Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Operation Phantom Fury

Location : moving from the Mountain Palace to the Mining Facility

Faith was ready to leave when word came in that they were under attack, or someone was raiding the facility. "The Princess has engaged the ships above the planet mam, and requests for help have gone out. We understand that the Metal Lords have come."

Faith nodded as she slipped on a pair of gloves, "Well shall we go meet the enemy and see what they are doing here." Faith moved with great purpose they would take a ship in her normal transportation would or could be easily killed and she wouldn't risk the thranta's life. "Captain Lindsey let's go we just got our home back together I'll not see it shot to pieces"

Faith nodded and went out the door the cold mountain air hit her fully causing her to pause and breath. She looked towards the mining facility location she could see the plumes that told her there was a fight.
Varik Ice
Equipment: Lightsaber - Sealed Helmet - Initiate Robes
Location: Alderaan - Organa Mining Facility
Status: Drawing attention
Things had a habit of going wrong around him; perhaps he should start believing in luck after all. He felt many presences, not just Imperials or security guards, approaching. His commlink lit up with chatter; he hadn't expected that they were bringing the fleet, or that the raid was this big. He'd have to discuss that with C'artyom later, he supposed. He kept his lightsaber high, the Shien form still clear in his stance as bolts went flying back through the smoke from his lightsaber.

He felt the force coming in his direction, and coming fast. He exchanged a passing glance with the Bounty Hunter; a Mandalorian would be a useful ally, if what he felt was true. At least two coming towards him; he didn't fancy fighting two alone, but he wondered if he could trust the mercenary to have his back. It wouldn't matter. Focusing on the force, he looked to his left and tore a large part of machinery out of the wall, sending it flying into security staff and a wall nearby them, creating a lot of noise.

He was the main Imperial here with a lightsaber; he knew it was his place to draw attention, and he wanted the fight anyway. He was constantly antsy to fight and test himself, especially against those who also felt the force. He yelled, continuing to deflect bolts. "I'm right here!" He had no desire to taunt or do much more than gain the attention he needed, to draw it off his comrades without as many means of protection. Besides, all they needed was the Phrik. This was more than he thought they'd be getting into.

[member="Koda Fett"] | [member="Sky'ito Yumi"] | [member="Karren Trask"]
[member="Varik Ice"] [member="Koda Fett"]

In the mine- Engaging both

She skidded to halt, feeling a familiar poison in the air. The darkside was strong here, and as she rounded the corner it was no very hard to spot whom it was. Bodies lay strew about the place, heaps of dead. For a second the air reeked of putrid flesh and burned corpses. She retched and then doubled over. She was face to face with Varik, a few paces away.

Instantly she knew what she had to do. She righted herself. Her right foot slid back and she squared her hips with the Dark one. From her hand a brilliant emerald blade ignited with a snap hiss, transitioning to a reverse grip, vertical behind her back.

Her left palm came shooting out, fingers extended and joined. A stern gaze pierced the armored Varik.

"You...... you killed them."

Of course he killed them. Kil him, deliver justice
No, he must stand trial.
Is he really all that precious of a human being? Does his life even have value you Jedi twit.

"Drop your weapon. You're under arrest, pending charges of murder and destruction of Coalition property."

She knew what came next. The force settled into her bones and her sense expanded. There was someone else here too, but where she was uncertain. Her breath came cyclical in a rhythm now.
Varik Ice
Equipment: Lightsaber - Sealed Helmet - Initiate Robes
Location: Alderaan - Organa Mining Facility
Status: Drawing attention
Varik stared forward as the seeming Jedi showed herself, the emerald saber held in a reverse grip. Hearing her accusation, his face remained unchanged beneath the mask. She was very observant. More importantly however, that looked like a Shien stance. His brain whirred as he considered the strengths and weaknesses of the forms, of perhaps her training. If she was familiar with that form, and this wasn't just a preferred stance, she would be a capable opponent. For a moment, he didn't care about the Phrik. He cared about this.

