Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Out on Tour


Pop Singer, Damsel in Distress!!
Location: Galactic City | Coruscant
Tags: Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla

Tiaza frowned a bit when Hilal said she was glad for Tiaza’s family. “Mom was on Csilla,” Tiaza admitted with a bit of a whimper. It wasn’t faked this time. She took a deep breath and nodded to herself. “I haven’t heard from Dad since the attack. My sister is in and out of things. She got Mom’s military drive. She says that Dad is alive. So she’s focused on finding him and getting revenge on the Brotherhood.”

Another sigh escaped the young Chiss’ mouth, but she turned it into a small smile for Hilal’s benefit. “Family isn’t only blood. I guess that’s why Sap gets the benefit of the doubt more than he should.”

Tiaza looked at the droids in the room and she smiled. “DVA, Overlord and DUM can be family. And your Quartermaster as well. Hopefully in time we’ll get close enough to lean on each other like family too. Not just because you’re my bodyguard, and I sing awesome music. But because my prediction comes true and we really are friends.”
Heart Breaker and Life Taker
Current outfit

Hilal gulped she forgot about the destruction of Cscilla for a brief moment, Tiaza's people annihilated in an instant by the Brotherhood of the Maw. The mass murder of innocents by those animals was horrifying to think of. The young woman immediately wrapped her arms around Tiaza hugging her tight. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "I know how that feels, to constantly worry about your people."

She let go of her "my people have been massacred by the Sith as well," Hilal said. "Mandalore fell when the Sith attacked, millions of my people have been displaced just like yours."

Tears started to shimmer in her eyes but she blinked them back. She can't show weakness not in front of her client. "If you want," Hilal said. "I can help your sister find your father. Free of charge."

It was the right thing to do, Hilal knew what it was like to endure uncertainty. Tiaza was nothing but nice to her, Hilal felt like she owed the Chiss woman. Besides, no one should endure the pain of losing a family member even Hilal never had a family. "I guess," Hilal said smiling at Tiaza. "The Droids at times were the only people I talked to especially when I was kid. And The Quartermaster The Quartermaster encouraged me keep going on the path to a Bounty Hunter. But I do hope we do become more than friends Tiaza."

Vletti'azan'uosus Vletti'azan'uosus


Pop Singer, Damsel in Distress!!
Location: Galactic City | Coruscant
Tags: Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla

Tiaza was a little surprised by the hug, but she leaned into it. Talking about her family was hard. Hilal’s support was quite welcome. She wasn’t sure if she should feel comforted that her home wasn’t the only one to be ravaged by galactic conflicts, or if it just strengthened the bond between her and Hilal. Whichever it was, it actually did make her feel a little better. Tiaza was always interested in artsy endeavors so she didn’t know much about the history of the Mandalorian people. If it was anything like what Chiss felt now she was sorry for her friend and bodyguard.

The young Chiss woman reluctantly backed away with a sigh as Hilal released the hug. When she saw Hilal trying hard not to cry and small smile came to her mouth. She couldn’t imagine what it would be like to be a bodyguard having to be so steady and strong. When Hilal offered to find her father though, Tiaza’s jaw dropped. They had formed a friendship in a manner of what hours? A friendship like Tiaza had not had since, well maybe ever. But could she really let Hilal go out and find her Dad? For free?

Tiaza smiled and leaned towards Hilal, resting her cheek on the Mandalorian girl’s shoulder and wrapping her arms around Hilal’s waist. “I wouldn’t know where to tell you to start looking for Dad,” she responded honestly. “I will let my sister know of your offer. If she finds an opportunity she can reach out to you.”

Tiaza squeezed a little tighter. “I have a feeling we will be more than friends. We’re already closer than anyone I’ve associated with outside of my family.” She released her grip and backed away, just far enough that she could look Hilal in the eyes. “But if that is going to happen you have to let yourself feel when we aren’t in a position where you need to be on high alert. Being sad doesn’t mean you can’t keep me safe.”
Heart Breaker and Life Taker
Current outfit

Hilal shook her head when she Tiaza said that being sad didn't mean that she couldn't keep her safe. "I'm sorry Tiaza," she said. "But a Bounty Hunter especially a Mandalorian must display strength. I can't let my emotions get the best of me, your life is in my hands and one mistake could get you killed."

