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Faction ORION Intelligence Logs (open to reports from any OPA friendly)

OOC: Post up a quick IC summary of intel/rumors/gossip that may be useful to the OPA, beratna. Go nuts.


Jude: ...swear this better been my last undercover stint, chief. Ain't nothin' out there worse to blow my cover than booze and ladies.

Bossman': To the point, J.

Jude: Fine, fine...sheesh. Y'all bein' stiff as that navy jock cap'n Drake. hooked up with some red haired babe - Lady Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim -something, something, Baroness of Vengard. I got her name on the report. Don't gimme that look, chief man. You seen that beaut', you'd be droolin' like a hutt at a Klat' paddy frog and dry humpin' the nearest table leg. As a matter of fact, ya ain't gonn' be needin' them pills-

Bossman': To. the. point.

Jude: A'ight, a'ight. Got some match on her at some cracked CIS data. Nothin' too certain, no photo, no info. Just a name in CIS records. Could be coincidence, could be not. Shit was tough to crack, far as I understood that geek's techy talk. My instinct talkin'? She's got 'em certain...skills ya don't get born 'ith. Only taught. Besides, y'all ain't thinking that edge lord of an emperor's gonn' invite some randos at his wedding. Man's gettin' married! Let me tell ya, it's a big thang. All of 'em bad emperors out there ain't tossin' weddings left 'n right, they got 'em concubines and whatnot. Ain't got time for no weddin's, no?

Bossman: Tell us about...uh. Yeah. Vyra Silara Vyra Silara . The Queen, now Empress. Mentioned in your report somethin' about rebel connections with 'er.

Jude: Tskt. Nah, ain't nothin' but rumors, chief. Extrapolated that shit I heard from a highly unreliable source, see if it gets red hair shifty. She ain't flinch.

Bossman: What's your instinct sayin'?

Jude: Eh, ain't sure. Had to bail quick, barely got a glance at Ma Lady the Empress. But if y'all insist. She ain't givin' me them bad impy vibes we all used to. Might be something but y'all ain't tossin' me as a chamberlain undercover next. Emperor's undie' drawers last place I'd like to be.


(plagiarized from Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill 's Jedi Mission Logs)



Agent Darksword leaned up against the windowsill, a half finished cigarra dangling from his mouth. The reflective mask he wore whenever he wasn't undercover was pulled up to his nose. He held a recorder in one hand.

"This karking city," he clicked the tape on, "Terminus is a nightmare. Thousands of ships, tens of thousands, maybe more. Day after day. Impossible to verify them all. Makes sense why the Alliance chose this place, but now our strength is a weakness..."

He paused. This low down his view consisted of nothing but endless domed hab blocks and one of the city world's countless spaceports.

"Been fighting this war for too long. Same cause but it seems like the only thing that ever changes are lines on a map. The Abbaji op went south. Karkin Falkrowe. Everyone's so focused on Kintan and Zambrano's old tricks that nobody has their eyes on the wilds. There's something dangerous about these Kalidani..."

The log begins to fragment and when it reforms he is seated on the apartment's bed and smoking a fresh cigarra.

"-if the Core wasn't such a mess. Alright, so you botched that one Desmond. But that's the way its gotta be. Its the way they play the game, Zambrano and Wolfe and all the others. Someone's gotta look at the whole board. That's why I'm out here on the edge of everything building comm relays out of scrap and rubbing sticks together to make fire. Karking ORION..."

He took a long drag on his cigarra.

"Delete log."

Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
"So I've found four good routes for sneaking into the Sith Empire. They all connect with low-profile planets just inside the border, places that the Empire controls but has never done anything serious with.

"Route number one is Huk, the Huk homeworld, to Tovarskl, one of their old colonies. This one's way out there on the west side, up by Muunilinst.

"Number two is even farther rimward: Xo to Brath Qella. I used that one to run a cargo out of Lah'mu.

"Number three is Krinemonen to the back roads in the Calamari Sector, around the old Mon Cala colony at Ruisto.

"Number four is Iego to a total backwater called Cophrign Five. I hear Vader killed a Jedi there before the Dark Age. Betting this great south coreward route closes up soon - Iego is right in the Empire's expansion path.

