAPOBYA/ hue-nah-pohb-yah
Blue racer (Snake) /WATO/ wah-doh
Blue /TO/ doh
Bluebird /ZITKATO/ zee-dkah-doh
Bluff (cliff) /MAYA/ mah-yah
Blunder /WAWIHATEYA/ wah-wee-ghah-Day-yea
Blunt /KATATA/ kah-dah-dah
Blur /AOGI/ ah-oh-gee
Blush /ITESAHIGLE/ ee- Day-shah-hee-glay
Board /CA BLASKA/ chahn blah-shkah
Boast /AGLATO/ ay-glah-dohn
Boast /OKISKATA/ ohn-kee-shkah-dah
Boastful /AGLATOSA/ ay-glah-dohn-s-ahn
Boat /WATA/ wah-dah
Body /TACA/ dahn-chahn
Boil /PIYE/ pee-yea
Boiling /PIGA/ pee-ghay
Boisterous /IGLA O NIHA/ ee-ghlah oh nee-hahn
Bold /IOHITIKA/ ee-oh-hee-dee-kah
Bolt (Fasten) /NATAKA/ nah-dah-kah
Bolt (of cloth) /OPEHE/ oh-pay-hay
Bolt (Screw) /WAIYOKATKUGE/ wah-ee-yoh-kah-dkue-ghay
Bond /INATAKE/ ee-nah-dah-kay
Bone Knife /HOHUMILA/ hoh-hue-mee-lah
Bone /HOHU/ hoh-hue
Bonus /SINTE/ see-Day
Book /WOWAPI/ woh-wah-pee
Booth /AWAKEYA/ ah-wah-kay-yah
Boots (rubber) /AKANL HOPA/ ah-kahnl hohn-ghpah
Boots /HOPA ISKA HUHOSKA/ hohn-pah ee-shkah hue-hohn-shkah
Bore (drill) /HLOKA / ghloh-kah
Born /TUPI/ due-pee
Borrow /O LOTE/ oh loh-day
Boss /ITA CA/ ee-dahn chahn
Both /NUPIYA/ nue-pee-yahn
Bother /ICAGIYA/ ee-chah-gee-yah
Bottle /JA JA/ zjahn-zjahn
Bottom /CETE/ chay-Day
Bounce /IYAKICIHPAYA/ ee-yah-kee-chee-ghpah-yah
Boundaries (within these) /O IYAGLEYA/ oh eeyah-glay-yah
Bow (incline) /AYUKIPATUJA / ah-yue-kee-pah-duh-zjah
Bow (weapon) /ITA ZIPA/ ee-dah zjee-pah
Bower /WAPE/ wah - pay
Bowery /OWACI/ oh-wah-chee
Bowl /WAKSICA/ wah-kshee-chah
Box /CA OPIYE/ chahn oh-pee-yea
Boy /HOKSILA/ hoh-kshee-lah
Boyfriend /TAWICASA/ dah-wee-chah-shah
Brace (carpenter's tool) /WAIYUHOMNI/ wa-hee-yue-hoh-mnee
Brace up /IKPATAKA/ ee-kpah-dah-kah
Bracelet /NAPE OKOSKE/ nah-pay oh-koh-shkay
Brag /WAECOHCA ICILA/ wah-ay-chohn-ghchah eech-ee-lah
Braid /SU/ suen
Braids /OSU/ oh-suen
Brain /NASULA/ nah-shue-lah
Brake /INATA/ ee-nah-dah
Branch (tree) /CA ALETKA/ chahn-ah-lay-dkah
Branch /ALETKA/ ah-lay-dkah
Branching /HAKA/ hah-kah
Brand /OGUYE/ oh-ghue-yea
Brave /OHITI KE/ oh-hee-dee kay
Bread PAN /WOPASKA/ woh-pah-skah
Bread /AGUYAPI/ ah-ghue-yah-pee
Break /YUWEGA/yue-way-ghah
Breakfast /HIHANIWOTAPI/ hee-hah-nee-woh-dah-pee
Breast /MAKU/ mah-kue
Breastpin /WICESKIPASISE/ wee-chay-shkee-pah-see-Say
Breastplate /HUHUWANAPI/ HUH-hue-wah-nah-pee
Breath /NIYA/ nee-yah
Breathe heavily /JI YELA/ zjee-yea-lah
Breathe one 's last /EHAKEKE NIYA/ ay-hah-kay-ka nee-yahn
Breathe /ONIYA/ oh-nee-yah
Breechcloth /CHEGNAKE/ chay-ghnah-kay
Breed /ANUKIYA/ ah-nuen-kee-yahn
Brethren /TAKU YAPI/ dahkue yah-pee
Brick /IYA SPA/ ee-yahn shpahn
Bridge /CEYA KTO PI/ chayah-kdohn-pee
Bridge /CEYAKTO/ chay-yah-kdohn
Bridle /IPAHTE/ ee-pah-ghday
Bright (smart) /WA OSPE/ wah-ohn-shpay
Bright /IYO YAPE/ eeyoh-yahn-pay
Bring the little one /AKU LA/ ahkue-lah
Bring /AU/ ahue
Brisk (ly) /KATKA/ kah-dkah
Bristle /JI/ zjee
British /SA GLASA/ sha-glah-shah
Brittle /STASTA/ shdah-shdah
Broadcast /WICAHA KAHWOGYAPI/ wee-cha-hah kah-ghwohg-yah-pee
Broil /PETAGAICEOPA/ pay-dah-gah-ee-chay-ohn-pah
Broken /WE GAHE/ way-ghahay
Brood /HPEYUKA/ ghpay-yuhn-kah
Broom /WICA HITE/ wee-chah hee-day
Broth (Soup) /WAHAPI/ wah-hah-pee
Brother (I have for older) /CIYEWAYA/ chee-yea-wah-yah
Brother (I have for older) /TIBLOWAYA/ dee-bloh-wah-yah
Brother (I have for younger) /SUKAWAYA/ suen-kah-wah-yah
Brother (his/her older) /CIYEKU KI/ chee-yea-kue kee
Brother (his/her older) /TIBLOKU KI/ dee-bloh-kue kee
Brother (his/her younger) /SUKAKU KI/ suhnkahkue-kee
Brother (my older) /CIYEWAYE KI/ chee-yea-wah-yea kee
Brother (my older) /MITIBLO KI/ mee-dee-bloh kee
Brother (my younger) /MISUKALA KI/ mee-suen-kah-lah kee
Brother (older) /CIYE /chee-yea
Brother (older) /TIBLO/ dee-bloh
Brother (younger) /MISU/ mee-suen
Brother (your older) /NICIYE KI/ nee-chee-yea kee
Brother (your older) /NITIBLO KI/ nee-dee-bloh kee
Brother (your younger) /NISUKALA KI/ nee-suhn-kah-lah kee
Brother-in-law (of male) /TAHAYE/ dahn-hahn-yea
Brotherhood /OTAKUYAYA/ oh-dah-kue-yah-yah
Brow /IYUJIPA/ ee-yue-zjee-pah
Brown /GI/ ghee
Bruise /KA/ kah
Brule /SICHAGU/ shee-chah-ghue
Brush /HITA/ hee-dah
Brutal /WAMAKASKA/ wah-mah-kah-shkahn
Bubble /ANAHLOHLO/ ah-nah-ghloh-ghloh
Buck (throw off) /PAHPA/ pah-ghpah
Buck /TAHCA BLOKA/ dah-ghchah bloh-kah
Bucket /MNI ICU/ mnee ee-chue
Bucking (hay) /PEJI PATE/ pay-ghee pah-day
Bucking /YEICI YE/ yea-ee-chee-yea
Bud /CAIKPA/ chahn-ee-kpah
Buffalo (Bull) /TATANKA/ dah-dahn-kah
Buffalo (cow) /PTE / P-Day
Buffalo berry /MASTICAPUTE/ mah-shdee-chah-pue-Day
Buffalo woman /WINYAN WAKAN/ wee-yah wah-kah
Bug /WA BLUSKA/ wah-blue-shkah
Build /KAGE/ kah-ghay
Building /CHATIPI/ chah-dee-pee
Bulge /IPAZICA/ ee-pah-zjee-chah
Bulky /PAKONATKE/ pah-koh-nah-dkay
Bull /PTEBLOKA/ P-Day-bloh-kah
Bullet /MAZA SU/ mah-zjah-shue
Bullsnake /WAGLEGA/ wah-ghlay-ghah
Bully /KSIZICILA/ ksee-zjeech-eelah
Bump /IYAPA/ ee-yah-pah
Bumpy /SKI SKI TE/ shkee-shkee-day
Bunch /IYUPAH/ ee-yue-pahgh
Bunch /OTA/ oh-dah
Bundle /PAHTA/ pah-ghdah
Bungle (awkward) /WAYUHIYA/ wah-yue-ghee-yah
Bur /WINAWIZUTKA/ wee - nah - wee - zjue - dkah
Burden /WAKI PI/ wah-kee pee
Burgeon /OUYE/ oh-ue-yea
Burn /SPA/ shpahhn
Burned /SPA/ shpah
Burning /ILE/ ee-lay
Burrow /WASU/ wah-shue
Burst /NABLE CE/ nah-blay-chay
Bury /HAPI/ ghah-pee
Bus /WICASA ITO KSU/ wee-chah-shah ee-doh kshue
Bush /HU/ hue
Business /IWATOKIYASNI/ ee-wah-doh-kee-yah-shnee
Busy /OKAN SNI/ ohkahn-shnee
But anyway /SKA ISE/ shkah-eeshay
But Instead /IKCEYA/ ee-kchay-yah
But rather /TKA/ dkah
But /TKA/ dkah
Butcher /PATA/ pah-dah
Butt (Push) /PAWAZA/ pah-wah-zah
Butte /PAHA PESTO LA/ pah-hah pay-shdoh lah
Butter /ASANPI WIGLI/ ah-shahn-pee wee-glee
Butterfly /KIMI MILA/ kee-mee mee-lah
Buttocks /UZE/ ue-zay
Button /CESKIKA/ chay-shkee-kah
Buy /OPE TO/ ohpay dohn
Buzz /HMU YELA/ ghmue yealah
Buzz /HMU/ ghmue
Buzzard /HECA/ g-hay-chah
Buzzard /HECA/ hay- chah
By chance /WANU ESA/ wah-nue ay-shah

Cabbage /WAHPE YUTAPI/ wah-pay yue-dah-pee
Cabinet /YUSLUL ICUPI/ yuh-sluel ee-chuh-pee
Cache /WOKASE/ woh-kah-Say
Cactus /UKCELA/ ue-kchay-lah
Cage /ONATAKE/ oh-nah-dah-kay
Cake /AGUYAPI SKUYELA/ ah-ghue-yah-pee skue-yea-lah
Calculate /OWA/ oh-wah
Calendar /WIYAWAPI/ wee-yah-wah-pee
Calf /PTEHICALA/ pday-hee-chah-lah
Call (to) /KICO/ kee-choh
Call /KIPA/ kee-pahn
Called /ECIYAPI/ ay-chee-yah-pee
Callous /IYANUGA/ ee-yah-nuen-gah-gh
Calm /ABLA KELA/ ah-blah kay-lah
Calmly /WAHWA YELA/ wah-ghwah yea-lah
Calumet (pipe) /CHANUPA/ chah-nue-pah
Camp (a good place to) /OPICIYE/ oh-peech-ee-yea
Camp (middle of) /HOCOKATA/ hoh-choh-kah-dah
Camp /WICOTI/ wee-choh-dee
Camping /OETI/ oh-ay-dee
Can (do) /OKIHI/ oh-kee-hee
Can /MOS OGNAKE/ mohsh ognah-kay
Canary /ZITKAZI/ zhee-dkah-zhee
Candy /CAHAP SA SA/ chahn-hahnp shah shah
Cane (raising) /WOSKEHA/ woh-shkay-hahn
Cane /SAGYE/ shah-gh-yea
Canoe /WATA/ wah-dah
Canoeing /WATOPA PI/ wah-doh-pah pee
Canyon /MNIKAOSKOKPA/ mnee-kah-oh-shkoh-kpah
Cap /WAPOSTA/ wah-poh-shdahn
Capable /OKIHI/ oh-kee-hee
Captive (female) /WIWAYAKA / wee-wah-yah-kah
Captive (male) /WITOKA / wee-doh-kah
Capture /OYUSPE/ oh-yue-shpay
Carcass /TATECA/ dahd-aychah
Care /AWAYAKE/ ah-wahn-yahn-kay
Careers /WOKAMNA/ woh-kahm-nah
Careful /IKPATAYA/ eek-pah-tahn-yahn
Carefully /IWAN YONG/ ee-wahn yohn-g
Careless /AHAHAKA/ ahgh-ahngh-ahn-kah
Carelessness /HLETE/ ghlay-Day
Caress /KIGNA/ kee-gnah
Caretaker /WOAWAYAKE/ woh-ahn-wahn-yahn-kay
Carpenter /TIKAGE/ dee-kah-gh-ay
Carry /YUHA/ yuh-hah
Cart /WAJILAKI/ wahn-zjee-lahk-ee
Carve /CAKAJIPA/ chahn-kah-zjhee-pah
Cat /IGMU/ ee-gmue
Catch (with hands) /YUS IYAK/ yues-ee-yahk
Catch /YUKAPE/ yuh-kah-pay
Catcher /WAWOYUSPA/ wah-woh-yue-shpah
Caterpillar /WAGLULA/ wah-Glue-lah
Catfish /HOWASAPA/ hoh-wah-shah-pah
Cause /NIKIYA/ nee-kee-yah
Caution /AHIHICIYA/ ahgh-eegh-eechee-yah
Cave /MAKO HLOKE/ mah-koh ghloh-kay
Cease talking /YA'STA!!/ yah-shdahn
Cease /INAJI/ ee-nah-zjee
Celebration /OSKATE HI/ oh-shkah-day hee
Cellar /MAKA TIPI/ mah-kah tee-pee
Celluloic (cellophane) /PAKESKA/ pahn-kay-skah
Cement /IYA MAKA/ ee-yahn mah-kah
Cent /MAZASA/ mah-zah-shah
Center /COKA/ choh-kahn
Ceremony /WICOHA/ wee-choh-hahn
Certain /CITOKA/ chee-doh-kah
Certainly /ES ES/ aysh-aysh
Chair /OWAKOKE/ oh-wah-kohn-kay
Chance /OKIWOTAHENA/ oh-kee-woh-dah-hay-nah
Change (to) /YUTO KECA/ yue-doh kay-chah
Channel (strait) /KIYUTE / kee-yue-Day
Chap /TUTA/ due-dah
Charm /IZUYAPI/ ee-zue-yah-pee
Chase (to) /AHIYU/ ah-hee-yue
Chase /WAKUWA PI/ wah-kue-wah-pee
Chastise /KASTAKA/ kah-shdah-kah
Chatter (Teeth) /YAKOKA / yah-koh-kah
Chatter /HIYAKIGLE/ hee-yah-kee-glay
Cheap /AWASAKA/ ah-wah-shah-kah
Cheat /GNAYE/ ghnah-yea
Check (latch - Money) /IYOPAZA / ee-yoh-pah-zahn
Check off (a list) /PAGLEGA/ pah-glay-gah
Cheek /ITEHOHU/ ee-Day-hoh-hue
Cheek /TAPU/ dah-pue
Cheer /PAN PAN PI/ pahn-pahn-pee
Cheerful /CATE WASTE/ chahn-day-wahsh-day
Cheese /ASAPI SUTA/ ah-shah-pee shue-dah
Cherish /PATA/ pah-dahn
Cherry /CAPA/ cahn-pah
Chest (Stand) /OGNAKE/ oh-gnah-kay
Chest /MAKU/ mah-k-ue
Chew /AYA/ ah-yah
Chickadee /SKIPIPI/ shkee-pee-pee
Chicken Hawk /CETAN/ chay-dahn
Chicken /KOKEYAHULA/ koh-kay-yah-hue-lah
Chicken /KOKOYAHALA/ koh-koh-yah-ghahn-lah
Chief (elder matriarch) /WICASA YATA PI/ wee-chah-shah yah-dah-pee
Child /WAKAYAJA/ wah-kahn-yah-zjah
Childhood /WAKAYAJA PI/ wah-kahn-yah-zjah pee
Chin /IKU/ ee-kue
Chisel /KAPE/ pah-pay
Choke (to death) /OSNITE/ oh-shnee-d-ay
Choke /KATKA/ kah-dkah
Choose (to) /EKAGA/ ay-kah-ghah
Choose /KAHNIGE/ kah-ghnee-ghay
Chubby /WOHOTA/ woh-hoh-dah
Chunky /PSUKA/ pshuen-kah
Churn /IWOCU/ ee-woh-ch-ue
Cider /MNISA/ mnee-shah
Cinder /CATA/ chah-dah
Circle (in a) /YUMIMEYA/ yue-mee-may-yah
Circle /MIMEYA/ mee-may-yah
Circular /YUYA/ yue-yah
Circumcise /WAHLAYA/ wah-ghlah-yah
Circumspect /KICUNIYAKEL/ kee-chuen-nee-yahn-kayl
Citizen /AIGLUHA/ ah-ee-Glue-hah
Claim /EICICAGA/ ay-ee-ch-ee-chah-gah
Clamor /WAOHMUYECE/ wah-oh-ghmuen-yea-chay
Clamp /ANAGIPA/ ah-nah-gee-pah
clap /GLASKAPA/ glah-skah-pah
Clasp /KASKITA/ kah-skee-dah
Class (social rank) /OBE/ oh-bay
Clatter /AYAKOKA/ ah-yah-koh-kah
Claw marks /SIOSTUKALA / see-oh-shduen-kah-lah
Claw to pieces /OYUPOTA/ oh-yue-poh-dah
Claw /SAKE/ shahkay
Clean (to) /YUJA JA/ yue-jah jah
Clean (very) /SKA YELA/ skah-yealah
Clean /SAPE SNI/ shahpay-shnee
Clear /BLEZE LA/ blayzay-lah
Clearing in the woods /OCUWANICE/ oh-chuen-wah-nee-chay
Clerk / WOWAPIKAGA/ woh-wah-pee-kah-gah
Clever /WOWAYUPIKE/ woh-wah-yue-pee-kay
Cliff / MAYA/ mahyah
Climb up /OSKAPA / oh-shkah-pah
Climb /ALI/ ah-lee
Cling /KAAYASKAB/ kah-ah-yah-skahb
Clinging to /OKISKAPA/ oh-kee-yah-skah-pah
Clock /MAZASKASKA/ mah-zah-skahn-skahn
Clog / OTKAPA/ oh-dkah-pah
Close By (very) /LECEGLALA/ lay-chay-glah-lah
Close by/KA YELA/kahn-yealah
Close /NA TAKE/ nah dah-kay
Cloth /MNIHUHA/ mnee-hue-hah
Clothe /HAYAPI/ hah-yah-pee
Clothing /HAYAKE/ hah-yah-kay
Cloud (shadow of) /OPOYA/ ohp-oh-yah
Cloud /MAHPIYA/ mah-ghpee-yah
Clouds (scattered) /MAHPIOHAZI/ mah-ghpee-oh-hahn-zee
Cloudy /MAHPIYAYA/ mah-ghpee-yah-yah
Clover /BLAYE ZITKATACA HU STOLA/ blah-yea zee-dkah-dah-chahn hue sdoh-lah
Clown /HEYOKA/ hea-yoh-kah
Club /CAKSA/ chahn-kshah
Clumsy /OSTE/ oh-shday
Cluster /IYAGEGNAG/ ee-yah-gay-gnah-g
Clusters (in) /OSIBSIPA/ oh-sheeb-shee-pah
Coal /CAHLI/ chah-lee
Coast / OHUTA/ oh - ue - dah
Coat /AKATAHA OGLE/ ah-kah-dah-hahn oh-glay
Cocklebur /WINAWIZIHUTKA/ wee - nah - wee - zjee - hue - dkah
Coffee /WAKALYAPI/ wah-kahl-yah-pee
Cohabitate /WIINAHMA/ wee-ee-nah-ghmah
Coil /KAKSA/ kah-kshah
Cold (weather) /SNI/ shnee
Collapse /KAKSA/ kah-kshahn
Collar bone /CEBLOHU/ chay-bloh-hue
Collect /PAHI/ pah-hee
Collectively /YUPTAYA/ yue-pdah-yah
Collector /WAMNAYA/ wah-mnah-yahn
Color /WIYU/ wee-yuen
Coloring /WALULYE/ wah-luel-yea
Colt /CHICALA/ chee-chah-lah
Comb /KCA/ k-chah
Comb /NASU PAKCE/ nahshuen-pah-kchay
Combing /GLA KCA/ glah-kchah
Come Forth /HIYU/ hee-yuen
Come home (from war) /WAKTE KU/ wah-kday kue
Come /Hi/ hee
Comfort /OKABLA YA/ oh-kah-blah yah
Comforter /SINA O COZE/ shee-nah oh choh-zay
Comical /OHAWIHA/ oh-gh-ahn-wee-ghah
Command /ECO SI/ ay-chohn shee
Commerce /WOPETOPI/ woh-pay-dohn-pee
Common /HECETUKE/ hay-chay-due-kay
Compare (to)/IYACI/ee-yah-chee
Compassion /IOSILA/ ee-ohn-shee-lah
Complain /ACICAHLO/ ah-chee-chah-ghloh
Complainer /WAYASIHTIKA/ wah-yah-shee-H-dee-kah
Complete / YUSTA/ yue - shdahn
Completely /AYATAYAS/ ah-yah-dah-yahsh
Complex /WOOSKISKE/ woh-oh-shkee-shkay
Complicate /OSKISKA/ oh-shkee-shkah
Compliment /WICAYATAPI/ wee-chah-yah-dahn-pee
Comply /WICAKICILA/ wee-chah-kee-chee-lah
Comprehend /YUKCA/ yuek-chahn
Compress /YAOPO/ yah- oh-poh
Concave /OSKOKPA/ oh-shkoh-kpah
Conceal /NAMA/ nah-mah
Concern /IWATOKIYA/ ee-wah-doh-kee-yah
Concerned /INIHICIYE/ ee-nee-hee-chee-yea
Conciliate /WAYUWAHA/ wah-yue-wah-ghah
Condemn /YASU/ yah-sue
Condemned /TI KTA YASUPI/ dee kdah yah-shue-pee
Condiment /IYUL/ ee-yuel
Confer /OWOGLAKE/ oh-woh-glah-kay
Confess /OGLA KAPI/ oh-glah kah-pee
Confession /WATANI/ wah-dah-nee
Confidence /WACIKICIYAPI/ wah-chee-kee-chee-yah-pee
Confirm /OYUMA/ oh-yue-mah
Confuse /HOKACA HAYE KIYE S E/ hoh-kah-chah hahn-yea kee-yea s-ay
Congress /TUKASILA WO AKIYE TIPI/ duen-kah-shee-lah woh ah-kee-yea-dee-pee
Connect /AYAZUTA/ ah-yah-zuen-dah
Conscious /WACI KSAPE/ wah-chee kshah-pay
Consciousness (regain) /O IKPAHICA/ oh ee-kpah-ghee-chah
Consciousness (to lose) /TOKAH A/ doh-kah-gh-ahn
Consecutive /IYAZA/ ee-yah-zah
Consequently /CHA/ chah
Consider /IYUKCA/ ee-yue-kchahn
Considerate /WIYUKCA/ wee-yue-kchahn
Consistent /ZOTAHEYA/ zohn-dah-hay-yah
Console /KCAPTA/ kchahn-pdah
Contract (Shrink) /NASISI/ nah-shee-shee
Contradict /YAGLAKIYA/ yah-glah-kee-yah
Contrary /ECA LES/ ay-chahn laysh
Control /ILAKA/ ee-lah-kah
Controlling /NAPIYUSYA/ nah-pee-yue-syah
Convalesce /KIBLEZA/ kee-blay-zah
Convenient /WICAKIJESNIYA/ wee-chah-kee-zjay-shnee-yahn
Converse (to talk) /WOGLAKA/ woh-glah-kah
Convert /YAHOMNI/ yah - hoh - mnee
Convex /IPAZILYA/ ee-pah-zeel-yah
Conviction /WICAKELAKIYA/ wee-chah-kay-lah-kee-yah
Convince /GLAHOMNI/ glah-hoh-mnee
Convulse /NATI/ nah-dee
Cook /SPAYA/ shpah-yah
Cooked /SPA/ shpah
Cookie /AGUYAPI SKUYELA/ ah-ghue-yah-pee skue-yea-lah
Cool /CUSNI/ chue-shnee
Cooperatively (to live) /WAWICIYA O UYA/ wah-wee-chee-yah oh uen-yahn
Copy /OKAGA/ oh-kah-gah
Cord /KA/ kahn
Cordial /WOLAKOLKICIYAPI/ woh-lah-kohl-kee-chee-yah-pee
Core /CHOGI/ choh-ghee
Corn /WAGMIZA/ wah-gmee-zjah
Corner /OBLECE/ oh-blay-chay
Corpse /TACA/ dah-chahn
Corral /OSUKOYUSPE/ oh-shuen-koh-yue-spay
Correct /HECE TU/ hay-chay due
Corroborate /OYUSLATA/ oh-yue-shlah-dah
Corrupt /IYUSICA/ ee-yue-shee-chah
Cotton /PO PO PA/ poh-poh-pah
Cottontail Rabbit /MASTISAPA/ mah-shdee-sah-pah
Cottonwood /WAGACA/ wah-ghah-chah
Cough /HOHPA/ hoh-ghpah
Council chamber /OWOGLAKE/ oh-woh-glah-kay
Council Fire /OCETI / oh-chay-dee
Council /OMNICIYE/ oh-mnee-chee-yea
Count in /KO/ koh
Count /YAWA/ yah-wah
Country /MAKOCE/ mah-koh-chay
Courage /OHITIKA/ oh-hee-dee-kah
Court a woman (by music) /WIYAPE/ wee-yah-pay
Court /OWAYASU/ oh-wah-yah-shue
Court /WAKIYATIPI/ wah-kee-yah-dee-pee
Courting /WIOYUSPE/ wee-oh-yue-spah
Cousin-female (of a man) /HANKA SI/ hahn-kah shee
Cousin-male (of a man) /TAN HON SI/ dahn hohn shee
Cover (clothe) /CEGNAKE/ chay-gnah-kay
Cover (for lodge) /AKAPE/ ah-kah-pay
Cover tracks /NAATAISNI AYA/ nah-ah-dahn-ee-shnee ah-yah
Covet /KIZOMI/ kee-zoh-mee
cow /PTE/ pday
Coward /CANL WAKA/ chahnl wahkahn
Cowardice /CANL PE/ chahnl pay
Cowbird / TEYAHPA/ pday-yah-ghpah
Cowboy /PTE AWAN YAKA WICASA/ pday ah-wahnyahn-kah wee-chah-shah
Cowlick /PEWIWILA/ pay-wee-wee-lah
Coyote /SUNMANITU/ shue-mah-nee-due
Crack /SLECA HE/ shlay-chah hay
Cradle /CAICIKOPA/ chahn-eech-eek-ohn-pah
Cradleboard /IYOK IPA/ ee-yohk ee-pah
Cram /PAOSKICA/ pah-oh-skee-chah
Cramp /TIPA/ dee-pah
Crane (bird) /PHEHA/ pay-hahn
Crane's nesting place /HOKAMANIPILA/ hoh-kah mahn-ee-pee-lah
Crane /PEHA/ pay-hahn
Cranky /SIKCIYA/ shee-kchee-yah
Crawl /SLOHA/ shloh-hahn
Crazy /WITKO TKO KE/ wee-dkoh dkoh kay
Creak /KIZA/ kee-zah
Cream /ASANPI/ ah-sahn-pee
Crier /EYA APAHA/ ay-yah ah-pah-hah
Crime /WICOHA SICA/ wee-choh-ghahn shee-chah
Crinkle /KAKECA/ kah-kay-chah
Crippled /HUSTE/ hue-shday
Crisp /YUKIYUTEYA/ yuh-kee-yue-Day-yah
Criticize /NAGWAKA/ nah-gwah-kah
Croak /PAJICA/ pah-zjee-chah
Crooked /SKOPE/ shkoh-pay
Crop /YAGMI/ yah-gmee
Cross (crucifix) /CA ICIPAWAGA/ chahn ee-chee-pah-wah-ghah
Cross eyed /ISTAHMI/ ee-shdah-ghmee
Cross water (to) /IYUWEGA/ ee-yue-way-ghah
Crosswise / GLAKIYA/ glah - kee - yahn
Crow /KAGI/ kahn ghee
Crow /KAGI/ kahn-gee
Crowd /WICOTA/ wee-choh-dah
Crowded /OKA SNI/ oh-kahn shnee
Crown (put on a) /TESLAGKITO/ day-shlah-g-kee-dohn
Crucify /YU AKAGAL OKATO PI/ yuh ah-kah ghahl oh-kah-dohn pee
Crumble /HPU/ ghpue
Crumbs /OTUTKA/ oh-duh-dkah
Crunch /CAHCAGA/ chahn-ghchahn-gah
Crunching Noise /YAHWU/ yah-ghwue
Crush /KAGU HE/ kah-ghue hay
Crutch /CAHUAPI/ chahn-hue-ah-pee
cry out /SICAHOWA / shee-chah-hoh-wah
cry /CEYE/ chay-yea
Cube /WAKILASE/ wahk-ee-lah-s-ay
Cubit /WICISPA/ wee-chee-shpah
Cuckoo /CEPELA TAKA/ chay-pay-lah dahn-kah
Cultivate /MAH AGLATAPI/ mah-gh ah-glah-dah-pee
Cultivation /OKICAYE/ oh-kee-chahn-yea
Cumbersome /OPAGAE/ oh-pahn-gah-ay
Cup /CEHMNIYATKE/ chay-ghmnee-yahd-kay
Curdle /KAGWU/ kah-gwue
Cure /AKI/ ah-kee
Curious /WOSISIKIYE/ wohsh-eesh-ee-kee-yea
Curl /AYUMNIMNIJA/ ah-yue-mnee-mnee-zjah
current /TATOHEKIYA/ dah-doh-hay-kee-yah
Currents (Fruit) /WICAGNASKA / wee-chah-gnah-shkah
Curse /HMU GE/ ghmue ghay
Cursed (be) /WOSILIYAGLE / woh-shee-lee-yah-glay
Curtain /WOZA/ woh-zahn
Curve /APAHAYA/ ah-pah-hah-yah
Custom (way) /O U/ oh uen
Cut with a blow /KIKAKSA/ kee-kah-ksah
Cut /WAKSE/ wah-kshay
Cutbank /MAYAKASASA/ mah-yah-kah-shah-shah
Cute /OH A WOWIHAYA/ ohgh ahn woh-wee-ghah-yah
Cutting Board /AWAWAPTE / ah-wah-wah-pday
Cyclone /OWAOMNIOMNI/ oh-wah-oh-mnee-oh-mnee