She then smiled. "But that doesn't mean we can't be more than friends after the mission is done." she laughed nervously. "Never had a close friend outside of my Droids."

DVA gave some happy beeps while DUM continued to dance for whatever reason. The young woman bent down and returned to reassembling Overlord. "Who's your sister?" Hilal asked tightening a few screws on Overlord's torso. "Where can I contact her once we begin to search for your father?"

Vletti'azan'uosus Vletti'azan'uosus


Pop Singer, Damsel in Distress!!
Location: Galactic City | Coruscant
Tags: Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla

Tiaza could understand the fact that while on a job Hilal had to remain a certain way. Being strong and sturdy were good things for a bounty hunter or a bodyguard. But for a singer you had to let your emotions be at the forefront, or at least the emotions you had when you created a song. It was hard. One minute singing about something sad that happened the next you could be singing about love and the audience had to believe you felt those things in the moment.

“Are you saying you only want to be my bodyguard for a limited amount of time?” Tiaza asked with a giggle in her voice. “I don’t want to hold you back, but I was kinda hoping this would be something that would last for a while.” She gave Hilal a wink she wasn’t sure the young woman would notice as she was back to working on the droids. “Of course I can’t constantly be on tour. In fact. I’m not on tour now. Are you really on mission at the moment? I mean what if I just wanted to go out to a club right now? Would you just sit in the corner and make sure I’m safe? Even if I asked you to have fun with me?”

Then she thought about her sister and Tiaza gave a sigh. “Tiecia is tough to explain. She is Mom’s daughter for sure. Top five percent of her class at the Chiss Academy. She was all sorts of pissed off when Dad sent us away from Csilla. I’m betting she understands it now though.” Tiaza reached into her pocket and brought out a small holoprojector. She pushed the button in the center of the disc and a projection of two young Chiss showed. One looked just like Tiaza only in a Chiss military uniform, the other was obviously Tiaza only a few years younger. “As to finding her. I can give you the contact that I have, but if you send something you might find a blaster at your back pretty quickly. She’s not one to trust. An agent with the
Elysium Intelligence Agency. I let her know how to get in contact with you if that is alright?”
Heart Breaker and Life Taker
Current outfit

"Wait what?!" Hilal fumbled with her Hydorspanner when Tiaza said that she wanted to be her bodyguard for a limited time giggling while she did so. "NO!" Hilal said shaking her head profusely. "I will never turn down a job from you Tiaza! You're a good client and a friend! I would definitely want this to be a long-term thing! I get a reliable source of credits and I get to hang with a person who I like to hear on the Holoradio!"

Her cheeks red with embarrassment, Tiaza had a way of making feel awkward. On the other hand, it wasn't like she had that many organic interactions aside from her clients. "I-I don't have any contracts at the moment," Hilal said looking down. "It's hard to find work as a Bounty Hunter when you're just starting out and when you're a 16-year-old who looks like she can't beat a Jawa in an arm wrestling contest."

It was always the waiting that was the biggest challenge for a Bounty Hunter. Hilal knew that there was going to be a long period where she couldn't get work, but this drought was longer than she anticipated. "I will be honored to stand by your side." Hilal smiled. "But as for having fun....." She scratched her chin. "Sure! why not!"

It was then, Tiaza displayed the Holo image of her and Tieca. She explained that she currently resides in the Elysium Intelligence Agency. Elysium? That name sounded familiar..... "Tieca is with the Elysium Empire?" Hilal asked raising an eyebrow. "I've heard of them, they're some small Empire located in the fringes of the Outer Rim. My people has come across them every now then considering our borders are close to theirs."

The young woman nodded. "The last thing I want is to get shot in the back by your own sister." She laughed. "But please let her know that I'm here to help you and her."

She knelt down and looked over Overlord's power grid. "This grid is smoldered," she sighed. "No wonder why Overlord is out of control, the electricity is not flowing properly through his system."

Vletti'azan'uosus Vletti'azan'uosus


Pop Singer, Damsel in Distress!!
Location: Galactic City | Coruscant
Tags: Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla

Tiaza laughed loudly at Hilal’s reaction to her employment as bodyguard being limited. The laugh was part from the overreaction to the tease, which seemed to be something that Hilal would hopefully get used to. Tiaza was a carefree person and she liked to be sarcastic in a playful tone. But she would have to take it down a notch if Hilal didn’t see the teasing. They’d formed a quick bond. Lonely teenagers struggling to get traction in their given fields? It would take a little longer before they realized how the other reacted to teasing and such.