His aura must've felt strange to her. He was calm and clear-headed, only interested in this and contemplating his moves. "I did. You would do the same." It was an interesting dilemma - he heard all about the Jedi's mercy. He wondered how many Stormtroopers, with lives easy to forget for the common person, had been extended that same courtesy. His saber was suddenly brought up from its low position, as he took the stance of Ataru; more of a feign than anything, as he preferred Djem So, but if Shien was her form, mobility was where he could take advantage.

He suddenly rushed forward, his speed thanks to the force much faster than it should've been - such techniques came easily to him. His saber swung low, as though to try and catch her in the legs before it suddenly thrust upwards; it was a feint, designed to get her to try and block low so he could send her guard tumbling upwards and back if the plan would work. Though it wasn't incredibly complex, it had been effective in the past; he had fought since being what could be considered a simple tribesman, whether with steel swords or axes. In practice, it was all the same. But there were no Jedi on Barab II. It was never so thrilling.

[member="Karren Trask"]


Luyioth Dakwin
Organa Mining Facility, Alderaan, Alderaan System, the Core Worlds.
Equipped with: dark-toned robes, saberstaff.
Interacting with: Imperial command.​

Black and white hands nimbly pressed metallic blocks to the sealed airlock, mounting the charges in place and priming them to blow. To either side of the airlock, a pair of stormtroopers took dull cylinders in hand, resting their thumbs over the buttons atop. Around the assembly, the rest of the squad lined up along either side of the door, a mix of blaster carbines and repeating blasters held firmly in hand. The troopers exchanged a series of disjointed nods towards the Sergeant before the Sergeant offered in affirmative nod towards the inquisitor. There was no need for words, for the briefing was clear throughout all of them: the inquisitor returned the nod, where the Sergeant promptly slapped the man besides him on the shoulder. That same man, with a detonator in his off-hand, offered a firm nod as he pressed his thumb down to it. A pair of muffled clicks was the only warning the defenders had.

The airlock screeched inwards, blown out of their frames with a thunderous bang. Blue and yellow streaks of blaster fire poured through the door towards the would-be attackers, yet they found no marks; instead, two grenades were flung in towards the defenders, pushed deeper with a muffled thrum indicative of the force. Were the grenades thermal detonators, the mines would surely collapse: for that reason, the grenades erupting into clouds of smoke was a mixed blessing for the defenders. Luyioth and the Sergeant exchanged glances for barely a moment, not even for long enough for an exchange of nods or shakes of the head, before Luyioth reared back and stormed into the room. As she pressed through the doorway, a pair of crimson pillars followed behind her, twirling about her to deflect the more fortunate of the widening blaster fire sent blindly through the smoke. After taking a post to one side of the next room, away from the worst of the blaster fire, she lifted her hand towards the smoke to spew forth a volatile arc of electricity.

The defender's blaster fire drastically thinning was the sign to progress to the stormtroopers. With weapons high, they stormed into the room, forming something not entirely unlike a firing line as they began to fill the smoke with their own blaster fire. Pulling back her left hand, Luyioth stopped the lightning to instead throw a push forward, both dispersing the smoke and throwing the last survivors off balance: those that were left were promptly executed by the stormtroopers.

Surveying the site of the battle, Luyioth felt satisfaction. To a loss of only two troopers, they had wiped out around fifteen defenders: consisting of hastily armed miners and security forces alike. The carved out walls of the room were charred black with the aftereffect of stray blaster fire and odd sparks fell from a damaged light hanging from the ceiling. As the troopers surveyed the defenders, dealing with the incapacitated yet alive in the simplest way possible, Luyioth's attention wandered towards the prize in the room: a small crate of mined phrik, pending processing and refinement.
"Zero-Aurek, this is Isk-Two," Luyioth began, lifting a hand to press on her issued encrypted holocommunicator, "We've secured Site Esk and identified an objective cache. Minor contact with enemy forces. Initiating extraction. Acknowledge, over." The Sergeant looked to Luyioth for affirmation where she flashed him a quick thumbs-up, leading him to turn and shout at the troopers.
"Twenty-seven, forty-one, forty-four, grab the objective! Everyone else, keep the locals off of them!" the Sergeant yelled, idly rolling his shoulders throughout. As the identified troopers went about loading the crate onto a commandeered repulsorlift, Luyioth and the rest of the team pressed back out into the mine shaft to secure the exit.

