Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Padawan Business, Move Along...

ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴡᴀʀʀɪᴏʀ


Jand sat in the taxi speeder, as the pair began the descent once again. The Nagai had no real opinion about the clothing Iris wore, it was simply something to cover the body, Jand had no concept of the latest in fashion trends or brands. As long as what they wore didn't hinder their ability to fight, should it be required, that was all that mattered.

That and blending in.

"Good, your dro-- Domxite is proving useful," Jand nodded. "I feel relieved knowing eyes are on the thieves."

When Iris outlined what they should do, once they returned to 1313, Jand nodded. He also noted the credit payment.

"Yes. We continue to observe, tail the Twi'lek brothers until we can determine the larger operation base. Then we determine how to proceed."

✦ ✦ ✦

On the way, Jand had redirected the taxi to level 1313 proper, since the pair were in plain clothes.

It proved quicker.

Jand stepped out and presented his own credit chip, which provided a small tip for the ride. The droid beeped and thanked them for patronage, before it closed the doors and ascended into the traffic overhead, which left the Jedi pair standing on one of the many landing platforms of 1313.

"Thank you for paying," Jand said in a low voice, as he started to walk. "I will pay for the next operational cost."

With purpose, Jand began to make his way back toward the pair of aliens that were under surveillance.

"Should we get closer? Perhaps utilize the same eatery and try to listen in from a table away?"



"Don't worry about paying around me. Not everyone is able to keep credits on them. Save it for those who can't." Iris really didn't need money, for one reason or another. That she wasn't going to go into. Though, she nodded after a moment. Tucked her hands in her jacket pockets as she just walked into the eatery. Found a table to sit at as if it was a normal thing for her to do. Kinda was, given her day to day.

Back to the pair, she just focused on their colors instead. Listened through those rather than words. Nervous. Fearful. Excited.

She frowned for a moment, glancing out the nearby window.

"They're planning a heist. Do you like spicy food?"

Jand Talo Jand Talo
ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴡᴀʀʀɪᴏʀ

Jand nodded to Iris' statement about paying around her. He supposed saving credits for others made sense, especially of they couldn't do so themselves simply or easily. Though, with the taxi ride complete, it was time to approach the Twi'leks under observation. The walk didn't take long, as the pair soon found themselves at the same eatery, with the suspicious thieves in sight.

Iris seemed fine leading the way inside, to which Jand followed, and joined her at the table selected.

For a few moments, nothing was said, as Jand looked down at the holo-menu on the table.

Then Iris announced a potential heist, before asking about spicy food.

"Are you certain?" Jand asked, as he continued to scan the menu. He didn't look toward the suspects, not at the moment. "And I eat anything. Within reason. Anything suited to my humanoid biology, I feel would be more accurate. Spicy does not bother me... since we are here, should we get food?"

Jand paused, glanced up to Iris.

"Do you like any particular foods?"



"No, but that's what the colors seem to suggest." She couldn't read minds, but she long learned how to read how people were feeling with an often annoying (to them) accuracy. Was it something to base what they did next on? No. That's why she was still sitting here. "Domxite's recording their lips. Hopefully they're in view enough he'll be able to piece together the conversation."

Hunches were good. Proof was better.

"Spicy food. The spicier the better. Growing up it was the one thing that cut through the noise of the colors. And it tastes good, so.. Bonus, I guess?" Which was the bonus? Hard to say.

"We look like we're on a date. Might as well sell it so they don't get suspicious." She reached up, tapping on the screen to order a couple of hotpots. One for each. Hopefully Jand could handle spice better than Silas Westgard Silas Westgard could.

"Have you figured out how to balance who you are with who you want to be?"

Jand Talo Jand Talo
ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴡᴀʀʀɪᴏʀ

"We can keep watching, confirm as we are able."

Though, a date.

Jand had never been on anything comparable to a date, not even a pretend one for undercover purposes.

"I have no problem with spice, no," The Nagai said as he looked down to the menu and saw what Iris ordered. "I have not had that food before. I am curious about how it tastes."

It seemed the time for difficult questions, which seemed appropriate to a date, or so Jand supposed.

"I have spoken to several mentors, senior members, and I have been given some considerations to think on. So far I am still making my way through the issues, but I feel more confident that I can - eventually - belong within... our group without questioning myself consistently."

Jand raised his eyebrows, as he leaned forward and spoke.