She was also laughing because after the sadness of talking over her family situation Tiaza was quite glad to hear that Hilal wasn’t looking for a payday and take off for something new with a notch on her resume. Tiaza was also glad that Hilal agreed to let Tiecia come to her when/if she got more information about their father. She didn’t need the two closest girls in her life trying to kill each other over a misunderstanding. Tiaza would be sure to send Tiecia a message as soon as she got back to her room.

Hilal went back to working on the droids and Tiaza thought that she wasn’t going to be having any fun in a club tonight. Of course she was far too tired from her show to have any real fun. “So if you replace that part Overlord will be um. I guess normal? But I’m not exactly sure what normal is for a custom made droid.” She quickly put the holoprojector back in her pocket and stood up. “I think I saw a droid shop that was open all hours,” Tiaza pointed out. “Why don’t we see if we can find that part and then you can escort me back to my room for some sleep. I’m sure Sap got you a room in the same building. I mean you can’t keep me safe if you aren’t near me right?”

Tiaza gave a bit of a sigh. “I tease a lot. It’s sorta how I play and make people know I like them. It seems like you aren’t very used to it. It doesn’t bother you does it?”
Heart Breaker and Life Taker
Current outfit

Hilal was trying her best to get rid of her dark blush, judging by DVA's worried look though she wasn't doing a great job at it. The Droid walked over to the young woman taking out a needle from his compartment. "No! I don't need to have my heart rate lowered!" Hilal shouted. "Put that back DVA it's only for emergencies!"

DVA immediately placed the needle inside while Hilal sighed trying to maintain her composure. "It's just that," Hilal sighed. "You're the first person besides my Droids that I've talked to in a substantive manner. I-I'm not the best at discerning a tease from truth. Let's just say people have been telling me at what I can't do."

The young woman nodded smiling at Tiaza. "That's great!" She said. "If there's a cheap power grid I can replace the part and clean the smoldered part to sell at my shop."

Hilal gave a large grin feeling her heartbeat returning to normal. "Shall we go?" Hilal said. "DVA and I will make sure that you're safe!"

Vletti'azan'uosus Vletti'azan'uosus


Pop Singer, Damsel in Distress!!
Location: Galactic City | Coruscant
Tags: Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla

Tiaza laughed openly at the interaction between Hilal and DVA. The Chiss did however note that the little droid seemed to take things into its own hands, and she was a little concerned as to why it had a needle stowed away. The fact that it had come out twice since Tiaza met DVA was a little concerning. She hoped it was just because Hilal was a little thrown off by Tiaza’s teasing and not something that Tiaza might have to worry about herself in the future.

When Hilal seemed back to normal and the needle was back where it belonged it appeared it was time to be on their way. Tiaza didn’t really feel threatened in this part of Coruscant, but there was a bit more comfort than normal knowing she would travel with Hilal and DVA. When asked if she was ready Tiaza gave a nod and took hold of Hilal’s hand, just as Hilal had taken hers when they made their way to meet the droids.

The Chiss singer didn’t have any idea why the location of the droid shop stuck out in her head. It had been a few days since she had seen it. Maybe it was fate. Something inside her knew she would meet Hilal who would need the shop. That’s what Tiaza continued to tell herself as she led the way through the walkways of Galactic City. “The best teases always have a bit of truth to them. Like me wanting your stay as my bodyguard to be long term or the fact that I like that you enjoy my music.” The Chiss gave a slight giggle. “But I won’t ever guilt you into doing something you don’t want to do. If you feel guilty after I say something. It’s probably safe to assume I am teasing you.”

After a short time they came to a stop in front of the droid shop. It was a little more dingy than Tiaza remembered, but droid repair wasn’t exactly a clean job. “Here we are. Now that we’re here I’ll have to follow you. I have no idea what we’re looking for.”
Heart Breaker and Life Taker
Current outfit

Hilal gave a slow nod who knew recognizing the nuances of social interactions would be so difficult. The young woman knew that she was going to fall flat on her face when talking to other people especially her age. She just didn't expect to fail every five seconds. "I'll try not to overreact," Hilal said smiling at Tiaza. "It's just that when you have droids for friends especially ones that you programmed, your emotional intelligence isn't exactly the best."

