Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Operation Resurgence

Dorian Sevanar

Location : Remains of Byss
Tags : Tristan Evore , Shran

Chaos. Anarchy . Disorder. These three words would describe the Post-Imperial Situation within the Core Worlds. After the disappearance of the Imperial High Chancellor and the members of his cabinet the former Core Imperial Confederation fell apart. The Imperial Minister of Defense , Shran took the position of Acting Chancellor of the Confederation however it was already to late. Demoralized by the disappearance of their leader , many Imperial Commanders began to lose hope and slowly began to surrender their fleets to the Corellian Confederation. The biggest blow for the CIC was when the Kuat Garrison surrendered resulting in a Victory for Corellia. With such a loss , the Acting Chancellor took command of a Small Armada and fled to the Unknown Regions along with Imperial Hardliners. With this action the CIC definitely ceased to exist.

In the remains of Byss on board of a Majestic-II Class Heavy Cruiser , the Directorate's Emissary to the Former CIC Adam Versili awaited the arrival of Shran and Tristan Evore , members of the Imperial Remnant in order to discuss their ideas for the return of Imperial Presence within the Core Worlds and the Resurgence of the Imperial Confederation , what Versili called Operation Resurgence. While his master (Maracel Yorkell II) secretly began moving forward with his own plans , Shran and Evore along with Versili had begun organizing the Imperial Remnant with Maracel having provided information necessary for the revival of the Imperial Confederation. Information that Versili hoped to share with his allies.
Location : Remains of Byss
Tags : [member="Adam Versili"] , [member="Shran "]

The Majestic II Class Heavy Cruiser named HIMS Redeemer oddly enough, sulked through the shattered remains of Byss, an old Imperial Stronghold and the same place that Palpatine met his untimely demise. Tristan, in his pristine Grand Moff's Uniform, sat cross legged in the shuttle he shared with Acting High Chancellor @Shran. Hus blue eyes, well in actuality his blue eye, stared coldly at the vastness of space as the Majestic Heavy Cruiser began driving closer and closer.

"State your identify* a voice boomed from the ships communication system. " I would have thought they were aware we were coming" Tristan muttered to himself as he rose to answer the call. "This is Grand Moff Tristan Evore of the Core Imperial Confederation or rather what is left of it requesting permission to dock" he replied as he neared the Comm Station. "High Chancellor, we are cleared for entry. Let us pray that this man, does not dispoint us" he said solemnly. Time would tell if these word would come true. Only time would tell.
Location: SD Ravager/Majestic Heavy Cruiser
Mission: Establish a network to rebuild CIC
Post: 1

Shran paced around the bridge of the Resurgent Class Star Destroyer that now served as the flagship of what was left of the Imperial Confederation. He was as confused as everyone else. What had happened to them? Were they even still alive? He decided that as the acting High Chancellor, his priority needed to be the safety and longevity of the Empire. There would be time to mount a search and rescue later, even if by then it was a search and recover rather than the latter. As Shran watched the blue hue of hyperspace engulf the viewports, he turned to the officer standing beside him, his long time attache Lt. Mills Boward. Lieutenant Boward had been by Shran's side for many years. the two had developed a great working relationship and it was Boward who was first to start to reach out to Imperial Forces, alerting all that would listen that Shran had taken over as Chancellor. "How long until we rondevous rendezvous with the others?" Shrans voice came cold and stern.

"We should be dropping out of lightspeed shortly Minist...Chancellor. Sorry, sir. Still acclimating to the change."

"Do not worry Lieutenant. you and I both are still adjusting but with any luck, all will be right soon enough." Sure enough, just as Boward had promised, the ship dropped out of hyperspace alongside the the heavy cruiser. "Prepare my shuttle. Oh and Lieutenant, I think now is a good time for a promotion. You're in command of the ship until I return, Captain." Shran said, patting his attache on the shoulder before turning to head to the hanger bay.

Within minutes, Shran's shuttle had left the Ravager and docked in the Majestic class ship. As the ramp on the lambda class shuttle lowered, Shran began to exit the shuttle, flanked on each side by Deathtroopers.

Dorian Sevanar

Location : Majestic-II Heavy Cruiser
Tags: Tristan Evore , Shran

In his Personal Quarters Versili was thinking , thinking of how the Core Imperial Confederation had collapsed so easily and how the Imperial Presence his master needed for his own plans had evaporated within days as well as the rise of new threats such as the Agents of Chaos who were wreaking havoc on the Grysk within the Unknown Regions , and then as he daydreamed about what was the come Versili received a Holographic transmission
from his boss , none other then Maracel Yorkell II.

"Have they arrived , Versili."
"Yes sir , Acting Chancellor Shran's shuttle has arrived as well as the ship of Grand Moff Tristan Evore. "
" Do you have the information needed for this meeting? "
" Yes sir i got the datapads you have sent me."
"Perfect proceed as planned."

With that Versili was ready for the meeting. After collecting the Datapad containing the Information vital for the future of the Imperial Remnant , he set off towards the Conference Room as he instructed his officers to escort Shran and Tristan Evore to the Conference Room where he awaited them.
Shran greeted the officer that had come to meet him and then began to follow him to the conference room. Back on the Ravager, Captain Boward alerted the Grand Moff that Chancellor Shran had already boarded the Majestic cruiser. Shran took a seat in the conference room and waited for the others to arrive. His guards stood closely behind his chair. He had never liked being shadowed so closely by a protection detail but in light of recent events, he had no plans to go anywhere without his guards remaining close behind, virtually in lockstep.