"I have noticed you absent from Coruscant over the months," He inclined his head. "Have you been away on missions? Without your mentor?"

The Nagai wondered what Iris had been up to, traveling off-world quite routinely...



"Don't mix up feeling like you belong with actually belonging. You do belong here." She both wanted to stress that point and somewhat deflect his question. Was it that noticeable? Probably, but she was often off world for all manner of reasons before. More so now- ah. Yeah, that did make sense. She turned her gaze off, glancing around for something. A mirror, a reflection. Anything to at least watch the group behind her easier.

And avoid looking at Jand as she spoke.

"Something like that, until Master Noble found me, anyway. She was less than pleased with the vigilantism."

Jand Talo Jand Talo
ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴡᴀʀʀɪᴏʀ


Jand nodded, as Iris said he belonged.

Jand wasn't so sure. But he also wouldn't quit. After becoming the first from his clan to join the Jedi Order, it would be a significant besmirchment to the clan honor, not to mention his own. It would come down to navigating between both responsibility and expectation, from all parties, to find a balance. Yet, the Nagai felt closer, even if not quite there...

"Vigilantism?" Jand raised an eyebrow, as he watched Iris avoid eye contact. "You are a Jedi. You are responsible for lawful peace... why would you engage in punishing offenses and crimes without legal authority?"

Jand could only assume that Master Noble stopped the activity.

"Where was this? And were you alone?"



"Well, I didn't realize at the time that it was something a Jedi could do with actual authority. .. And in some places, a Jedi looking through brings more harm than good. People get hurt, killed, if it means keeping the Jedi's attention away from business."

There was a tightrope to walk, trying to balance between being a Jedi and protecting the people she sought to protect. She still needed to figure it out. But at least she now had Master Noble's assistance in that matter.

"Denon. And no. I worked with the local vigilantes there. I learned a lot, actually. How to fight in different ways, how to protect people who need it. It's not right, vigilantism, and yet, a lot of it is. Confusing, huh?" It was for her. But ultimately she just wanted to protect and help people.

Jand Talo Jand Talo
ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴡᴀʀʀɪᴏʀ

"I see," Jand nodded. "I can understand that reasoning. I had always thought Jedi involvement in crime prevention was permitted legally, because they operate within the scope of the Galactic Alliance. Would Jedi Shadows, or similar undercover methods, not be more appropriate for instances like this? Where our involvement needs to remain low key?"

With a glance to the side, Jand caught sight of the server bringing the food. It was on the table in front of the pair, to which the Nagai looked down to it and offered a sniff, testingly. The meals smelled good. Spicy, as proclaimed, to the extent Jand could catch it wafting in the air.

"Denon? I am not aware of that place," Jand said as he waited for Iris to start. "I believe the reason that vigilantism is frowned on within the Alliance, is that it doesn't take into account the rights of those involved. The criminal has the right to be arrested and given a trial. But a vigilante often bypasses that process..."

Jand scoffed.

"In my society, we do not have need for those lawful complications. Honor duels remain our system, and there is no way to know who will demand a challenge, or why, with only a single guarantee: one will die and one is victorious. Clean, simple, as legal as it gets for Nagai."

Jand picked up a utensil and took a mouthful of the food before him, which he rolled in his mouth and considered. He nodded.

"Spicy, yes. Enjoyable. What did you learn on Denon?"



"That's.. More or less what Master Valery told me, yes. And I do agree. I just.. Didn't see another path at the time." She frowned just a little, mostly at herself before taking a bite of her food. Even the spice seemed to be muted by her thoughts. Jand was right. But she hadn't even thought like that herself, when she should have been. Swept up in the moment, perhaps? Or just looking for a reason to go against the grain?

There were lessons there she hadn't even bothered to reflect on. She would, once this was done.

"How to fight without a lightsaber or the Force. How to move unseen. How to hack systems, though really Domxite's the one who handles that for me, usually. How to be strong with my fists." She took another bite, her gaze shifting again to the reflection as she watched the two behind her. A datapad came out, scrolling through. She reached out, through the Force at that, to Domxite.

<Think you can hack that?>

There was a flush of emotion sent towards her, and Jand for that matter. An affirmation. Iris nodded. "Domxite's going to see if they can get in that datapad. Find their search history, messages. Hopefully get a tracker installed so we can follow them easier."

