Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Otherspace Adventures with Greg [Volume I]

This strange cipher cube that she found one day hovering atop of her bed kept her busy on days till end. There were many questions, of how it appeared in her possession in the first place, but the teen still felt the insatiable curiousity to solve it. When she wasn't going about the galaxy on training and missions under her master, she was stuck in her chambers in the alvaria castle attempting to decipher this complex puzzle. It was a cube with symbols on it foreign to her, they were similar to sith runes that she had read upon. With her recent visit to the library-temple in Kraysiss 2, she had gotten some tomes to help her out. The object was ancient, so she found out. As much as learning a new prehistoric language which ontly translated to the direction and precise angle to turn the puzzle at. But with each milestone, there was another hurdle - another puzzle to solve.

6 weeks, spent on it, with a final push, the cube unlocked. Glowing as the dark room lit with blue light, points like stars doting around the area and orbs floating around. It was a holocron map. There was an immense sense of satisfaction, having solved such a complex puzzle. But among the blue, there was a bright glow of purple - a location pin, the ancient hieroglyphic languages translating into coordinates. Kathol was a planet she had studied of before, but it was not one she had been on... yet. Nouqai couldn't quite contain her excitement as she boarded her ship and shooting through hyperspace - a journey that took 4 hours before she eventually got to the Kathol system. To the exact coordinates she had managed to navigate to. Imagine her dissapointment when she had arrived to nothing more than a wiltering tree on an expanse of barren land. The cipher cube in her hand beeped, she must be at the right place... but there was nothing in sight but an old tree.

The girl groaned. Given the effort she had put in to decipher the puzzle, she was frustrated to what it lead to. She slumbed against the tree. Perhaps she could sulk here for a little more before she was ready to head back.
In Umbris Potestas Est
Nouqai Veil Nouqai Veil

Leaning against the tree brought whispers to the young abomination's mind. There were battles that had happened in the Rift. Great beings, the spawn and servants of once-gods that had clashed in this part of space. Some had died hundreds of years ago. Others were truly distant memories, forgotten by most if not all. Yet the flicker, the glimmer of such maleficent things as the DarkStryder, the ancient Kathol Lifewell, and the other enigmatic secrets of the planet.

A ripple seemed to form before the Force-user, a wrinkle in the fabric of space and time, waiting to be tugged at, interacted with, or otherwise accessed.
A soft reverberating frequency of sound drew her to attention and back on her feet. An eerie whisper, muffled howls seemed to echo from the trunk. It felt only natural to do so as she pressed her palm again the wood, the waves of sentiments washed over her immediately upon the contact. A whirlwind of emotions rushing through her, a vehemence of hundreds of souls intensified within her, cries and echoes of the lost and passed. It was a fleeting chaos that had departed from her within a second.

She gasped as the atmosphere around seemed to move and warp in a way that her own eyes couldn't comprehend. Both light, colours and shapes distorted, something she had never seen before. The force around contoured, like turbulent waves amidst and ocean storm. An urge she felt, Falentra reached out, through the force, she gave a shove towards the tree.

Onrai Onrai
In Umbris Potestas Est
The tree was no more. It... imploded. Was consumed? Whatever happened to the tree, it was no more, or at least most of it - shards of the stump still remained. The tear pulsed energy of an unknown type to the young Force-user, which gave no sign of whether it was good or evil - only that it was aberrant and something waited on the other side. Whether it was for her to go through, or whether it would come from the other side, there was no clear answer.

Silently, there was a whisper - not words, but a whisper of familiarity. Something of the young woman resonated with something beyond the breach - what it yet was remained unclear, but whether the tantalizing sense of answers to forbidden questions would encourage her to further examine the crevasse was something yet to be divined.

Nouqai Veil Nouqai Veil
The reality around warp and twisted, the tree that was right in front of her seemed to dissolve within seconds revealing a lesion which both white light and shadows seemed to leak out from. While she was confused by what was happening before her eyes, the whisper, so alluring drew her in. She took a step forwards, a clawed finger reaching out towards the tear. The strong energy radiated from it, nothing she had felt before, seeming to pull her. Naturally, Falentra resisted, only for her to be tugged forcefully forwards right into the portal.

A feeling as if her whole body, each and every cell and nerve was travelling through hyperspace. Mouth opened in a scream sonic, but the sound fading behind her as she was moving too fast for her even eyes to make sense of anything. The colours around her were like a distorted nebula. It was a minute, perhaps two, before she hit a surface, momentum thrown out of balance as she tumbled violently across what ever she landed on. Or where ever she had landed on.

Groaning. Surprisingly, managing to turn to her side, body aching and head spinning. But the worst was yet to come. It was agony, as her hair began to grow, sharp fossils seeming to emerge, piercing through the flesh of her head. She screamed, confused and in pain as her tentacles morphed and grew. So big that her own hair began to lift her up from the ground. Then to her relief, the pain stopped. She felt it move as if on its own accord and not within her control. Imagine her horror seeing what her own hair had become as she turned. Monstrous, with two - no three - mouths.

Wether it was the pain, having travelled at such speeds, what she was seeing or all of the above, Falentra folded, throwing up. This had to be some sort of weird dream.

Onrai Onrai
In Umbris Potestas Est
The abomination that was on the back of her head seemed to have grown utterly and inimically out of control, as though it was yet responding to something in whatever benighted realm she had wandered into. The surface of the world she was on seemed itself to be amorphous, almost oobleck-like in form. and as she was suffering, writhing in agony courtesy of whatever had grown from her, she would begin to sink somewhat into the planet's surface. She would not necessarily be consumed by it, but it would certainly encumber her ability to move.

And elsewhere on the world, another intelligence seemed to perk up.

Nouqai Veil Nouqai Veil

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