Daily /ANPETU IYOHILA/ ahn-pay-due ee-yoh-ee-lah
Dam (Reservoir) /MNINATAKAPI / mnee-nahn-dah-kah-pee
Damage /TAZANIYAKE/ dahn-zah-nee-yah-kay
Damp /OCU/ oh-chuh
Dance (Scalp) /IWAKICIWACIPI/ ee-wah-kee-chee-wah-chee-pee
Dance (Crow) /PSAWACIPI/ psah-wah-chee-pee
Dance (Fox) /TOKALAWACIPI/ doh-kah-lah-wah-chee-pee
Dance (Ghost) /HOWIWACIPI/ hoh-wee-wah-chee-pee
Dance (night) /HAWACIPI/ hahn-wah-chee-pee
Dance (OMAHA) /OMAHAWACIPI/ oh-mah-hah-wah-chee-pee
Dance (Rabbit) /MASTICAWACIPI/ mah-shdee-chah-wah-chee-pee
Dance (Sacred) /WAKAWACIPI/ wah-kahn-wah-chee-pee
Dance (Sun) /WIWAYAKWACIPI/ wee-wahn-yahnk-wah-chee-pee
Dance (to) /WACIPI/ wah-chee-pee
Dance (young woman's) /WIYATAPIKAWACIPI/ wee-yah-dah-pee-kah-wah-chee-pee
Dance backwards /UZIHEKTAKTA WACICI/ uen-zee-hay-kdah-kdah wah-chee-chee
Dance /OWACI/ oh-wah-chee
Dandruff /NATACOKUHPUHPU/ nah-dah-choh-kue-ghpue-ghpue
Danger /OKOKIPE/ oh-koh-kee-pay
Dangle /ZE ZE YA/ zay zay yah
Dare /AOTOGNAKA/ ah-oh-doh-gnah-kah
Dark as night /O IYOKPAZA/ oh ee-yoh-kpah-zah
Darkness /OIYOKPA ZE/ oh-ee-yoh-kpah zay
Date (Time) /WIYAWAPI/ wee-yah-wah-pee
Daub /OTKABYA/ oh-dkahb-yah
Dawn /APO/ ahn-poh
Day break /ANPO KABLEZE/ an-poh kah-blay-zay
Day /APETU/ ahn-pay-due
Daylight /APA/ ahn-pah
Days (in those) /HE APETU KI/ hay ah-pay-due kee
Days (now living) /APETU KEYA WANA EL UKUPIKU/ ah-pay-due kay-yah wah-nah ayl uen-kuen-

Daytime /APA HA/ ahn-pah hahn
Dazzle /ISTIAIYOSHIJA/ ee-shdee-ah-ee-yoh-shnee-zjah
Dead /TE/ Day
Deaf /NUHCAN/ nue-ghchahn
Death /WICATE/ wee-chah-Day
Debase /YUSIHTI/ yue-shee-ghdee
Debility /WOSIHTI/ woh-shee-ghdee
Debt /WOIKAZO/ woh-ee-kah-zoh
Debts /OICAZO/ oh-ee-chah-zoh
Decades (several) /WIKCEMNA TONA/ wee-kchay-mnah doh-nah
Decay /KUKA/ kue-kah
Deceive /GNAYE/ gnah-yea
Deception /WOGNAYE/ woh-gnah-yea
Decide /IYUKCA/ ee-yue-kchahn
Declaration /WOYAKAPI/ woh-yah-kah-pee
Declare /YATAI/ yah-dahn-ee
Decoration /OWESLEKE/ oh-way-shlay-kay
Decoy /YUHEKICAH AU/ yue-ghay-kee-chahgh ah-ue
Decree /WASUYA/ wah-sue-yah
Deep Snow /WASMA / wah-shmah
Deep /MAHE TUYA/ mah-hay due-yah
Deer (Buck) /TABLOKA/ dah-bloh-kah
Deer /TAHCA/ dah-gchah
Deface /YUSEPA/ yue-Say-pah
Defame /ILEGA/ ee-lay-gah
Defect /ASIHTI/ ah-shee-ghdee
Defend self (speaking) /NAKIKSI/ nah-kee-kshee
Defend /NAICIJI/ nah-eech-ee-zjee
Defile /SAPA/ shah-pah
Deformed /OSTEKA/ oh-shday-kah
Delay /CAKAGIYA/ chahn-kah-gee-yah
Delegate /WAKICOZE/ wah-kee-chohn-zay
Deliberate /WAYUSLASLATA/ wah-yue-slah-slah-dah
Delicious /CO/ choh
Delirium /WOWACIGNUNI/ woh-wah-chee-gnue-nee
Deliver /KASPA/ kah-shpah
Deluge /KAOKICUYA/ kah-oh-keech-uh-yah
Demand /LA/ lah
Demolish /YUUKA/ yue-ue-kah
Den /OTI/ oh-dee
Dense /SMA/ shmah
Dent /SMAKA/ smah-kah
Dentist /WICAHIKAGE/ wee-chah-hee-kah-gay
Depart /GLUSNIYAYA/ glue-shnee-yahn-yahn
Depend on /WACIYA/ wah-chee-yahn
Depressed (to be) /ICALSIL/ ee-chahnl-sheel
Depth /SME YAKEL/ shmay yah-kayl
Descend /APAMAGLE/ ah-pah-mah-glay
Desert /MAKO SKANL/ mah-koh skahnl
Desiccated (to be dry) /SAKA/ sah-kah
Design /WOGLIGLEYE/ woh-glee-glay-yea
Desire /CI/ chee
Desist (stop suddenly)/WOTAKA/ woh-dah-kah
Desolate /WOSAKAYAKEL/ woh-sahn-kah-yah-kayl
Despair /CATIHAGICIYA/ chahn-dee-hahn-gee-chee-yah
Despising /WASIGLA/ wah-shee-glah
Dessert /WASKUYECA/ wah-skue-yea-chah
Destitute /OSIKE/ ohn-shee-kay
Destroy /IHA GYE/ ee-hahn gyea
Detain /AKSI JE/ ah-kshee zjay
Determine /KICUZA/ kee-chuen-zah
Detest /CISNIYAKEL/ chee-shnee-yahn-kayl
Devil /WAKA SICA/ wah-kahn shee-chah
Dew /CU/ chue
Diaphragm /TAPAGA/ dah-pah-gah
Die /TE/ Day
Different (to be)/ ICITOKECA/ ee-chee-doh-kay-chah
Different /TOKE CA/ doh-kay chah
Difficult /TEHI YA/ day-ghee yah
Difficulty /WO TEHI KE/ woh day-ghee kay
Dig with stick /WOPTA/ woh-pdah
Dig /OKE/ oh-kay
Dime /KASPA PI/ kah-shpah pee
Dine /OWOHE/ oh-woh-hay
Dinner /WI COKA HIYA YE/ wee choh-kahn hee-yah yea
Direction (in that)/ HECIYA/hay-chee-yah
Direction /KOTKI YA/ koh-dkee yah
Directly /KATIYEYA/ kah-dee-yea-yah
Dirt /MAKA/ mah-kah
Dirty /SAPE/ shah-pay
Disappear (gradually) /IYATAKUNI SNI/ ee-yah-dah-kue-nee shnee
Disappear /TOKA HO/ doh-kah ghohn
Disbelief /WACETUG LA/ wah-chay-dueng lah
Disciple /WA ONSPE WICAKI YE/ wah ohn-shpay wee-chah-kee yea
Discipline (to) /PA OWAZILAYEYA/ pah-ohwahnzsheelahyeayah
Disguised /IWAHTELA SNI/ ee-wah-ghday-lah shnee
Dish PAN /MASWICOPI / mahs-wee-chohn-pee
Dish /WAKSICA/ wah-kshee-chah
Dispute /AKINICE/ an-kee-mee-chay
Disrespectful /WA OHOLA SNI/ wah-oh-hoh-lah shnee
Distribute /WA KPA MNI/ wah kpah mnee
Division /OKAS PE/ oh-kahsh pay
Do /ECON/ ay-chohn
Dog /SUKA/ shue-kah
Doings /WAECO/ wah-ay-chohn
Dollar /MAZASKA WAJI/ mah-zah-shkah wah-zjee
Donkey /SUSULA/ shuen-shuen-lah
Door / TIYOPA/ dee - yoh - pah
Doubt /CET UGLA/ chayd uen-glah
Dove /WAKIYELA/ wah-kee-yea-lah
Down /KUTA/ kuedah
Downhearted (to be) /CATESICA/ chahn-day-shee-chah
Downward /A IYOHOPEYA/ ah ee-yoh-ghpay-yah
Draft /OKASNI/ oh-kah-shnee
Drafty (open) /OKASNIYA/ oh-kah-shnee-yahn
Dragonfly /SUSWECA/ sue-sway-chah
Drain /YUHE PE/ yue-ghay pay
Draw (coulee) /MNIKAOSKOKPA / mnee-kah-oh-shkoh-kpah
Drawer /YUSLUL ICUPI/ yue-sluel ee-chue-pee
Dream /IHA BLE/ ee-hahn blay
Drenched (to be) /ZUGZUKA/ zueg-zue-kah
Dress (woman) /CUWI GNAKE/ chue-wee gnah-kay
Dress /LA KICUN/ lah kee-chuen
Dried Meat /PAPA/ pah-pah
Drink /YATKE/ yah-dkay
Drive /KAHA PE/ kah-ghah pay
Drizzle (to) /MNIWOZA/ mnee-woh-zahn
Drop /YUSNA/ yue-shnah
Drown /MNITE/ mnee-Day
Drowsiness /HWA PI/ ghwah pee
Drum /CAN CEGA/ chahn-chay-ghah
Drumstick / ICABU/ ee - chah - bue
Drunk (alcoholic) /MNISA WICASA/ mnee-shah wee-chah-shah
Drunk /ITOMNI/ ee-doh-mnee
Drunkard /ITOMNI SYA/ ee-doh-mnee shyah
Dry things (to use up) /YUSOTA/ yue-soh-dah
Dry /PUZE/ pue-zjay
Duck /MAGA/ mah-ghah
Duckling /MAHCICA/ mah-ghchee-chah
Dull (doings) /TOKTU TANI SNI/ doh-kdue dah-nee shnee
Dull /PESNI/ pay-shnee
Dumb (deaf) /IYESNI / ee-yea-shnee
Dumb /WASLOLYE SNI/ wah-shohl-yea shnee
Dung /TATUKCE/ dah- duen-kchay
During /ECUHA/ ay-chuen-hahn
Dust /MAKAIZI TE/ mah-kah-ee-zjee day
Dusty /MAKO WOBLU/ mah-koh woh-blue
Dwelling /TIPI/ dee-pee
Dye /LULYE/ luel-yea
Dynamite /WANAPOB YE/ wah-nah-pohb yea