She wanted to learn though; Hilal wanted to have friends being alone and scared most of her life. Seeing everyone around her shun and dismiss Hilal as a Mandalorian. It felt good to see a person her own age taking a liking to her and willing to be her friend. "I'm going to cherish this." Hilal thought walking with Tiaza DVA following close behind.

When the two arrived at the shop, Hilal immediately talked to the store owner explaining the specific part she needed. "I'm looking for a Corellian Class Power Grid S." The young woman said to the Cathar store owner. "Of course kid," the Cathar said while he rummaged through his shop. "Ah nuts we're all out." he said.

"Fuck," Hilal moaned. "Do you know anyone else who has them?"

Vletti'azan'uosus Vletti'azan'uosus


Pop Singer, Damsel in Distress!!
Location: Galactic City | Coruscant
Tags: Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla

“I bet Sap is a lot like droids are,” Tiaza responded with a chuckle. “He’s always so logical. I know what he’s going to say before he says it. He doesn’t take too well to my teasing. It makes him angry so I had to stop. That’s why I asked if it bothered you. I don’t want to make you mad because of one of my own quirks.”

Hilal jumping right in with the shopkeeper gave Tiaza a warm feeling. The young Mandalorian didn’t seem very confident in talking to others. Tiaza hoped that she was helping Hilal feel more comfortable around her, but she knew that it was the subject of the talk that made Hilal more direct and confident with the storekeeper. A sigh escaped Tiaza’s lips as the storekeeper informed them of the outage. She was sure that remembering this store was a good omen. Now it seems like they were out of luck.

“What? You think that I keep an inventory of what my competitors have in stock?” he questioned Hilal’s request for further information.

Tiaza gave the Cathar a smile and batted her eyes at him. She learned this sometimes got her way from men. It was not something she liked to do often. “Come on Mr. You have to know of someone that has the part my friend needs.”

The Cathar didn’t seem to react the way Tiaza expected but he rubbed his chin as he chuckled. “Well, if it’s important enough that you’ll wink at me I guess I can tell you that Venka in the lower levels has a much bigger inventory. I’d bet he’s got what you’re looking for. But it’s a rough neighborhood. Think you two young girls would be better off waiting a couple days for me to restock.”

“Thanks for the help,” Tiaza stated not quite as nicely as if he had left out the part about them not being able to handle a rough neighborhood. Well if she were alone it wouldn’t have bothered her. Of course, if she would alone she wouldn’t be shopping for droid parts. Tiaza gave a more friendly smile and nod of her head as she gently grabbed onto Hilal and guided them out of the shop.

“Well, what do you think?” Tiaza questioned her bodyguard. She really didn’t want to test Hilal’s mettle, but she wasn’t going to insult Hilal by saying they should just give up. “You wanna take a trip to the Venka’s shop?”

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Heart Breaker and Life Taker
Current outfit

Hilal blinked when Tiaza began to lean in and attempted to seduce the Cathar. She wondered if the Chiss and Cathar were compatible as a species based on his reaction probably so. Though Hilal took care not to think about it too much she felt a little uncomfortable picturing the two species in bed. "I'm a Mandalorian," Hilal sated bluntly. "Not some little girl what's some tough neighborhood to us? Let me tell you Cat man it's a walk in a park."

The Cathar looked bemused. "Aren't you a little short and cute to be a Mandalorian?" He chuckled. "No offense but you'll probably kill people by making them laugh to death when you tell them that you're a Mandalorian."

"Don't you have fleas to pick out from your fur?!" Hilal huffed. "Mind your tongue!"

Hilal purposefully knocked over a display case causing it to crash. The Cathar was flabbergasted before Hilal turned on her heel to leave. "Sorry for that Tiaza," she mumbled. "But that nerf herder is just one of many people I have to deal with everyday. Don't worry I will make sure that you're safe, you have my word."

Vletti'azan'uosus Vletti'azan'uosus


Pop Singer, Damsel in Distress!!
Location: Galactic City | Coruscant
Tags: Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla

“Well you certainly held your own with that shop owner,” Tiaza said with a smirk. She was a bit surprised by the snarky version of Hilal. It was a welcome surprise though. Tiaza knew that Hilal didn’t want to come across as soft and she obviously did not seem so as she berated the Cathar.

