Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Operation Hangman | First Order Siege Of Fort Dawn [Alliance in Exile]

Time: 03:23 Local Time
Location: FIV Wrath | One Parsec From Fort Dawn

Objective: Destroy the Alliance Fleet.
Allies: [member="Gromm Cardan"] | [member="Lucan Sirrad"] | [member="The Major"]
Enemies: [member="Mazik Stazi"] | Galactic Alliance Forces
Theme: Rise of the First Order | Stormcloud [X]


Battlegroup Imperator’s entry to Fort Dawn was an instantaneous burst of energy. One which saw, one of the greatest ever amassed fleets now enter one of the few bastions of resistance. The armada, of dagger shaped vessels consolidated their movements in and around the gargantuan mass of the wedge shaped super star destroyer. The crews however did not halt to consider their movements, and instead, began an immediate advance. TIE fighters, and assorted fighter craft now began to swarm by the dozen from cavernous hangar bays, as the Galactic Alliance’s reckoning was to come. The already shambling corpse, had been decided to be given one final, and unceremonious boot.

The Imperator himself, the Battlegroups frontline commander, Carlyle Edrich Rausgeber watched from the centre of the fleet, as the chase was on. He now felt like a predator, on the hunt. For years, his prey had eluded him. Had taken so much from him. And now, now it seemed it was time for the kill. Even if the Sith Empire, much to his chagrin had managed to get their licks in first. No. Now was his moment. His time. And he was going to savour it.

In the distance, he could make out, surrounding the station, a flotilla of Alliance vessels. All of varied make, and status. Even as the fleet pressed forward, it was clear to even the most casual observer, that these vessels were not in the best shape. Scorch marks from their shambolic retreat across Alliance space. Chunks torn off them, and the faltering glow of exhausted engines. The flotilla before them was little more than an inkling of the once proud force which had triumphed over the One Sith. Turned, into a whimpering welp of its former self.

Rear Admiral Jervis Crocke, the FIV Wrath's nominal commanding officer smirked, as he moved beside his superior. He stood to the rear, left shoulder of the Grand Admiral “We have caught them right where we want them sir.” The officer gloated with pride. "It appears they're still scrambling to evacuate." The officer then paused, and eyed his superior, “Shall we begin firing solutions Grand Admiral?”

The Grand Admiral gave a curt nod, “Force them to ground
,” Rausgeber glowered with glee, “Show the Fort that the end is nigh.” Carlyle moved to the fore of the command deck, and watched as the Alliance fleet in the distance began to embark on evasive actions, Crocke followed like an obedient lapdog. “Keep us within range, and have the bombers ready to pick the carcass.” Carlyle demanded in a booming voice.

Gallow nodded, and turned to the starboard crew pit, his deep mahogany orbs graced over the Gunnery Officer, and Comms Officer, “All vessels commence fire for full effect.” Crocke commanded. It took but mere seconds for the orders to be processed, and little under ten for it to be executed. Thousands of batteries readied themselves, before beginning their devastating barrage. The space around Fort Dawn began to glow blue, and green, as Battlegroup Imperator now began to savage the remains of the once proud GADF.

Each heavy shell, and missile, which hit, was devastating. Most of the smaller, possibly even civilian vessels were crushed beneath withering fire. Star Defenders, once considered the bane of the First Order, detonated beneath the assault, as the Imperator’s forces closed in. As the distance closed, the bright detonations of reactors, and engines beneath the bombardment. Victory, it seemed, was assured.

Admiral!” A shrill voice began. The previously assertive and sadistically voyeuristic attitude the First Order had begun with, gone. The satisfaction at the destruction of the fleet. The carnage they had caused, evaporated. Now confusion. Even a little fear ran rife within their ranks. He located the source. A Varonat born ensign, the technician in charge of sensors. “They’re charging their hyperdrives!” The ensign barked.

Rausgeber’s holographic eyes, now traced over the armada from the comfort. The larger battlecruisers, had moved to shield the smaller vessels now. His optical sensor darted to the tactical feed. Despite the horrendous casualties, many vessels now in the protection of the hulking Viscount-II Star Defender, were disappearing off the map. Escaping. “Order Captain Royles to activate gravity wells!” Rausgeber bellowed, “Now!”

The bridge was thrown into a flurry of activity at the Imperator’s request. Carlyle starred in horror as his kill disappeared, ship by ship. His fist clenched, and an all too familiar, sinister snarl pursed the holographic lips of the long dead officer. Gunners rapidly concentrated their fire onto the remaining vessels, trying to stave off escape. But nearly all rounds, fell into the side of the Viscount. Armour was sheared off of it, with each contact. But it served to protect most of the fleet. A sacrifice for their survival.

It felt like an agonisingly long time, until a set of targets, which previously disappeared, returned to the screen. Captain Royles had finally completed his mission. “Grand Admiral,” The Sensor ensign began, “The enemy are moving to the station sir.” Rausgeber’s demeanour softened, but he could see what had happened. The Viscount was a sacrificial lamb. It had played its part, and now it had seen to many who would have otherwise perished, survived.

