Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In the wake of disaster, discussions regarding the future often take place. Such was the case of Arakyd Industries: a notable corporation that had endured throughout the ages. Whilst they had faced untold sums of tribulations over the years, never before had their holdings come under the attack of such a villain. In but an instant, thousands of workers vanished into the void; with many never to be seen again. This set the company flat on its back, for even after the disaster was averted, Arakyd had plenty of recovery to do.

And thus, the Board of Directors called a meeting.

They decided that it was the best course of action to repair the damage from the head down; meaning that they would address the most pressing of the mountain of issues. In the wake of the disaster, the corporation's CEO had gone missing. Some were hopeful that she would return to steer Arakyd into a better direction, but most on the Board were not as optimistic. Holding out for the possibility of a return was much akin to hoping that a bandage would appear to rectify a blaster wound. Sure, miracles happen, but the average man would seek a more immediate solution.

As such, the Board of Directors convened and had a handful of options at their disposal. At the top of the list was a man they did not know personally...but had heard quite a bit about.
Isley Verd had been called.

He, the estranged spouse of Arakyd's own CEO, had made quite the name for himself. In recent history, he had taken the reins of Stargo Defense Enterprises and had seen them grow immensely under his leadership. By his command did they sponsor the ever-growing Vanguard; and numerous corporate affiliates were being made each day. Needless to say, the Mandalorian was exactly the sort of individual that Arakyd needed. He, being so intimately attached to their CEO, knew the ins and outs of their business.

And he knew how to make a corporation grow.

In the minds of the Board, it was better to find a solution as close to the "house" as possible. Perhaps, if he accepted the mantle of CEO, he could bring about the return of Phoebe Draclau. Or, he could potentially even usher in a new era of prosperity for the company. This option was at the top of the list, and as such the Board now waited for Isley to arrive. Assembled, both physically and by hologram, the leaders of the corporation sat mustered about a conference table. A single seat was left vacant...

...And its occupant was on his way.
At first there was but the quiet buzz of small talk between the men, but silence soon dominated them all. A single knock upon the door was the culprit to this hush, followed by a feminine voice. She, a simple Secretary, announced that Isley had arrived before opening the door. All about, the Board took in their first glances at the Mandalorian standing in the doorway; and what an impression did he make. Standing tall, he was garbed from head to toe in his Beskar'gam.

Menacing plates of the fruits of Mandalore gleamed in the light as Isley stepped forward. He regarded those assembled with a polite nod before sliding himself down upon the vacant seat. He took a moment to make himself comfortable before producing a datapad, which was then laid on the table before him. Silence ruled for a moment...before one of the men had enough sense to start the proceedings.

"Mr. Verd," he began, "We have called you here today because we are in a dilemma. Our company lost untold sums of assets in the recent calamity, including our CEO...Your spouse...Sadly, we cannot operate properly without exceptional leadership. As such, we have reached out to you in order to offer you the mantle of CEO. Your experience, your familiarity with the company, and your recent successes with SDE have led us to select you as our prime candidate."

He broke off, as the Mandalorian raised a hand to stop him.
Flabbergasted, the Board member held off on continuing. The Mandalorian did not say anything at first, but instead turned his attention briefly to the datapad before him. A few deft strokes of his fingers resulted in a rather unmistakable sound blaring across the conference room: ringing! Isley was making a call, but to whom the Board directors wondered. They did not ask, for a man of the Mandalorian's position would obviously not make frivolous calls in the midst of vital meetings. So, they held their peace; curious to see who would be on the other line.

Much to their surprise, it was not a single voice...but instead, several!

"Gentlemen!" said the Mandalorian over the chorus of voices, "it is my pleasure to introduce to you the leadership of Arakyd Industries." He paused, before tapping a upon the datapad again. This time, it projected a myriad of azure light which formed into the collective faces of a handful of men. These were the members of Stargo Defense Enterprises' own board of directors. "Likewise, allow me to introduce to you the Board of SDE."

While surprise marred the faces of Arakyd's own Board, greetings were exfended. Isley allowed a few moments for this to proceed before continuing.
"Gentlemen, when you first reached out to me, I had only an inkling suspicion of what Arakyd could require my presence for. However, as always, I trusted my instincts and prepared for the best: that you would require my assistance in the wake of Akala's rampage."

The Mandalorian began with a touch of eloquence in his voice. After all, he did not know these men from Manda and knew that certain...stereotypes...revolved around his culture. Many saw his kind as blood-drunk and lacking basic civilized practices. Isley aspired to quell and judgments in these moments, especially since opportunity was knocking quite aggressively.

"However, you have all surpassed my expectations by graciously offering me the position of CEO. Of course, I would be a fool to decline such an offer; and I have no intention of doing so...However, I do have a small selection of desires that would need to be met. I'm sure that you anticipated such, as you are vastly capable businessmen."

There was some nodding whilst others muttered in agreement. Taking over immediately after a crisis was not going to be easy on any one individual. As such, Arakyd had already come prepared to sweeten the deal if necessary. Isley was expecting as much, and had come prepared with a handful of desires that he was sure the corporation would meet.

"What are your demands, Mr. Verd?"
There was no point in beating around the bush, so the Mandalorian began with the largest of his desires. If this one could be met, then there would be no difficulties in approving the others. Drawing a calming breath, Isley tapped upon the datapad once more; which then prompted a chorus of alert sounds to ring about the room. He had forwarded the Board members a draft of a contract: one that would intertwine the futures of SDE and Arakyd forevermore.