Each /IYOHI LA/ ee-yoh-hee lah
Eagle bone whistle /WAYAJOPI/ wah-yah-zjoe-pee
Eagle /WABLI/ wahn-blee
Ear /NUGE/ nue-ghay
Earlier /APEHA/ ahn-pay-hah
Early(am)/HIHANNI HCI/hee-hahn-nee ghchee
Early /ECANI/ ay-chah-nee
Earn (to) /KAMNA/ kah-mnah
Earnings /WOKAMNA/ woh-kah-mnah
Earring /OWI/ oh-wee
Earth /MAKOCE/ mah-koh-chay
Earthworm /WAGLULA/ wah-Glue-lah
Easily alarmed /WACIHAHALA / wah-chee-hah-hah-lah
East /WIYOHIYA PATA/ wee-yoh-ee-yahn pah-dah
Easy /IWASTE GLA/ ee-wah-shday glah
Eat /WOTE/ woh-Day
Edge (along the outside bottom) /HUTA AGLAGLA/ hue-dah ah-glah-glah
Edge /AGLA LA/ ah-glah-lah
Educate (to) /WAYAWAYA/ wah-yah-wah-yah
Education (a good) /WO USPE WAKATUYA/ woh uen-spay wahn-kah-duh-yah
Education (to have) /WAUSPE/ wah-uen-spay
Education /WOUSPE/ woh-uen-spay
Eggs /WITKA/ wee-dkah
Eighteen /WIKCEMNA AKESAGLOGA/ wee-kchay-mnah ah-kay-shahn-gloh-gahn
Eighty /WIKCEMNA SAGLOGA/ wee-kchay-mnah shahn-gloh-gahn
Either /UMA/ ue-mah
Elastic /ZIGZIGCA/ zjeeg-zjeeg-chah
Elbow /ISPA/ ee-shpah
Elderly /WANIYETU OTA/ wah-nee-yea-due oh-dah
Elect /KAHNI GE/ kah-ghnee ghay
Electricity /WAKAGLE/ wah-khahn-glay
Eleven /WIKCEMNA AKEWAZI/ wee-kchay-mnah ah-kay-wahn-zjee
Elm /P ECA/ p-ay-chahn
Else where /ALE HUG/ ah-lay hueng
Elude /KIPASIYAYA/ kee-pah-shee-yah-yah
Embarrass /ISTELYA/ ee-shdayl-yah
Employ /WOWASI/ woh-wah-shee
Enable /OKIHI/ oh-kee-hee
Encircle /HOCOKATOYA/ hoh-choh-kah-dohn-yahn
Encourage self by sing (chanting) /YAWAKAL EYAYA/ yah-wahn-kahl ay-yah-yah
Encourage /IYOPA STAKE/ ee-yoh-pah shdah-kay
End /IHAKE/ ee-hahn-kay
Energetic (to become) /BLIHIC IYE/ blee-hee-ch ee-yea
Enough /IYENA/ ee-yea-nah
Entire /IYUHA/ ee-yue-hah
Entirely /ATAYA KEL/ ah-dah-yah kayl
Envy /INAWIZI/ ee-nah-wee-zjee
Equal /AKI LECEL/ ah-kee lay-chayl
Equally /AKI LECEL YA/ ah-kee lay-chayl yah
Erase /PAJUJU/ pah-zjue-zjue
Erect /WOSLOL/ woh-shlohl
Err (to) /GLUSNA/ glue-shnah
Escape /NAPE/ nah-pay
Esophagus /WINAPCE/ wee-nahp-chay
Esteem /TEHILA/ Day - ghee - lahn
Eternal/OIHAKE WANIL/oh-ee-hahn-kay wah-neel
Evade /KIPASIYAYA/ kee-PA-shee-yah-yah
Even /AKI LEHA YA/ ahkee lay-hahn yah
Evening /HTA YETU/ ghdah yea-due
Every /IYOHI LA/ ee-yoh-hee lah
Everybody /TANIYOHI LA/ dah-nee-yoh-hee lah
Everywhere /AYABEYA/ ah-yah-bay-yah
Evidently /TOKE YELAKA/ doh-khay yea-lah-kah
Evil /SICA/ shee-chah
Exactly in the same manner /IYECEHCI/ ee-yea-chay-ghchee
Exactly so /ECEHCI / ay-chay-ghchee
Exactly /IYECE CA/ ee-yea-chay chah
Examine /ABLEZE/ ah-blay-zay
Example /LECETUSYE/ lay-chay-due-shyea
Exceedingly /IYOTA/ ee-yoh-dahn
Exchange (trade) /TAKU KICIC U/ dah-kue kee-cheech ue
Exhausted /WATUKA/ wah-due-kah
Exist (to) /OPI IC IYE/ oh-pee eech ee-yea
Expensive /OTEHIKA/ oh-Day-ghee-kah
Experience /WAYUPI KE/ wah-yue-pee kay
Expert /LILA WOPIKE/ lee-lah woh-pee-kay
Explain /ABLES WICAYE/ ah-blaysh wee-chah-yea
Extinguish /YUSNI/ yue-shnee
Extraordinarily /WAKA YAKEL/ wah-kahn yahn-kayl
Extremely /IYUGEYA/ ee-yue-gh-hay-yah
Eye /ISTA/ ee-shdah
Eyebrow /ISTAHE/ ee-shdah-gh-hay
Eyelashes /ISTIMAHAPI/ ee-shdee-mah-hahn-pee

Face /ITE/ ee-Day
Fact (that is the) /HE HECETU/ hay hay-chay-due
Fact (an accepted) /WOABLEZE/ woh-ah-blay-zay
Faith /WOWICALA/ woh-wee-chah-lah
Faithful /WACIYE PICA/ wah-chee-yea pee-chah
Fall (autumn) /PTA YETU/ pdahn yea-due
Fall /HIHPA YE/ hee-gh-pah yea
Falsehood /WOWICAKE SNI/ woh-wee-chah-kay shnee
Family /TIWAHE/ dee-wah-hay
Famine /WICAKI HA/ wee-chah-kee ghahn
Fan (to) /KALU/ kah-lue
Fan /ICALU/ ee-chah-lue
Far /TEHAL/ Day-hahnl
Farm /WOJU OTI/ woh-zjue oh-dee
Farming /WOJUPI/ woh-zjue-pee
Farther /AKO WAPA/ ah-koh wah-pah
Fast /OHA KO/ oh-ghahn koh
Fasten /IPASISYE/ ee-pah-shee-shyea
Fasting /AKI HA ICIYAPI/ ah-kee ghahn ee-chee-yah-pee
Fat /CEPE/ chay-pay
Father /ATE/ ah-Day
Fatty /WASI/ wah-shee
Fatty /WASISI KE/ wah-shee-shee kay
Fawn /TACICALA/ dah-chee-chah-lah
Fear /KOKI PE/ koh-kee pay
Fearlessly /CATE TIZE/ chahn-day dee-zjhay
Feather /WIYAKA/ wee-yah-kah
Feed(to) /WAKALYAPI K U/ wah-kahl-yah-pee k ue
Feed /WOQU/ woh-que
Fellowship (a) /OKOLAKICIYE / oh-koh-lah-kee-chee-yea
Female /WIYA/ wee-yahn
Female /WIYELA/ wee-yea-lah
Femur Head /CETUTOSTA / chay-duen-doh-shdahn
Femur /CECAHOHU/ chay-chah-hoh-hue
Fence /CUKAS KE/ chuen-kah shkay
Few (very) /HUHSNAHA / huen-gh-shnah-hahn
Few /CONA LA/ choh-nah lah
Fib (lie) /OWE WAKAKA/ oh-way wah-kahn-kahn
Field /BLAYE/ blah-yea
Fieldglasses /MOS IWAYAKE/ mohsh ee-wahn-yahn-kay
Fifteen /WIKCEMNA AKEZAPTA/ wee-kchay-mnah ah-kay-zah-pdahn
Fifty /WIKCEMNA ZAPTA/ wee-kchay-mnah zah-pdahn
Fig tree /TAMNIOHPI CA/ dah-mnee-oh-gh-pee chahn
Fight (to) /KICIZAPI/ kee-chee-zah-pee
Fight /KIZE/ kee-zjay
Fill self /WIPI IC IYA/ wee-pee eech ee-yah
Fill /OJUYE/ oh-zjue-yea
Finally /HAKEYAS/ hahn-kay-yahsh
Finch /WABLITAHEYA/ wahn-blee-dah-hay-yah
Find /IYEYE/ ee-yea-yea
finger /NAPSU/ nah-pshue
Fingernail /SAKE/ shah-kay
Finished /IYUHPA/ ee-yue-ghpah
Fire /PETA/ pay-dah
Firefly /UZEBLIKBLIK/ uen-zay-bleek-bleek
Firmly /SUTAYA/ sue-dah-yah
First /TOKAHE/ doh-kah-hay
Firstly /TOKAHEYA/ doh-kah-hay-yah
Fish /HOGA/ hoh-ghahn
Fishing /HOKUWA/ hoh-kue-wah
Fit /IKIPI/ ee-kee-pee
Five /ZAPTA/ zah-pdahn
Flag /WOWAPI/ woh-wah-pee
Flat /BLASKA/ blah-shkahn
Flatten /KA BLASKA/ kah blah-shkahn
Flea /HALA/ hah-lah
Flee /IYAYKI YE/ ee-yah-ykee yea
Flesh /CEHPI HA/ chay-gh-pee hah
Flicker /SULUTA/ shuen-lue-dah
Flint /WAHI/ WA-hee
Flirt /WAKIYA/ wah-kee-yah
Float /OKA GE/ oh-kah-ghay
Flock /OPTA YE/ oh-pdah-yea
Floor /CA OWIJA/ chahn oh-wee-zjah
Flour /AGUYAPI BLU/ ah-ghue-yah-pee blue
Flow /KALU ZE/ kah-lue-zay
Flower /WAHCA/ wah-gh-chah
Flu /KATA WOYAZA/ kah-dah woh-yah-zjahn
Fly (Insect) /TEHMUGA / Day-ghmue-gh-ah
Fly /KIYA/ kee-yahn
Flycatcher /ZITKAZILA CIKALA/ zee-dkah-zee-lah chee-kah-lah
Fog /PO/ p-oh
Fold /PEHO/ pay-hohn
Follow /IHAKOB/ ee-hah-kohb
Fond /WASTELA KE/ wah-shday-lah kay
Food /WOYUTE/ woh-yue-Day
Fool /GNAYE/ gnah-yea
Foolishly /WITKOTKOYA/ wee-dkoh-dkoh-yah
Foot /SI/ shee
For /KICI/ kee-chee
Forbid /IYOKISNI/ ee-yoh-kee-shnee
Forehead /ITUHU/ ee-duen-hue
Forest opening /TITOSKA/ dee-doh-skah
Forest /CUSOKE/ chuen-shoh-kay
Forever /OIHA KE WANIL/ oh-ee-hahn kay wah-neel
Forget (to) /EKTU JE/ ay-kduen-zjay
Forget things (to) /WA EKTUZA/ wah-ay-kduen-zah
Forgetfull /EKTU JE SYA/ ay-duen-zjay-shyah
Forgive /AKICI KTO JE/ ah-kee-chee-kdohn-zjay
Fork /WICAPE/ wee-chah-pay
Forked /OKIJA TE/ oh-kee-zjah day
Formerly /EHANI/ ay-hahn-nee
Forth /TAHENA/ dah-hay-nah
Fortune /WAPIKE/ wah-pee-kay
Forty /WIKCEMNA TOPA/ wee-kchay-mnah doh-pah
Forwarn /WIWAHOYA/ wee-wah-hoh-yah
Fountain /MNINASLI/ mnee-nah-shlee
Four winds /TATE UYETOPA/ dah-day uh-yea-doe-pah
Four /TOPA/ doh-pah
Fourteen /WIKCEMNA AKETOPA/ week-chay-mnah ah-kay-doh-pah
Fourth /ITOPA/ ee-doh-pah
Fox tribe /BESDEKI / pay-sday-kee
Fox /TOKALA/ dohkhahnlah
Fox /SUGILA/ shuen-gee-lah
Fracture /KAHLEHLEL/ kah-ghlay-ghlayl
Frankly /TANIYA/ dah-nee-yahn
Free (to) /YUSKA AYUSTA/ yue-shkah ah-yue-sdahn
Free /ISICOLA/ ee-shee-choh-lah
Freely /OKABLAYA/ oh-kah-blah-yah
Freeze /TASOGYE/ dah-shoh-gyea
Frequently /IJEHA/ ee-zjhay-hahn
Friday /APETU ZAPTA/ ah-pay-due zah-pdahn
From my point of view /MIYE IWABLAKE KI EKTA/ mee-yea ee-wahn-blah-kay kee ay-kdah
From on high /WAKATAHA/ wahn-kah-dahn-hahn
From someplace /TOKIYATAHA / doh-kee-yah-dahn-hahn
From Somewhere /TOKALTAHA / doh-kahnl-dahn-hahn
From there /HETA/ Hay-dahn
From this amount /LECEGLA CAS U/ lay-chay-glah-chah-sh-uen
From within /MAHETAHA / mah-Hay-dahn-hahn
From without /TAKATAHA / dahn-kah-dahn-hahn
From /ETAHA/ ay-dahn-hahn
Frost /HEYUKA/ gh-ay-yuen-kah
Fruit /WASKUYECA/ wah-shkue-yea-chah
Fry /CHEYUPA/ chay-yuen-pah
Frying PAN /WICEUPE / wee-chay-uen-pay
Fulfill /IYOPTEYA/ ee-yoh-pday-yah
Full-Blood /OZULA / oh-zjue-lah
Full /OJU LA/ oh-zjue lah
Function (to) /IYAKA/ ee-yahn-kah
Fur /Hi/ hee
Furious /OHITIKA/ oh-hee-dee-kah
Furnace /OCETI/ oh-chay-dee
Furrow /PABLU/ pah-Blue
Further /AKOWAPA/ ah-koh-wah-pah
Future (in the) /TOKATA/ doh-kah-dah
Future (sometime in the) /WATOHAL/ wah-doh-hahnl
Fuzzy /HISMALA/ hee-shmah-lah

Gail /PI/ pee
Gallop /IKATO NAU KE/ ee-kah-doh-nah-huen-kay
Gallop /ICATO NAU KE/ ee-chah-doh-nah-uen-kay
Game bird /SIYO / shee-yoh
Game /SKATA PI/ shkah-dah-pee
Garden /OWOJU/ oh-woh-zjue
Garment /MNIHUHA/ mnee-hue-hah
Garter /HOCASYE/ hohn-chah-shyea
Gas station /WIGLI OINAZI/ wee-glee oh-ee-nah-zjee
Gasp /GEPE/ ghay-pay
Gate /TIYOPA/ dee-yoh-pah
Gather /WITAYA/ wee-dah-yah
Gazelle /NIGESALA/ nee-gay-sahn-lah
General /A TA KEL/ ah-dah-kayl
Generation /WICO ICAGE/ wee-choh ee-chah-gh-hay
Generous /TAWACI WASTE/ dah-wah-chee wah-shday
Gentle /WAWATE CA/ wah-wah-day chah
Gently and quietly /AHWAYELA/ ah-ghwah-yea-lah
Get Ready /IGLUWIYEYA/ ee-Glue-wee-yea-yah
Get Up /KIKTA/ kee-kdah
Get Well/AKISNI/ ah-kee-shnee
Get /ICU/ ee-chue
Ghost /WANA GI/ wah-nah gee
Give back /KICHU/ kee-chuen
Give me /MAK U/ mahk-ue
Give up hope (to) /WACIYEYE/ wah-chee-yea-yea
Give up /AYUSTA / ah-yuen-shdahn
Give /ku/ k-uh
Glad /WIYUSKI IYOKIPI/ wee-yue-shkee ee-yoh-kee-pee
Gladly /CATE WASTE YA/ chahn-day wah-shday yah
Gland (throat) /TAWAPSUKAHA / dah-wah-pshuen-kah-hahn
Glass /JAJA LA/ zjahn-zjahn lah
Glitter /UYAKPAKPA/ ue-yah-kpah-kpah
Glory /WOWITA/ woh-wee-dahn
Glove /NAB IKPA/ nahb eek-pah
Gloves /NAPIKPA/ nah-pee-kpah
Glue /WIYASKOP YE/ wee-yah-shkohp yea
Go (to bed) /IYUKA/ ee-yuen-kahn
Go (to school) /WAYAWA/ wah-yahn-wah
Go back /EKTA GNI/ ay-kdah gnee
Go elsewhere /TOKHEL IYAYA/ doh-khayl ee-yah-yah
Go /IYAYA/ ee-yah-yah
Go /YAYE/ yah-yea
Goat /TATO KALA/ dahn-dohn kah-lah
God /TUNKASILA/ duen-kah-shee-lah
God /WAKATANKA/ wahn-kahn-dahn-kah
Gold Finch /WABLITAHEYA / wahn-blee-dah-Hay-yah
Gold /MAZASKA ZI/ mah-zah-ska zjee
Good (very) /LILA WASTE/ lee-lah-wah-shday
Good deed /WICOH A/ wee-cho-gh ahn
Good weather /OWASTECAKA / oh-wah-shday-chah-kah
Good /WASTE/ wah-shday
Goodness /WICOWASTE/ wee-choh-wah-shday
Goose /MAGASAPA/ mah-ghah - sah - pah
Gopher /ITIGNILA/ ee-dee-gnee-lah
Gospel /WOTANI WASTE/ woh-dah-nee-wah-shday
Gourd /WAGMU HA/ wah-gmue-hah
Government /TUNKASILAYAPI/ duen-kah-shee-lah-yah-pee
Grab hold of (to) /YUS IYAKE/ yues ee-yahn-kay
Grackle /CAWAHPA TAKA/ cahn-wah-ghpah dahn-kah
Grandchild (I have for) /TAKOJAWAYA/ dah-koh-zjah-wah-yah
Grandchild (my) /MITAKOJA KI/ mee-dah-koh-zjah-kee
Grandchild (your) /NITAKOJA KI/ nee-dah-koh-zjah-kee
Grandchild (his/her) /TAKOJAKPAKU KI/ dah-koh-zjah-kpah-kue-kee
Grandchild /TAKOJA/ dah-koh-zjah
Grandchildren (our) /UKITAKOJAKPAKU PI/ uen-kee-dah-koh-zjah-kpah-kue-pee
Grandfather (I have for) /TUNKASILAWAYA/ duen-kah-shee-lah-wah-yah
Grandfather (his/her) /TUNKASITKU KI/ duen-kah-shee-dkue-kee
Grandfather (my) /MITUNKASILA/ mee-duen-kah-shee-lah-kee
Grandfather (your) /NITUNKASILA/ nee-duen-kah-shee-lah
Grandfather /LALA/ lahlah
Grandfather /TUNKASILA/ duen-kah-shee-lah
Grandmother (I have for) /UCIYAWA/ uen-chee-yah-wah
Grandmother (his/her) /KUSITKU KI/ kuen-shee-dkue-kee
Grandmother (my) /UCIWAYEKI / uen-chee-wah-yea-kee
Grandmother (your) /NIKUSIKI/ nee-kuen-shee-kee
Grandmother /UCI/ uhn-chee
Grandmother /KUSI/ kuen-shee
Grape /CUWIYAPEHE/ chuhn-wee-yah-pay-hay
Grass /PEJI/ pay-zjee
Grasshopper /GNUGNUSKA/ gnue-gnue-shkah
Gratify /PILAYA/ pee-lahn-yah
Grave /WICAHAPI/ wee-chah-ghah pee
Gravel /IHE/ ee-ghay
Gray /HOTA/ ghoh-dah
Grayhound /PESTO/ pay-shdoh
Grease /SLAYE/ shlah - yea
Greasy /SLA/ shlah
Great /TANKA/ dahn-kah
Greater /ISOM TAKA/ ee-shohm dahn-kah
Grind /YUKPA/ yue-kpahn
Grindstone /IGAGA/ ee-ghahn-ghah
Grizzly Bear /MATOHOTA / mah-doh- ghoh - dah
Groin /CANA/ chah-nah
Groping /YUTATA/ yue-dah-dah
Ground squirrel /TASNAHECA / dah-shnah-Hay-chah
Ground /MAKA/ mah-kah
Grouse /CASIYO/ chahn-shee-yoh
Grow up /ICAGA / ee-chah-ghah
Grow /ICAGE/ ee-chah-ghay
Growl /HLO/ ghloh
Guess /ITO/ ee-doh
Guide /TUWE YA/ duen-way-yea
Gulch /OSMAKA/ ohsh-mah-kah
Gull /WICATAKALA/ wee-chah-dahn-kah-lah
Gullet /GLOGLESKA/ gloh-glay-skah
Gully /OSMAKA/ ohs-mah-kah
Gum /CANSI/ chahn-shee
Gun /MAZAWAKA/ mahzah-wah-kahn
Gurgle /WOBLU BLU/ woh-blue-blue
Guts /SUPE/ shue-pay