Carlyle considered his options. “Destroy that vessel,” Grand Admiral Rausgeber commanded, “Deploy fighters, and destroy or secure any escape pods.” He glowered menacingly, to the crew. He could see dozens of smaller freighters, frigates and cruisers scamper to the lee of the fort. He now stood to attention, and allowed a pause to come over him. In silence, the crew of the FIV Wrath watched as the Viscount was slowly torn asunder by the vessels. Limping in vain towards the Fort, until it erupted in a fiery explosion.

Shall we turn our guns upon the Fort, Grand Admiral?” Rear Admiral Crocke questioned. The crew seemed to all at once, look to their superior, who sat, stony faced and contemplative. This was a set back to be sure. But not one which couldn't be overcome. No. It was but a distraction.

No.” Carlyle drily replied,No, we will see if perhaps now, the Alliance may be willing to use diplomacy.” His words, and their artificial quality, lead them to clinging to the air in a ghostly fashion. The wounds from Kaeshana, as raw as ever. “We have destroyed their larger vessels, or they fled before us.” He mused, before turning to Crocke, “And if they prove unreasonable,” He smirked, something which Crocke responded to with an eager grin, “Then we shall tighten the noose around Fort Dawn. Turn their bastion of resistance to a mausoleum.” The droid allowed another pause, “Prepare to broadcast on all signals, it is time we talk to our enemies, face to face.”

The Imperator glided towards a communications console. Dutifully, a technician reached beneath the Grand Admiral, and using a cord, plugged him into the interface. Boosted by Battlegroup Imperators communications systems, Grand Admiral Carlyle Rausgeber, scourge of the Galactic Alliance appeared on all open frequencies. Regardless of being aboard a vessel, escape pod or if one were on the station itself. Unlike his physical form, the visage he projected now, was one of a human face. Dirty blonde hair, with handsome grey streaks, with a mature, albeit youthful complexion.

"Forces of the Galactic Alliance," Rausgeber began, his voice no longer inhibited by the constraints of a vocal filter. His voice carrying the same weight it did, as if the man were alive, "You are doomed. Your government has betrayed you. Your forces are scattered and you have no hope of escape." The Grand Admiral thundered. His tone was bold. It carried a sense of purpose. Anger, to it. "For the crimes of your regime, you must pay." He continued, "But only you can choose either the certain death of resistance. Or the honour of submitting yourself to Supreme Leader's justice, where you may be spared."

"I eagerly await your decision...."

Mazik Stazi

Command Deck, ANS Stardust
Viscount II-class Star Defender
Fort Dawn System
"And I'm telling you we've gotta go!" Commodore Stazi slammed his fist down on the holodisplay before him in frustration, "We've lingered too long here already. High Command will send a patrol when this all calms down."

"Please, just wait for a few more transports!" the station's civilian administrator's voice was panicked, Fort Dawn's attached carrier had responded to Lothal's emergency transmissions and had no been seen since, "There are still many Alliance citizens here, both guests and residents. We don't know what the First Order will do if they arrive, who will be safe. There are rumors...rumors of mass executions on Lothal."

Normally this was where Mazik would tell the guy to shove it, but something stopped him. His son had been on Lothal, in all this chaos there was no way for him to know if Captain Stazi was alive or dead. He hesitated.

"Alright, but only one more-"

"Contact!" a sensor officer's voice cut through the din of the Viscount's massive bridge, "Wait, that's....that's not possible. Must be some kind of equipment malfunction."

At the same time, he could hear terror now in the man on the other end of his com line, "By the Force, it's too late! They're here!"

Their line went dead, "It's no malfunction. Raise shields! Report! What do we got?"

"Too many to count, sir," from his sensor officer's ghostly pale visage, Mazik knew better than to argue matters of protocol.

"Navigation!" the old duros shouted at once, "New bearing, 87 mark 3 across the axial plane. Get me the Hereafter, center table!"

A holographic projection of Stazi's first officer Commander Bashir, now acting captain of Mazik's original command, appeared in above the console in front of him.

"Commodore, we need to retreat."

"Shut up and listen!" Stazi barked, "I need you to divert everything you have to calculating a route of here. Every drop of power you can scavenge, redirect it to your navcomputer! Our starboard flank is fethed, there's nothing we can do for those poor sleemos. Get on comms with the other ships, everyone port of the Stardust will slave their drives to your coordinates!"

"Mazik, why are you turning-" Bashir stopped mid sentence, finally catching on that his superior was using the Stardust to shield their escape, "What about you? This is suicide!"

"You go! We'll follow, if we can!" he gripped the console in front of him, already his star defender's inertial dampeners were straining to compensate for the sheer firepower being levied at them right now, "That's a direct karking order, commander! Jump! As soon as you can you jump!"