Now that they had a crate in hand, all that was left was to make it back to the insertion point. If they were lucky, they might get back uninterrupted.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Sukai continued further into the cave, a dark but at the same time calm presence engulfing, the area, it was odd but not uncommon, there were plenty of Dark Jedi that were able to stay calm, only using their emotions and dark thoughts when need be, still she needed to hurry, even if said person was calm they were undoubtedly working for the Empire.

Coming near a corner Sukai could hear the words of a woman, ordering someone to stand down, 'That must be the Jedi he was talking about, but something feels off'. It was obvious they were a servant for the light, but there was darkness edging inside of her, not to different form Sukai, though it felt as if she did not have control over it, the dark intentions running wild, emotions taking control. If there was one thing that she knew for certain is that giving into the dark made one commit act that they would later regret, she had to act fact.

Putting the force behind her already in-human speed, Sukai raced down the mine shaft, igniting her purple saber staff upon coming around the corner. In plan view was the Jedi woman, in the typical brown robes, a Mandalorian, which made her blood boil just from the mere sight and the dark Jedi who was currently assaulting said Jedi, using what she could only assume was Ataru to overwhelm the Shein stance woman.

Sukai hesitated for a second, true her and the Jedi could team up on the Dark sider, but the mercenary was of importance as well, most likely would try and get a shot in once either of their backs were turned. Now was not the time for this, now was the time for action, specifically at the Mando, "You take the Dark Jedi, the Mandolorian is mine". Regardless if the Jedi heard or not Sukai went into action, using her own variant of Ataru and Soresue to charge the mercenary.

[member="Varik Ice"] l [member="Karren Trask"] l [member="Koda Fett"]


Citrus Dreams
Koda Fett
Location: Alderman - Organa Mining Facility
Objective: Harass House Organa

Fett strode through the halls, picking off anyone that dared oppose him with precise and deadly accuracy. This armored man wasn't one to be messed with, and those that got in his way found out the hard way. Hired to secure some Phrik, a simple enough task without the intervention of the Jedi. Although with them present a minor bump in the road had settled itself in. Nothing to worry about, it would all be over soon in the sense Fett may very well attack the Jedi coming his way. He wasn't as mobile in the caverns as he was elsewhere, perhaps his biggest advantage stripped away from him, no matter, he was still just as deadly. Jedi were an easy target, all it required were the right tactics.

As the Jedi charged towards Fett he raised his left wrist, spewing an arc of hot flames that'd engulf the immediate area. Likely igniting her if she kept on her charge, though that wasn't all, no. With his right hand still free and on his blaster he held it into his side, tucked in tight as he let the bolts fly. A trio of bolts came out in the burst with each shot, and he kept the fire down. Sporadically aiming at the corners of the Jedi in an attempt to make it difficult for her to block the bolts, even if she stayed to block. An unwise choice considering the deadly flames.

[member="Sky'ito Yumi"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay chewed the inside of her cheek as she watched the latest message that [member="HK-36"] had sent her. He was almost begging her, in some sort of fashion. She didn't need anyone to do that. Whether or not Alderaan was being bombarded remained to be seen. With communications down, it was difficult to say. They needed witnesses, and HK was about to be on his way.

When he spoked of Commenor being attacked in the future, she clenched her jaw. Empty promises of being there to defend them were made. That's all that she saw them as. For when she was abducted and tortured for months, no one came. When the Senate Hall was attacked, no one came. When Yutan came under attack by the Sith, no one came. They were on their own. No major government would waste their efforts with a small confederation of worlds that didn't take part in the Galaxy's conflicts. All that they were good for was a means of increasing their credits and maintaining it's flow. She knew that well enough.

