Sanya Val Lerium
Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
I do apologize for any inconvenience.
I'm waiting on the Z6- droid brain to be approved before this does, due to I made an error and used something I thought was available to all.

Intent: To pilot, command, fire and load the guns republic vehicles.
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Inqusition Industrys™
Model: P1-JK6
Affiliation: Galactic Republic
Modularity: components, colour for job role
Production: Mass
Material: Durasteel, plastics
Classification: Five
Weight: 83.50kg
Height: 1.65m
Movement: bipedal
Armaments: N/A
Misc. Equipment:
Droid brain
The P1-JK6 unit series was created to handle vehicles that the Inqusition has build for the republic. with the simple designs it makes it easy to add components to the droids so they can be upgraded instead of replaced, making the manufacturing of this unit worth while.
the unit has only got programming for vehicular use only, so the Droid cannot be used for any other sort of combat, but each droids programing is different to the role in the vehicle, so the droids are not overloaded with tasks causing a malfunction.