The Hereafter was already gone.

"Navigation!" Stazi called out blindly, peering in vain at a command deck filled with smoke and flame.

"Still here, sir!" a weak response barely reached his ears.

"New course! CBDR straight at the Fort!"

"We'll never make it!" a different voice cried, but the commodore ignored it.

They didn't have to make it. All they had to do was put their wreck in between the station and the Imperials. With any luck, some of their escape craft could use the debris cloud for cover. It would take the First Order time to circumvent such a large explosion, time they could use to get picked up by Fort Dawn's tractors.

"All hands, abandon ship!" once the order was given, only then did the commodore begin to stagger his way through thick black smoke relying on memory alone, "Anyone left alive up here to your itsukusk pods!"

Kyli DT-6767
FIV Wrath, Drop-pod Deployment Bay.

Allies: [member="Robogeber"]
Enemies: [member="Mazik Stazi"]
Nearby: [member="Rexus Wenck"], [member="DT-2319"]

Kyli slings herself into the drop-pods' seat within the bay and the door follows behind her; shutting promptly behind Death's spectre. With weapons stored on either side of the woman's power armour clad body, glancing around the interior Kyli thought quietly to herself. 'Since they've got us in these I'm betting we'll be sent to infiltrate the station and liquidate its personnel....amateurs don't stand a chance.' Content she gently slaps bodysuit-clad palms against the plates shielding knees in a rhythmic fashion with but a thought channelling up and through the neural interface device flawlessly engaging ALPHA's TEAMCOM system, the idea was that on this Operation Kyli would be joined by Twigg and Rex and perhaps even an up-and-coming transfer from the Galactic Empire. "Rex, Twigg I'm waiting in pod-bay fourteen hope you're here prior to deployment I'd hate to rack up an obscene amount of kills without you gentlemen." Kyli cannot help but poke fun at Twigg and Rexus both of whom were especially lethal in the close-quarters fighting one would expect to encounter aboard a Space Station, and none were more lethal than the former with his eight-odd feat of powered armour rotary-blaster wielding mass. True, killhouse drills were never fun with Twigg because he usually destroyed all the targets with an idiot savant's effectiveness but that made for the worst trooper when it came to hostage situations and protecting high-value target or very important persons. Rexus, on the other hand, was much more level-headed and in the time they'd known one-another defied Kyli's first impressions of the man, he was a capable soldier and leader albeit with an unreasonable outward anger and irritation even amongst the Death Troopers. Kyli had thought to press him on it one-day, curious about what having a biological family was like and suspected the two; the anger and family history in Rexus is somehow related to one-another. Kyli's eyelids purse shut and she cranes head back slightly and begins to focus on deeply breathing with a painfully steady and lazy cadence, this exercise she found is perfect before deployment to help ease any anxiety or 'nerves' the Sniper often experienced tremoring in their hands which was most inconvenient although thus far meditating seemed to aid in their quieting. No doubt it was a result of their augmentations, no human could have go through that procedure and escape without any ill side-effects that much the young soldier is certain. The fleeing rats were not beyond the reach of the First Order's spectre even inside their precious shielded station and if their will wouldn't break their bodies would have to suffice instead, Kyli's lips crack into a small smirk at the thought of finally avenging those she loved who had died on Kaeshana and Hoth the Alliance would know now the pain and suffering of her disfigurement when the walls were left draped in the hewn flesh and bone of the proud and defiant.

Kyle Farnes

His ship had arrived in system not too long before the ANS Stardust gave the evacuation order. The modified YT-1300 Ranger began turning towards the dying Viscount. Having been recently given access to the Alliance channels, the hot-rod freighter was keyed into what was going on with the fleet. The First Order was here, and that was not what the Mandalorian would like to see. It meant one of two things: the dark side and blockades. It wasn’t even a matter of the fascist government showing up. The member of Tabalhar and former Warden was here to support the last bastion of hope in the galaxy.

The fact that he got to shoot at the group he despised? That just made it better. Pushing the throttle of his freighter to max, the former spice runner was heading directly for the Stardust. The Mandalorian looked over his shoulder to the crew. “Get in the gunner spots NOW. I’m going to push us to the Viscount. If we get in range of the TIE Fighters, take them out.”

Nodding to his co-pilot, a Duros member of the clan, he nodded. “Shields to full once we get towards the pods. We’re going to have to keep ourselves between the pods and the fleet, at least until we get to Fort Dawn.”

The Duros nodded and Kyle turned his attention to grabbing the comm channels. “This is the Alliance support vessel Ranger. We will be landing on Fort Dawn. Seeking rally point. Hangar 47 will be landing zone.”

[member="Mazik Stazi"]
[member="Barr Vexos"]


[member="Vash Qruslu"] [member="Mazik Stazi"] [member="Barr Vexos"]

"Ranger, good to hear from you, vod," Kiyron replied over the comms of one of the stations communication centers. "You're just in time." The old agent rested against the display, watching the comings and goings of different ships as civilians evacuated and the larger vessels stood to screen them from the incoming fire. Things weren't looking good and at this point, well, he wasn't even sure it was worth holding onto the station. Even if they abandon it, they still needed to create enough time for everyone else to escape.