Hailstone /WASU/ wah-shue
Hair /Hi/ hee
Hairpipe breastplate /WAWOSLATA WANAP I/ wah-woh-slah-dah wah-nah-p ee
Hairy /HINSMI/ hee-shmee
Half /OKISYE/ oh-kee-shyea
Hallowed /WAKA LA/ wah-kahn lah
Hammer /MOSIYA PA/ moh-shee-yah pah
Hand /Nape/ nah-pay
Handkerchief /PAHLI IPAKI TE/ pah-ghlee ee-pah-kee day
Handle /O OYUSPE/ oh oh-yue-shpay
Handsome /HOPE CE/ ghoh-pay chay
Hang back (to) /LAZATA OPIC IYA/ lah-zah-dah oh-peech ee-yah
Hang /OTKE/ oh-dkay
Hangover /IWAYAZO/ ee-wah-yah-zohn
Happen /AKIPA/ ah-kee-pah
Happiness /WOCANTE WASTE/ woh-chahn-day wah-shday
Happy (to make) /IYOKIPIYA/ ee-yoh-kee-pee-yah
Happy /IYUSKI/ ee-yue-shkee
Harass /CATE IHOGYE/ chahn-day ee-hohn-g-yea
Hard /SUTA/ sue-dah
Hardware store /MAZA TIPI/ mah-zah dee-pee
Harness /ICI/ ee-chee
Haste /INAHNI/ ee-nah-ghnee
Hat /WAPOSTA/ wah-poh-shdahn
Hate /OYUSI KE/ oh-yue-shee-kay
Haul /TOKSU/ doh-kshue
Have (a baby) /HOKSIYUHA/ hoh-kshee-yue-hah
Have (as one's own) /GLUHA/ glue-hahn
Have to /HECHA/ hay-chah
Have /YUHA/ yue-hah
Having do this /HECU PI S E/ hay-chuen pee s ay
Hawk /CETA/ chay-dahn
Hay /PEJI NAKSIYA PI/ pay-zjee nah-kshee-yah pee
Haystack /PEJI PAHA/ pay-zjee pah-hah
HE /IYE/ eeyea
He /IS/ eesh
Head (back of) /NAJU/ nah-zjue
Head (curly) /NATAGUGU/ nah-dahn-gue-gue
Head (Square) /NATABLECA/ nah-dahn-blay-chah
Head (top of) /PESLETE/ pays-lay-day
Head bowed in shame /PAMAGLE/ pah-mah-glay
Head covered /PAMAHEL/ pah-mah-hayl
Head of a animal /PA/ pah
Head /NATA/ nah-dahn
Headdress /WACIHI/ wah-chee-hee
Healed /AKISNI/ ah-kee-shnee
Healthy /ZANI YA/ zah-nee yahn
Hear /NAHO/ nah-ghohn
Hearabout /LECIYOTA/ lay-chee-yoh-dahn
Heart /CANTE/ chahn-Day
Heaven /MAHPIYA/ mah-ghpee-yah
Heavy /TKE/ dkay
Heed (to) /AKTA/ ah-kdah
Heifer /PTEMAKICIMA/ pday-mah-kee-chee-mah
Hello /HAU/ hah-ue
Help each other (to) /OKICIYA/ oh-kee-chee-yah
Help /OKIYE/ oh-kee-yea
Helpless /OSIKE/ ohn-shee-kay
Hen /KOKOYAH ALA/ koh-kohn-yahgh ahn-lah
Henceforth /ETA HA/ ay-dahn hahn
Her Lover /TAWICASA/ dah-wee-chah-shah
Her /IYE/ eeyea
Her /IS/ ee-sh
Herb /WAHUTKA/ wah-hue-dkahn
Here /LEL/ layl
Heron (bird) /HOKA/ hoh-kahn
Heron (Blue) /HOKATO/ hoh-kah-doh
Heron (White) /HASKA/ hahn-skah
Hers /TAWA/ dah-wah
Hi /HAU/ hah-ue
Hide (to) /INAHME/ ee-nah-ghmay
High /WAKATU YA/ wahn-kahn-due yah
Hill /PAHA/ pah-hah
Him /IYE/ ee-yea
Him /IS/ ee-sh
Hire /WOWASI ICU/ woh-wah-shee ee-chue
Hired hand /WOILA KE/ woh-ee-lah kay
His /TAWA/ dah-wah
Hit /APE/ ah-pay
Hog /KUKUSE/ kue-kuen-shay
Hold /OYUSPE/ oh-yue-shpay
Holding each other /KICIYUS/ kee-chee-yues
Hollow /OHLO GECA/ oh-ghloh ghay-chah
Holy Bible /WOWAPI WAKA/ woh-wah-pee wah-kahn
Holy Spirit /WONIYA WAKA/ woh-nee-yah wah-kahn
Holy communion /YUTAPI WAKA/ yue-dah-pee wah-kahn
Holy /WAKA/ wah-kahn
Home (at) /TIYATANI/ dee-yah-dah-nee
Homeward /TIYATAKIYA/ dee-yah-dah-kee-yah
Honest /OWOTA LA/ oh-woh-dahn lah
Honor (an) /WOYU ONIHAYA/ woh-yue oh-nee-hahn-yahn
Honor /YUONIHA/ yue-oh-nee-hahn
Hoop /CAGLE SKA/ chahn-glay shkay
Hoot /HOTO/ hoh-dohn
Hope /WAKTA/ wah-kdah
Hope /WOAPE/ woh-ah-pay
Horn (music) /SIYO TANKA/ shee-yoh dahn-kah
Horn /PTEHE/ pday-Hay
Horned headgear /PTEHE WAPAHA/ pday-hay wah-pah-hah
Hornet /WICAYAPAZIPA/ wee-chahn-yah-pah-zjee-pah
Horrible /TAHIYA/ Day-ghee-yah
Horse / SUKAWAKA/ shuen - kah - wah - kahn
Horseback (on) /SUK AKAYAG/ shuen-k-ah-kahn-yahng
Hospital /OKUZE TIPI/ oh-kuen-zay dee-pee
Hostile /TOKA/ doh-kah
Hot /KATA/ kah-dah
Hour /OWAPE/ oh-wah-pay
House /TIPI/ dee-pee
How in the world? /TOKESKE/ doh-kay-shkay
How Many /TONA/ doh-nah
How /TOKEL/ doh-kayl
However /TOKEHCI/ doh-kay-ghchee
Howl /HO/ hohn
Humanely /WICASAYA/ wee-chah-shah-yah
Humble /IGLU HUKUL/ ee-glue hue-kuel
Humility /OSIHAPI/ ohn-shee-ghahn-pee
Hummingbird /TANAGILA/ dahn-ah-gee-lah
Hundred /OPAWIGE/ oh-pah-wee-ghay
Hungry /LOCI/ loh-chee
Hunt /WANASA PI/ wah-nah-sa pee
Hunt /OLEPI/ oh-lay-pee
Hurry /INAHNI/ ee-nah-ghnee
Hurt /OYAZOYE/ oh-yah-zohn-yea
Hurt /YAZO/ yah-zohn
Husband /HIGNAKU/ hee-gnah-kue
Hymn /OLOWA/ oh-loh-wahn

I am the one /MIYE HCA/ mee-yea ghchah
I am /HEMACA/ Hay-mahn-chah
I too /MIS EYA/ meesh ay-yah
Ice /CAGA/ chah-ghah
Indeed thank you /ICUWISKAYAS/ ee-chuen-wee-shkah-yahsh
Indeed /HU HI/ hue-hee
Index finger /EPAZO/ ay-pah-zoh
Indoor (inside) /TIMA HEL/ dee-mah hayl
Indulge (to) /OLAB IC IYA/ oh-lahb eech ee-yah
Industrious /BLIHECA KE/ blee-hay-chah kay
Ink /MNI SAPA/ mnee shah-pah
Inquire /WIYUGE/ wee-yuen-ghee
Insect /WABLUSKA/ wah-Blue-shkah
Inside It /ITIMAHETAHA/ ee-dee-mah-Hay-dahn-hahn
Inspector /WABLEZA/ wah-blay-zah
Instead /ECALES/ ay-chahn-laysh
Instruct (to) /WAHOKONKI YE/ wah-hoh-kohn-kee yea
Instruction /WAHOKOKIYAPI/ wah-hoh-kohn-kee-yah-pee
Instrument /WAYAJOPI/ wah-yah-zjoh-pee
Intelligent /KSAPE/ kshah-pay
Intend /KTATKA/ kdah-dkah
Interpret /YUIYESKA/ yue-ee-yea-shkah
Interpreter /IYESKA/ ee-yea-shkah
Identical /WAJILA/ wahn-zjee-lah
Idle /TAKUNI ECO SNI/ dah-kue-nee ay-chohn shnee
Idle /WASOS ICI YE/ wah-sohs ee-chee yea
If /EHATAS/ ay-hahn-dahsh
If /KIHA/ kee-hahn
Ignore (to) /EL ETUWA SNI/ ayl ay-duen-wahn shnee
Immature /WAKAYEJA PI/ wah-kah-yea-zjah pee
Immediately /WACAGNIS/ wahn-chahg-neesh
Important (to be) /WAKAL U/ wahn-kahl uen
Impossible /ECON PICA SNI/ ay-chohn pee-chah shnee
Imprison /KASKA PI/ kah-shkah pee
In back /LAZATA/ lah-zah-dah
In-law /ONCISI/ ohn-chee-shee
In /MAHEL/ mah-hayl
In /EL/ ayl
Incense /WAZIL YAPI/ wah-zeel yah-pee
Included /KO/ kohn
Incorrectly (do) /YAECETU/ yah-ay-chay-due
Increase /YUOTA/ yue-oh-dah
Indeed, thank you /ICUWISKAYAS/ ee-chuen-wee-shkah-yahsh
Indeed /HU HI/ hue-hee
Index finger /EPAZO/ ay-pah-zoh
Indoor (inside) /TIMA HEL/ dee-mah hayl
Indulge (to) /OLAB IC IYA/ oh-lahb eech ee-yah
Industrious /BLIHECA KE/ blee-hay-chah kay
Ink /MNI SAPA/ mnee shah-pah
Intestine /SUPE/ sue-pay
Intestines /IYUHITA/ ee-yue-hee-dah
Into /EGNA/ ay-gnah
Intoxicated /ITOMNI/ ee-doh-mnee
Intoxicated /NASLI/ nah-shlee
Intoxicated /NAHOMNI/ nah-oh-mnee
Invite /KICO/ kee-choh
Iowa tribe /IYOWA / ee-yoh-wah
Iron /MAZA/ mah-zah
Island /WITA/ wee-dah
It would be better if /IYES WASTE TKHA/ ee-yeash wah-shday dkhah
It /IS/ eesh
It /YE/ ee-yea

Jackal /MAYASLE/ mah-yah-shlay
Jackrabbit /MASTISKA/ mah-shdee-skah
Jail /OWICAKASKE/ oh-wee-chah-kah-shkay
Jar (stone) /IYA CEGA/ ee-yahn chay-ghah
Jar /JA JA/ zjahn zjahn
Jaw /CEHUPA/ chay-huen-pah
Jawjoint /CEHUPAOAGLE/ chay-hue-pah-oh-ah-glay
Jay /ZITKATOGLEGLEGA/ zee-dkah-doh-glay-glay-gah
Jealous /NAWIZI/ nah-wee-zee
Jerkey /WAKABLAPI/ wah-kahn-blah-pee
Job /WOWASI/ woh-wah-shee
Join together in a cause (to) /KICICIC IYA/ kee-chee-chee-ch ee-yah
Joint /OKIHE/ oh-kee-Hay
Joke /GNAYE/ ghahyea
Joke /OWEWAKAKA/ oh-way-wah-kahn-kahn
Journey /ICIMANI/ ee-chee-mah-nee
Joy /WOWIYUSKI/ woh-wee-yue-shkee
Joyfully /CATE WASTE YA/ chahn-day wah-shday yah
Judge /WAYASU/ wah-yah-sue
Judgement /WICAYASUPI/ wee-chah-yah-sue-pee
Jump down /OIYAHA / oh-ee-yah-hahn
Jump /PSICE/ P-see-chay
June berry /WIPAZUTKA/ wee-pah-zuen-dkah
Junior /HAKAKTA/ hah-kah-kdah
Juniper /Hate/ ghahn-Day
Just About /LECEYA / lay-chay-yah
Just as /KAKEL/ kah-kayl
Just /OWOTAL/ oh-woh-dahn-lah

Kansas tribe /KOZE/ kohn-zay
Kaws tribe /KOZE/ kohn-zay
Keep (in place) /GNAKE/ gnah-kay
Keep /YUHA/ yue-hah
Kettle /CEGA/ chay-ghah
Key /IYUSLOKE/ ee-yue-shloh-kay
Kick /NAHTAKA/ nah-ghdah-kah
Kidnap /MANU PI/ mah-nue pee
Kidney /AZUTKA/ ah-zjuen-dkah
Kill /KTE/ kday
Killdeer /PEHICICILA/ pay-hee-chee-chee-lah
Killing /WAKTE/ wah-kday
Kind (to be) /WAOSILA/ wah-ohn-shee-lah
Kind /OCAJE/ oh-chah-zjay
Kindle /PETAILE YE/ pay-dah-ee-lay yea
Kindness /WAONSILA/ wah-ohn-shee-lah
King /WICASAYATA PI/ wee-chah-shah-yah-dah pee
Kingbird /WASNASNAHECA/ wah-snah-snah-Hay-chah
Kingdom /WOKICONZE/ woh-kee-chohn-zay
Kingfisher /HOYAZELA CIKALA/ hoh-yah-zay-lah chee-kah-lah
Kiowa tribe /WETA PAHATU/ way-dah pah-hah-due
Kiss /IPUTAKE/ ee-pue-dah-kay
Knee (back of) /HUOKAHMI/ hue-oh-kah-ghmee
Knee /CAKPE/ chahn-kpay
Knife (kitchen) /MIYUTAPAPI/ mee-yue-dah-pah-pee
Knife /MILA/ mee-lah
Knock /KATOTO/ kah-doh-doh
Knockdown (to) /KAZUZU/ kah-zjue-zjue
Know /SLOLYE/ slohl-yea
Knowledge (to have) /WA USPE/ wah uen-spay
Knowledge /WO USPE/ woh uen-spay
Knuckle /NASUKAZA/ nah-suh-kah-zah
Kwapa tribe /PESA/ pay-shah

Labor /WOWASI/ woh-wah-shee
Lack /NICE/ neechay
Lacking (be) /A OKPANI/ ah-oh-kpah-nee
Lacrosse /CASKOPA/ chahn-shkoh-pah
Ladder /CA O IYALI/ chahn oh ee-yah-lee
Lake /BLE/ blay
Lakhota Language /LAKOTUYAPI/ lah-koh-due-yah-pee
Lamp /PETI JA JA YE/ pay-dee zjahn zjahn yea
Lance (Cut) /PASLECE/ pah-slay-chay
Lance /WAPAHA/ wah-pah-hah
Land /MAKOCE/ mah-koh-chay
Language /IYAPI/ ee-yah-pee
Lap /SIYUTE/ shee-yuen-Day
Large ones /TAKIKIYA/ dahn-kee-kee-yahn
Large /TANKA/ dahn-kah
Lark /ISTANICA TAKA/ ee-shdahn-ee-chah dahn-kah
Last night /HAHEPI/ hahn-Hay-pee
Last /EHAKE LA/ ay-hah-kay lah
Late /TEHA/ Day-hahn
Lately /LECALA KEL/ lay-chah-lah kayl
Later (see/talk to you) /TOKSA/ doh-k-shah
Later on /TOKATA/ doh-kah-dah
Later today /EKTAWAPAYA KI/ ay-kdahn-wah-pah-yah kee
Laugh /EHATE/ ay-hah-Day
Law /WOOPE/ woh-oh-pay
Lawful /WOOPE OGNA/ woh-oh-pay oh-gnah
Lay /IYUNKE/ eeyuenkay
Lazy /OCIHI SNI/ ohncheehee-shnee
Lead (Bullet) /SUTO/ sue-doh
Lead /AYE/ ah-yea
Leader of the people /OYATE WAKASKEYUZE/ oh-yah-day wah-kah-shkay-yuh-zay
Leader /WAKICUZA/ wah-kee-chuen-zah
Leaf /CAN WAPE/ chahn wah-pay
Leak /OHIYU/ oh-hee-yue
Lean (thin) /TAMAHECA/ dah-mah-Hay-chah
Lean (to) /ICAYA/ ee-chahn-yahn
Learn (to) /OSPEWAKIYE/ ohn-shpay-wah-kee-yea
Learning /WO USPE/ woh uhn-spay
Leather /TEHPI/ Day-ghpee
Leave Alone /AYUSTA/ ah-yuen-shdahn
Leave /IYAYE/ ee-yah-yea
Left side /CATKAYATA/ chah-dkah-yah-dahn
Left /KIGLE/ kee-glay
Lefthanded /CATKA/ chah-dkah
Leg /HU/ huen
Legging /HUSKA/ huen-skah
Leisurely /OHAHAHA/ oh-ghahn-hahn-hahn
Lemonade /MNI ISKUYA/ mnee ee-skue-yah
Lend /OK U/ ohk-ue
Length /OHASKEYA/ oh-ahn-skay-yah
Leper /SPAHAHAPI/ shah-hahn-hahn-pee
Less /KITALA/ kee-dahn-lah
Lesson /WOUSPE/ woh-uen-spay
Lest /OWEKI HANS/ oh-way-kee hahnsh
Let /AYUSTA/ ah-yue-shdahn
Letter /WOWAPI/ woh-wah-pee
Lettuce /MASTICA TAWOYUTE/ mah-shdee-chahn dah-woh-yue-day
Level (carpenters) /MNI IYUTE/ mnee ee-yue-day
Level /BLAYE/ blah-yea
Lice (to have) /HEYOPUZE/ hay-yoh-pue-zay
Lie (deceive) /WOWICAKE SNI/ woh-wee-chah-kay shnee
Lie down /KUL YUKA/ kuenl yuen-kah
Life /WICONI/ wee-choh-nee
Lifestyle /WICO U/ wee-choh uen
Lift /YUWAKOL/ yue-wahn-kohl
Light /ILE/ ee-lay
Lighted /OJAJA/ oh-zjahn-zjahn
Lighter (progressively) /SAMKAZAZA/ sahm-kah-zjahn-zjahn
Lightning /WAKINYAN TOWA PI/ wah-kee-yahn dohn-wahn pee
Lightweight /KAPOJELA/ kah-poh-zjay-lah
Like (look) /IYECECA/ ee-yea-chay-chah
Like (love) /WASTE LAKE/ wah-shday lah-kay
Like this /LECEL/ lay-chayl
Likely /NACECA/ nah-chay-chah
Limb (human) /WICAHU/ wee-chah-hue
Limb /CAN ALETKA/ chahn ah-lay-dkah
Line /IKAZOPI/ ee-kahn-zoh-pee
Lion /IGMU TAKA/ ee-gmue-dahn-kah
Lip /PUTE/ pue-Day
Lipstick /ESLE ESAYE/ aysh-lay aysh-ah-yea
Liquor /WOYATKE/ woh-yah-dkay
Listen /ANAGOPTA/ ahn-ah-ghoh-P-dahn
Little (a) /KITALA/ kee-dahn-lah
Little (just a) /KITAYEL/ kee-dahn-yeal
Little by little /HAKEYA/ hahn-kay-yah
Little /CIKALA/ chee-kah-lah
Live (Not dead) /NI/ nee
Live (There) /HELTI/ hayl-dee
Live /TI/ dee
Liver /PI/ phee
Lizard /AGLESKA/ ah-glay-shkah
Load /OKSU/ oh-kshue
Loaf (bread) /OGUYAPI TACAGU/ oh-ghue-yah-pee dah-chah-ghue
Loaf (lazy) /OTUYA O/ oh-duh-yah ohn
Lock /NATAKE/ nah-dah-kay
Locust /GNUGNUSKA/ gnue-gnue-shkah
Lodge /AKAHPE/ ahn-kah-ghpay
Log /CA TANKA/ chahn-dahn-kah
Loghouse /CA TIPI/ chahn dee-pee
Loin Cover /MIYAPAHE/ mee-yah-pah-Hay
Loin /PAGE/ pah-ghay
Long ago /EHANI/ ay-hahn-nee
Long time (for a) /TOHACIKA/ doh-hahn-chee-kah
Long /HASKE/ hahn-shkay
Look back /EKTA WAYAKA/ aykdah wahn-yahn-kah
Look out-run /HATA PI YO/ hahn-dah pee yoh
Look toward /EKTA ETUWA/ ay-kdah ay-duen-wah
Look /WAYAKA/ wah-yah-kah
Looking Glass /MIOGLASI/ mee-oh-gla-see
Loon /BLOZA/ bloh-zah
Loose /OHLA HONLA/ oh-ghlah ghohn-lah
Loosen /YU OHLA HO/ yue oh-ghlah ghohn
Lord /ITACA/ ee-dahn-chahn
Lose /GNUNI/ gnue-nee
Lost /NUNI/ nue-nee
Lot (very much) /LIGLILA/ lee-glee-lah
Loud /HOTANKA/ hoh-dahn-kah
Louse /HITKA LA/ hee-dkah lah
Love very much (to) /TEHILA IT A/ day-ghee-lah eed ah
Love /WASTE LAKE/ wah-shday lah-kay
Lovely /O IYOKIPI/ oh-ee-yoh-kee-pee
Lover /TEHILA/ Day-ghee-lah
Low /KUCIYE LA/ kue-chee-yea lah
Lower Brule /KULWICASA/ kuel-wee-chah-shah
Lower back /NISEHU/ nee-Say-hue
Lowly /OSIKE/ ohn-shee-kay
Luck /WAPI/ wah-pee
Lucky /WAPI KE/ wah-pee kay
Lumber /CA BLASKA/ chahn blah-skah
Lung /CAGU/ chah-ghue