"I've only used these routes really minimally, haven't raised any red flags far as I know. You can get good use out of'em for a little while, maybe longer."
Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
"Got the chance to take a look at sensor footage from a couple of allied battles where big enemy ships turned up. I'm a shipwright by trade and I remember a lot of fuss about classified Koensayr specs. Whatever system these big Sith boats are running, I'm basically certain it's a ripoff of a Mon Cal Delphus.4 multilayer shield, just with a molecular shield instead of the basic energy shield outer layer. That's important because the Delphus design has known flaws. For starters, all its specialized utility shield layers are tucked inside the combat ones, layers down. That meand ion storms, radiation, and atmospheric friction burn are running into the combat shields and interacting with them instead of with the dedicated-

"Okay, yeah, there's more, hold your banthas. Knowing the layer outfit means that you can ease a boat or something through the outer layer - molecular shields don't stop objects at all - and open fire like crazy. As long as you aren't using warheads, mass drivers, ion cannons, or radiation weapons, none of the shields can stop you. Sidle up to a Sith dreadnought, get just barely through the outer layer, and you've got a clear shot at naked hull."


"...problems again with the ORCS. Dank ferrik it feels like the Alliance is willing to co-sign a frigate for anyone with a crew and an Imperial record. We gotta start vetting some of these guys or more of them are gonna end up turning pirate. Try talking to someone from the Kathol sector about 'regulations' and 'turbolaser control' though and see how far you get without a black eye."

"-riots on Bodrin are getting worse. Suspected cultist activity was a dead end. These are just angry miners who could do with a raise or some extra time off. Elrood Quarry execs want us to put boots on the ground. Recommend we send a Judge instead to sort them both out. ORION must be getting jumpy, got me out here chasing shadows."

"Whoever built a secret fortress behind a fake house inside a mountain on an uncharted planet hidden inside a gas cloud near the Rift must have been the most paranoid guy who ever lived. Turns out it also makes one hell of an operations center. ORION doesn't call you in without a good reason so either I have a new mission or this is the last log I'll ever send..."

"...something's definitely happening in the First Order Exclusion Zone. Now that the Ssi-ruuk are scattered the old remnants are turning on each other. We thought the Hegemony was the threat but after Varonat it seems like we missed something. Chatter coming in about infighting on Seoul. What's the pattern? Is it the Sith connection? Are the Ren making a move? Or is this just the snake eating its own tail? Maybe Falkrowe knows some people-"

"-contact! Shots fired outside the Pantoran Assembly! Hostiles are sporting Sith crests repeat we've got skulls in the open! The Senator is secure and skulls are mobile I am in pursuit on foot uploading coordinates. Contact the Guard and advise an immediate shield gate lock down. I want eyes in the sky and a U-Wing inbound in-stand fast or I'll put you down!"
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Born standin' up and takin' back.
As the Rusty Bucket glides through hyperspace …

REPORT: Tatoonie


In an unfortunate incident on Tatoonie, I was scratched on the face by a rabid mouldy bird with crazy eyes.

Vivid dreams, cold sweats, frequent toilet breaks, nasty cough seem to have dissipated, however, Nightmares, hot sweats, few toilet breaks, nasal congestion and thirst for water plague my days. I strongly recommend quarantine of said mouldy bird if seen in OPA space furthermore the bird would require delousing, wings clipped, and shots.

Eldin Daine

Deputy on Bespin
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Jude: The FOSB archives, y'all managed to get somethin' out of it?

Bossmang: Still workin' on it. Lots of it been wiped, lots of been nuked out after your shindig there.

Jude: Figures. Still ain't got no idea 'bout this new ol' FO risin' up and hittin' their own. Ya know when I ended up servin' one of 'em remnant warlords back 'en, they'd skirmish from time to time, light stuff. Nothin' like the shit we seen over Varonat. Kinda makes me think this new ol' FO got a Knight of Ren pulling the string. Them Rens ain't never been right with them heads.

Bossmang: Ol' FO had Sieger Ren, no?

Jude: As a symbol, yeah. But y'all mad if ya thought it ain't Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan runnin' the show. Everyone used to hail sieger out in public but all them soldiers, citizens and whatnot pulled their weight in her name.

Bossmang: Hmm, not wrong. After her demise, it all collapsed.

Jude: Yep. Sure did.

Bossmang: Anyway, this new ol' FO, what's your take on it?

Jude: Well, they're ruthless. It's why I think they got a whack of a space wizard holdin' the leash. The shit they do looks borderline fanatic, zealous. Like religiously fanatic.

Bossmang: So, nothing to worry about?

Jude: Depends.

Bossmang: Like, you don't think they're gonna manage to build up a solid fleet, an army and threaten our integrity?

Jude: Heh. That ain't what you got to be worry about, chief. It's when they start buildin' up favor among the ordinary folk when you gotta worry. It's what wins wars. It's what builds empires. Fortan knew that and y'all's pals, the GA, learned that the hard way.

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