"Dock at hangar 47. Rally point is the preliminary boarding chamber just beyond," His hands clacked across the controls as he assessed them. "First Order attempting to threaten surrender. We'll keep chatting them up as long as we can, but expect boarders."

He tapped the hard-sonic pistol at his side and nodded.

"They tend to lean that way."

Vaudin Miir

Planetary President of Iktotch
Location: Space probably
Objective: Herd Trash Pandas
People and things (That's you robo-burger): [member="Robogeber"] [member="Mazik Stazi"] [member="Vash Qruslu"] [member="Kyli DT-6767"]

The big cruiser hung in the black like a huge sea beast that it resembled. The bright blues and whites stood a stark contrast to the battle scarred alliance vessels and the oppressive First Order armada.

Vaudin Miir hadn't had fleet command since long before the newest First Order had been founded. He still didn't get that. The first first order had held power almost 800 years ago, so...didn't that make them the Second Order? They should at least call themselves First Order two point oh or something flashy. Best Order? No.

He shook off the question and suddenly regretted sobriety. He walked to the forward viewport and nodded to the ship's nominal commander.

"Get me comms with their lead ships, Cap." He said as he tucked his thumbs into his blaster belt, "Let's see if we can't buy some time."

"Yousa gotten it, Admiral." The Gungan replied.

Ok, so he made up a rank. So what? It wasn't like anyone was going to tell him he wasn't qualified. He had fought one sith, yuuzhan vong, Mandabroians, weird stuff he would rather forget. He could handle some tighty whitey wearing humans. Even if it was with an idiot's array.

"Communicatin beesa ready, Admiral." The Captain announced as Vaudin did a fine job of not rolling his eyes.

"First Order fleet." He began as he dug up an important sounding title, "This is Grand Rear Admiral Master Chief Vaudin Miir of the Coalition Cruiser...Mega...Boom...Sun...puncher." He kept a straight face, know that, "Cease fire and hold position for negotiations."

He looked around and stifled a grin.

"Are you receiving, me?" He asked.
When it raines, it pours.
Aboard the YT-1300 Ranger
Allies: AiE [member="Kiyron"] [member="Vaudin Miir"] [member="Mazik Stazi"] [member="Barr Vexos"]
Enemies: FO [member="Robogeber"] [member="Kyli DT-6767"]
w/[member="Kyle Farnes"]
“Get in the gunner spots NOW. I’m going to push us to the Viscount. If we get in range of the TIE Fighters, take them out,” the pilot of the Ranger called out over the YT-1300's comm system

Cinara grumbled something under her breath about a girl not being able to enjoy a much needed cup of caf in peace, then the Mando made for the gunwell of the light freighter from the ship's lounge. The lithe blonde climbed up the ladder to the top turret; her buy'ce that was clipped to the beskar'gam worn banging against the sand gold-colored armor plates as she did.

The mechanic dropped into the gunner seat, then quickly donned the head gear that would tie her in with the cockpit and brought the quad laser cannon online.

​"Top side green and ready to party. Oya!" Cin keyed over the comm unit, then rolled her shoulders to lessen the tension felt in her tight neck muscles from sleeping funny causing one hell of a headache... or was it the hangover from the overindulgences of the night before; probably a little of both.
FIV Wrath
Drop-Pod Deployment Bay.
Allies: [member="Kyli DT-6767"]
Enemies: The Alliance

Omari leaned into the drop pod, pressing the maser rifle into the compartment above where his head was meant to go. The Galactic Alliance may have collapsed, but if the stories of Jedi were to be believed, there was bound to be Jedi on the way to this space fortress, or they'd be on the station already. Omari didn't care. The only thing he cared about was the mission, and that was to eliminate any hostiles that sought to prevent the First Order from completing its objective in the system. Subjugation most likely. Gloved hands worked to secure the maser as he eyed the interior of the drop-pod. Sure you do simulations... But this is the real thing. A closed hand rang off the side of his helmet while he shook his head, doing his best to clear his mind of the unsupportive thoughts.

What I wouldn't give for a good ole' troop transport. Stepping into the drop-pod and reaching out to either side to collect the harnesses and strapping himself in, a clarity came to him while he was going through the motions. A realization that this was happening and there was no backing out, not without a tarnished image, not that he cared about that sort of thing, but because he had a fireteam to take care of on this mission. It must've been that stormtrooper training that existed for many years before Omari was even birthed, for by the time he had finished securing himself, he didn't feel anxious anymore and he activated the sealing sequence.