The transmission didn't end as it should have, which Kay found very strange. She watched and listened, though there wasn't much to gleen from it other than that they operated like any other group preparing for battle. It was almost comical really.

Once it truly ended, she tapped her fingers on her desk while she went over the pros and cons once again. She didn't even have time to send word to the Imperials in a bid to get them to stop. Yet should it be hostile over there, she couldn't go herself. There were plenty of people that would have her hide if she did, especially right now.

She hit a button on the console imbedded in her desk to alert her assistant. "Olivia? Get General Omar Santiago on the line, please. Tell him it's urgent."

~Yes, My Lady~ The woman didn't ask for details just yet. She knew that she'd find out more soon enough.

***Hours Later***​

An Assult Cruiser with General Santiago on the bridge exited hyperspace near Alderaan. A split second later, the cruiser's escorts arrived, three Frigates to give their support. The General studied the movement of vessels displayed in front of him with his hands clasped behind him. His orders were not to engage unless necessary. Naval combat wasn't his forté. He strength lay planetside, yet the other commanding officers were elsewhere. So the Queen planted him here, much to his dismay.

General Santiago turned to the communications officer. "Send a message to the Metal Lords, let them know of our arrival. And send a message to the Imperials, letting them know the same. We'll see who bites first."

"Yes, sir."

Both messages were quickly sent off, one for HK-36 and the other to [member="Axon Karr"] .


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Axon Karr"], [member="Lady Kay"], [member="Faith Organa"], [member="Desmond C'artyom"], [member="Laira Vereen"], [member="Jotham Noktis"],

Around the same time that the Commenor System Alliance fleet arrived in the Alderaan system, there was another burst of light and radiation that signaled more ships entering real-space as a Venator-class Star Destroyer phased into reality along with an escort of 7 Abregado War Galleys. The Venators were usually a common sighting as abandoned space junk, museum ships, or vessels used by those desperate enough to result to flying salvage, however this particular Venator was a bit different, not in the way that it was especially modified or that it didn't resemble its original design. It was somewhat unique by the way it looked to be in a particularly good condition for a ship that was ceased to be manufactured so many centuries ago. Some parts of the Star Destroyer were somewhat discolored, just slightly, denoting patches of new hull coating where damage was repaired, replacing lost and degraded systems with their contemporary counterparts to bring the ship to service, give it back some of the ferocity it had in ages past.

The shipwright droids of Metal Lords, through their tactics and lack of resources and shipyard facilities, at least until recently, to make proper ships on their own had to settle on reconstructing vessels from old salvaged or derelict ship carcasses. As such they became extremely skilled at restoring and renovating these forgotten vessels, one Metal Lord especially focused on such tasks was the Lord of the Tattered Hulls, usually appearing in form of one of the Mechanical Dragons, the machine seemed to have almost endless supply of renovated vessels, ugly starfighters, and other designs either long forgotten or not manufactured any more, acquired purely through adventuring, salvage, and just pure luck.

Either way, the Venator soared out quickly towards the closest Imperial position, its multitude of batteries opened fire towards an Imperial Star Destroyer belonging to Axon Korr as soon as they would get in range, bringing in tow seven corvettes, the Abregado War Galleys supplied and assembled by HK himself to combat the larger ships and starfighter swarms in a way that they did best. Aboard one of the ships HK was back on the bridge, giving out commands and directing the vessels,

"Scramble all starfighters and assemble squadrons, I want the corvettes to take point and be ready to set up defensive screens should they divert their ships against us. Track their Star Destroyer facility, attempt to cut them off and prepare for ramming action across all capital vessels."

One of his communications officers turned to the machine,

"My Lord, we have detected presence of additional ships in the systems, they are using Commenor codes."

