Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Pack 'em tight. We gonna have a Snowball fight!

Mission Name: Snow Fight
Mission Location:
Orto Plutonia
Mission Difficulty: Extreme
Mission Objective: Renown Chiss scientist, Sukh'Al'Lee has sent a distress beacon to the Order. His underground laboratory is under attack from an unknown force and his droid defences cannot hold out for long.

Standing in a simple suit of battle gear, it was made simply out of armorweave, some durasteel, and a little duraplast on the bracers. The red cape I wore flowed behind me as I was walking fairly fast. A battle hammer in my hand. Walking towards my clan's meeting room, I opened the door with a wave of my left hand. The hiss of the door was followed by a few people inside. The clan was rather small.

Standing there, I smiled. My booming voice echoing in the room.

"Gear up! We have been called upon my brethren. Meet me at the Starport ready for a fight. You will be briefed there."

Some were still sleeping as I spoke. Taking my hammer, I slammed it against the wall hard enough that a piercing note rung out waking everybody up.

"I said, GEAR UP!"

With that I left the room. Already I could hear some murmuring about having to wake up in such a rude fashion, or having to just gear up when we were supposed to be on break. I just rolled my eyes. Half tempted to go back in there and start to give them a boot camp. Ever since I came back from my leave with Maya, leaving her at home to care for the child, I was a little bit harsher. I guess you could consider it that I was treating everybody like my kids.

Nonetheless, I contacted the Masters of the Clan, [member="Connor Harrison"], and [member="Coci Sinopi"], personally.

"If you two will come and help me on this, I have received a message that a contact of ours needs help. Briefing will be at the starport in ten minutes."

I walked on. Making my own way to the starport. Hopefully we would get there in time.

[member="Nellja"], [member="Nima Tann"], [member="Jericho"],

Connor Harrison

Connor didn’t say or do anything when Xander passed his quarters with the message. He was in mid-flow, obviously on to the starport, and Connor could bet it was he that had been the cause of the mild boom coming from a few floors down minute before.

Watching him head off in his new armour and attire, Connor stifled a yawn and moved back into his quarters from the doorframe. He had been up for a while and simply reflecting on things with only peace, and the Force, to calm him. Relationships with others, the scars he bore, the drive that pushed him, the goal he sought.

Pulling on a charcoal grey thermal top to go with his new combat trousers and boots, and still the battle-scarred black greatcoat, Connor rolled his neck on the end of his bunk and took some deep breaths. He rolled the hilt of his lightsaber around his hands as he took a moment to simply…prepare. It had been a while since he had spoken to Xander; in fact, the last time he could recall was heading onto a Ranger transport after Maya Whitelight had returned.

Bridges had been built with Maya, and certain questions left unanswered, but Xander…it had just been a disagreement of trust that hadn’t been settled. Still – time is a healer. Maybe.

Connor stood and swept back his dark hair, fixing the hilt to his belt and moved out into the corridor of the Temple, sealing his quarters. He moved out towards the starport, not really knowing what to expect or who to find for this “message” received.

[member="Xander Carrick"] | [member="Nellja"] | [member="Nima Tann"] | [member="Coci Sinopi"]


Energizer Bunny on Caffeine
Most people groaned and whined when suddenly awoken in such a rude fashion. But Nellja...


The Tantibus jumped out of bed, pulling on the one piece of clothing left off last night, her leather jacket. She then proceeded to throw her weapons on, then grab her sunglasses and other equipment.

She was the first out of the room.

It didn't take long at all for the Silver Jedi Padawan to grab breakfast and her morning cup of coffee. After quickly gobbling everything down, and now full of caffeine (like she needed it] the teenager proudly entered the briefing room.

She was the first in the briefing room too.

[member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Xander Carrick"] [member="Nima Tann"] [member="Coci Sinopi"]
We draw our strength from the very despair in which we have been forced to live. We shall endure. A sharp breath hisses out from clenched white teeth. The training room around him was filled with the bots of the silver jedi. From the numerous amount, he had been training well into the morning with little to no sleep. From the damage on the bot it could be seen that it was barehanded. He was training in new martial arts that he witness from his meeting with his new padawan. Her skill in the art made him astounded and wanted to learn more and train on his own. But exhausted, Jericho sat on a padded mat as one of his handmaidens, Yin, left indentured to him from a mandalorian noblewoman due to his service to her, rushed over to assist him. She picked out a piece of metal from the back of his hand. And it hurt. More because it was a nuisance than anything else. "How do I explain this? You slept, no wounds. I come to help you get dressed, wounds!" The female exclaimed even as she took a cloth and began to rinse the bruised and bloody knuckles.