The pristine clean gauntlet rose, depressing buttons on the interior of the drop-pod while he connected his own armour's secured comms frequency. In moments his fireteam's vitals sprouted onto the display before him. Now, he went over their debrief again before they were shot out the nothingness that was space. There was a sensation of apprehension when his mind traversed that thought, but it was pushed away. It wasn't time to be himself. He wasn't himself once that helmet sealed itself over his head, he became another face among hundreds of thousands. He became Sergeant Vyken. And Sergeant Vyken brought everybody home.

"Our target is the lower levels. The upper levels appear to be residential. Civilians. If your pod misses its mark, link with the closest friendlies." Time was ticking down. They'd deploy soon. "We know what Alliance soldiers look like." Sure he fought for the First Order, but taking part in the murder of innocents on a mass scale wasn't something that he could take part in. He'd save a civilian if he could, he told himself that that much before, during, and after he put his armour on.

"If any of you drop a civvie, I'll have you selling ass for the Hutt Cartel before the week is out."

There were responses of amusement, a snort from one, a chuckle from another, but it died off just as quickly as it came up. He was met with a trio of 'Yessirs' and then he pressed his head back in the drop pod.

It's a successful mission when we all go home.

Keyan Mastigar

Commodore Gromm Cardan
Equipment: Blaster Pistol - Flag Officer Uniform
Location: Inexonerable - Bridge
Status: Commanding a squadron
"Reverting in five seconds."

The call came right as the azure tunnel of Hyperspace began to distort, a signal that the ship was shooting out of that dimension and into another. Gromm regained balanced quickly when the ship rocked from changing speed from faster-than-light to sublight, a staggering amount considering that the Mandator-Vs were the slowest ships in the First Imperial Navy after its trio of dreadnoughts. "Commander Sirrad, you have the bridge." Commodore Cardan informed his astute executive officer, striding past him with the clicks of his booted feet against the durasteel floor, "I will be retiring to tactical to control both the fleet and the siege weaponry, do well to make sure this ship survives."

Outside, the Inexonerable had come in guns blazing; hundreds of megamasers and ion distributing their fury between the star defenders and their smaller brethren. Assault concussion missiles raced from their tubes and across the bleak void of space until they met an explosive end at either the barrel of a flak gun or by impacting against the shields and hull of their targets. Cardan arrived at the tactical bridge just in time to hear the announcement from Grand Admiral Rausgeber, his loyal crew standing at attention as the flag officer entered the centre. The Epicanthix took his place in the command throne, the interface responding to his presence by bringing up several displays such as shield status and the hangar bays of ships in his squadron and the condition of the siege weapon arrays hidden beneath the hull plating.

The commodore pressed down on a switch, opening a communications channel with the primary bridge. "Commander, ensure that the ship is within twenty-five klicks of the station before we initiate siege protocol. I want everything prepared if the grand admiral orders the station destroyed." Cardan stated with great authority, gazing over the holographic displays and maps at the viewscreen on the wall before him, showing a live feed of what the command bridge would be receiving, "I will have the squadron on the flanks and the rear-guard."

Now would be the true test of patience for the former Imperial grand admiral, the calm before the storm as they once again sought to peacefully end the conflict with an enemy that had been attempting to destroy everything they stood for from the start. In the end, order would always triumph chaos, and it was people like him that would see to it that it was done in an efficient but brutal manner. He raised a partially-wrinkled hand, raising a transparent dial that would begin charging the most powerful weapons in the ship's arsenals:

The proton beam cannons.

[member="Lucan Sirrad"] | [member="Robogeber"] | [member="Mazik Stazi"] | [member="Kyle Farnes"] | [member="Vaudin Miir"] | [member="Cinara Vencu"]
[member="Cinara Vencu"] [member="Mazik Stazi"] [member="Vaudin Miir"] @Kiyron @Kyle Farnes

“Oh god… it begins” Were the first words that were said by Barr upon hearing the orders said by Commodore Stazi on board the ANS Stardust. He knew he was going to deal with The First Order along with the rest of them, but he had hoped he didn’t have to deal with a First Order fleet like the one near him. He started to wonder how his life would have been if he had done something else, in the end, he put those thoughts aside and began to follow the order. He sees the rest of the people on the ship heading toward the escape pods but notices a few people falling behind due to the damage the Stardust was taking including one that was on the ground. As fast as he could, he headed over to one of them and helped one of them up. “Get to the pods.” He ordered like he was the commanding officer. The person nodded and did what he was told despite being the same rank as Vexos.

Gezz, these guys aren’t holding back....” Barr said in a stressed tone.

He helped another person then staggered, nearly losing his balance as the Stardust takes more damage. He knew he needed to hurry up and help anyone else that needed it even it the ordered said by Stazi was also meant for him as well.
[member="Cinara Vencu"] [member="Mazik Stazi"] [member="Vaudin Miir"] @Kiyron @Kyle Farnes

“Oh god… it begins” Were the first words that were said by Barr upon hearing the orders said by Commodore Stazi on board the ANS Stardust. He knew he was going to deal with The First Order along with the rest of them, but he had hoped he didn’t have to deal with a First Order fleet like the one near him. He started to wonder how his life would have been if he had done something else, in the end, he put those thoughts aside and began to follow the order. He sees the rest of the people on the ship heading toward the escape pods but notices a few people falling behind due to the damage the Stardust was taking including one that was on the ground. As fast as he could, he headed over to one of them and helped one of them up. “Get to the pods.” He ordered like he was the commanding officer. The person nodded and did what he was told despite being the same rank as Vexos.