“You have nothing to be sorry about,” Tiaza admitted admiringly. “In fact it was much to yell at him than my stupid idea to get all flirty. Like that old flea bag should have thought he had a chance with me. I’m not into the furries by the way,” she added with a wink.

“I feel completely safe whenever you're around,” Tiaza announced with a smile. “If this place we’re going is as dangerous as that scruffy Cathar says though I hope you’re hiding a blaster in that cute jacket of yours.”
Heart Breaker and Life Taker
Current outfit

Hilal was surprised when Tiaza said that she didn't mind about her getting snippy. Normally people would feel annoyed by her but not Tiaza. "Thanks," she said giving her a smile. "I don't like being underestimated because I look like a little girl. In Mandalorian culture, I'm considered an adult in the eyes of my elders."

She kicked a pebble in front of her as it ricocheted off a rusted pole. "I don't know the first thing about flirting," Hilal laughed. "To us Mandalorians, we value strength and honor. I guess you can consider that an attractive quality to look for in a lover."

Which is why Hilal is considered a social outcast considering that she loved to dress and look pretty. It was mostly to increase her self-esteem if others don't love you, you can at least love yourself. Besides Hilal was always loved reading fashion magazines and the latest clothing. It made her stick out and made people pay more attention to her. "I have more than just a blaster," Hilal smirked and showed her the watch. "Take a load of this."

As soon as Hilal pressed the button, there was a loud crack from the sky before her Mandalorian Armor landed right in front of them. "This is my pride and joy," Hilal smiled. "My Mandalorian Armor took me a while to build it but it's the most advanced Mandalorian armor in the Galaxy."

Vletti'azan'uosus Vletti'azan'uosus


Pop Singer, Damsel in Distress!!
Location: Galactic City | Coruscant
Tags: Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla

Tiaza shared Hilal’s laugh. The young Chiss wouldn’t go so far as to say she knew a lot about flirting, just that sometimes a certain look would get her way better than arguing. The statement about finding a lover made Tiaza laugh a bit more. She would have to remember how naive Hilal was when it came to socializing. Tiaza flirted now and then, but it had been a while since she had do it to form a connection. Just a way to bring negotiations to a close. She was about to explain that to Hilal when her bodyguard pushed the button on her watch.

Tiaza startled a bit at the loud sound that happened after she looked up expecting to see some sort of explosion, instead it was a set of armor like she’d never seen in her life. It looked both strong and pretty. The colors were very much Hilal’s personality as Tiaza saw it, but the big gun and shiny metal made Tiaza and she suspected any threat know that whoever wore it should not be messed with.

“Wow!” Tiaza exclaimed. “That is something to be proud of Hilal. And if you spent that much time on it I’m sure it’s even better than it looks when in action. If you got that armor close by I feel even more safe going to the lower levels. Shall we?”
Heart Breaker and Life Taker
Current outfit

A light blush formed on Hilal's cheeks when she Tiaza praised the armor. She was one of the few people who complimented the armor it felt good to have someone give a simple compliment on the project that Hilal sacrificed everything for. "Thank you," Hilal said pressing some buttons on her watch. The repulsor pack located behind the armor flared up as it shot up into the sky watching over the pair. "The armor is controlled by a limited combat AI." She explained walking alongside Tiaza. "But thanks to the watch, I can control its movements and even have it open the armor so I can enter and control it myself."

She shrugged mentally patting herself on the back, the Mandalorian Armor was Hilal's pride and joy a symbol that she is a full-fledged Mandalorian. Hilal even bought some of her flair for technology giving some personality to her work of her. She wanted the Mandalorians to remember who she was and know that she had built the most advanced Mandalorian armor in history. "I hope The Quartermaster The Quartermaster is proud of me," She thought thinking of her mentor, her idol. Everything the Quartermaster made was innovative and creative, but it was created with the idea it would benefit all Mandalorians It was a major reason why she is the quintessential Forgemaster.

While Hilal forging her armor was a great sign and a mark for her Metalsmith as she travels the path of becoming a Forgemaster, she needed to do more. She had to do more. "I'm glad that you feel safer Tiaza," Hilal said as they entered the rough neighborhood. "I'm not going to have the first friend I've made get hurt."

