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Approved Tech Orbalisk Antivenin

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Image Source: Here
Intent: An antidote to orbalisk venom.
Development Thread:
  • Orbalisks acquired by Alu'ravenor (16 posts)
  • Alu'ravenor sells the orbalisks to Galindas Exports, a space pawn ship; Mara buys them
  • Mara and Cerita Sarova work on the antivenin (14 posts)
Manufacturer: Mara D'Lessio Merrill, [member="Cerita Sarova"], Stargo Forge Works
Model: Orbalisk Antivenin
Affiliation: Select customers
Modularity: No
Production: Limited
Material: Antivenin in glasteel-and-bronzium vial

  • Allows removal of orbalisks without killing the host.
  • Dosage needs to be appropriate. If a full-body set of orbalisks is ripped off all at once, you'd better have plenty of antivenin around.
  • Pretty rare; not likely to be on hand when you need it, unless you know what you're getting into.

Description: While handling the disposition of her aunt Rave's estate, Mara found many notes on projects that Rave never had time to complete. These projects involved making reparations for the noted alchemist's many crimes. One major project, which saw modest progress but never came to fruition -- largely because of Rave's focus on the Trees of Ankarres -- was a set of Sithspawn-venom cures. Mara decided to begin with the common orbaliscus, found on Dxun near the tomb of Freedon Nadd. Orbalisks bond to a host as symbionts. When removed from the host, the orbalisk secretes lethal toxins. Death occurs within hours or days. There is a way to remove the orbalisc, but the host must be in excellent health. This method involves stunning the orbalisc with electricity via its underbelly. The method is complex, and can easily result in the death of the host if the voltage is misjudged. Thus, orbalisk antivenin represents a useful complement or alternative to this practice.

Mara tried several avenues to create the antivenin, including commercial antidote production machinery and certain Light Side Force influences. Ultimately, however, she got the most success from injecting herself with orbalisk venom and healing herself with the Ankarres Sapphire -- pound for pound, the most powerful healing artifact in the galaxy. The resulting compounds and Force effects provided the key to understanding the venom and producing the antivenin in some quantity.

Orbalisk antivenin will generally save the host's life, but the host will be cripplingly ill for hours or days, depending on the number of orbalisks that got removed.

Orbalisk poisoning is an infinitesimally rare affliction, and Mara's company (Stargo Forge Works) has few orbalisks from which to work. As a result, orbalisk antivenin is made available to senior Jedi healers and select customers, but isn't exactly what you'd call accessible.

Primary Source: Not influenced by any Chaos submissions. Some material adapted from the Wookieepedia page on orbalisks, linked above.
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review
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