"Gentlemen, you have just received a copy of a contract the legal represenatation of SDE has drawn up. What this document entails is simple: that the corporation be completely and totally absorbed by Arakyd Industries. Our holdings, clients, assets, and products would become unified under the banner of Arakyd from this day forward. This also comes with my desire to ascend to CEO, and to be given authority to choose my successor in the event that I am unable to continue working; or if I am politically ousted."

One could hear a pin drop in that moment. Isley was, essentially, handing Arakyd a company gift-wrapped with a bow. The demand seemed almost too good to be true; and as such the Board called him on it.

"At face value, this demand seems wonderful. However, I have to ask...what's the catch?"
At first, the Mandalorian made no verbal response. Instead, he simply raised three fingers.

"There is not a catch. I have no intention of pulling wool over your eyes and blind siding you in any way. However, I will make some more finite details of the contract known to you; three in particular. The rest are the basic points that would facilitate the merge; all of which you are free to review."

The Board eagerly took him up on that. There was a combined clatter as the men produced their datapads and began to read through the contract. Each was equipped with degrees and certifications in legal areas, so there was no pressing need for exceptional legal counsel. Isley had no qualms about allowing the men to scour the contents of the contract for a few minutes, but after awhile he spoke.

"First." he began, calling their attention back to him.

"A contract was made between myself and one [member="Xander Carrick"]. The terms of this contract are to be fully honored, even in light of the changes coming to SDE. No attempts will be made to challenge the autonomy of this subsidiary and the company is free to secede after two years. Furthermore, Mr. Carrick is guaranteed a seat on the Board in addition to successor rights."

"Second. All contracts made by SDE are to be honored, regardless of client. This merge will not see our customers adversely affected."

"Lastly, I require that the Board of SDE be permitted to join this board; and that our merge does not displace our employees. I'm not out to make those whom work for me suffer in light of this decision. If you can agree to these terms, then we will have an accord."
In light of what the Mandalorian said, the Board needed a moment to process. As such, they requested a few minutes to convene so that they might go over the contract in detail; including the trio of demands he explicitly pointed out. Isley was, of course, agreeable with the request and dismissed himself from the room. The Board of SDE went along for the ride, as he briefly disconnected the call and took his datapad with him.

Once within the waiting area, Isley eased himself into a chair and exhaled. One of the last times he was in this very room was shortly after Phoebe had taken the reins of leadership. In light of her ascension, she had taken it upon herself to give Isley a rather excited tour of the headquarters. It was one of the happiest memories that the Mandalorian had regarding his marriage, but that, like many things, was long since in the past.

While legally, there was still a bond, Isley had not seen or heard from Phoebe in years...Their last meeting had seen the end of their relationship, and that was where they stood. That wouldn't change, but at least some good could come out of their marriage. He would keep watch over the company she owned and would cherish it, for it meant the world to her.
After a few quiet minutes, the Secretary was alerted by the Board. A decision had been reached, and now it was time for Isley to hear the verdict. Rising, the Mandalorian calmly made his way into the conference room before returning to the chair he formerly occupied. There, he resumed the call once more before folding his hands in front of him. Isley he was taking quite a bold step today. However, if it all paid off, there would be much to celebrate later on.

"So, what say you members of the Board?" he inquired.

"Our decision is yes. We have found your desires agreeable and will abide by them to the letter. SDE will be absorbed into Arakyd, with CarrisonTech being the notable exception. You will become CEO, your Board members, staff, and employees will be integrated into our work force. And, all contracts will be honored."

Inside, the Mandalorian was leaping with glee...but externally, Isley was a model of professionalism. He nodded, offered a genuine smile, and said: "Then let us make it official by signing the contract."
There wasn't a moment's hesitation on the part of Arakyd's board. Almost in unison, styli were pulled from their ports before a symphony of taps echoed about the room. Isley watched with excitement dancing in his eyes, and finally joined in on the fun by scrawling his signature upon the dotted line. When it was all said and done, the Board greeted their new CEO with a round of applause and numerous handshakes; to which the Mandalorian gladly received.

As for his first order of business? There were a few deeds of good will that needed to be attended to. First, one must always show favoritism to customers. Second, one must always appreciate where one comes from. As such, once the festivities settled down, Isley had one act to have the Board approve of: the allocation of ten percent of the corporation's stocks. This was not an astronomical number, but in the right hands this was an immense gift.

Seven percent was sent to one [member="Jorus Merrill"], a man Isley only by association. His sister, Rave, had taught Isley everything he knew about Alchemy; and now he was seeing to it that the pilot had access to something tasty. Attached was a simple message:


Rave taught me everything I knew. She was my friend and the best damn teacher in the Verse. I don't know you well, this much is true, but I'd still like to help if I can. Seven percent of Arakyd Industries is yours, meaning you have credits, droids, and other goodies at your disposal. If you ever need a friend, a gun, or a saber, you've got one.


The next message was directed at [member="Patricia Susan Garter"], a trusted and valued customer. She had seen the development of EXO suits and other advances for SDE, and as such she deserved a little extra coin.

Red Dress,

You've earned this. Go nuts.

SDE Boy.

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