"So Kay did came through for her neighbors, open up a channel to their command ship."

"Yes my lord."

Shortly after the droid would send out a transmission to this General Santiago,

"Commenor naval forces."

HK begun,

"I am the Iron Lord Protector Above Denon, I came here to support Alderaan for I will not stand for this injustice against our neighbors and friends on their own soil. I know your Queen is a just and righteous ruler as well, scan the planet for yourself and the actions of the Imperial vessels, see without a shadow of a doubt if the reports I was given and the worrying rumors I echoed to the Commenor are true or false. For if the Imperial Remnant has indeed violated Alderaan space and conducted orbital bombardment on their fair planet, then its signs will be still visible, and we both know that such actions are too dire to ignore."

With that the droid would conclude the transmission with,

"May the Force be with you."

Finding out about the recent orbital bombardment on Alderaan should not be that difficult as the Imperial Remnant Star Destroyers unleashed barrages of turbolasers earlier throughout the planet's surface aimed at their defenses, signs of such strikes would linger for some time to come, enough time for Commenor forces to notice,

Jotham Noktis said:
To counter-act any assistance from the planetary orbital defenses in the event of a rapid response fleet and to lighten the resistance that their fighters and bombers would have to deail, the two Imperial-IV-Class Star Destroyers – The Paramount and The Cyclops – unleashed a series of formidable turbo lasers onto the planet's defenses.
Looking over the map he issued another command,

"Sent out a transmission to the Alderaan naval forces, ask them for their current situation and which ships they are targeting."

Fleet (2187 meters + Starfighter and Troop complements)

1x Venator-class Star Destroyer, carrying complements of
-Swarms of Wyvern-class Drone Starfighters
-Squadron of Mechanical Dragon Droid Starfighters
-Squadrons of T-32 Valkyrie Starfighters
-Swarms of Squid Buzz Drones
-Swarms of Shield Leech Drones
7x Abregado War Galleys, carrying troops for boarding actions and ground engagement
[member="Varik Ice"] [member="Koda Fett"]

In the mine- Engaging both

Karrens eyes widened. He swung. She jumped, dodging the leg sweep. The heat from the saber could be felt as it whirred past underneath her and then thrust up. The thrust she was unprepared for. As the blade closed in she grunted and bowed back, trying to twist and angle her body free of the strike.

It grazed her shoulder, drawing pain and searing her robe to her flesh. It was intense and immediate. She knew now she could not underestimate the other man. With gritted teeth she stood her ground, snapped back to the fore and whipped her saber up and over her body. It wove a defensive pattern across her side, redirecting the Mandalorians blaster bolts at the now overextended adversary.
Find your center in the storm....

Then her left hand waved wide. Force enrgy surged through her body, erecting a hasty barrier that stopped the flames. They flowed around the two combatants like a hurricane breaking on a sheer faced cliff. The emerald of her blade, mixed with the orange hellish flames highlighted her clenched jaw.

Counter, strike, step, This was the mantra in her head.

Her lightsaber snapped back vertical in front of her. she clasped the hilt with both hands and drove it straight down and forwards, sending a power thrust towards Variks chest. Her back foot came forwards, as well as her left, shuffling inside his striking range, into clench range. She followed her strike all the way in, trying to mitigate any counters or power blows.

If the Mando fired, he'd risk hitting his ally.
Varik Ice
Equipment: Lightsaber - Sealed Helmet - Initiate Robes
Location: Alderaan - Organa Mining Facility
Status: Drawing attention
Damned bounty hunter. Varik supposed he couldn't blame him; not like he was expecting some bolts to go astray. Three did come his way, however. One missed him, the other being deflected as he managed to get the saber up fast enough barely, but the action was too fast for the next - it seared across his helmet, breaking some of it apart and yanking it off of his face. As he returned to a full stance, some of the right side of his face and his piercing blue right eye was obvious; burn marks were scorched across near his cheek and jaw. It stung, but he couldn't focus on that right now. There would be a lot worse than pain if he lost focus now.