Gezz, these guys aren’t holding back....” Barr said in a stressed tone.

He helped another person then staggered, nearly losing his balance as the Stardust takes more damage. He knew he needed to hurry up and help anyone else that needed it even it the ordered said by Stazi was also meant for him as well.
[member="Cinara Vencu"] [member="Mazik Stazi"] [member="Vaudin Miir"] @Kiyron @Kyle Farnes

“Oh god… it begins” Were the first words that were said by Barr upon hearing the orders said by Commodore Stazi on board the ANS Stardust. He knew he was going to deal with The First Order along with the rest of them, but he had hoped he didn’t have to deal with a First Order fleet like the one near him. He started to wonder how his life would have been if he had done something else, in the end, he put those thoughts aside and began to follow the order. He sees the rest of the people on the ship heading toward the escape pods but notices a few people falling behind due to the damage the Stardust was taking including one that was on the ground. As fast as he could, he headed over to one of them and helped one of them up. “Get to the pods.” He ordered like he was the commanding officer. The person nodded and did what he was told despite being the same rank as Vexos.

Gezz, these guys aren’t holding back....” Barr said in a stressed tone.

He helped another person then staggered, nearly losing his balance as the Stardust takes more damage. He knew he needed to hurry up and help anyone else that needed it even it the ordered said by Stazi was also meant for him as well.
Allies: [member="Gromm Cardan"] | [member="Lucan Sirrad"] | [member="Kyli DT-6767"] | [member="Omari Vyken"]
Enemies: [member="Barr Vexos"] | [member="Mazik Stazi"] | [member="Vaudin Miir"] | [member="Cinara Vencu"] | [member="Kiyron"] | [member="Kyle Farnes"]
Objective: Negotiate
Location: FIV Wrath | Command Deck
Theme: Aggression| Hearts of Iron IV Soundtrack [X]


"Admiral Rausgeber, we have a transmission sir!" The Wrath's Communications Officer barked. Rausgeber's eyebrow piqued, he had not quite anticipated such a response, as quick as this. "Origin point is a cruiser, sir, on the other side of that wreck." Carlyle had imagined, in a quagmire of death and decay such as this, that the Alliance would not be nearly as well prepared. That there would be no command structure able to near immediately authorise a surrender. But perhaps he had been a little too, rash, in his assertions. He would concede that point at least.

Rausgeber looked at his counterparts, and politely nodded his head, "Put it through
." The Grand Admiral commanded. The Comms Officer acquiesced, and the alien figure of Vaudin Miir appeared upon the holotable of the man requesting his attention. Both Rausgeber and Crocke watched the spectacle and listened to his demands, intently. Rausgeber's figure dissolved from stoic smugness, to a more jaded irritated look. "Prepare me for transmission." The dead man ordered, "And organise firing solutions on this vessel."

A new line was prepared, and Carlyle's human manifestation was beamed to Nabooian vessel. "We read you loud and clearly...." Carlyle's voice trailed off, "Mister Miir." He decided upon that title. "I am Grand Admiral Carlyle Rausgeber," The droid continued, in a cool, and even tone. "I appreciate your attempts to deceive me," Who wouldn't have seen right through such a ruse, such a rank was preposterous, "Even if I were to accept your demands, you hold no rank I recognise and are arrogant enough to believe you can negotiate from a point of weakness." Rausgeber informed him, "My fleet is larger, my vessels stronger, and there is no way you can escape this situation."

"Unless you provide me within the next two minutes a reason you should not be destroyed, my vessels will crush you."

The line went dead, and Rausgeber turned to his subordinate commanders. "It is clear the Alliance's command structure is still coming up with some kind of response to our ultimatum." Carlyle then looked around, "It's time to put the squeeze on them." His gaze turned to one of the few senior ranking army officers aboard. General Berrev Kast, a One Sith refugee, turned hero of the Ssi-Ruuk-First Order war. "General," The Grand Admiral began, "Move your forces for a boarding action." The droid commanded, "The station likely still houses both civilian and military officials in some capacity." He then darkened his gaze, "I want prisoners alive, corpses don't talk." He stupulated, but allowed himself a sadistic smirk, "And I believe Supreme Commander Graush would appreciate some more company to toy with."