Magician /WAKA HA WICASA/ wah-kahn ghahn wee-chah-shah
Magpie /HALHATA/ hahl-hahn-dah
Maid /WOWASI WIYA/ woh-wah-shee wee-yahn
Maiden (buffalo) /WIYA WAKA/ wee-yahn wah-kahn
Maiden /WITANSNA ON/ wee-dahn-shnah ohn
Mail /WOWAPI/ woh-wah-pee
Main /EHCI/ aygh-chee
Make enemies /WATOGYA/ wah-dohg-yah
Make /KAGE/ kah-ghay
Male /BLOKA/ bloh-kah
Man /WICASA/ wee-chah-shah
Mandan tribe /MIWATANI/ mee-wahn-dah-nee
Mane /APE YOHO/ ah-pay yoh-hohn
Manifest /WAYA ATANI/ wah-yah ah-dah-nee
Many kinds /OWE OTAKUYE/ oh-way oh-dah-kue-yea
Many /OTA/ oh-dah
Many /TONA/ doh-nah
Map /MAKOCE WOWAPI/ mah-koh-chay woh-wah-pee
March /ISTA WICAYAZAPI WI/ eesh-dah wee-chahn-yah-zahn-pee wee
Mare /SUGWIYELA/ sueng-wee-yea-lah
Mark /ICAZO/ ee-chah-zoh
Marksman /WOTA YE/ woh-dahn yea
Marriage /OKICIYUZE/ oh-kee-chee-yue-zay
Married (church) /WAKA KICIYUZA PI/ wah-kahn kee-chee-yue-zah pee
Marrow /TACU PE/ dah-chue pay
Marry /HIGATO/ hee-gah-dohn
Marten /WAHAKSICA/ wah-ghahn-ksee-chah
Marvel /ITOPE/ ee-dohn-pay
Mask /ITOGI/ ee-doh-ghee
Mass (collected) /WOSNA PI/ woh-shnah pee
Mass /WOCEKI YE/ woh-chay-kee yea
Mastodon /UHCEGILA/ uen-gh-chay-gee-lah
Match /YUILE PI/ yue-ee-lay pee
Matchup /AKILECE CA/ ah-kee-lay-chay chah
Material /MNIHUKA/ mnee-ghue-kah
Matter (what's wrong?) /TOKA/ doh-kah
Mature (to) /TAGYA/ dahng-yah
Maybe /UGNAS/ uen-gnah-sh
Me too /MIS EYA/ meesh-ay-yahn
Me /MIYE/ mee-yea
Meadow /MAKOBLAYE/ mah-koh-blah-yea
Meadowlark /TASIYAGNUPA/ dah-shee-yahg-nue-pah
Mean /OHA SICE/ oh-ghahn see-chay
Meantime /ICUHA/ ee-chuh-hahn
Measure /WIYE TE/ wee-yea day
Meat (dried) /PAPA/ pah-pah
Meat (pemmican) /WAKAPA PI/ wah-kah-pah pee
Meat (strips) /WOSOSO PI/ woh-soh-soh pee
Meat /TALO/ dah-loh
Medicine /ma/ mahn
Medicine /PEJUTA/ pay-zjue-dah
Meet /ATAYE/ ah-dah-yea
Meeting (a) /OMNICIYE/ oh-mnee-chee-yea
Melt /SKA/ skahn
Mention /CAJEYA TE/ chah-zjay-yah day
Mercy /ONSI LA/ ohn-shee lah
Messenger /OGLIGLE WAKA/ oh-glee-glay wah-kahn
Metal /MAZA/ mah-zah
Mexican (Spanish) /SPAYOLA/ spah-yoh-lah
Middle /COKATA/ choh-kahn-dah
Midnight /HA COKAYA/ hahn chohkahn-yahn
Might be /HECIHA/ Hay-chee-hahn
Mild (peaceful) /YUPIYAKEL/ yue-pee-yah-kayl
Mile /MAKI YUTAPI/ mah-kee yue-dah-pee
Milk (from a cow) /ASANPI YUSLI PI/ ah-sahn-pee yue-slee pee
Milk /ASANPI/ ah-sahn-pee
Milky way /WANAGI TACAKU/ wah-nahn-ghee dah-chahn-kue
Million /WOYAWA TANKA/ woh-yah-wah dahn-kahn
Mind /TAWACI/ dah-wah-chee
Mine /MITAWA/ mee-dah-wah
Mink /IKUSA/ ee-kuen-shahn
Minnecojou Sioux /MNIKOWOZU/ mnee-kohn-wohn-zjue
Minute /OWAPE CIKALA/ oh-wah-pay chee-kah-lah
Miracle /WICOHA WASTE/ wee-choh-hahn wah-shday
Mire /HLIHLI LA/ ghlee-ghlee-lah
Mirror /MIOGLASI/ mee-oh-glah-shee
Mischief /OSTE STEYA SKA/ oh-shday shday-yah shkahn
Miserable /ONSIYA KEL/ ohn-shee-yah kayl
Misplace /TOKON/ doh-kohn
Miss(to) /KASNA/ kah-shnah
Mission school /SAPAON OWA YAWA/ sah-pah-ohn oh-wah yah-wah
Mission /OZUYE/ oh-zue-yea
Missouri river /MNI SO SE WAKPA/ mnee shoh shay wah-kpah
Mist /P O/ p-oh
Mistake (make a) /GLUSNA/ glue-shnah
Mix /ICAHI/ ee-chah-hee
Mixed Together /ICICAHIYA/ ee-chee-chah-hee-yah
Mixed up /ICIZENAYA/ ee-chee-zjay-nah-yahn
Moccasin /HAM IKCEKA/ hahm ee-kchay-kah
Mock /IYAON CA/ ee-yah-ohn chah
Model /OKAGE PI/ oh-kah-gah pee
Monday /ANPETU TOKAHE/ ahn-pay-due doh-kah-hay
Money (notes) /GNASKA HA/ gnah-shkah hah
Money (Silver) /MAZASKA/ mah-zah-skah
Monkey /SUKAWICASA/ shuen-kah-wee-chah-shah
Month /WIYAWAPI/ wee-yah-wah-pee
Moon /HANHEPI WI/ hahn-hay-pee wee
Morals /WOWAKOKUKIYE/ woh-wah-hoh-kuen-kee-yea
More /OTA/ oh-dah
Moreover /NAKU/ nah-kuen
Morgue /WICATA OGNAKE/ wee-chah-dah oh-gnah-kay
morning /HINHANNI/ hee-hahn-nee
Mosquito /CAPUKA/ cha-puen-kah
Most /IYOTA/ ee-yoh-dahn
Mother (Her) /HUKU/ huen-kue
Mother-in-law (his/her) /KUKU/ kuen-kue
Mother-in-law /UCISIYA/ ue-chee-shee-yah
Mother /MAMA/ mah-mah
Mother /INA/ ee-nah
Motion (meeting) /WACAJEYATE/ wah-chah-zjay-yah-Day
Motion /SKASKA/ shkahn-shkahn
Motorcycle /MAPOPOPE/ mah-poh-poh-pay
Mount (to) /AKAL IYIC IYA/ ah-kahnk ee-yeech ee-yah
Mountain /He/ ghay
Mountain Lion /IGMUTAKA/ ee-gmue-dahn-kah
Mourn (mourning) /WASIGLA/ wah-shee-glah
Mouse /ITUKALA/ ee-due-kah-lah
mouth /I/ ee
Move /IYAYE/ eeyahyea
Movie /WASKASKAYAPI/ wahn-shkah-shkah-yah-pee
Moving around /SKASKA/ shkahn-shkahn
Mower /PEJI INAKSYE/ pay-zjee ee-nahk-shyea
Much /OTA/ oh-dah
Mud hen /ZITKALA CAHPALA/ zee-tkah-lah chahn-ghpahn-lah
Muddy /HLIHLILA/ ghlee-ghlee-lah
Mule deer (blacktail deer) /SITESAPELA/ see-day-sah-pay-lah
Mule /SOSOLA/ shohn-shohn-lah
Multiply /YUOTA/ yue-oh-dah
Multitude /WICOTA/ wee-choh-dah
Murder /TIWICAKTE/ dee-wee-chah-kday
Murmur /IGLE/ ee-glay
Muscle /COGI/ choh-ghee
Music /WANAHOTONYAPI/ wah-nah-hoh-dohn-yah-pee
Muskrat /SIKPELA/ shee-kpay-lah
Mustache /PUTHIHI/ pue-d-hee-hee
Mute /IYESNI/ ee-yea-shnee
Muzzle (animal) /PA/ pah
My /MITAWA/ mee-dah-wah
Myself /MISNALA/ mee-shnah-lah
Mysterious /WAKAN/ wah-kahn
Mysteriously /WAKANYAN/ wah-kahn-yahn

Nail (finger) /SAKE/ shah-kay
Nail It /OKATO/ oh-kah-dohn
Nail /MOSWIYOKATAN/ moh-shwee-yoh-kah-dahn
Nails (finger) /WICASAKE/ wee-chah-shah-kay
Naive /TAWACIPAPALA/ dah-wah-chee-pah-pah-lah
Name (to) /CASTU/ chah-shduen
Name /CAJE/ chah-zjay
Named that (to be) /HECIYA PI/ hay-chee-yah pee
Nape (of neck) /NAZUTE/ nah-zjuen-day
Narrow /OCIKAYELA/ oh-chee-kahy-ea-lah
Nasal cavity /PAHLATE/ pah-ghlah-Day
Nasal mucous /PAHLI/ pah-ghlee
Navajo tribe /SINAGLEGA KAGA/ see-nah-glay-ghah kah-ghah
Navel /CEKPA/ chay-kpah
Near /KANYELA/ kahn-yea-lah
Nearby /KIYELA/ kee-yea-lah
Nearly /KINIL/ kee-neel
Necessary /HECA/ Hay-chah
Neck (back of) /TAHU/ dah-hue
Neck muscle /TISKAKA/ dee-shkahn-kahn
Neck /NAZUTE/ nah-zue-Day
Neckerchief /MNIHUHAWANAPI/ mnee-ghue-hah-wah-nahp-ee
Necklace /WANAPIN/ wah-nah-pee
Need /CIN/ chee
Need /WACIN/ wah-chee
Needle /TAHISPA/ dah-ee-shpah
Negro /SAPA WICASA/ sah-pah wee-chah-shah
Neither /UNMANI/ uen-mah-nee
Nephew (of man) /TONSKAYA/ dohn-shkah-yah
Nerve /KA/ kahn
Nervous (to be) /WATOGLA/ wah-doh-glah
Nest /WAHOHPI/ wah-ohgh-pee
Net (Fishing) /HOIPATE/ hoh-ee-pah-Day
Net /HANHANLA/ hahn-hahn-lah
Never mind /TOKA SNI/ doh-kah shnee
Never /TUWENI/ due-way-nee
Nevertheless /SKA/ shkah
New /TECA/ day-chah
News /WOTANI/ woh-dah-nee
Newspaper /WOTANIN WOWAPI/ woh-dah-nee woh-wah-pee
Next (to be) /HEHATU/ hay-hahn-due
Next morning /IHINHANNI/ ee-hee-hah-nee
Next /IYOKIHA/ ee-yoh-kee-hahn
Nez Pierce tribe /POGE HLOKA/ poh-ghay ghloh-kah
Nicely /YUPIYAKEL/ yue-pee-yah-kayl
Nickle /KASPAPI OKISE/ kah-shpah-pee oh-kee-say
Niece /TUZAYA/ due-zahn-yah
Night /HAHEPI/ hahn-Hay-pee
Nine /NAPCIYUNG/ nah-pchee-yuen-g
Nineteen /WIKCEMNA AKENAPCIYUKA/ wee-kchay-mnah ah-kay-nah-pchee-yuen-kah
Ninety /WIKCEMNA NAPCIYUKA/ wee-kchay-mnah nah-pchee-yuen-kah
No one /TUWENI/ due-way-nee
No /HIYA/ hee-yah
No /HANHON/ hahn-hohn
Nobody /TUWENI/ yue-way-nee
Noise /AHMU/ ah-ghmuen
None /TAGNI/ dahgnee
Nonexistent (to be) /WANICA/ wah-nee-chah
Noon /WICOKANHIYAYE/ wee-choh-kahn-kee-yah-yea
North /WAZIYATA/ wah-zjee-yah-dah
Nose /PASU/ pah-sue
Nosily /WANUH KATIYA/ wah-nue kah-dee-yah
Nostrils /PACETE/ pah-chay-Day
Not /SNI/ shnee
Not even /YES/ yea-sh
Not much /LILA HCI SNI/ lee-lah ghchee shnee
Not very /HCE SNI/ ghchay shnee
Nothing but /ECE/ ay-chay
Nothing /TAGNI SNI/ dah-gnee shnee
Notice of (to take) /WO ABLEZA YUHA/ woh ah-blay-zah yue-hah
Now and then /WATOHAL SNA/ wah-doh-hahl shnah
Now /WANA/ wah-nah
Nowadays /LEHAL/ lay-hahnl
Nowhere /TUKTENI/ due-kday-nee
Nudge (to) /PANINIYA/ pahn-ee-nee-yah
Numerals /WAYAWAPI/ wah-yah-wah-pee
Nun /WINYAN WAKAN/ wee-yahn wah-kahn
Nut /YAHUGAPI/ yah-ghue-ghah-pee

Oak /UTAHU/ ue-dah-hue
Obey /WANAHON/ wah-nah-ghohn
Oblivious /WACIGNUNI/ wah-chee-gnue-nee
Observe /IYOPTEYA/ ee-yoh-pday-yah
Occupation /WOWASI O ECON/ woh-wah-shee oh ay-chohn
Of /UN/ uhn
Of /ETANHAN/ ay-dahn-hahn
Offer to /WOSNA PI/ woh-shnah-pee
Offspring /CICA/ chee-chah
Often /KITALA/ kee-dah-lah
OGLALA Lakhota /OGLALA/ oh-glah-lah
Oil /WIGLI/ wee-glee
Ointment /ISLAYE/ ee-slah-yea
Ojibwa tribe (chippewa) /HAHATUWA/ hah-hahn-due-wah
OK /HAN/ hahn
Old man /WECAHCALA/ wee-chah-ghchah-lah
Old Time /EHANI/ ay-hah-nee
Old woman /WIHUHCALA/ wee-nue-ghchah-lah
Old /KON/ kohn
Old /TONNI/ dohn-nee
OMAHA tribe /OMAHA/ oh-mah-hah
On /AKA/ ah-kahn
Once /WANCALA/ wahn-chah-lah
one Time /TOHUWEL/ doh-huen-wayl
one /WANJI/ wahn-zjee
Onion /PSIN/ P-shee
Only /LECELA/ lay-chay-lah
Open /YUGAN/ yue-ghahn
Operate (on someone) /PATA/ pah-dah
Opposite /UMAETKIYA/ ue-mah-ay-dkee-yah
Oppress /INIHINCIYE/ ee-nee-hee-chee-yea
Or /NAINS/ nah-ee-nsh
Orchard /WASKUYECAOZU/ wah-shkue-yea-chah-oh-zue
Order /ECONSI/ ay-chohn-shee
Organ /CALOWA KIYAPI/ chahn-loh-wahn kee-yah-pee
Organization /OKOLAKICIYE/ oh-koh-lah-kee-chee-yea
Oriole /SKELUTA/ shkay-lue-dah
Orphan /WABLENICA/ wah-blay-nee-chah
Osage tribe /WITAPAHA OYATI/ wee-dah-pah-hah oh-yah-dee:
Other one(s) /UMA/ uen-mah
Other side of the water /IKOWAKATAHA/ ee-koh-wah-kah-dahn-hahn
Otherwise /IS/ ee-sh
Oto tribe /WATOTATA/ wah-doh-dah-dah
Otter /PTA/ pdahn
Ought /IYECECA/ ee-yea-chay-chah
Our /UKITAWA/ uen-kee-dah-wah
Out in the country /HEYATA/ hay-yah-dah
Out /TANKAL/ dahn-kahl
Outside /TAKAL/ dahn-kahl
Over (Finished) /HENALA/ Hay-nah-lah
Over and over /PIYA/ pee-yah
Over here /LECIYA/ lay-chee-yah
Over /LECIYA/ lay-chee-yah
Overshoes /AKANL HAPA/ ah-kahnl hahn-pah
Overthere /KAKIYA/ kah-kee-yah
Overwhelm /A OGLUTEYA/ ah oh-glue-day-yahn
Owl (Hoot) /HIYAKAGA/ hee-yah-kah-gah
Owl (screech) /OSNIKO/ oh-shnee-koh
Owl /HIHA/ hee-hahn
Own (to) /OWAZA/ oh-wah-zah
Own /TAWA/ dah-wah
Own /YUHA/ yue-hah

Pacer /ONASOLA/ oh-nah-shoh-lah
Pack (on back) /K I/ k ee
Pack (up) /IGLAKE/ ee-glah-kay
Pack /WAKI/ wah-kee
Pain /KSUYEYA/ ksue-yea-yah
Paint /WIYU/ wee-yuen
Paint /WASE IKIYU/ wah-say ee-kee-yuen
Painting (art) /ITOWA/ ee-doh-wah
Painting (house) /TIWIYU/ dee-wee-yuen
Palate (in mouth) /CAKA/ chay-kay
Pale /ZI/ zee
Pants /OZOGE/ ohn-zoh-ghay
Paper /MNIHUHA/ mnee-hue-hah
Parable /WIYACIPI/ wee-yah-chee-pee
Pardon /YUSKAPI/ yue-shkah-pee
Parfleche bag /WOKPA/ woh-kpah
Part (in hair) /PESLETE/ pay-slay-day
Part /HANKE/ hahn-kay
Partly /HAKELA/ hahn-kay-lah
Pass /KAPE/ kah-pay
Passover /WOACAKSI/ woh-ah-chahnk-shee
Pastry /AGUYAPISKUYELA/ ah-ghuh-yah-pee-skue-yea-lah
Pasture /OWA YASLA/ oh-wah yah-shlah
Path /OCAKU/ oh-chahn-kue
Pawnee /SCILI/ s-chee-lee
Pay for (to) /GLAZUZU/ glah-zue-zue
Payment /WISI/ wee-see
Peace /WOWAHWA/ woh-wah-ghwah
Peacefully /OKOBLAYA/ oh-koh-blah-yah
Peacemaker /GLUSTA/ Glue-shdahn
Peach /TASPA HISMA/ dah-shpahn hee-shmah
Peacock /ZITKALA SITUPI HASKA/ zee-dkah-lah see-due-pee hah-skah
Peek /EYOKAS I/ ah-yoh-kahsh ee
Peel /YUHLA YE/ yue-ghlah yea
Peep /EYOKASI/ ay-yoh-kah-shee
Pelican /BLEZA/ blay-zah
Pelvis /CECAOAKLE/ chay-chah-oh-ah-klay
Pemmican /WAKAPAPI/ wah-kah-pah-pee
Pemmican /WASNA/ wah-snah
Pen /MNISAPA WICAZO/ mnee-sah-pah wee-chah-zjoh
Pencil /WICAZO/ wee-chah-zjoh
Penny /MAZASA/ mah-zah-shah
People /OYATE/ oh-yah-Day
Pepper /YAMNUMNUGA PI/ yah-mnue-mnue-ghah pee
Perhaps /SECE/ Say-chay
Permission (to give) /IYOWIKIYA/ ee-yoh-wee-kee-yah
Permission /WOIYOWIKIYE/ woh-ee-yoh-wee-kee-yea
Permit /WOIYOWIKIYE/ woh-ee-yoh-wee-kee-yea
Person /WICASA/ wee-chah-shah
Persuade /OEKIYE/ oh-ay-kee-yea
Persuasive /WOYAECECA/ woh-yah-ay-chay-chah
Pet /YUSTOSTO/ yue-sdoh-sdoh
Peyote /UKCILA YUTA PI/ uen-kchee-lah yue-dah-pee
Pheasant /SIYOSA/ shee-yoh-shah
Pick Fruit /WOSPI/ woh-shpee
Pick /PAHI/ pah-hee
Pickaxe /ICABLU/ ee-chah-blue
Picture /ITOWA PI/ ee-doh-wah pee
Pig /KUKUSE/ kue-kue-shay
Pigeon /WAKIYELA/ wah-kee-yea-lah
Pinch /YUZIPA/ yue-zjee-pah
Pine cone /WAZIPIKPA/ wah-zee-pee-kpah
Pine /WAZI/ wah-zee
Pinto (horse breed) /SUGLESKA/ shuen-glay-shkah
Pipe (Calumet) /CANUPA/ chahn-ue-pah
Pipe (play flute) /WAYAZO/ wah-yah-zoh
Pipestem /CANUPASITE/ chahn-nue-pah-see-Day
Pitchfork /WA ICAPE/ wah ee-chah-pay
Pity /ONSILA/ ohn-shee-lah
Place to rear children (a) /O ICAGA/ oh ee-chah-ghah
Place /OYANKE/ oh-yahn-kay
Plague /WOAKIPA/ woh-ah-kee-pah
Plain /EKCEYA/ ay-kchay-yah
Plains /OBLAYE/ oh-blah-yea
Plane (carpenter) /EPA JIPE/ ay-pah jee-pay
Plane /KIYEKIYA PI/ kee-yea-kee-yah pee
Plank /CABLASKA/ chahn-blah-skah
Plant /OJU/ oh-zjue
Plant /WOJU/ woh-zjue
Plants /WAHCA OJU/ wah-ghchah-oh-zjue
Plate (wooden) /CAWAKCICA/ chahn-wah-kchee-chah
Plate /WAKCICA/ wah-kchee-chah
Platte river /PAKESKA WAKPA/ pahn-kay-skah-wah-kpah
Play /SKATE/ shkah-Day
Pleasant (Attractive) /CO/ choh
Pleasant (to be) /O IYOKIPI/ oh ee-yoh-kee-pee
Please /IYOKIPI/ ee-yoh-kee-pee
Please /CANL WASTE/ chanl wah-shday
Plenty /OTA/ oh-dah
Plot /MAKA OYUSPE/ mah-kah oh-yue-shpay
Plow /MAKA IYUBLU/ mah-kah ee-yue-blue
Plum (Wild) /KATA/ kahn-dah
Plume /WACEHI/ wah-chay-hee
Point (Sharp) /PESTOLA/ pay-shdoh-lah
Point out (to) /EPAZO KE S E/ ay-pah-zoh kay s ay
Point /EPAZO/ ay-pah-zoh
Pole /SATA/ sah-dah
Poles (for a tipi) /TUSU/ due-shue
Police /WAWOYUSPA/ wah-woh-yue-spah
Ponca tribe /OYATEYAMNI/ oh-yah-Day-yah-mnee
Poor Me /IYOTIYEWAKIYE/ ee-yoh-dee-yea-wah-kee-yea
Poor /WAHPANICA/ wah-ghpah-nee-chah
Pop (soda drink) /KAPOPAPI/ kah-poh-pah-pee
Pope /SAPAUN ATEYAPI/ sah-pah-uen ah-day-yah-pee
Population /OYATE/ oh-yah-Day
Porcupine /PAHI/ PA-hee
Porter /TIYOPA AWAYAKE/ dee-yoh-pah ah-wahn-yahn-kay
Possess /YUHA/ yue-hah
Possession /WOYUHA/ woh-yue-hah
Possible /PICA/ pee-chah
Possibly /UGNAHA HCI/ uen-gnah-hah gh-chee
Post office /WOWAPI OYUJUJU/ woh-wah-pee oh-yuh-zjue-zjue
Potatoes /BLO/ bloh
Pouch /OPAHTE/ oh-pah-gh-Day
Pound (Weight) /TKEYUTAPI/ dkea-yue-dah-pee
Pound /WAKAPA/ wah-kah-pah
Prairie dog /PISPIZA/ pee-shpee-zjah
Prairie /MANIL/ mah-neel
Prairie /MAKOL/ mah-kohl-skahnl
Praise someone by name /WOCAZEYAL YA/ woh-chah-zjay-yahl yah
Praise /YAWASTE/ yah-wah-shday
Pray /WACEKIYE/ wah-chay-kee-yea
Prayer /WOCEKIYE/ woh-chay-kee-yea
Preach /OKIYAKA/ oh-kee-yah-kah
Preacher /WACEKIYE WICASA/ wah-chay-kee-yea wee-chah-shah
Predawn /WE HINAPE SNI/ wee hee-nah-pay shnee
Prepare meal /LOL IH A/ lohl-eegh-ah
Prepare oneself /IGLUWIYEYA/ ee-Glue-wee-yea-yah
Prepare /YUWINYEYA/ yue-wee-yea-yah
Present /ELUN/ ay-luen
Presently /TOKSA/ doh-k-shah
Preserves /WASKUYECA/ wah-skue-yea-chah
President /TUNKASILAYA PI/ duen-kah-shee-lah-yah pee
Press /APUTINZE/ ah-pue-dee-zay
Pretend /EHUNHAN/ ay-ghue-hahn
Pretty /Waste/ wah-shday
Prickly /PEPE/ Pay-Pay
Pride /AHOICIPE/ ah-hoh-ee-chee-Pay
Priest /WICASA WAKAN/ wee-chah-shah wah-kahn
Probably /NACECE/ nah-chay-chay
Prominent /TANINYAN/ dah-nee-yahn
Proper /IYECECA/ ee-yea-chay-chah
Properly /HECETUYA/ Hay-chay-duh-yah
Property /WOYUHA/ woh-yue-hah
Proposition (a fair) /WO IWAYAKE/ woh ee-wahn-yahn-kay
Proud /ITAN/ ee-dahn
Prove /YUWICAKE/ yue-wee-chah-kay
Provision /WOYUTE/ woh-yue-Day
Prudently /WAKTAYA/ wah-kdah-yah
Prunes /KANTA SAPA/ kahn-dah sah-pah
Pry /IPAWANKA/ ee-pah-wahn-kah
Pudding /WOJAPI/ woh-zjah-pee
Puddle /MNI YUSPE LA/ mnee yue-shpay-lah
Pueblo tribe /IGUGA OTI/ ee-ghue-ghah oh-dee
Pull /YUTITAN/ yue-dee-dahn
Pump (tire) /HU IPAT IZE/ hue-ee-pahd ee-zay
Pump (water) /MNI IPATAZA/ mnee ee-pah-dah-zah
Pumpkin /WAGMU/ wah-gmue
Puncture /ICANPE/ ee-chahn-Pay
Punish /IYOPEKIYA/ ee-yoh-Pay-kee-yah
Pupil /WAYAWA/ wah-yah-wah
Puppy /WUNHPALA/ wuen-ghpah-lah
Pursue /KUWA/ kue-wah
Push /PATITA/ pah-dee-dahn
Pushed up against a surface /PA AKAL/ pah ah-kahnl
Pushy (person) /WAWOKIPAPAKA/ wah-woh-kee-pah-pah-kah
Put /EGNAKE/ ay-gnah-kay