Dorian Sevanar

Location : Majestic-II Heavy Cruiser
Tags: Tristan Evore , Shran

With the arrival of his allies , Adam Versili decided to begin. "Alright gentlemen , the Core Imperial Confederation has collapsed , it's leadership gone and now with the mass surrender of Imperial Forces we need to make our move now". Then Adam proceeded to give Shran and Tristan Evore the datapads he had prepared and continued. "These datapads contain information on Abandoned Shipyards and Cloning Facilities within the Unknown Regions that the Imperial Remnant can use to it's advantage as a means to return to the Core Worlds."

On the Datapads there was a list of planets
  • Rakata Prime
  • Csilla
  • Nothmir
  • Khomm
  • Byss
  • Oraim Mei
These planets according to Agents of Adam Versili were vital to the future of the Imperial Remnant as it explained in the datapads that these planets either contained Spaarti Cloning Facilities or Shipyards left behind by ancient Factions. The datapads also gave a list of potential threats lurking in the Unknown Regions such as the AoC (Agents of Chaos) , possible remnants of the Chiss Ascendancy and other former factions within the Unknown Regions. "So gentlemen is there anything else you would like to know about Operation Resurgence?"
Location: Majestic-II Heavy Cruiser
Mission: Protect Acting Chancellor Shran


Sovereign Protector Talonspyre transmitted his identification codes as he approached the Majestic-II class in his red-hued TIE Defender, preparing the fighter for landing; flipping switches and slowly cutting throttle to the Twin Ion Engines. The CIC was in tatters, and with High Chancellor nowhere to be found, it was now Arek's duty to protect the acting Chancellor, Shran.

Arek attached his double-vibroblade to his belt, collapsed so that it was covered by his cloak, and finished the docking procedure after his ID was verified. As the clamp secured the tri-winged fighter, the Sovereign Protector hid his face beneath his helmet and flipped the switch opening the cockpit's exit. He lifted himself from the Defender, and tidied his black cloak, before striding purposefully to the conference room where the meeting would be taking place.

As he walked he pondered silently, of what had happened to the Confederation, its Chancellor, and the Cabinet, and what would become of those who remained. Whatever Shran deigned to do, Arek was sure he would have his hands full in the days to come. The conference room was soon before him, and after taking a deep breath he approached, exhaling as the doors slid open. He bowed his head to Shran, then the others. "Chancellor Shran, sir, if I may. I am Arek Talonspyre. With the High Chancellor gone, it is now my duty as a Sovereign Protector to guard and serve you as the Acting Chancellor." His words were quick and to the point, and his helmet offered nothing but its solemn gaze. After speaking, his eyes shifted from his new charge to the large, black-armored men that flanked the Acting Chancellor. Death Troopers. They would make his job a mite easier.
Location: Majestic II-class ship

Mission: Establish Imperial Remnant, rebuild Galactic Empire

Tags: [member="Arek Talonspyre"], [member="Adam Versili"], [member="Tristan Evore"]

Shran took the datapad that Versili had handed him and began to look it over. He had just barely enough time to begin to process what he was reading when at that point, suddenly, in walked a man clad in red and black Sovereign Protector armor. Initially, Shran's Death Trooper guards had moved to block the man from approaching Shran but the Chancellor waved them away with a flick of his wrist. After the man had introduced himself, Shran nodded. "Thank you soldier. I'll appreciate having you around." He then turned back to the other two at the table and said; "Let me just start by saying, Chancellor Graf was a weak old man who's vision of the Empire damn near brought it to her knees. Hell, he didn't even see this as an empire. He saw it as a 'confederation'." He scoffed. "Didn't believe in emperors or grand moffs. I on the other hand am keenly aware of what we are. We are an Empire proud and true. Emperor Palpatine will always be the first galactic Emperor. That will never change. But it is our duty to ensure his vision of an empire that spans the galaxy far and wide does not perish. So with that said, we ARE an empire, no matter how big nor small. There WILL be a new Emperor and we WILL rise again and let the galaxy know that this empire that has stood for almost a thousand years will not falter. Failure is not an option."
"High Chancellor, I have never heard anyone speak with such...passion about the ignorance of Graf. His allies may have been strong but he was a weak willed man. Too naive. Too...much" Tristan confided. Truth be told, Tristan knew exactly what happened to Graf, but that was for another time and place. "Now, shall we begin" he gestured out, ignoring the Sovereign Protecter to his right, the High Chancellors shadow at the least and waved his datapad in the air.

"Csillia is a problem. According to recent intelligence, there is indeed a minor Chiss Threat there. Rememats of the Old Assendency. Well, that's that. Now back to the subject of the old 'Confederacy'. It's dead. General Theodoyre Royce Clark disappeared with the rest of CIC leadership and to save face, he ain't coming back. We are too weak to take on the reconquest of the Core however" he sadi as he waved his hand over the table causing an image of a small fleet to appear. "We have allies. [member="Adam Versili"], your Operation Resurgent coincides perfectly with this fleets attempt to rescue a few members of CIC High Command. With your permission High Chancellor, I would like to delegate command of this fleet to this envoy, he will prove beneficial to our attempts to build the empire anew." He stated. With this, he sat again and took a moment to indulge in a lavish drink that had been placed in front of him. There was no telling when one could find something like this again.

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