Vletti'azan'uosus Vletti'azan'uosus


Pop Singer, Damsel in Distress!!
Location: Galactic City | Coruscant
Tags: Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla

Tiaza was glad to show Hilal that her work was not in vain. And that it indeed was something to be proud of. She hoped never to have to see the armor in action, but somehow she was sure that wouldn’t be the case. Tiaza missed out on her years of rebellious teenage angst. She was without parents and trying to make a life for herself. Now that she was semi-known and was able to do her own thing she found that pushing the envelope was a little appealing.

Besides with Hilal, her armor and her droids looking after her Tiaza could afford to take chances here and there right? The trip to the lower levels of Coruscant was not on the list of rebellion however. It was for Hilal. Tiaza couldn’t stand that they had gotten so close to the part that Overlord needed to be fully operational only to have it be out of stock at the ‘nice’ droid shop.

The lower levels made Tiaza feel dirty. She knew that was impossible, but it was as if the grime from the ground was climbing up her boots and covering her. She was happy to be here to help Hilal finish her project, but the sooner they got out the better. Pulling the data pad from her hip, Tiaza punched a few keys and looked around. She really had no idea where they were, but she was trying her best to look like it.

Quite confident that the shop they were looking for was around the next corner, Tiaza pointed in that direction and pushed forward a bit faster. “That’s right. You best run along. Tis no place for two cute little girls to be roaming at night.” Tiaza looked around trying to find the source of the voice. It wasn’t that difficult. A Devaronian stepped from the shadows and gave a bit of a groan of pleasure extending his long tongue in the girls’ direction.

Tiaza panicked and looked to Hilal for a way out. She definitely wasn’t going to try and flirt her way to safety with this guy. Maybe Hilal’s never back down, don’t be underestimated attitude would help the situation.
Heart Breaker and Life Taker
Current outfit

Hilal was lost in thought unable to believe that she made an actual friend. She wanted to have DVA shock her to see if she wasn't dreaming or not but it was real. Tiaza is real, and Hilal was not only her bodyguard but her friend as well. Mandalorians stick with their own but Hilal was shunned for so long that maybe it was time to branch out just a bit. She loved her people even if they didn't always love her. The lower levels were nothing to Hilal she had lived in squalor in Kresti so she was aware of the dangers that it had.

Just then, a Devaronian attempted to cat call them which made Tiaza nervous. Anger started to boil over inside Hilal as she held Tiaza's hand giving her a glare. "Fuck off you Horned Chithead!" She said. "Stick that tongue at my friend again and I will shoot it off!"

She dragged Tiaza behind her taking out her watch and ready to press the button. "Go ahead!" Hilal shouted. "Get the fuck out of here or you will regret it!"

Vletti'azan'uosus Vletti'azan'uosus


Pop Singer, Damsel in Distress!!
Location: Galactic City | Coruscant
Tags: Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla

'Kark she is such a spitfire,' Tiaza thought to herself as Hilal challenged the thug. She stood shoulder to shoulder with her new friend. The fact that the armor was just a button's push a way had Tiaza confident enough to puff out her own chest in challenge.

The Devaronian was more amused than anything by the loopy response by Hilal. "Who says the tongue was in her direction?" He replied with a laugh.

"Chriss are all so cold. I like it hot. I will let you girls go for nothing more than a little kiss from the fiery little one."
Heart Breaker and Life Taker
Current outfit

"You disgusting perverted bastard!" Hilal growled before pressing the button on her watch. "Stay back," the young woman whispered to Tiaza while DVA jumped on Tiaza's shoulder ready to protect the Chiss.

The Devaronian was bemused just like everyone else, well bully this Mandalorian so far and fuck around find out. These idiots always think they can say chit without consequences. Hilal's armor fell down from the sky creating a mini tremor, Hilal got inside her suit quickly making sure everything was in order before setting her sights on the Devaronian. "Gar've crossed te briik devil!" (You've crossed the line devil!) Hilal shouted in Mando'a she raised her Blaster cannon towards the horned alien's face. "Leave us alone or I will exterminate you like the vermin you truly are!"

He will not touch Tiaza, he will not hurt her friend. Hilal is her protector and no one will get past her.

Vletti'azan'uosus Vletti'azan'uosus
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