Jericho let out a sigh of grief and pulled his hand away before the female could bandage it. "You need not worry about me, Yin. I told you that you may travel with me but you need not believe you are in service to me." He said as he stood up to bandage himself. "Service or not, Milady had specifically told me to aid you with anything I can." She said as she took out a washcloth, seemingly from nowhere and dried his sweat from his brow. Everyone had their quirks, Jericho let out another sigh as he submitted to the woman cleaning him up a bit. He was about to ask her why she was even up this late but was interrupted by another voice. "Master [member="Xander Carrick"] requests your presence in the debriefing room, Master Jericho." He said. Jericho took the time to quickly analyze the man. He was apart of the Kaadu clan, at least that is what his uniform was announcing, he looked over to the man. "What am I needed for?" Jericho asked in retort. The soldier looking man, walked up to him and gave him a short debriefing. He had heard about this before and was going to go on this undertaking on his own, its seems a team had already been gathered for the task but he would do better on his own. "Master Jericho." Yin spoke lightly to him. "I know that look; It's not my place but I recommend you do this with the team for various reasons." She said with the last part giving him a look. Jerichi nodded and patted her on the head as thanks and looked back to the man once more.

"I'll make my way there now, then."

He was unfamiliar with all the clans and most of the masters apart of the Silver Jedi, he only knew about the Sanctum and the Silver Order were allies. As such it would be a good idea to get to know a few of the members. He started to fasten a armor and patted the chest as a habit to ensure that it was secure. The he put on his white jedi robe and grenade pouch over it. He checked his sabers, three of which now were double bladed and one single bladed to match his unique fighting style. Putting on his armored knee knee bracers as well as boots, he hid a throwing knife or two into his outfit. To finish up, he placed on his battle breathing mask, and put up his hood then made his way to the rendezvous area. He entered the room quietly seeing only a handful of people awaiting further briefing and orders. The large lorrdian man crossed his arms and awaited as well.

[member="Connor Harrison"] @Nellja @Nima Tann [member="Coci Sinopi"]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Click .. click.[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] The latches on the long black case closed. Her hands rested palm down on the top of it and gently slid along the full length. She stood up taking the handle of the case in her hand. “Time to go”, she said audibly to no one.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Coci made her way to the briefing room at the star port, dressed in her Silver Armour with sat over a form fitting thin suit that she had adjusted to fit her changing form, light saber attached to the heavy belt around her waist as are her twin pistol. The White Mouse safely housed in the case, she hoped would not be needed, but she is leaving nothing to chance, not while she has her child within her body. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]She had received the message from Xander, and did not hesitate to ready herself in personal quarters shared with her beloved [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] within the Temple on Voss. Not a place either of them reside in much, much preferring their home on Tabaqui. It is not every day Xander would do this so it had to be important and he had contacted Connor. Something is up.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Past the main entrance to the Temple, her eyes fell over the vast blue crystal adorning the centre, feeling the light side of the force pulsing from it and offering protection over everyone within it’s walls. Coci turned to the left and down a long passage way which would lead to the side of the Temple and to the star port. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Xander’s force signature was the first thing she felt before her eyes found the man. A father now and much changed since she last saw him, older wiser maybe? Either way, her worn the visage of experience and strength in this eyes and over his face.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]“Greeting Master Carrick, what can I do to help?”,[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] she asked more out of courtesy she would be going regardless.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt][member="Jericho"] | [member="Nellja"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Xander Carrick"][/SIZE]

Connor Harrison

Connor was only moments behind Coci it seemed. He stepped down into the room on the opposite side of her, hearing her greeting, and using it as a general statement to introduce them both. At least he wasn’t late, so it seemed.

He stepped down and saw a very different looking Xander to the young man he had seen before. Certainly he had dedicated time to create himself as a strong, imposing leader and warrior. He glanced down at the large hammer gently swinging in his palm. Obviously not a Taung artefact, thank-god.

Connor moved gently into the room, hanging to the back and casing his eye over the others and already, again, saw new faces. A girl, brimming with eagerness and a man who had the look of a young Xander – confident and willing.