Kyli DT-6767

Allies: [member="DT-2319"],[member="Gromm Cardan"], [member="Robogeber"], [member="Rexus Wenck"]
Enemies: [member="Barr Vexos"], [member="Cinara Vencu"], [member="Kiyron"], [member="Kyle Farnes"], [member="Mazik Stazi"], [member="Vaudin Miir"]
Nearby: [member="Omari Vyken"],

Kyli listens to the voice of General Kast enter the confines of helmet conveying the will of their command structure: Seize and deliver high-value target prisoners for processing, destroy all lawful and unlawful combatants who do not capitulate and immediately surrender. Standard First Imperial training excercise and for Kyli it would be about as easy even without the aid of Rex and Twigg. "Understood, Sir" General Kast was one of the few Flag-level officers that the Death Trooper respected mainly for his thorough ruthlessness, as soldiers they couldn't afford to be lax or go into a tactical situation irresolute or ham-fisted. Kyli's fingers begin entering in the transmitted co-ordinates displayed against visor in azure block holographic letters and numbers into the drop-pod's flight computer, she wasn't any pilot or interstellar navigator though once the Space-station came within Kyli would contemplate engaging the manual override in an attempt to better guide her pod deep into Fort Dawn's vital organs the singular Death Trooper could see to the station's destruction if necessary. Their Deflector shields wouldn't stop the march of Death incarnate that is Kyli DT-6767 and no amount of Cannon fodder would obstruct that unstoppable force from their objective. 'These poor fools don't stand a chance' The thought passes calmly through the warrior's mutant brain there is a distinct chime that passes through the air inside the pod signalling Kyli that the pods were about to be thrust by the magnetic rail system into space hurtling into what she expected to be a beautiful smorgasbord of violence and destruction. "This is where the fun begins." Passing the comment to her own soul, Kyli's hands clasp tightly around the flight controls although their input wouldn't impact the pod's path. Stomach leaps up into throat with the violent pulling down the magnetic-rail lined shaft, Kyli purses eyes together tightly attempting to ignore that unpleasant explosion into the void of Space. The Pod's thrusters begin working and Kyli's eyelids recede back over those orbs behind Visor and despite the excitement unfolding before her gaze down the narrow transparisteel slit in the pod's pivoting door that beating within her breast grows no quicker, maintaining a calmness that would prompt an observer if they were there to question the Death Trooper's sanity. Cycling through the First Order's restricted-level access security frequencies, there is one identified as being under the authority of 'Vyken' With but a simple thought Kyli connects silently to it and procedes to listen to that Comlink frequency's chatter simultaneously with the Secret-level special forces frequency. Kyli recalled seeing their team in the drop-pod bay and co-operation with Vyken's assets might provide necessary thus having ready comms was helpful.

Kyle Farnes

The pilot grinned as the throttle was pushed. This may not be smuggling booze or spice beyond a blockade determined to keep it away from a planet. No, this was much worse. Still, he wasn’t worried. This was much more important, as well. “Message received, vod. Heading towards the station.” He was excited, was that a bad thing? Not for a Mandalorian. War was in their blood. It was time to get to work.

“Plans for the civilians?” He called back to [member="Kiyron"]. Well, if worse came to worst, they had Rear Grand Admiral [member="Vaudin Miir"] here to help. But the Alliance commanders had to be around somewhere, they were being chased from worlds, Coruscant, Lothal, Fondor…

But he was back to focusing on the task at hand. Another of his clan was running for the turret spots. “Roger that. Going to get you some targets, stand by.” Was Kyle a huge smile at this point? Everyone could bet that was true. Kyle was hearing the calls from Stardust. “Ranger to Stardust, any pods, transmit locations on secure channels. We will meet you when we can.” He needed to help everyone who could get it. But if they got to the station? They’d have to move ships from there.

“Coalition ship Cruiser Mega Boom Sun Puncher, you linking in with Alliance Command?” Were they in Coalition space? Yes. Did Kyle respect the Coalition military? Enough. But did he prefer the Alliance? Hands down.

[member="Barr Vexos"]
[member="Cinara Vencu"]
[member="Mazik Stazi"]


[member="Kyle Farnes"] [member="Cinara Vencu"]

"Copy that, landing authorization cleared," Kiyron responded automatically, assessing the increase on sensor pings as the drop-pods launched. There were an uncomfortable amount of them headed towards the station. "Civilians, we're doing a fighting retreat." A grim smile played across his lips. "We get them off, lure in the FOs, set the station to blow, perhaps. Cripple their fleet in the area. But karked if I know." He wasn't sure who had the authority for that. Or who the highest ranking Alliance officer in the station was. As far as he could tell, it might be him. Commodore Stazi had the fleet, but whether that applied to the station, nobody seemed to be sure.

He pause to sync the comm channels with his helmet and once he had the full display of information, he turned and strode down the corridor. Sirens echoed along the durasteel as Alliance soldiers and freelancers ran to their positions. Civilians headed as far away from the surface as possible, while still retaining access to an evacuation hangar.