The flames were almost licking around him, the heat feeling worse on his exposed face. He had little time to think about it, seeing [member="Karren Trask"] suddenly lunging towards him in a thrust. For a moment, he had been outdone, and had to think fast. He wouldn't be able to distance himself enough from the thrust, so he sidestepped right as much as he could; and felt the searing pain as the emerald blade's edge skimmed his skin, the smell of burning flesh much more obvious now. His expression hardened as he made no noise, his body suddenly pushing forward, searing his arm just slightly more. It would likely scar, he knew that much.

As he got close enough, he swung his saber, the blade careening towards her head and neck; it would miss, he knew that. She would be too fast, she was smaller and nimbler than him. He could not bring his attacks to her, but he could draw her into his. Assuming she would duck and avoid the swing, being too close to simply lean back or block, the power of the force tensed in his body once more as he waited for the timing before he lifted his knee hard; it was probably the hardest he'd ever thrown. He calculated in his mind that it would hit somewhere around her face, but depending on how she ducked, it could hit lower. It wasn't relevant. The blow was intended to stun, disorient or otherwise ground her.

He knew this battle was a doomed effort. Even if he killed this Jedi and the other somehow, more would keep funneling in, and it wasn't like this was some invasion of the planet anyway. If his knee did strike her, he would pull back and leap over the flames to retreat back towards the ships, at full speed if necessary. If the Chiss hadn't gotten all the Phrik he needed already, damn him. The place was probably full of it as it was.

[member="Koda Fett"]
[member="Sky'ito Yumi"]
[member="Varik Ice"] [member="Koda Fett"]

In the mine- Engaging both

She did what anyone would expect. Her saber was still out there. Her arms were exposed, and she was vulnerable. Despite her speed and agility it was far fetched idea to retract her weapon and counter. Her hands still locked on the hilt, she ducked. Right into his oncoming knee.

As Variks knee met flesh with a concussive force like thunderclap, she felt her face break. Her nose was smashed into the hard knee, and splashed crimson streams in multiple directions. She gasped from the blow, feeling her vision blacken and stars explode. She lost all control for a moment.

Her head was whipped straight back, body arching along with it. Blood splashed ina brilliant arc of crimson, flecks splattering on the ceiling. One hand fell away from her saber as she fell backwards, impacting the ground with a crunch. Her back bounced a bit, knocking the air clear from her lungs. Desperately she raised her saber, thrusting for his leg, or where she perceived it to be, then flourishing it back to a parallel guard over her prone form.

Her other hand balled up and punched the air, blasting a cone of energy towards his general direction. It was malignant, made of hate. Seething hot pain began shutting down her moral code. He had drawn blood, and now he drew the beast within.

The scream was primal. An unloading of emotion, a venting of rage, both at herself and Varik. The darkness rushed in, mixed with the dying vestiges of the light as instinct took over. Fear. Pain. Anger.....
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Sukai ignored the flame, sweeping her saber in an arch, sending out a force wave creating a clear path, the heat still singing at her face and skin, but nothing warranting immediate danger, her entire focus on the Mandalorian. She raised her blade, the purples beam running up and down her center ready to block the incoming blaster bolts, but she didn't, Sukai had no need to block.

The Mandos shots harmlessly skimmed of her combat suit, its conductive properties and weaving absorbing the impacts, the only feeling coming from the shots was that of a sting, a whip, but not enough to slow her down. She knew how mandos fought, gadgets, equipment, a utility belt of numerous weapons, tricks and deception, she had faced quite a number of them in the past.

Still through the entire charge she still kept the though of the other Jedi in her mind, hopefully she would be able to handle the dark Jedi. Her blade came within striking distance of her opponent, she started out with a mid thrust, followed by a left swing, similar to how someone would hit with the butt off a rifle, but made sure not to overextend her attacks. One to many times had opponents used her overexertion as a means to disarm her, Sukai would not make that same mistake.