Quail /SIYO CIKALA/ shee-yoh chee-kah-lah
Quarrel (a) /WOWAKINICE/ woh-wah-kee-nee-chay
Quarrel /WAAHOYE/ wah-ah-hoh-yea
Quarter /SOKELA/ shoh-kay-lah
Queen /WINYAN YATAPI/ wee-yahn yah-dah-pee
Question /IYUNGE/ ee-yuen-ghay
Quick /OHANKO/ oh-ghahn-koh
Quickly /INAHNI/ ee-nah-ghnee
Quickly /O AKOYA/ ogh ahn-koh-yah
Quiet /INILA/ ee-nee-lah
Quietly /WAHWAYELA/ wah-ghwah-yea-lah
Quill Work /WOSKAPI/ woh-shkah-pee
Quill /PAHI/ pah-hee
Quilt /OWIZA/ oh-wee-zah
Quirt /ICAPSINTE/ ee-chahp-see-Day
Quit /ENAKIYE/ ay-nah-kee-yea
Quiver /WANJU/ wahn-zjue

Rabbit /MASTI SKA/ mahshdee-skah
Race horse /SUNK LUZA HE/ shuenk lue-zah hay
Race horse /IKI INYANKE/ ee-kee-ee-yahn-kay
Race /KI IYA KAPI/ kee ee-yahn kah-pee
Racoon /WICITEGLEGA/ wee-chee-Day-glay-ghah
Rage /CHAZEKA/ chahn-zay-kah
Railroad /MAZA CANKU/ mah-zah chahn-kue
Rain /MAGAZU/ ma-gh-ah-zue
Rainbow /WIGMUKE/ wee-gmue-kay
Raise crops /WOZU/ woh-zue
Raise /YUWANKEL/ yue-wahn-kayl
Rancher /PTE YUHA/ pday yue-hah
Range (cooking) /OOWOHAPI OCETI/ ohn-ohn-woh-hahn-pee oh-chay-dee
Rap /KATOTO/ kah-doh-doh
Rat /ITUNK TANKA/ ee-duenk dahn-kah
Rattle /WAGMA HA/ wah-gmah hah
Rattlesnake /SINTE HLA/ seen-day-ghlah
Raven /KAGI TAKA/ kahn-gee dahn-kah
Ravine /OSMAKA/ oh-shmah-kah
Raw /SPAN SNI/ shpahn-shnee
Rawhide /TAHALO/ dah-hah-loh
Razz (tease) /AS A/ ahsh ah
Reach /OZIL/ oh-zeel
Read /YAWA/ yah-wah
Ready /WINYE LA/ wee-yea lah
Real /HCE/ ghchay
Realize /ABLEZE/ ah-blay-zay
Reason /TAKUON/ dah-kue-ohn
Rebel /WAKIPAJAN/ wah-kee-pah-jahn
Rebuke /IYOPEYE/ ee-yoh-Pay-yea
Receive /ICU/ ee-chue
Recently /LECALA HCI/ lay-chah-lah ghchee
Reciprocal (mutual feelings) /ANUG/ah-nue-gh
Recognize /IYEKIYE/ ee-yea-kee-yea
Record (to mark) /OWA/ oh-wah
Recover /AKISNI/ AN-kee-shnee
Red cloud /MAHPIYA LUTA/ mah-ghpee-yah lue-dah
Red /LUTA/ lue-dah
Red /SA/ Say
Reddish /SAYELA/ shah-yea-lah
Redtail deer /SITELULYAPI/ see-dayl-uel-yah-pee
Reed /PSA/ pshah
Refuse (trash) /WOYAPTAPI/ woh-yahp-dah-pee
Refuse /WICALASNI/ wee-CHA-lah-shnee
Regard (to) /CATE KIYUZA/ chahn-day kee-yue-zah
Region /MAKO KASPE/ mah-koh kah-shpay
Rejoice /WIYUSKI/ wee-yue-shkee
Rekindle /PIYA ILEYE/ pee-yah ee-lay-yea
Relation /WOTAKUYE/ woh-dah-kue-yea
Relative /TAKUYE/ dah-kue-yea
Release (to) /YUSKA AYUSTA/ yue-shkah ah-yue-sdahn
Reluctant /CINKESNI/ chee-kay-shnee
Rely /WACINYE/ wah-chee-yea
Remain /ENAON/ ay-nah-ohn
Remainder /AKOBIYAYE/ AN-kohb-ee-yah-yea
Remake /PIYA KAGE/ peeyah-kah-ghay
Remember /KIKSUYE/ kee-ksue-yea
Remembrance /WOKIKSUYE/ woh-kee-ksue-yea
Renew /YUTECA/ yuh-Day-chah
Rent /OLOTE/ oh-loh-Day
Repeat words /TAKU EYAYA/ dah-kue ay-yah-yah
Repeatedly /PIYA/ pee-yah
Repent /IYOPEICIYE/ ee-yoh-Pay-ee-chee-yea
Report /HOSIGLI/ hoh-shee-glee
Reprimand /IYOPEYAPI/ ee-yoh-Pay-ah-pee
Reprove /IYOPEYA/ ee-yoh-Pay-yah
Request /KICA/ kee-chah
Resemble /IYECECA/ ee-yea-chay-chah
Reservoir /MNI NATAKAPI/ mnee nah-dah-kah-pee
Reside /TI/ dee
Resources /WO IKIGNI/ woh ee-kee-gnee
Respect /YUONIHAN/ yue-oh-nee-hahn
Respectful of (be) /OHOLA U/ oh-hoh-lah uen
Respectfully /YUONIHAYA/ yue-hoh-nee-hahn-yahn
Responsibility /WO IYOKIHI/ woh ee-yoh-kee-hee
Rest /ASNIKIYE/ ah-shnee-kee-yea
Restaurant /OWOTETIPI/ oh-woh-Day-dee-pee
Restroom (Urinal) /OLEJE/ oh-lay-zjay
Resurrection /WICAKINI/ wee-chah-kee-nee
Retain /GLUHA/ Glue-hah
Retard /YUHEKTOB/ yue-hayk-dohb
Retarded /KSAININKE/ ksah-ee-nee-nkay
Retreat (flag ceremony) /WOWAPI GLUHPAPI/ woh-wah-pee glue-ghpah-pee
Retreat (From) /HEKTAKIYANAPE/ Hay-kdah-kee-yah-nah-pay
Return /GLI/ glee
Reveal /YUASLATE/ yueahshlahday
Reward /WOOHIYE/ woh-oh-hee-yea
Rib /TUCUHU/ duh-chue-hue
Rice (Wild) /PSIN/ pshee
Ride /AKAYAKE/ ah-kahn-yahn-kay
Ridicule /IHAHA/ ee-ghah-ghah
Rifle shots /SLISLI/ slee-slee
Rifle /MAZAWAKAN/ mah-zah-wah-kahn
Right now /HECHENA HCI/ hay-chay-nah gh-chee
Right There /HENA / Hay-nah
Right /HECETU/ Hay-chay-due
Righteousness /WICOOWOTANLA/ wee-choh-oh-woh-dahn-lah
Rightside /ISLOYATAN/ ee-shloh-yah-dahn
Rind (Skin - Shell) /HA/ hahn
Ring (for finger) /NAPSI YOHLI/ nah-pshee yuh-ghlee
Ring finger /SKAKAPI/ shkahn-kah-pee
Ring /YUHLA/ yueghlah
Riot /OK O/ ohk-oh
Rip /YUHLECE/ yue-ghlay-chay
Rise (Hill) /APAHA/ ah-pah-hah
Rise (yeast) /NAPOGE/ mah-poh-ghay
Rise /INAJI/ ee-nah-jee
River /WAKPA/ wah-kpah
Roach (Headdress) /PESA / pay-shah
Road /OCANKU/ oh-chahn-kue
Roan /HITO/ hee-doh
Roast /COKI/ choh-kee
Rob /MANU/ mah-nue
Robber /WAMANU WICASA/ wah-mah-nue wee-chah-shah
Robe /SINA OGLE/ shee-nah oh-glay
Robin /SISOKA/ shee-shoh-kah
Rock /IYA/ ee-yahn
Rocking chair /IKPAHOZAPI/ ee-kpah-ohn-zah-pee
Rocking chair /YAKAKA/ yah-kah-kah
Roll /KAGNIYA/ KA-ghnee-yahn
Rolls (sweet) /AGUYAPI SKUYELA/ ah-ghue-yah-pee skue-yea-lah
Roof /TICE/ dee-chay
Room /OHPAYE/ oh-ghpah-yea
Rooster /KOKOYAHALA/ koh-koh-yah-ghahn-lah
Root /WAHUTA/ wah-hue-dah
Rope /WIKA/ wee-kahn
Roping (horse) /IWAKOYOGYE/ ee-wah-koh-yohg-yea
Roping /WAKOYOGYE/ wah-koh-yohg-yea
Rose /UZIZITKA/ ue-zjee-zjee-dkah
Rosebud sioux /SICANGU TIPI/ shee-chahn-ghue dee-pee
Rosehip /UZIZITKA/ ue-zjee-zjee-dkah
Rot /OHUWI/ oh-ghuen-wee
Rotten /HUWIMNA/ ghuen-wee-mnah
Rough (to be) /WOSKISKE/ woh-shkee-shkay
Round /MIMELA/ mee-may-lah
Roundabout /OHOMNI/ oh-hoh-mnee
Row /OWECIHA/ oh-way-chee-hahn
Rub /PAWINTE/ pah-wee-Day
Rubber /ZIGZIGCA/ zjeeg-zjeeg-chah
Ruin /YUSICE/ yue-shee-chay
Rule /O ITACA/ oh ee-dahn-chahn
Ruler /WIYUTE/ wee-yue-Day
Rump /NISTUSTE/ nee-shdue-shday
Run away (to) /IYAYEKIYA/ ee-yah-yea-kee-yah
Run /IYAGKE/ ee-yahng-kay
Rung (a ladder step) /O ALI/ oh ah-lee
Running /IYANKAPI/ ee-yahn-kah-pee
Rural /MANIL/ mah-neel