He flicked his eyes over to Coci, still dressed for battle and as pregnant as ever. What a combination. With a small smile and shake of his head, he folded his arms and looked over to Xander and the surrounding room to wait.

[member="Coci Sinopi"] | [member=Jericho] | [member=Nellja] | [member="Nima Tann"] | [member="Xander Carrick"]
In the starport I waited. Others were coming as I had asked, well more so demanded for some. Nonetheless, I stood there waiting for others to come. First to enter was a very eager apprentice. I could see it in her actions and eyes. She wanted to get this on. She reminded me of myself when I was very young. I smiled a little, and even brighter when Coci walked in. It was then I had forgotten that she was pregnant with a child. I was about to tell her that she didn't need to come, yet her voice clearly stated that she wouldn't say no.

Nodding to her, It was then Connor and another man, Jericho walked in. Connor was an old friend of mine, and the past he and Maya had crossed a few bridges and made some connections. However, I didn't blame him. I was naïve to think that I could control all of what Maya did. She had fallen to the Dark side for a time, and so I was not surprised that Connor did as well. However, his was induced by other forces within the Galaxy. I gave him a nod. Telling him a few things. 1) I didn't hold it against him, 2) welcoming him here in aid of this mission.

Once just about everybody was here, I went ahead and started the briefing.

"Less than an hour ago, I received an encrypted transmission from the planet of Orto Plutonia. It was from a Chiss scientist, Sukh'Al'Lee. And it was not good news."

Attaching the loop on the hammer to my belt, I walked forward a few steps and crossed my arms. Clearly making a stance that showed I was not happy with the kind of news I received.

"It was a distress beacon. Calling for help. With his research, he believes something is after him. Reports of unknown activity in the area such as increased spikes in Kidnappings, deaths, and crimes. His plethora of droids also have recorded sightings of unknown personages in the area."

I waved my hand and from the other side of the room flew a clicker. Pressing down on it, a holovid came up. Showing video feed from a droid head of people walking and crawling back and forth across the terrain of the icy planet. Wearing foreign armor types. There were heat signatures given, meaning they were alive, and filled with heat. Literally, filled with heat as the armor held in an excess of heat over 80 degrees Celsius.

"It was in this transmission, that he stated and I quote 'They are banging at my door, trying to get into my lab. I am loosing ground.'"

I clicked on the clicker once more to shut off the holovid and the still images of heat signatures that were through the roof.

"That is why I called you here today. Because we need to rescue this Chiss scientist, first and for most, then find out who is coming after him, and why."

I looked around the room to everyone. Taking in their reactions as I asked.


[member="Connor Harrison"], [member="Coci Sinopi"], [member="Jericho"], [member="Nellja"], [member="Nima Tann"],

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny

After going on with a lot of training, she was tired and went early to sleep and her roommate, [member="Nellja"] was a new face around here so Nima was a bit shy around her. She was never good at socializing with strangers anyway. As Master [member="Xander Carrick"] entered the room with that hammer of his, and ugh it was a loud one indeed, she immediately jumped from the bed hearing it thinking that they were under attack or something. But nope, everyone was already awaken and Nima was the last again. "Ugh... Why do I like sleeping so much..." She laughed softly and then started the preparations, the lightsaber... check... The robes... check... A little possitivity about this quest being not that harmless because she.was feeling a little ill, probably not.

She made her way back to the briefing room, they would be there already. After entering the password, the clicking voice of door could be heard, and afterwards she saw the roon, and it was like she expected. Coming eye to eye with [member="Connor Harrison"], she smiled and then nodded to everyone around the room. "Good morning everyone. Sorry for being late." Then she moved to the center of the room, which a hologram of somewhere was placed. "Let me guess, we'll be going there and it'll be dangerous." Then turned to Master [member="Coci Sinopi"], who she was concerned about, she was pregnant and this kind of missions could be dangerous for both of them. "Master Sinopi, you think you'll be okay? Maybe you shouldn't come, it looks dangerous."

Connor Harrison

Connor noted the nod from Xander, and felt a weight off his shoulders. Out of the corner of this eye he noted Nima enter the room - late as always. He returned the brief nod to Xander and leant on the back wall for the briefing. Straight away, he sighed a little. Orto Plutonia was an ice planet. Connor seemed to spend most of his time on ice worlds - Rhen Var, Hoth, Prakith, now this.