Jand Talo Jand Talo
ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴡᴀʀʀɪᴏʀ


Jand didn't judge, he just spoke from what he understood.

Iris was free to do as she would, the Nagai would never demand anything less from anyone, so long as it didn't conflict with his status as a Jedi. When the discussion shifted to lessons learned, specifically on Denon, Jand inclined his head and listened. He found all of those particular skills useful in theory, especially since the pair had trained in the past, and it seemed that Iris made a habit of learning what she could from others all over.

Though, Jand was the same.

"At least the time on Denon was beneficial, if not the vigilante portion," The Nagai muttered, as he took another bite of the spicy food. Iris produced a datapad, which Jand casually glanced to. "I have done some training with a practitioner of the Echani martial arts. It has been interesting to learn, somewhat. I do not foresee not using my bladed weaponry, however."

As he waited for Iris to use the datapad, he became aware of a sensation of emotion toward him.

Jand didn't know from whom, but it didn't seem menacing.

"I felt a presence just now, did you also?" Jand asked, as he nodded to Iris' update. "Was that Domxite?"

A curious thing, Domxite. The Nagai had assumed it a droid, or something similar given the capabilities exhibited, but that didn't seem to be the case... however, before Jand could question further, movement from the corner of his eye got his attention.

"Another sentient approaches."

And through the window, a large Trandoshan covered in scars and light armor stalked over to the Twi'lek twins, flanked by several equally mean looking sentients of varying species, and seemed to demand some kind of update on takings for the day...

A superior, perhaps?



"It's handy if you ever end up in a place where you can't have your blade. Gotta be prepared for anything, especially in this day and age." Especially with war, though the odds of them being without their weapon on a battlefield were low. Not nonexistent, but still low. She raised a brow, glancing to Jand for a moment. Right, still didn't know what Domxite actually was.

"Mhmm. They're a Rainbow Gem. Almost like a Shard, if you've heard of them. Sentient crystals. Rainbow Gems speak in emotion though. They used to be my lightsaber, for a little while anyway."

Another, though? More than just one. She frowned, glancing from the corner of her eyes. Anger, fear, impatientness. They seemed to exchange words before the Twins were more or less pulled from their seats. Nothing to cause a scene, but they clearly weren't willing. Iris's frown just deepened, especially as they started to head out through the back rather than the front.

"I've got a bad feeling about this."

Jand Talo Jand Talo
ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴡᴀʀʀɪᴏʀ

There was logic in Iris' words, when it came to the reasoning of knowing how to fight without weaponry. Jand would make sure to seek out some additional learning from Master Vanagor, who was known as someone capable in most forms of combat, which had been one of the main reasons the Nagai had been open to becoming a student.

"That is a good point, I will keep it in mind."

Jand then listened as Iris explained what - or who - the mysterious presence Domxite was. It seemed the thing was a gem, sentient, and was capable of communication through emotional connection and projection. A very interesting, though perhaps confusing for the moment, development and Jand would likely seek to learn more, as time and circumstances permitted.

Then the Trandoshan appeared.

Iris had a bad feeling, Jand couldn't disagree.

"Perhaps we should finish this meal, and leave the establishment before they do, to prepare to follow their movements?" Jand suggested in a low voice, as he took several more mouthfuls of the spicy food. "It might be less suspicious if we are already ahead of them and do not appear to immediately follow?"

While Jand didn't have any particular training or experience with undercover work, as he tended to be more straightforward in approach, it seemed to him that anticipating a shadowing position held less risk. Especially as the threat of increasing numbers of enemies began to be a possibility...



"Mm." She nodded once before finishing up her meal as much as she could without looking frantic. As if something came up and they couldn't stay as long. That worked as a cover, right?

"Going ahead of them will be difficult. We don't know where they're going. If we loose sight of them, we can join Domxite on the roofs. They'll keep an overwatch." That'd be the best they could do. Interfering now wasn't going to get them anywhere save for letting the bad guy's refocus their plan elsewhere. They needed to get everyone at the same time. Hit the whole group.

Hopefully the danger she was sensing wasn't the Twi'lek's lives in danger.

Meal done she set down the needed credits down and made her way to the door. Still glancing at reflections just to keep an eye on the uncomfortable meeting behind them. All to get outside and make their way ahead to lead/follow the group.

Should be easy.

".. If they're in danger, we act."

Jand Talo Jand Talo

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