Sac tribe /ZAKA/ zah-kah
Sack /WOJUHA/ woh-zjhuh-hah
Sacred /WAKA/ wah-kahn
Sad /IYOKISICE/ ee-yoh-kee-shee-chay
Saddle /CAWAKI/ chahn-wah-kee
Sage brush /PEJI HOTA/ pay-zjee ghoh-dah
Saint /WAKA WASTE/ wah-kahn wah-shday
Saliva /TAGE/ dah-gh-Hay
Salt /MNI SKUYA / mnee-skuh-yah
Same way (in the) /IYECEL/ ee-yea-chayl
Same /IYECECA/ ee-yea-chay-chah
Sand /CASMUSKA/ chah-smue-skah
Sandbill /PEHAGILA/ Pay-hahn-gee-lah
Sandpiper /MANIOPAWAKIYELA/ mah-nee-oh-pah-wah-kee-yea-lah
Sandstone /IGUGA/ ee-ghue-ghah
Sandwich /TALO AGUYAPI COGIKIYAPI/ dahloh ah-ghue-yah-pee choh-ghee-kee-yah-pee
Sans Arc lakhota /ITAZIPKO/ ee-dah-zeeb-koh
Santa claus /WAZIYA/ wahzee-yah
Santee Lakhota /ISAYETI/ ee-sahn-yea-dee
Sash /IPAYAKE/ ee-pah-yah-kay
Saturday /OWAKA YUJAJAPI/ oh-wahn-kah yue-zjah-zjah-pee
Saucer /WAKSICA/ wah-kshee-chah
Save /PATAN/ pah-dahn
Savior /WANIKIYA/ wah-nee-kee-yah
Saw (to use with hand) /CANIWAKSE/ chah-nee-wah-kshee
Saw /WAYAKE/ wahn-yahhn-kay
Say /IYE/ ee-yea
Scaffold (burial) /WICAGNAKAPI/ wee-chahg-nah-kah-pee
Scalp /NATAHA/ nah-dah-hah
Scare /YUSIYEYE/ yue-shee-yea-yea
Scarf /NAKPUTAKA/ nah-kpue-dah-kah
Scarlet /LUTA/ lue-dah
Scars /NAZE/ nah-zay
Scatter /KALALA/ kah-lah-lah
School (to send to ) /WAYAWAKIYA/ wah-yah-wah-kee-yah
School /OWAYAWA/ oh-wah-yah-wah
Schoolboy /WAYAWA HOKSILA/ wah-yah-wah hoh-kshee-lah
Schoolgirl /WAYAWA WICICALA/ wah-yah-wah wee-chee-chah-lah
Scissors /SIYUSLA/ ee-yue-shlah
Scold /IYOPEYE/ ee-yoh-Pay-yea
Scold /PASIHTI/ pah-shee-ghdee
Scorch /IPUSTAHCA/ ee-pue-sdahn-ghchah
Scout (to) /TOWEYA/ dohn-wea-yah
Scratch /IGLUK EGA/ ee-gluek ay-ghah
Scream /SICAHOWAYA/ shee-chahn-hoh-wah-yah
Screw /WA IYOKATKUHE/ wah ee-yoh-kah-dkue-ghay
Screwdriver /WA IYUHOMNI/ wah ee-yue-oh-mnee
Scribe /WOWAPIKAGA/ woh-wah-pee-kah-gah
Sea /MNIWACA/ mnee-wahn-chah
Sear /IPUSTAHCA/ ee-pue-sdahn-ghchah
Search for (to) /IGNI/ ee-ghee
Second /ICINUPA/ ee-chee-nue-pah
Secret /ANAHME/ ah-NA-ghmay
Secretary (shorthand) /NAPEPTECELA/ nah-pay-pday-chay-lah
Secretary /WOWAPIKAGE/ woh-wah-pee-kah-ghay
Security guards /AKICITA/ ah-kee-chee-dah
See /WAYATE/ wahn-yahn-Day
Seed /SU/ sue
Seek /OLE/ oh-lay
Seem /SLECECA/ slay-chay-chah
Seize /IYAHPAYA/ ee-yah-ghpah-yah
Select /KAHNIGA/ kah-ghnee-ghah
Self Control /OICONICA/ oh-eech-oh-nee-chah
Sell /WIYOPEYE/ wee-yoh-Pay-yea
Send (for) /USI/ ue-shee
Send /IYEYA/ ee-yea-yah
Separate /YUKIUKA/ yue-kee-nue-kahn
Serpent /ZUZUCA TANKA/ zjue-zjue-chah dahn-kah
Servant /WOWASI/ woh-wah-shee
Set up home /TIGLAGHA/ dee-glah-gah
Settlement /WICOTI/ wee-choh-dee
Settlements (where they live) /O UYAPI/ oh uen-yahn-pee
Seven /SAKOWIN/ shah-koh-wee
Seventeen /WIKCEMNA AKESAKOWI/ week-chay-mnah ah-kay-shah-koh-wee
Seventy /WIKCEMNA SAKOWI/ wee-kchay-mnah-shah-koh-wee
Sever /WAKSE/ wah-ksay
Severely /TEHIYA/ Day-ghee-yah
Sew machine /MOSICAYEGE/ moh-see-chah-yea-ghay
Sew /KAYEGE/ kah-yea-ghay
Shade of tree /CHA IYOHAZI/ chahn ee-yoh-ahn-zee
Shade /O HOZI GLEPI/ oh hohn-zee glay-pee
Shadow /NAGI/ nah-ghee
Shake (hands) /NAPEYUZE/ nah-pay-yue-zay
Shake /YUCACA/ yuechahnchahn
Shame /ISTELYA/ ee-shdayl-yah
Sharp-edged (to be) /PE/ p-hay
Sharp /PESTOLA/ Pay-sdoh-lah
Sharpen /YUME/ yue-may
Shatter /KPAYELABLECAHE/ kpahn-yea-lah-blay-chah-Hay
Shave /PUTIHI GLASA/ pue-dee-hee glah-sahn
Shawl (wear a) /AIKITA/ ah-ee-kee-dahn
Shawl /SINA/ shee-nah
Shawnee tribe /SAWANA/ sah-wah-nah
She (female) /WIYA/ wee-yahn
She /IYE/ eeyea
Sheep /TAHCA SUKALA/ dahghchah-shuen-kah-lah
Shell (corn) /WAGMIZA YUGNAPI/ wah-gmee-zah yue-gnah-pee
Shell /PAKESKA/ pahn-kay-skah
Shepherd /TAHCA SKALA AWAYAKE/ dah-ghchah skah-lah ah-wahn-yahn-kay
Shield /WAHACAKA/ wah-hah-chahn-kah
Shielding /KUSEYAON/ kue-shay-yah-ohn
Shin /HUBLO/ hue-bloh
Shine (Shoes) /PAWIYAKPA/ pah-wee-yah-kpah
Shine /OJAJA/ oh-zjahn-zjahn
Ship /WATA/ wah-dah
Shirt /OGLE/ oh-glay
Shoe /HAPA/ hahn-pah
Shoelaces /HAKPA/ hahn-kpahn
Shoes /HAMPA/ hahnm-pah
Shoo away an animal (to) /HABYE/ ghahb-yea
Shoot /KUTE/ kue-Day
Shore /OHUTA/ oh-hue-dah
Short /PTECELA/ pday-chay-lah
Shorts /MAHELUZOGE/ mah-hayl-uen-zoh-gay
Shoshoni tribe /SUSUNI/ sue-sue-nee
Should be so /IYECETU/ ee-yea-chay-due
Shoulder (top of) /HIYETE/ hee-yea-day
Shoulder /ABLO/ ah-bloh
Shout /KIPA/ kee-pahn
Shovel (Spade) /MAKIWASPE/ mah-kee-wah-shpay
Show (to) /KIPAZO/ kee-pah-zoh
Show /WAPAZO/ wah-pah-zoh
Shrike /CETA WATAPELA/ chay-dah wah-dah-pay-lah
Shrink (to) /YUCIK A S ELE/ yue-cheek ah s ay-lay
Shrink /SNIJE/ shnee-zjay
Shrub (bush) /HU/ huen
Shuffle /NASLOHA/ nah-sloh-hahn
Shut up /INILA YAKI YE/ ee-nee-lah yahn-kee yea
Sick /WAYAZO/ wah-yah-zohn
Sickness /WO/ woh
Side (above hips) /OYUTA/ oh-yue-dah
Side (below arms) /CUWIPAHA/ chue-wee-pah-hah
Side (Not middle) /KAHEYAWAPAYA/ kah-ghay-yah-wah-pah-yah
Side of (person Or animal) /CHUWIHEPIYA/ chue-wee-Hay-pee-yah
Sieve /WIKACA/ wee-kah-chahn
Sight (to acquire) /WABLESYA/ wah-blay-syah
Sign talking /WIYUTA/ wee-yue-dah
Sign /WOWPI/ wohwpee
Signature /CAJE O IGWA/ chah-zjay oh ee-gwah
Silent /AINILA/ ah-ee-nee-lah
Silver /MAZASKA/ mah-zah-skah
Similar /IYECEL/ ee-yea-chayl
Similarly /AKILECELYA/ ah-kee-lay-chayl-yah
Sin /WAHTANI/ wah-ghdah-nee
Since /HEHATA/ Hay-hahn-dahn
Sinew /TAKA/ dah-kahn
Sing /LOWAN/ loh-wahn
Singe /HIGNU/ hee-gnue
Singer (native) /OKA/ oh-kah
Singer /H OKA/ ho ohk-hah
Single (man) /WICA TASNAON/ wee-chah dahn-shnah-ohn
Single (woman) /WITASNAO/ wee-dahn-shnah-ohn
Single /ISNALA/ ee-shnah-lah
Sinner /WAHTANISYA/ wah-ghdah-nee-syah
Sister (I have for older) /CUWEWAYA/ chue-way-wah-yah
Sister (I have for older) /TAKEWAYA/ dahn-kay-wah-yah
Sister (I have for younger) /TAKAWAYA/ dahn-kah-wah-yah
Sister (I have for younger) /TAKSIWAYA/ dahn-kshee-wah-yah
Sister (his/her older) /CUWEKU KI/ chue-way-kue kee
Sister (his/her older) /TAKEKU KI/ dahn-kay-kue kee
Sister (his/her younger) /TAKAKU KI/ dahn-kah-kue kee
Sister (his/her younger) /TAKSITKU KI/ dahn-kshee-dkue kee
Sister (my older) /CUWE KI/ chue-way kee
Sister (my older) /MITAKE KI/ mee-dahn-kay kee
Sister (my younger) /MITAKA KI/ mee-dahn-kah kee
Sister (my younger) /MITAKSI KI/ mee-dahn-kshee kee
Sister (nun) /WIYA WAKA/ wee-yahn wah-kahn
Sister (older) /CUWE/ chue-way
Sister (older) /take/ dahn-kay
Sister (younger) /TAKSI/ dahn-kshee
Sister (your older) /NICUWE KI/ nee-chue-way kee
Sister (your older) /NITAKE KI/ nee-dahn-kay kee
Sister (your younger) /NITAKA KI/ nee-dahn-kahkee
Sister (your younger) /NITAKSI KI/ nee-dahn-ksheekee
Sister-in-law (of male) /HAKAYE/ hahn-kah-yea
Sit down /IYOTAKA/ ee-yoh-dah-kah
Sit /IYOTAKE/ ee-yoh-dah-kay
Site /OYANKE/ oh-yahn-kay
Six /SAKPE/ shah-kpay
Sixteen /WIKCEMNA AKESAKPE/ wee-kchay-mnah ah-kay-shah-kpay
Sixth /ISAKPE/ ee-shah-kpay
Sixty /WIKCEMNA SAKPE/ wee-kchay-mnah shah-kpay
Skates /CAHICAZO/ cah-ghee-chah-zoh
Skill /WAYUPIKE/ wah-yue-pee-kay
Skillful /WOPIKE/ woh-pee-kay
Skin /COKU/ choh-ku
Skin /HA/ hah
Skin /TAHA/ dah-hah
Skinny /TAMAHECA/ dah-mah-ay-chah
Skip /PSICE/ P-see-chay
Skirt /NITEHEPI/ nee-Day-Hay-pee
skull (Buffalo) /PTEPASACA/ P-Day-pah-shah-shah
Skull /WICAPASACA/ wee-chah-pah-shah-chah
Skunk /MAKA/ mah-kah
Sky /MAHPIYA/ mah-ghpee-yah
Slander (remark) /OSTEGLA/ oh-shday-glah
Slander /SIKSIKCA WAAIYE/ seek-seek-chah wah-ah-ee-yea
Slaughter /KTE/ kday
Sled /CAN L SLOHE/ chahn l sloh-hay
Sleep /ISTIME/ ee-shdee-may
Sleepy /HWA/ ghwah
Slice /WAKSA/ wah-ksah
Slid /OSLOHE/ oh-sloh-Hay
Slide down /OSLOHE KICO/ oh-sloh-hay kee-chohn
Slide off /OSLOHA/ oh-sloh-hahn
Sling (arm) /ISTO NAKIPI/ ee-shdoh nah-kee-pee
Slings /HOHOTE/ hoh-hoh-Day
Slingshot /INYANKAHMUPI/ ee-yahn-kah-ghmue-pee
Slip (under garment) /NITEHEPI/ nee-day-hay-pee
Slip /YUSLUTE/ yuh-slue-Day
Slippery /SLUSLUTE/ shlue-shlue-Day
Slit open /WAHU/ wah-hue
Slovenly /NAHPAHPAKE/ nah-ghpah-ghpah-kay
Slow /HUHI/ huhn-hee
Slowly /IWASTEGLA/ ee-wah-shday-glah
Sly /WACITUSNI/ wah-chee-duen-shnee
Small /CISTILA/ chee-sdee-lah
Smallpox /WICAHAHAPI/ wee-chah-ghahn-gh-hah-pee
Smash (under foot) /NATA/ nah-dah
Smash /ICAPA/ ee-chah-pahn
Smell (odor) /MNA/ mnah
Smell /OMNA/ oh-mnah
Smile /IHA/ ee-ghah
Smoke (Tobacco) /CALI/ chahn-lee
Smoke /SOTA/ shoh-dah
Smoking /CANUPE/ chah-nue-Pay
Smooth /SLU SLUTE/ shlue-shlue-day
Snake /ZUZECA/ zjue-zjay-chah
Sneak up on (to) /ANASLATA/ ah-nah-slah-dah
Sneak /NAHMALA/ nah-ghmah-lah
Sniff /OMNA/ oh-mnah
Snipe /HOKAGICA/ hoh-kah-gee-chah
Snore /GOPE/ ghoh-Pay
Snow Bunting /HUPUWABLILA/ hue-pue-wahn-blee-lah
Snow /WA/ wah
Snowing (blizzard) /IWOBLU/ ee-woh-Blue
Snowing /ICAMNA/ ee-chah-mnah
Snowing /WAHINHE/ wah-hee-Hay
So Many /TONAKCA/ doh-nah-kchah
So - Thus /ECEL / ay-chayl
So /CA/ chah
Soap (flakes) /HAIPAJAJABLU/ hah-ee-pah-zjah-zjah-Blue
Soap /HAIPAJAJA/ hah-ee-pahzj-ah-zjah
Sob /CEYE/ chay-yea
Society /OKOLA KICIYE/ oh-koh-lah kee-chee-yea
Sock (Stocking) /HUYAKU/ huen-yah-kuen
Sod house /MAKA TIPI/ mah-kah dee-pee
Soda (soft drink) /KAPOPAPI/ kah-poh-pah-pee
Soft /PUNS SJELA/ puhnsh-puhnsh zjay-lah
Soggy (to be) /HPALA/ ghpahn-lah
Soil /MAKA/ mah-kah
Soldier /AKICITA/ ah-kee-chee-dah
Sole /SIHA/ see-hah
Some /HUH/ huengh
Somebody /TUWE/ due-way
Someone poor (in a sad way) /IYOTIYEKIYA/ ee-yoh-dee-yea-kee-yah
Someone /TUWA/ due-wah
Something /TAKUNL/ dah-kuenl
Sometime /WATOHANL/ wah-doh-hahnl
Somewhat /EKESYE/ ay-kay-syea
Somewhere /TOKIYATA/ doh-kee-yah-dahn
Son /CIKS/ chee-ksh
Son /CIKSI/ chee-kshee
Song /OLOWA/ oh-loh-wahn
Soon /ECANI/ ay-chah-nee
Sore (leg) /HUYAZO/ hue-yah-zohn
Sore /HA/ ghahn
Sorrow /CATE SICAPI/ chahn-day shee-chah-pee
Sorrowing /ICALSIL/ ee-chahnl-sheel
Sorry /CATE SICE/ chahn-day shee-chay
Soul /NAGI/ nah-ghee
Sound (loud) /HOTAKA/ hoh-dahn-kah
Soup /WAHAPI/ wah-hahn-pee
Sour /OSKUYE/ oh-skue-yea
Source /TUKTE TAHA/ due-kday dahn-hahn
South /ITOKAGATA/ ee-doh-kah-ghah-dahn
Space (Between) /OKO/ oh-koh
Spade /MAKIWASPE/ mah-kee-wah-shpay
Spank /KASOK SOKKE/ kah-sohk sohk-kay
Spare /AKAB/ ah-kohb
Sparks /PESNIJA/ Pay-shnee-zjah
Sparrow /IHUHAOTILA/ eegh-uegh-ah-oh-dee-lah
Speak (to) /IYA/ ee-yah
Speak /WOGLAKE/ wohglah-kay
Spear /WAHUKEZA/ wah-hue-kay-zah
Specific information /TAKU U HCA KI HE/ dah-kue uhn ghchah kee hay
Speckled /GLEGLE GE/ glay-glay ghay
Speed /OHOKO/ oh-ghohn-koh
Spend /YUSOTE/ yue-soh-Day
Sphere /GMIGMA/ gmee-gmah
Spicy /PA/ pah
Spider /IKTOMI/ ee-kdoh-mee
Spill /PAPSU/ pah-psuen
Spinal end /TAMICA/ dah-mee-chah
Spine /CAKAHU/ chahn-kah-hue
Spiritland /WANAGIYATA/ wah-nah-ghee-yah-dah
Spit /TASOSE/ dah-shoh-shay
Spleen /PISLECA/ pee-shlay-chah
Split up /KAKIUKA/ kah-kee-uen-kahn
Split /KASLECE/ kah-slay-chay
Spoil (It) /YUSICE/ yue-shee-chay
Spoil /OSICE/ oh-shee-chay
Spoon /CISKA/ chee-shkah
Spotted /GLESKA/ glay-shkah
Spread (on) /AKAWITE/ ah-kah-wee-day
Spread /KABLAGE/ kah-blah-ghee
Spring (coil) /WIS WISJAHE/ weesh-weesh-zjah-hay
Spring /WETU/ way-due
Springwater /WIWILA MNI/ wee-wee-lah mnee
Sprinkle /MNIS ES E/ mneesh-aysh-ay
Square /OBLETU/ oh-blay-due
Stand watching /WAYAG NAZI/ wah-yahng nah-zjee
Stand /NAJI/ nah-zjee
Star /WICAHPI/ wee-chah-ghpee
Start out /IYAYA/ ee-yah-yah
Start /IYA/ ee-yah
Start /YAPI/ yah-pee
Starve /AKIH AN/ ah-keegh ahn
State (territory) /MAKA OWASPE/ mah-kah oh-wah-shpay
Statements (what they say) /OWICAKIYAKA PI KI/ oh-wee-chah-kee-yah-kah pee kee
Station /O INAJI/ oh-ee-nah-zjee
Statue /KAKAPI/ kah-kahn-pee
Stay /ENAON/ ay-nah-ohn
Steal /MANU/ mah-nue
Steamboat /WATAPETA/ wah-dah-Pay-dah
Steel /MAZA/ mah-zah
Steer /PTEBLOKA/ pday-bloh-kah
Step (on) /ALI/ ah-lee
Step /CAICU/ chah-ee-chue
Steps /OIYALI/ oh-ee-yah-lee
Stew /WAHAPI/ wah-hahn-pee
Stick (to catch) /IKOWAYEKA/ ee-koh-wah-yea-kah
Sticks (on) /IYASLOPYE/ ee-yah-sloh-p-yea
Sticks /CASAKALA/ chahn-sah-kah-lah
Still (quiet) /OWAJILA/ oh-wahn-zjee-lah
Still /NAHAHCI/ nah-hahn-gh-chee
Stillborn /TAHIYUYA/ dah-hee-yue-yah
Stink /SICAMNA/ shee-chah-mnah
Stirr up /SI INATA/ see-ee-nah-dahn
Stocking /HUYAKU/ huen-yah-khuen
Stomach (pauch) /NIGE / nee-gay
Stomach /TEZI/ Day-zee
Stone /INYAN/ ee-yahn
Stoop /PATUJE/ pah-due-zjay
Stop /INAJI/ ee-nahzjee
Store away /MAHEL EGLE/ mah-hayl ay-glay
Store /MOSOPIYE/ moh-soh-pee-yea
Stork /HOKAHICA/ hoh-kah-ghee-chah
Storm /OSICECA/ oh-shee-chay-chah
Stove /OCETI/ oh-chay-dee
Straddle /AKOJAL/ ahn-koh-zjahl
Straight /OWOTALA/ oh-woh-dahn-lah
Strainer /IPUSKEPA/ ee-pue-skay-pah
Strange /TOKECA/ doh-kay-chah
Strangle /YUTE/ yue-Day
Strap /YUPIYAKA SAPA/ yue-pee-yah-kah sah-pah
Streak /OGLEZE/ oh-glay-zay
Streaking /HACOLAPI/ hah-choh-lah-pee
Stream /MNI KALUZE/ mnee-kah-lue-zay
Street /CAKU/ chahn-kue
Stretch /YUZICE/ yue-zee-chay
Strike /APE/ ahn-Pay
String /HAHUTA/ hah-ghuen-dah
Strip /IGLUJUJU/ ee-Glue-zjue-zjue
Striped /GLEGLE GE/ glay-glay chay
Strips (in) /WASOSO/ wa-soh-soh
Stroke (pet) /YUSTOSTO/ yue-shdoh-shdoh
Strong /WASAKE/ wah-shah-kay
Struggle /SKICIYE/ shkee-chee-yea
Stubborn /WANAHOSNI/ wah-nah-ghohn-shnee
Student /WAYAWA/ wah-yah-wah
Study /WAYAWA/ wah-yah-wah
Stumble /SIPA WAKASYE/ see-pah wah-kah-shyea
Stump /CAHUTA/ chahn-huen-dah
Stupid /TAKUNI SLOLYE SNI/ dah-kue-nee slohl-yea shnee
Succession /ICIYOKIHEYA/ ee-chee-yoh-kee-Hay-yea
Such /HECA/ Hay-chah
Suck /YAZOKE/ yah-zoh-kay
Sucking (baby) /AZI/ ah-zee
Suddenly (to occur) /HIGLE/ hee-glay
Suddenly /UGNAHELA/ uen-gnah-Hay-lah
Suffer /KAKIJE/ kah-keezjay
Sugar /CAHAPI/ chahn-hahn-pee
Suicide (to commit) /IC IKTE/ eech ee-kday
Summer /BLOKETU/ bloh-kay-due
Sun /APAWI/ ahn-pah-wee
Sundance (site of the) /OIWAWAYAGWACI/ oh-ee-wah-wahn-yahng-wah-chee
Sundance /WIWAYAKWACIPI/ wee-wahn-yahnk-wah-chee-pee
Sunday /APETU WAKA/ ahn-pay-due wah-kahn
Sundog /WIACEICITI/ wee-ah-chay-ee-chee-dee
Sunny /MASTE/ mah-shday
Sunrise /WIHINAPE/ wee-hee-nah-Pay
Sunset /WIMAHELIYAYE/ wee-mah-Hay-lee-yah-yea
Sunshine /MASTE/ mah-shday
Superior /ISOM WASTE/ ee-sohm wah-shday
Supply (be in short) /A OKPANI/ ah oh-kpah-nee
Suppose /NACACE/ nah-chah-chay
Sure /HECETU/ Hay-chay-due
Surely /HECETUHCE/ Hay-chay-due-gh-chay
Surpass /KAPE/ kah-Pay
Surrender /ICICUPI/ ee-chee-chue-pee
Surround /A OGLUTEYA/ ah-oh-glue-day-yahn
Survey /MAKA IYUTAPI/ mah-kah ee-yue-dah-pee
Suspend /EKA YUSLOHA/ ay-kahn yue-sloh-hahn
Suspenders /CESKI YUTA/ chay-shkee yue-dahn
Sutures /NATOKIIYAKE/ nah-doh-kee-ee-yahn-kay
Swallow (Barn) /UPIJATA/ ue-pee-zjah-dah
Swallow (bird) /ISTANICATAKA/ ee-shdah-nee-chah-dahn-kah
Swallow (cliff) /HUPUCASAKALA/ hue-pue-chahn-sah-kah-lah
Swallow (to) /NAPCA/ nah-p-chah
Swan /MAGASKA/ mah-gah-skah
Sweat lodge /INIKAGAPI/ ee-nee-kah-ghah-pee
Sweat /TEMNI/ Day-mnee
Sweater /OGLEZIGZICA/ oh-glay-zeeg-zee-chah
Sweep /KAHINTE/ kah-hee-Day
Sweet /SKUYE/ skue-yea
Sweetgrass /WACAGA/ wah-chahn-ghah
Sweetheart /CANTE SKUYE/ chahn-day skue-yea
Sweets (in general) /WASKUYECA/ wah-skue-yea-chah
Swell (to) /P O/ p oh
Swelling /WAP O/ wah-p oh
Swift /KAHWOKE/ kah-ghwoh-kay
Swift /OHOKO/ oh-ghohn-koh
Swim /NUWE/ nue-way
Sword /MILA HASKE/ mee-lah hahn-skay
Sympathy (with) /TUKEYE/ due-kay-yea