Images flashed before him, distorted in moments before becoming clear, and then fuzzy. Xander narrated the situation as the room lit up in various colours with the projections.

As the briefing stopped for questions, Connor rubbed his finger and thumb together on his folded arms.

”What sort of research is this Chiss doing there, do we know? And do we know his intentions where they are aligned to?”

He knew the second he said it Xander would be irked by such a question that appeared to doubt his intelligence and whole reason for being here; but did he really expect anything less from one such as Connor to ask things others maybe didn’t want to.

[member="Xander Carrick"] | [member="Coci Sinopi"] | [member=Jericho] | [member=Nellja] | [member="Nima Tann"],
Her eyes flicked to all the people in the room, giving a small nod to those she knew as well and more pronounced to those she did not. A young apprentice eager to join the Clan and mission is very encouraging to progress the folds of the Jedi regardless of faction or subgroups. Coci would keep a good eye on her, as yes this is going to be dangerous it seems.

She looked over all the information Xander had provided, Connor voicing her only question at this point, what is the goodly Scientist researching that is so interesting to more unsavoury types. And where did this Doctor stand on alliances. A call for help probably issued to anyone willing to go. So this is a double mission, a rescue and recon. And the heat signatures from the unknown beings, this alarmed her the most in a sense, something is clearing out of place.

Crimes, murders and kidnappings, just the tip of the iceberg as they say and no doubt a indirect effect of something mysterous in the making. Her eye brow arched quite severely as her friends voiced their concerns for her and her unborn child. As if being pregnant is something that makes one an invalide .. a conidtion as it has been described .. but this is what makes a woman powerful and much much stronger. Not the opposite. Besides Coci is three months gone, hardly showing just yet and still very capable of operating in the field.

"I will be fine", she said in her usual clipped manner when focused on a goal. Beside she has no intention of placing herself in any danger unless absolutely necessary. "What do you make of those heat signatures?", she turned to Xander once more. "A sickness? infection? they seem very extreme to me to be biologically based ..". She cast her eye to the others, maybe they know of this.

[member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Xander Carrick"] | [member="Jericho"] | [member="Nima Tann"] | [member="Nellja"]

((ooc: just to let you all know Coci is not yet heavily pregnant :p ))
Seeing Connor return my nod and knowing that we were in the clear, the past was water under the bridge. Over the years I have had to mature. I did so because I needed to. Not for myself, but for others. And I smiled when he asked me the question of what the scientists was researching. However, the topic of Coci being prego manifested. I smiled and shook my head. Deciding to clear both topics up all at once.

"Coci, You are welcome to come. it's your call as you have said. Lets leave the decision to her."

Looking over to the Nima who had asked the question, telling her to leave it alone. Especially since she was not the one who had a child growing in her. I opened my arms and shook my head at Connor. I didn't feel any anger or irked. As I have matured, I understood that some can't think the same way I do. Hence why I wanted questions thrown at me to be answered.

"I have no idea on what he is researching. I personally do not keep tabs on him. I only know the information I gave you."

Looking to Coci, I smiled at her, Knowing that she would be the one to come up with that question, Life forms having that high of a temperature within the suits is not normal. Deadly to just about any near human given time.

"Sickness? No. If they were sick and were constantly like that, they would have died trying to fight the cold planet's weather. I believe it could be a Sithspawn that could have only recently awoken, or shown themselves, or a species of near-humans that are rare, or have never been seen before. Nonetheless, we should prepare for the worst."

[member="Connor Harrison"], [member="Coci Sinopi"], [member="Jericho"], [member="Nellja"], [member="Nima Tann"],


Energizer Bunny on Caffeine
Nellja bit her lip, then offered up a suggestion, "If I may, masters, it couldn't be just his research the attackers are after. It could be a personal grudge someone is holding, or family or species issues." Images of the abuse of Nellja's early childhood flashed through her mind. She blinked them out her yellow eyes. "Not that research isn't a possibility, it's a massive possibility, but there could be other reasons behind the attack too."

Other reasons behind the abuse...

Nellja pushed her sunglasses up, hiding the glaze in her eyes. As a Jedi, she should be focused. Focused on the mission. Focused on the mission she would be. As of right now, considering possibilities and giving advice, the young girl would do her absolute best at it.