[member="Karren Trask"] l [member="Varik Ice"] l [member="Koda Fett"]

Tanomas Graf

Sensors all around would go on the fritz as massive amounts of Cronau radiation as several dozen Imperial warships whipped into existence with numerous thundering cracks when they left hyperspace, the large fleet drifting towards the planet of Alderaan like silent harbingers of death and destruction. Those currently embossed in a battle over the planet would soon notice that as the fleet came closer, it did not open fire on the Alderaani Defences nor the ships affiliated with the droids, instead stopping and spectating like those vessels belonging to Commenor.

A message broadcasted all over the Imperial frequencies, but others could easily decipher it in a short amount of time: "BY ORDER OF THE IMPERIAL GRAND MOFF; ALL ROGUE FORCES STAND DOWN OR FACE DESTRUCTION". Shortly after this message, several unmarked cargo freighters launched from the planet's phrik mines and flew towards the Imperial fleet that was cutting off the area, all of them barrelling from side to side as the ships in the formation began firing their turbolasers and ion cannons at the freighters. It was all for naught as they cleared the destroyers and jumped into hyperspace, prompting a few of the escort cruisers to turn on the spot and give chase.

Soon enough, landing craft set down near the mines and deployed stormtroopers that would quickly surround the culprits, ignoring anyone else, with their blaster rifles raised, yelling for them to surrender: Special Agent Desmond C'artyom, Initiates Varik Ice and Luyioth Dakwin, High Moff Max Fel, and Bounty Hunter Koda Fett. Meanwhile, in space, the fleet had all of its guns pointed towards the Imperial vessels that had arrived earlier.

[member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Varik Ice"] | [member="Luyioth Dakwin"] | [member="Max Fel"] | [member="Koda Fett"] | [member="Jotham Noktis"] | [member="Axon Karr"] | [member="Faith Organa"] | [member="HK-36"] | [member="Lady Kay"]
Varik Ice
Equipment: Lightsaber - Sealed Helmet - Initiate Robes
Location: Alderaan - Organa Mining Facility
Status: Being taken into custody
Varik barely avoided the slash at his leg, though he barely had time to turn around and prepare a small form of barrier in front of himself; he was flung back, though not with the force he should've been. His feet stayed on the ground as he slid back across it, his saber still up in front of him. He hit the back with a thud, disorienting him for a moment as he heard a message broadcasted into his ear. Damn it. He knew this was a poor idea; shouldn't have trusted the Chiss. He had to be smart about this; there was little chance for escape when he was wedged between both sides.

There was even less as a squad of Stormtroopers suddenly rounded the corner, surrounding him in a tight formation with their weapons raised. He took a moment to glance between them, the expression on what was visible of his face looking as though he was considering his options. Eventually though, the red blade receded. He slowly stood up, a stormtrooper yanking the saber from his hands as another placed tight cuffs around his wrists. He was yanked by two more, one on each of his arms and pulled back through the corridor, his gaze casting back towards the Jedi with the green saber. He'd see her again some day. He couldn't leave something like this unfinished.

He struggled somewhat against the grip as he was being led. If an explanation didn't suffice, he would have to think of something else; quickly. He didn't think taking his chances against whoever was assigned to him was a good idea. He let out a deep breath, frustration behind it as he was pulled towards the landing ramp of an Imperial shuttle.

[member="Karren Trask"]
[member="Tanomas Graf"]
Luyioth Dakwin
Organa Mining Facility, Alderaan, Alderaan System, the Core Worlds.
Equipped with: dark-toned robes, saberstaff.
Interacting with: [member="Tanomas Graf"].​