Table /WAGIE YUTAPI/ wah-ghee-ay yue-dah-pee
Tail /site/ see-day
Take along /AYA/ ah-yah
Take /ICU/ ee-chue
Taken /ICUPI/ ee-chue-pee
Talk using sign language /WIYUTA/ wee-yue-dah
Talk /WOGLAKE/ woh-glah-kay
Tall /HASKE/ hahn-skay
Tallow /WASI/ wah-shee
Tantrum /O IKCAPTA/ oh ee-kchah-pdah
Tape recorder /HOWANAGOYE/ hoh-wah-nah-ghoh-yea
Tarpaulin (Cover) /WAKAHPE/ wah-kah-ghpay
Taste /YAZOKE/ yahzohkay
Taunt (to tease) /AS A/ ahsh-ah
Tea /WAHPE KALYAPI/ wah-ghpay kahl-yah-pee
Teach things to /WA USPEKIYA/ wah uen-spay-kee-yah
Teach /OSPE KIYE/ ohn-spay kee-yea
Teacher /WA USPEWICAKIYAPI/ wah uen-spay-wee-chah-kee-yah-pee
Teachings /WO IYAKSAPE/ woh ee-yah-ksah-pay
Tears /ISTAMNIHAPI/ ee-shdah-mnee-hahn-pee
Teary /YUHLECE/ yue-ghlay-chay
Tease /ISKAYA/ ee-shkahn-yahn
Teasing /OWEHAHA/ oh-way-hahn-hahn
Teeth /Hi/ hee
Telephone /MASAPE/ mahs-ah-Pay
Telephone booth /OMAS APE/ oh-mahs ah-pay
Telescope /ISTAMAZA/ ee-shdah-mah-zah
Tell /OYAKE/ oh-yah-kay
Temple /TIPI WAKA/ dee-pee wah-kahn
Temple(s) of head /NAWATE/ nah-wah-day
Temporarily /IHAHA/ ee-ghahn-hahn
Tempt /IYUTA/ ee-yue-dahn
Tempted /IYUTAYE/ ee-yue-dahn-yea
Ten /WIKCEMNA/ wee-kchay-mnah
Tender /PAPALA/ pahn-pahn-lah
Tendon /KA/ kahn
Tent (Not TIPI) /TIYOBLECA/ dee-yoh-blay-chah
Tent pegs /WIHUPASPA/ wee-huhn-pah-spah
Tent /TIPI YOKIHE/ tee-pee yoh-kee-hay
Terrible /OHITIKA/ oh-hee-dee-kah
Territory (state) /MAKA OWASPE/ mah-kah oh-wah-shpay
Testimony /WAYATAI/ wah-yah-dahn-ee
Teton /TITUWA/ dee-duen-wah
Than /NAKU/ nah-kuen
Than /NA/ nah
Thank you very much /LILA PILAMAYAYE/ lee-lah pee-lah-mah-yah-yea
Thank you /PILAMAYAYE/ pee-lah-mah-yah-yea
Thanks /PILAMAYE/ pee-lah-mah-yea
Thanks /PIWAKILA/ pee-wah-kee-lah
That Far /HEHAYA/ Hay-hahn-yahn
That one /He/ Hay
That There /KA/ kah
That's alright /TOKA SNI/ doh-kah shnee
That's enough /HO EYAS WANA HECETU/ hoh ay-yahsh wah-nah hay-chay-due
Thaw /STUTE/ sdue-Day
The end /HEHAYA O IHAKE/ hay-hahn-yahn oh ee-hahn-kay
The /KI/ kee
The /CI/ chee
Theirs /TAWAPI/ dah-wah-pee
Them /HENA/ Hay-nah
Then /HEHANL/ hay-hahnl
Then /CA/ chah
There /HECI/ Hay-chee
Thereabout /HECIYATA/ Hay-chee-yah-dahn
Thereafter /OHAKOB/ oh-hah-kohb
Therefore /HOHEO/ hoh-Hay-ohn
Thereupon /YUKA/ yue-kahn
These two /HENA US/ hay-nah uhns
These /LENA/ lay-nah
They live that way /OGNA O UYA PI/ oh-gnah oh uen-yahn pee
They /IYEPI/ ee-yea-pee
They /EPI/ ay-pee
Thick /SOKE/ soh-kay
Thicket /OZU/ oh-zjue
Thief /WAMANUS A/ wah-mah-nues ah
Thigh (front of) /CECA/ chay-chah
Thigh (side of) /SICA/ see-chahn
Thigh /CETUTE/ chay-due-Day
Thimble /NAPOSTA/ nah-poh-shdahn
Thin /ZIZIPE LA/ zjee-zjee-pay lah
Think about /WACA I/ wah-chahn ee
Think /IYUKCA/ ee-yue-kchahn
Think /KECA I / kay-chah ee
Third /IYAMNI/ ee-yah-mnee
Thirsty /IPUZE/ ee-pue-zay
Thirteen /WIKCEMNA AKEYAMNI/ wee-kchay-mnah ah-kay-yah-mnee
Thirty /WIKCEMNA YAMNI/ wee-kchay-mnah yah-mnee
This Far /LEHAYA/ lay-hahn-yahn
This /LE/ lay
Thorn /WICAPE/ wee-chah-Pay
Thorough /I HUNIYA/ ee huen-nee-yahn
Thoroughly /ATAYAHCI/ ah-dah-yah-ghchee
Those /HENA/ Hay-nah
Thou /NIYE/ nee-yea
Thought /IYUKCA/ ee-yue-kchahn
Thoughtful /WIYUKCA/ wee-yuh-kchahn
Thoughtless /WIYUKCA SNI/ wee-yue-kchahn shnee
Thoughtlessly /ECISNIYA/ ay-chee-shnee-yahn
Thousand(s) /KIKTOPAWIGE/ kee-kdoh-pah-wee-ghay
Thread /HAHUTA/ hah-ghuen-dah
Three hundred /OPAWIGE YAMNI/ oh-pah-wee-ghay yah-mnee
Three /YAMNI/ yah-mnee
Thrice /YAMNI AKIGLE/ yah-mnee ah-kee-glay
Throat (lower) /CESKOHLOKE/ chay-shkoh-ghloh-kay
Throat /LOTE/ loh-day
Through (by means of) /OGNAYA/ oh-gnah-yahn
Through (Go) /OPTA/ oh-pdah
Through /IGLUSTA/ ee-Glue-shdahn
Throw (down) /KUL GLIHPEYE/ kuhl glee-ghpay-yea
Throw /KAHOL IYE/ kah-ghohl ee-yea
Thrush /CAGUGUYASA/ chahn-ghue-ghue-yah-shah
Thumb /NABHAUKA/ nahb-ghah-uen-kah
Thunder (clap) /WAKIYA HOTOPI/ wah-kee-yahn hoh-dohn-pee
Thunder (lightning) /WAKIYA TUWAPI/ wah-kee-yahn duen-wahn-pee
Thunder /WAKI YA/ wah-kee yahn
Thursday /APETU TOPA/ ahn-pay-due doh-pah
Thus /LECEL/ lay-chayl
Tickle /YUSISI/ yue-shee-shee
Tie (neck) /KAHA WANAPI/ kah-ghah wah-nah-pee
Tie /PAHTE/ pah-ghday
Time (you've come at a bad) /HCEHAL YAHI CA/ gh-chay-hahnl ya-hee chah
Time /TOHATU/ doh-hahn-due
Times /AKIGLE/ ah-kee-glay
Tire pump /HU IPAT IZE/ hue ee-pahd ee-zay
Tire /HU/ hue
Tired /YUGO/ yue-ghoh
Tired /WATUKA/ wah-due-kah
To be so /IYECETU/ ee-yea-chay-due
To /EL/ aylay
To /EKTA/ ay-kdah
Toad /MAPIHA/ mah-pee-ghah
Tobacco (chewing) /CALI YATAPI/ cahn-lee yah-dah-pee
Tobacco /CALI/ cahn-lee
Today (earlier) /APEHA/ ah-pay-hahn
Today (later on) /EKTAWAPAYA/ ay-kdah-wah-pah-yah
Today /APETU KI LE/ ah-pay-due kee lay
Toe /SIPA/ see-pah
Together (with three or more) /OB/ ohb
Together /PTAYELA/ pdah-yea-lah
Toilet (outdoor) /O IHEYE TIPI/ oh ee-hay-yea dee-pee
Toilet /O IHEYE/ oh ee-hay-yea
Tomatoes /OJIJITKA/ ohn-zjee-zjee-dkah
Tomorrow /ACAJI/ dah-chah-jee
Tonight /HAHEPI KI/ hahn-hay-pee kee
Tonsils /WINAPCE/ wee-nahp-chay
Too /LILA/ lee-lah
Tool /MASWO ILAKE/ mahs-woh ee-lah-kay
Tools /WIKICAYA/ wee-kee-chahn-yahn
Tooth /Hi/ hee
Top /AKATAHA/ ah-kah-dahn-hahn
Tornado /TATE TANKA/ dah-day dahn-kah
Torture /TEHIYA KUWAPI/ day-ghee-yah kue-wah-pee
Touch (feel) /EPATA/ ay-pah-dahn
Tough (Hard) /SUTA/ sue-dah
Tough /SUTAKE/ sue-dah-kay
Toward some place /TOKETKIYA/ doh-kay-dkee-yah
Toward the future /TOKATAKIYA/ doh-kah-dah-kee-yah
Toward the south /ITOKAGATAKIYA/ ee-doh-kah-ghah-day-kee-yah
Toward this place /LECIYA/ lay-chee-yah
Toward /ETKIYA/ ay-dkee-yah
Town /OTOWAHE/ oh-dohn-wahn-hay
Track /OWE/ oh-way
Trade (mutual concession) /TAKU KICIC U/ dah-kue kee-cheech ue
Traditional way of life /TIWAHE/ dee-wah-hay
Traditions (to remember) /WAKIKSUYA U/ wah-kee-ksue-yah uen
Trail /CAKU/ chahn-kue
Train tracks /MAZA CAKU/ mah-zah cahn-kue
Train /HEMANI/ ghay-mah-nee
Training (horse) /KAOSPE/ kah-ohn-spay
Tramp /WAKILA/ wah-kee-lah
Translate /MAZASKA AWANYANKE/ mah-zah-skah ah-wahn-yahn-kay
Travel /OMANI/ oh-mah-nee
Treasure /YUIYESKA/ yue-ee-yea-skah
Treat (to) /OKIH A/ oh-keegh ahn
Treat /APIYE/ ah-pee-yea
Treaty /WOLAKOTA/ woh-lah-koh-dah
Tree branch /CHA ALETKA/ chahn-ah-lay-dkah
Tree /CAN/ chahn
Tremble /CAN CAN/ chahn-chahn
Trial /WAYASUPI/ wah-yah-sue-pee
Tribe /OYATE/ oh-yah-Day
Tributary /IYOHLOKE/ ee-yoh-ghloh-kay
Tribute /YUONIHA/ yue-oh-nee-hahn
Trick /WICA GNAYE/ wee-chah gnah-yea
Trifle /TAKUNSNI/ dah-kuen-shnee
Tripe /TANIGA/ dah-nee-ghah
Trouble /WOSICE/ woh-shee-chay
Trousers /UZOGI/ uen-zoh-ghee
Truly /AWECAKEYA/ ah-way-chah-kay-yah
Truth /WOWICAKE/ woh-wee-chah-kay
Try /IYUTE/ ee-yue-Day
Tuesday /ANPETU NUPA/ ahn-pay-due nuh-pah
Turbulent /SOSE/ shoh-shay
Turkey (Wild) /WAGLEKSU/ wah-glay-kshuen
Turkey /WAGLE KSU/ wahglay-kshuen
Turn around (to) /KAWIGA/ kah-wee-ghah
Turn off /YUSNI/ yue-shnee
Turn on /YU ILE/ yue-eelay
Turn /YUHOMNI/ yue-hoh-mnee
Turnip (domestic) /PAGI/ pahn-ghee
Turnip (Wild) /TIPSILA/ dee-psee-lah
Twelve /WIKCEMNA AKENUPA/ week-chay-mnah ah-kay-nue-pah
Twenty /WIKCEMNA NUM/ week-chay-mnah nuem
Twenty five /WIKCEMNA NUMSOM ZAPTA/ week-chay-mnah nue-msohm zah-pdahn
Twine /PEJI IPAHTE /pay-zjhee ee-pah-ghday
Twins /CEKPAPI/ chay-kpah-pee
Twist /YUPEMNI/ yue-Pay-mnee
Two hundred /OPAWIGE NUM/ oh-pah-wee-gay nuem
Two /NUMPA/ nuem-pah

US Government /TUNKASILAYAPI/ duen-kah-shee-lah-yah-pee
Ugly /SICA/ shee-chah
Unceasing /AHTATESNIYA/ ah-ghdah-Day-shnee-yah
Unchewable /YASKICA/ yah-shkee-chah
Uncle /LEKSI/ lay-kshee
Uncoil (make) /WAWAGLA/ wah-wah-glah
Unconscious /WACIGNUNI/ wah-chee-gnue-nee
Unconventional /WITKO/ wee-dkoh
Undecided /YUHELHEL/ yue-hayl-hayl
Under /OHLATE/ oh-ghlah-Day
Underneath /IHUKUYA/ ee-hue-kue-yah
Undershirt /MAHELOGLE/ mah-hayl-oh-glay
Understand (to cause to) /WA ABLESYA/ wah ah-blay-s-yah
Understand /OKAHNIGE/ oh-kah-ghnee-gay
Undo /YUTAKUNISNI/ yue-dah-kue-nee-shnee
Unexpectedly /UGNAHALA/ uen-gnah-hahn-lah
Unfortunately /AKSAKA/ ah-kshah-kah
United states /MILAHASKA TAMAKOCE/ mee-lah-hahn-skah dah-mah-koh-chay
Universe /WAMAKOGNAKA/ wah-mah-koh-gnah-kah
Unknowingly /SLOLYESNIYA/ slohl-yea-shnee-yahn
Unless /SNIHATAG/ shnee-hahn-dahng
Untidy /NAHPAHPAKE/ nah-ghpah-ghpah-kay
Untie a knot (to) /YUSKE/ yue-shkay
Until /TOHANL/ doh-hahnl
Until now /LEHUHULYA/ lay-huen-huenl-yah
Untrustworthy /WACIYE PICASNI/ wah-chee-yea pee-chah-shnee
Untruthful /WICAKESNI/ wee-chah-kay-shnee
Unusual /TOKECA/ doh-kay-chah
Unusually /ICEWIS/ ee-chay-weesh
Unyielding /GLONICE/ gloh-nee-chay
Up to this point /LEHAYA/ lay-hahn-yah
Upon /AKAYA/ ah-kahn-yahn
Upright /WOSLOL/ woh-slohl
Upset /IYOYAKA/ ee-yoh-yah-kah
Upward /WAKAL/ wahn-kahl
Urban indian /KIWASICU/ kee-wah-shee-chuen
Urinal (restroom) /OLEZE/ oh-lay-zay
Urine /WICALEZA/ wee-chah-lay-zah
US /UKIYE/ uen-kee-yea
US /UKIS/ uen-keesh
Use up /YUSOTE/ yue-soh-Day
Use /UPI/ uen-pee
Ute tribe /SAPA WICASA/ sah-pah wee-chah-shah

Vain /ATOSOKIHISNI ah-doh-shoh-kee-hee-shnee
Valley /MNIKAOSKOKPA/ mnee-kah-oh-shkoh-kpah
Value /TEHILA/ Day-ghee-lah
Various /ICITOTOKCA/ ee-chee-doh-doh-kchah
Vegetable /WATOTO/ wah-doh-doh
Vein /KACIKALA/ kahn-chee-kah-lah
Vengeance /WATOKICO/ wah-doh-kee-chohn
Verily /HUSE/ huen-shay
Very /LILA/ lee-lah
Vessel /MNIOGNAKE/ mnee-oh-gnah-kay
Vest /OGLECIYUKSA/ oh-glay-chee-yue-ksah
Vice-president /ITACA IYOKIHE/ ee-dahn-chahn ee-yoh-kee-hay
Village /WICOTI/ wee-choh-dee
Violate /KIKAKSA/ kee-kah-kshah
Violently /OSUGYE/ oh-shueng-yea
Virgin /WITASNA O/ wee-dahn-shnah ohn
Visible /TANIYA/ dah-nee-yahn
Vision cry /HAN BLECEYAPI/ hahn blay-chay-yah-pee
Voice (of the community) /NIGETAKIYA/ nee-gay-dahn-kee-yahn
Volunteer /ICICU/ ee-chee-chue
Vomit /IGLEB/ ee-glayb

Wade /COPE/ choh-Pay
Wag tail /SITUPSA/ see-due-psahn
Wages /WICAYAZU/ wee-chah-yah-zue
Wagon /CAPAPI/ chahn-pahn-pee
Wail /HMU/ ghmue
Waist /Page/ pah-ghay
Wait for /APE/ ah-pay
Wake (for the dead) /WAHAN KIKTAPI/ wah-hahn kee-kdah-pee
Wake (up) /KIKTA/ kee-kdah
Walk /MANI/ mah-nee
Wall (in house) /TITAHEPIYA/ dee-dah-hay-pee-yah
Wall /ACAN GLASKE/ ah-chahn glah-shkay
Wander /NUNI/ nue-nee
Wandering /WACIGNUNI/ wah-chee-gnue-nee
Want /CI/ chee
War party /OZUYE/ oh-zue-yea
War stories /WAKTE OGLAKA/ wah-day oh-glah-kah
War /OKICIZE/ oh-kee-chee-zay
Warbler /SITUPIWABLILA/ see-due-pee-wahn-blee-lah
Warbonnet /WAPAHA/ wah-pah-hah
Warclub /IYAKAPEMNIPI/ ee-yahn-kah-Pay-mnee-pee
Warm /OCOZE/ oh-choh-zay
Warmer /KATA/ kah-dah
Warn /IWAKTAYE/ ee-wah-kdah-yea
Warning /IWAKTA WICAYAPI/ ee-wah-kdah wee-chah-yah-pee
Warpath /ZUYAYAPI/ zue-yah-yah-pee
Wash basin(a) /UIGLUJAJAPI/ ue-nee-Glue-zjah-zjah-pee
Wash up /IGLUJAJA/ ee-Glue-zjah-zjah
Wash /YUJAJA/ yue-zjah-zjah
Washing /WOJAJA/ woh-zjah-zjah
Wasp /WICAYAZIPA/ wee-chah-yah-zjee-pah
Waste /YUTAGNISNI/ yue-dah-gnee-shnee
Wastebasket /OWAIHPAYE/ oh-wah-ee-ghpah-yea
Wasteful /IGLUWAHPANICA/ ee-Glue-wah-ghpah-nee-chah
Watch /AWAYAYE/ ah-wahn-yahn-yea
Watch out /WAKTA YO/ wah-kdah yoh
Water /MNI/ mnee
Water current /MNI ITACA/ mnee ee-dahn-chahn
Watering /MNIAYUSLI/ mnee-ah-yue-slee
Watermelon /SPASNIYUTAPI/ shpahn-shnee-yue-dah-pee
Waterpump /MNI IPATAZA/ mnee ee-pah-dah-zjah
Wave /NAPE KICOZE/ nah-pay kee-choh-zjay
Waves (water) /MNI KAKIPE HAHA/ mnee kah-kee-pay hahn-hahn
Wavy hair /PAHINA MNIMNIZA/ pah-hee-nah mnee-mnee-zjah
Wavy /MNIMNIZA/ mnee-mnee-zjah
Wax /CASISLOYAPI/ chahn-shee-shloh-yah-pee
Way of life /WICA O UYE/ wee-chah oh uen-yea
Way /LECETU/ lay-chay-due
Ways (in those) /HECEKCEL/ hay-chay-kchayl
We /UNKIS/ uen-keesh
Weak-mind /TAWACIPAPALA/ dah-wah-chee-pah-pah-lah
Weak /HUNKESNI/ huen-kay-shnee
Weakling /WASAKE SNI/ wah-shah-kay shnee
Wealth /WIJICA/ wee-zjee-chah
Wealthy /JICAPI/ zjee-chah-pee
Wear and tear /TANNI/ dahn-nee
Wear own warbonnet /WAPAHA KITU/ wah-pah-hah kee-duen
Wear /UN/ uen
Weary /CATE IHAKE/ chahn-day ee-hahn-kay
Weasel /ITUKASA/ ee-duen-kah-sahn
Wedge /ICASLECE/ ee-chah-slay-chay
Wednesday /APETU YAMNI/ ahn-pay-due yah-mnee
Weeding /WAKAGMIPI/ wah-kah-ghmee-pee
Weeds /CAHLOGA/ chahn-ghloh-ghahn
Week /OKO WAJI/ oh-koh wahn-zjee
Weep /CEYE/ chay-yea
Weight /KEYUTAPI/ kay-yue-dah-pee
Well (in health) /ZANIYA/ zah-nee-yah
Well (make people) /WAPIYA/ wah-pee-yah
Well Now! /EYA/ ay-yah
Well water /MNI CAPI/ mnee chah-pee
Well so /ISKA/ ee-skah
Went /IYAYE/ ee-yah-yea
West /WIYOHPE YATA/ wee-yoh-ghpay yah-dah
Wet /SPAYE/ spah-yea
What might be /HECI/ hay-chee
What /TAKU/ dah-kue
Whatever (in any manner) /TUKTOGNA KE CEYAS/ due-kdoh-gnah kay chay-yahsh
Whatever /TAKU KEEYAS/ dah-kue kay-ay-yahsh
Wheat /AGUYAPI SU/ ah-ghue-yah-pee sue
Wheel /HUGMIYA/ hue-ghmee-yahn
When /TOHA/ doh-hahn
When-in the past /K U HEHA/ k uen hay-hahn
Whence /TOKIYA TAHA/ doh-kee-yah dah-hahn
Whenever /TOHUNTU KEYAS/ doh-huen-duh kay-yahsh
Where /TUKTEL/ due-kdayl
Whether /HECI/ Hay-chee
Whetstone /MIYOGLI/ mee-yoh-glee
Which /TUKTE/ due-kday
While /ICUHA/ ee-chue-hahn
Whip /ICAPSITE/ ee-chah-psee-Day
Whippoorwill /PAKOSKALA/ pah-kohsh-kah-lah
Whirl /KAHOMNI/ kah-hoh-mnee
Whirlwind /WAMNIYOMNI/ wah-mnee-yoh-mnee
Whiskey /MNI WAKA/ mnee wah-kahn
Whistle (human) /JOPI/ zjoh-pee
Whistle /WAYAJOPI/ wah-yah-zjoh-pee
Whistling /JOLPWAPI/ zjohl-P-wahn-pee
White person /WASICU/ wah-shee-chue
White river /MAKIZITA WAKPA/ mah-kee-zjee-dah wah-kpah
White /SKA/ skah
Whiteman (to make oneself like a) /IGLUWASICU/ ee-glue-wah-shee-chue
Whiteman's world (in the) /WASICULA EKTA/ wah-shee-chue-lah ay-kdah
Whitetail deer /SITEHASKA/ see-Day-hahn-skah
Who /TUWE/ due-Way
Whoever /TUWECA/ due-Way-chah
Whole /ATA/ ah-dah
Wholly /ATAYA/ ah-dah-yah
Whom /TOWEPI/ doh-Way-pee
Why /TAKUWE/ dah-kue-Way
Wicked /SICA/ shee-chah
Wicked /WITKO TKOKE/ wee-dkoh dkoh-kay
Wickedness /WOWITKO OJULA/ woh-wee-dkoh oh-zjue-lah
Wide /OTANKAYA/ oh-dahn-kah-yah
Widow /WIWAZICA/ wee-wah-zjee-chah
Wife /TAWICU/ dah-wee-chue
Wife (to have a) /WIYA WA KICI U/ wee-yah wahn kee-chee uen
Wild /WATOGLA/ wah-doh-glah
Wilderness /MAKOSKANL/ mah-koh-skahnl
Wildrose /UZIZITKA/ uen-zjee-zjee-dkah
Will /TAWACI/ dah-wah-chee
Willing /TAWATELYAPI/ dah-wah-dayl-yah-pee
Willow tree /CASASA/ chahn-shah-shah
Win /OHIYE/ oh-hee-yea
Wind /TATE/ dah-Day
Window /OJAJA GLEPI/ oh-zjahnzjahn glay-pee
Windpipe (throat) /GLOGLOSKA/ gloh-gloh-shkah
Wine /MNISA/ mnee-shah
Wing /HUPAHU/ ghue-pah-hue
Winnebago /HOTAKE/ hoh-dahn-kay
Winter /WANIYETU/ wah-nee-yea-due
Wipe /PAKITE/ pah-kee-Day
Wisdom /WOKSAPE/ woh-ksah-Pay
Wise /PKSAPE/ P-ksah-Pay
Wisely /KSABYAHAN/ ksahb-yah-hahn
With /KICI/ kee-chee
Wither /SNIJE/ shnee-zjay
Within /IMAHEL/ ee-mah-hayl
Without penetrating /OSNIYAKEL/ oh-shnee-yahn-kayl
Without /COLA/ choh-lah
Wolf howl /SUGMANITU HOTA I/ shuen-g-mah-nee-due hoh-dah ee
Wolf /SUMANITU TAKA/ shuen-mah-nee-due dahn-kah
Woman /WIYA/ wee-yahn
Womb /TAMNI/ dah-mnee
Women /WIYA PI/ wee-yahn pee
Wonderful /WO ITOPE/ woh ee-dohn-pay
Wood /CA/ chahn
Woodcock /KAKECA/ kahn-kay-chah
Woodduck /SKISKA/ skee-skah
Woodpecker (redheaded) /WAGNUKA/ wah-gnuh-kah
Woodpecker /CAKATOTOLA/ chahn-kah-doh-doh-lah
Woodpile /CA GLEPI/ chahn-glay-pee
Words /WICO IYE/ wee-choh ee-yea
Work /WOWASIECO/ woh-wah


Yankton Sioux /IHAKTUWA/ ee-hah-kdue-wah
Yard /HOCOKA/ hoh-choh-kah
Yawn /IYOYA/ ee-yoh-yah
Year /OMAKA/ oh-mah-kah
Yell /PAN/ pahn
Yelling (to be) /AKIS AS A/ akeesh ahsh ah
Yellow /ZI/ zee
Yes /HA/ hahn
Yesterday /HTALEHA/ ghdah-lay-hahn
Yet /NAHO HCI/ nah-hohn ghchee
Yonder /KAKIYA/ kah-kee-yah
You /NIYE/ nee-yea
Young animal /CICALA/ chee-chah-lah
Young girl /WICICALA/ wee-chee-chah-lah
Young man /KOSKALAKA/ koh-shkah-lah-kah
Young woman /WIKOSKALAKA/ wee-koh-shkah-lah-kah
Young /TECA/ Day-chah
Youngest /HAKAKTA/ hah-kah-kdah
Your /NITAWA/ nee-dah-wah
Yourself /NIYECIKA/ nee-yea-chee-kah

Zig-zag /YUGLAKSI/ yue-glah-kshee
Zinc /MAZATO/ mah-zah-doh
Zone /MAKOECAGE/ mah-koh-ay-chah-ghay

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