Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Operation Search and Rescue

A firm grip on her shoulders brought her to reality he had her ok...ok..ok....she still couldn't breath, "They are behind me" It was now she dared to turn and look back, as she did the creatures broken through the tree line and we were running straight for them. It seemed to her they had picked up speed in the open, or was it the thrill there were more people here.

She knew the face of this man a message had been sent....what was his name....for the love of Alderaan she thought to herself...
."Master Kilij Qel-Nosh Kilij Qel-Nosh " She nodded answering her own question

The Queen? Isn't she here we were to meet her here...who is after me?" She pointed to the distance, "they are....I don't know who they are. A group of them attacked us on our way to meet the Queen here for a meeting. They must have taken her!"

Was their Queen dead? Was she captive? Was....a thousand questions.

Jax Thio Jax Thio | Caedyn Arenais | Credit Wizard Credit Wizard | Imogen Rist Imogen Rist
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TAGS: Jax Thio Jax Thio Imogen Rist Imogen Rist Anastasia Panteer Anastasia Panteer Caedyn Arenais
LOCATION: Alderaan Farm
RELEVANT LINKS: Monkrove Irs'Valachie Moldova

OUTFIT AND WEAPONRY: Ornate [AV-1A] Assault Armor | [Mace Shaped] Power Hammer | Rotational Steam Cannon

Monkrove had been busy fighting his own battle with the flesh raiders of the ancient past. He stopped for a minute, allowing himself a chance to catch a break before he was hit back by a flesh raider's claws, digging his armored boots into the floor as the grass would tumble up. Bringing his arm cannon back around and blasting the flesh raider in the eyes, blinded by now and enraged the flesh raider charge and he simply moved sideways to avoid his charge attempt. Whacking them in the back with his power hammer as the flesh raider went tumbling down and monkrove finished it off with his cannon.

Monkrove happened to turn his head at the exact minute to pick up on the conversation started by "Caedyn Arenais", he was glad to know what was fully going on now that the queen of alderaan had happened to be kidnapped and he correctly figured out that these creatures where by themselves responsible or were being driven by someone or something else to drive them to this act. Bashing a flesh raider aside with his servo augmented strength, monkrove would join up with them both and voice his own suggestion if they could hear him. "Flesh Raiders aren't usually that smart enough to arrange this entire kidnapping plot. If we are looking for the queen among these savages, then they must have a camp nearby as raiders aren't drawn to buildings or other structures but prefer to camp out in the wild. The only explanation that I can figure is that someone is leading them, either a powerful force user or a mind device that is linking them all together. If we can find the camp or signs of them traveling up to our current location. The queen should be there if my theory is correct, but at this current time. We don't have a lot of other plans." Monkrove stated to them, bashing a flesh raider over the head with his power hammer as it went to the floor and ate the dirt. Kicking it away with his armored leg as it rolled like a bowling ball into the others. The flesh raiders numbers were begging to thin out quite considerably, with the battle harden general and the two expert jedis. Monkrove earning the last kill though, as he blasted a flesh raider right in the stomach.

Monkrove would bend down into the surface a little, picking up a sample of flesh raider blood and inserting the container into his armor, checking in a large arc for flesh raider's unique heat signatures which should tell them the direction that they traveled and if the signal was good, eventually where they came from nearby . Waiting for some results to come back so that he could share it with the group. Once the information was sent to his on board hud, would monkrove turn to face them after putting his power hammer away for now. "My armor computer detects a faint signal of the flesh raiders heat signatures closer to the natural mountain ranges of alderaan. They didn't travel that far away from their camp, my guessing because they are scavengers for food and tools. They were on a hunting expedition and smelled the scent of Lady Planeteer and gave chase because she was defenseless in their eyes. The only camp for them to hide in would be a cave of some kind. My scanners pick up large caves near here if anyone wants to check it out." Monkrove suggested to them, saying a logical explanation as to why they would be chasing the women and an opportunity for them to move locations to save the queen much sooner before the flesh raiders decided that their captive would be much more beneficial to them as food for the tribe. While he waited for the jedi's answers on his suggestion, he would attempt to recharge his armor's power supply for the next engagement.