"Payload is secure, Inquisitor." affirmed the Sergeant, shifting his blaster carbine to one hand hanging by his side as he spoke. In the sunlight, the soot and dirt from the mineshaft was particularly evident on the stormtrooper's white carapace.
"Right. Standby for extraction, defend the landing pad." Luyioth responded with an affirmative nod, her deactivated saberstaff almost hanging in hand. As she turned to face the mineshaft exits, her attention was drawn away by an assertive voice in her ear:
"By order of the Imperial Grand Moff; all rogue forces stand down or face destruction!" The words coming to her ear made one of her eyelids twitch. She exchanged a brief glance to the Sergeant, mutual in their bewilderment, before she simply offered him a nod.
"Stay as you are, Sergeant - surrender and let them extract us. I'll address the Imperial Intelligence and the Grand Moff on your teams behalf." Luyioth explained, sourcing a return nod from the Sergeant. The air was a little more tense, but the operation itself remained the same.

As the Stormtroopers unloaded to encircle Luyioth and the troopers with her, she simply clipped her saberstaff to her belt and lifted her hands above her head. The stormtroopers with her, some hesitant, did the same. While the phrik on the repulsorlift was hauled off elsewhere, she was coarsely guided into the shuttle and directed to her seat. Once more, she exchanged a glance with the Sergeant: a reassuring glance this time.
[SIZE=11pt]Desmond and Inferno reached the ends of the mines when the transmission came through on all open Imperial channels. [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]"By order of the Imperial Grand Moff; all rogue forces stand down or face destruction!" [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Shortly afterwards several Lambda class starships landed and Stormtroopers poured out of the drop bays. “Hands in the air!” A sergeant from the new retinue of troops announced. Inferno One released hold of their weapons and followed the troopers towards the shuttles. Once aboard the commandos were cuffed and placed in holding cells. [/SIZE]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
General Omar Santiago listened to the message being broadcasted to him by [member="HK-36"] . The expression on his face never changed as the Iron Lord Protector prattled on and on with his speech, even though inside he was rolling his eyes. Some people loved the sound of their own voices and this Iron Lord seemed no different.

Finally the transmission ended. His comms officer looked at him, waiting to see if General Santiago would be making a response, but he made no movement. His eyes just studied the ships in the distance. "Do a sensor sweep of the planet. I want to know how many ships are opening fire down there and who they---"

"Sir? A large number of Imperial Warships are coming out of hyperspace."

The General hated being interrupted, but just then the ships all came into view. And they didn't go into the attack either. Like his own tiny fleet, they just waited and seemed to be observing.

The comms officer caught the message being sent by [member="Tanomas Graf"] and patched it through. A hint of a smile appeared on General Santiago's face, though it quickly disappeared. "Cancel the planetary sweep. It seems that some children are going to be taught a lesson."

"Understood, sir."

He studied the scene being displayed in front of them for a moment longer. "Have one frigate stay behind for a standard hour, the rest of us will go back to Commenor. Once it's clear that the threat is over, the frigate is to return."

"Yes, sir."

General Santiago left the bridge and went to the Captain's office to write up his report to the Queen. The Imperial Grand Moff was such a man that he respected in the way that one military leader respects another. Short and to the point. No need for grand speeches. The Galaxy needed more men like that.

Shortly thereafter, all but one of the Commenori vessels jumped into hyperspace to head for home.
The Mines- Waiting for medevac

The last thing she remembered was the stormtroopers grab Varik. She locked that face in her memory, remembering it. She had a feeling she'd see him again one day. The troopers cuffed him and marched him out. Somewhere far the one with the face she had treated was running down the shafts of the mine.

"Medic! We need a Medic over here."

She tried to get up, but fell, wounded arm from the Starliner incident still not fully recovered. The wound throbbed, but not as bad as her wrecked face, which seared with the pain of a thousand hot knives. She tried to gurgle through the blood.

"I'm....*Cough* a medic."


It was louder now. The last thing she saw before lights out was miners and troopers standing over here, applying bacta and bandages. the bacta hit the skin, she passed out from the pain. A call was sent for extraction up to the Chain of command. Perhaps they'd send a vessel, perhaps not.

Either way she was out like a light.

[member="Faith Organa"] [member="Lady Kay"]

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