Connor Harrison

Listening to Coci, Xander and the young girl, obviously a new Padawan in the ranks who had a unique fashion sense, Connor pursed his lips and nodded gently – all had valid points, all throwing different views into the pot. Letting the question hang from the new Padawan, Connor turned his head to the group.

”I say we not waste any more time thinking about what COULD be the problem; let’s head out there and find out just what IS the problem.”

He smiled to the Padawan, trying to defuse that his suggestion wasn’t to silence her, but rather gather everyone up and move out – a man who was simply eager for action.

[member="Nellja"] | [member="Xander Carrick"] | [member="Coci Sinopi"] | [member="Nima Tann"] | [member="Jericho"]
"Agreed, lets move out", she said. However, her attention turned to the Padawan [member="Nellja"]. "Hello I am Coci Sinopi. Do you have armour? and what weapons do you possess?", she asked looking the girl over.

It appeared she had very little, and it would be negligent of them to allow her to move out with next to nothing to protect herself with. The last thing they needed was someone on this mission they needed to shield. "I strongly suggest, you go to the change room and find a suit that will fit you, when you have done that return to her and we shall find you more weapons. Do you have your saber yet?". A volley of questions came the girls way.

While everyone prepared, Coci moved off to the side and turned her back to them, her hands finding her weapons and began her ritual of checking them. As she did so, a message is sent to [member="Thurion Heavenshield"], through their force bond. A sense of her love for him would prickle along the bond along with her words.

My love, I have been called away on a mission, I hope not to be long. Always remember I love you.

[member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Nellja"] [member="Xander Carrick"] [member="Jericho"] [member="Nima Tann"]
I looked to the apprentice. She was thinking right, but every question that was stated, meant one more minute that we weren't ready to go and rescue this man. It was when I was about to answer, Connor spoke up. Speaking almost exactly what I was thinking. We wanted the main details and then go. Since that was done, I walked up and pointed to my ship. An old Templar-class. Ushering everyone to come.

"This is how we will be getting there. We don't want the locals, or whowever it is attacking to catch on. So one light freighter should be enough to get past."

Considering the vessel also had nightshadow, A covering that helped in hiding from scanners. It was here that I ended my statement.

"The right might take a while, so bring something to do, but once we are there, it's game time."

[member="Coci Sinopi"], [member="Connor Harrison"], [member="Nellja"], [member="Nima Tann"], [member="Jericho"],

Connor Harrison

Pushing off from the wall, Connor followed the milling Jedi out of the debrief hall into the hangar and whistled gently at the ship before them. He had his little E-Wing, sure it did the job, but this was something else. A real, mighty vessel that looked like it would cut through the stars like a blade through hot butter.

Connor nodded in approval, ”Well, you certainly know how to make a statement.”

As they walked over, Connor moved over to Xander and gently nudged his arm.

”It’s good to see you after so long my friend. I’m glad you’re well and I hope the family is alright.”

Waiting a moment, he turned, walking backwards a few steps and shouted to Coci, ”Now THIS is something I have to try piloting, do you agree?” He turned back and smiled, knowing the answer.

Reaching the ship, the landing ramp was down and Connor made his way inside, moving into the main hold of the vessel to wait for direction. It felt alive, looked sleek, deadly and sturdy as a flagship for the Silver’s to lead the charge in cleaning up the galaxy.

He stretched his arms up and leant on a low-hanging rafter, swinging back and forward gently, casually waiting for the others.

[member=Nellja] | [member="Xander Carrick"] | [member="Coci Sinopi"] | [member="Nima Tann"] | [member=Jericho]

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
"Well whatever the reason is, we need to save that data, if everyone wants it, it has to be valuable." She tried to join the conversation but she was too distracted to react today. After listening the briefing and conversation between the three about the mission, she controlled her lightsaber, because this would be really dangerous, especially when there is some scientist involved. Because science was dangerous, and they didn't know the real intentions of the scientist, maybe he was working about something that would be either very helpful or very dangerous for the galaxy, no matter what, saving the work would be the best option. And the plan was ready already so she didn't feel the need of speaking. Alright, let's do this, she thought.

Moving forward to the ship, which she thought that it was a cool one, she smiled to [member="Connor Harrison"], while passing through and took a seat. This silence of her wasn't a normal one, because she always had something to say. But this time she just listened and prepared herself for this, maybe the last events she lived made her more on the edge, and the tattoos weren't helping either. She just felt more and more distracted each day, hearing some distant voices in her head, maybe she was losing it... No, she wasn't, right?