Kilij looked at Lady Panteer. She seemed exhausted and disoriented, but she had no answers. The Jedi looked out to see Alderaan's Jedi Watchman another force user, and an out-of-place tag along mercenary. They were fighting flesh raiders. "My Lady, stay behind me." He spoke as several of these feral beasts charged at the two of them. Letting the girl go he stepped towards the monsters and drew out his lightsaber, igniting the icy blue blade. A quick slash cut the head clean off one while the other raised its blaster weapon and fired at the Jedi Master. Kilij deflected the shot back at the creature's weapon, destroying the blaster and knocking it out of the flesh raider's hands. Unarmed and defenseless the monster was unable to stop the swordmaster from driving his lightsaber through it's chest.

Kilij grimaced at the dead flesh raiders. He took no pleasure in killing. But they presented another problem, Flesh Raiders took their captives alive... Until they got back to their camps where they usually ate them. Which meant that if no one found the Queen in time, she would literally be some mutated creature's dinner. At the same time, Flesh Raiders would form crude camps around signal fires, they were by no means subtle or stealthy. These camps were typically formed in easily defensible positions in the hill and mountains.

"HQ, HQ, This is Qel-Nosh. We have Flesh Raiders on Alderaan. The Queen has been captured. I need every gunship and troop transport loaded up, have fighters sweep the area, and be on the lookout for any makeshift camps, prioritize ridges and mountain lines around the Organa Ranch." Kilij said on his communicator that he pulled out. "I'll need an evac for Lady Panteer and a gunship to my current communicator location."

The Jedi Master turned back to Anastasia. "I'm getting you outta here." He said hoping the other could wrap up whatever raiders were left. They needed to find the Queen and fast.

Anastasia Panteer Anastasia Panteer | Jax Thio Jax Thio | Caedyn Arenais | Credit Wizard Credit Wizard
She had no trouble standing behind someone, nope. One look at all the teeth coming towards them certainly gave her incentive to do exactly as asked. She looked around to the others Jax Thio Jax Thio Caedyn Arenais Credit Wizard Credit Wizard Imogen Rist Imogen Rist and Kilij Qel-Nosh Kilij Qel-Nosh they had all managed not to be captured.

Course....she really didn't know their faces only that here they were.

I can't leave, we have to find the Queen. Leaving here and not knowing which way to go....I'd be failing again, I can't do that" No she couldn't do that again, if something happen to the Queen not that it was her fault, but that if she did nothing to find her ensure her return, that is failure.

Were the others ready to go? Did they know which direction the Queen had been taken?
Faith walked along her head throbbing she tried looking up to see if there were ships in the skies but she saw nothing. That was not a comfort. How long had it been, an hour maybe. Or was it longer? She had lost track of time each time she had blacked out. She looked for the sun trying to tell the time, it was mid afternoon from the position so yes an hour or two.

She could hear them talking with one another but it was a language she didn't know every once in a while she got a shove to keep her moving at a faster pace. Had they found the beacon yet? Did it give them an idea of where she was?

She would have them all fired that's it. She laughed no she wouldn't while there wasn't a blame here she certainly didn't think she had to protect herself so much on her own home. But perhaps the galaxy had shifted so much that she just didn't know now maybe that what it required.

She didn't want to give in to that but it would seem. nahh...

She kept walking thinking to herself and looking. She looked behind her, and then again in front of her. So they were on a familiar path the ground was cleared the dirt beneath revealed, and she did have on low walking shoes...she just needed to get her hands free. But her head did hurt.

She began to watch for an opportunity, she wasn't about to be lead off like some bantha.

She smiled, looked back again. Her guard growled...they were fast...right.

There was a break in the brush up ahead.....she walked a bit faster ....she was going...ok....she smiled.

She pivoted on her right pushed off and dashed through the brush....she looked up and not back. There were shouts and screams,....Faith tried to watch for anything, and anyone...someone had to be out here right!

Jax Thio Jax Thio | Caedyn Arenais | Credit Wizard Credit Wizard | Imogen Rist Imogen Rist | Kilij Qel-Nosh Kilij Qel-Nosh

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