((OOC: Is this after or before the Netherworld? :) ))

[member="Coci Sinopi"] [member="Jericho"] [member="Nellja"] [member="Xander Carrick"]


Energizer Bunny on Caffeine
[member="Coci Sinopi"]

Nellja's posture straightened when one of her teacher's addressed her. "Master Sinopi." She smiled. She didn't have her gauntlets on, only lower arm armor on one of her arms. Inside it, her blue bladed lightsaber was hidden. Her magnetic gauntlets were currently stuffed in her belt. Her twin, duelblading lightsabers were inside a purse slung over her side which also held her hidden hearing amplifiers and a coffee mug. She reached into the bag and pulled out one of her sabers, she would not ignite the purple blade, but the hilt made the weapon clear. "I left my sniper rifle in my room, alongside its corresponding ammo."

She was puzzled by the Jedi Master's question on her apparel. Sure, her black leggings had one or two rips, but she always wore them even when training. Although, she considered, her purple and white blouse, worn under her unzipped leather jacket, may not be the best for this situation.

Nellja saluted her, "Shirt change coming up!" And the always hyper Padawan bounced off.

Nellja had switched from a blouse to a simple, purple shirt. Her rifle was flung on her back, hidden earbuds disguised as earnings, gauntlets on, and two lightsabers on her belt. Jet black hair was pulled back in a tight bun, only her Padawan braid hung down. Her jacket was now zipped up. The child's boots padded against the hard floor as she raced up to her team, "Okay! What am I doing?" It was easy to tell she was dying for some action.

Connor Harrison

Rocking gently, leaning on the beam of the ships hold, Connor leant down as he heard the excited chatter of the Padawan coming towards them.

He frowned slightly in amusement at Xander, cocking his thumb to the hatch, ”Who invited the kid? Seems a bit eager - who is she?”

[member="Nellja"] | [member="Xander Carrick"] | [member="Coci Sinopi"] | [member="Nima Tann"] | [member="Jericho"]

((OOC: Nima, I took it as pre-Event, because we don't know how we will all be or what state the galaxy will be like until after the Event is over, so I was playing it safe.))
I smiled and shook my head as I could hear Connor whistle about the ship. Really this thing was old. And I mean old. I got it when I was promoted to a Knight level with the Templars. And this is what I got for being promoted. As a present. Keeping it should I need the old thing. When he nudged me, I nodded my head, Smiling a little. Not really used to the friendly attitude.

"Yeah, they are doing fine last I heard."

He then walked off to talk to Coci with me loud enough to hear as he wanted to fly the ship. I smiled and muttered under my breath a few words about doing so over my dead body. When he walked up the ramp he stopped and zooming past me was the Jedi Padawan. All of her gear with her now, She went up to her master and asked what she was doing. I ignored Connors comment for now as I answered her.

"This is a joint mission. Meaning you are learning to work with your superiors, as well as general teamwork. After lift off, I might show you something I have in the back.... as long as you keep yourself calm. Deal?"

I waited for her for a second and then went to answer Connor, Shaking my head as he judged others too early.

"You will be surprised my friend. Fear the quite ones, and especially the loud ones."

Quite ones had a thing called tranquil furry. They had anger, but they never showed it. So when they let loose, it was like opening the gates of hell. For the loud ones, during missions I knew some to quite down and become so deadly that it scared me even when we were not fighting. Knowing that such a cheerful person could be so dangerous. I suspected that this padawan was the same way.

I had noticed that Nima had come onto the ship very quietly, she was not unnoticed. However, I left her alone as I offered my hand to Coci, being rather gentlemen like by extending my hand to her as she would be coming up the ramp. I didn't care if she was carrying a baby or not, I would help her anyways because she was a lady, and the other two padawans were already on before myself.

"I hope you like the trip Master Coci, Just a word of Caution, if I think you are over doing it. I will pull you out."

I smiled and gave her a wink, knowing that there was no way in hell I would be doing that. it would be like trying to tell water not to be wet. Impossible.

(OOC: This is Pre-Event)

[member="Coci Sinopi"], [member="Connor Harrison"], [member="Nellja"], [member="Nima Tann"], [member="Jericho"],

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