He clicked a new magazine into his rifle and activated the targeting computers in his helmet. They darted from individual to individual, all reporting as friendlies. That wouldn't last particularly long, that he did know. But if he could keep them busy enough, that would be of help. With a few of his clan members here, they could inflict some intense damage. It wasn't their best environment, but it would work.
When it raines, it pours.
Aboard the YT-1300 Ranger
Allies: AiE [member="Kiyron"] [member="Vaudin Miir"] [member="Mazik Stazi"] [member="Barr Vexos"]
w/[member="Kyle Farnes"]
Enemies: FO [member="Robogeber"] [member="Kyli DT-6767"] [member="Omari Vyken"] [member="Gromm Cardan"]
One didn't need the Force to feel the anxiety and excitement cursing through the crew of the heavily modified YT-1300's veins. It was evident from the tone used especially the cocky pilot's. The Mando was brash. The no hold's bar type, but she'd follow his lead. The man hadn't lead her too far astray yet.

"Roger that, Wheelman. Bring 'em to momma as they say," Cinara keyed back over the ship's intercom to Kyle in the cockpit with a smirk on her face, gloved fingers ready on the trigger for the opportunity to vape an eyeball or squint.

From the Ranger's distance to the space station though, it looked like they just may make it to Fort Dawn first. Escape pods were being jettisoned from the Alliance's capital ship that had been hit hard as the blonde strained to see from the top turret's advantage. Those poor souls were ripe for pickings by the First Order. Frak!

"What about those pods, Kyl'ika... We can't just leave em out there unprotected?"
FIV Wrath
Allies: [member="Kyli DT-6767"]
Enemies: [member="Barr Vexos"], [member="Cinara Vencu"], [member="Kiyron"], [member="Kyle Farnes"], [member="Mazik Stazi"], [member="Vaudin Miir"]

For Omari's team it was their first time deploying like this into a battlezone. Omari felt as if there were too many variables in space. Starfighters, other ships, missile locks, stray fire, getting knocked off course. There was probably more, but Omari didn't want to think about that when his team's pod shot out of the FIV Wrath and made way to Fort Dawn. Not that he could really, for while he traversed through space, he was busy trying to will his stomach back to where it was supposed to be, because right now, it felt like it was in his throat and both his hands flew up to grip the harness that held him in tightly as he shut his eyes closed.

It was not an enjoyable time, and no amount of simulated training could prepare a stormtrooper for this. Could anyone actually get used to this? The thought crossed his mind as he did his best to focus himself. There's gotta be a hole in my stomach or something. There were controls installed in the pods, simple, they allowed slight course adjustments, but not much else. His hand found fell from the harness and worked the controls. Unsurprising at all, Omari felt as if his course barely changed if at all as he stared at the monitor, rapidly closing in on Fort Dawn.

By the Force I better not get splattered on a Space Station.

Mazik Stazi

Combat Operations Center
Fort Dawn
He had been down for nearly fifteen minutes.

The Fort's medtechs had managed to restart his heart shortly after he was tactored aboard, but severe oxygen deprivation was a disorienting experience to say the least. Commodore Stazi's itsukusk pod had been struck by debris from the exploding Stardust, rupturing his tank and suffocating him in the process. As senior military officer on board, possibly even in the entire sector, Mazik had countermanded their directive to transport him directly to the nearest med bay. Instead, he had ordered his repulsor-stretcher brought directly to the Heart as Combat Operations was parochially known.

"We must surrender," a male Ithorian warbled plaintively at him, "There are too many innocents here. It is time to think not only of ourselves, but of them."

Janos Eran was the civilian administrator of Fort Dawn, a bureaucratic analogue to the station's attached Captain, now missing and presumed dead. Already, Mazik disliked the man.

"Once they've strung up the military and civilian leadership," he wheezed, still struggling to breathe but now at least out of his stretcher and sitting upright in front of the bunker's main holodisplay, "How long do you think before they dispense Imperial justice to the rest."

"We are...we are non-combatants," Eran's eyes widened. Plainly he hadn't considered this possibility, "They would not harm us."

"Sure, the humans maybe. How many 'undesirables' you got on this station? How many do you think the First Order will classify as deviants and send to the gulags, if they don't just space em and be done with it?"

"I...I still think we should try," the Ithorian retorted, but he seemed far less passionate, "What more can be gained from fighting?"

"Well if it makes you feel any better, administrator," Mazik glared him down, even back from the brink his countenance was to be reckoned with, "This isn't up for debate. The government has collapsed, as far as I'm concerned this entire station is under martial law. Get me a channel to the bucketheads!"

The officers around him hesitated. It was a moment that seemed to stretch on into eternity, but when the commodore's hand drifted toward his sidearm the levee broke and the rest of the Heart sprung back into action. An open channel was routed to the console in front of him, and with fumbling hands still struggling to circulate blood flow, he slid on a comm headset.

"To the commander of the First Order fleet:


Mazik cut the transmission, and swiveled around in his chair to stare down an entire combat operations center filled with wide eyed stairs. This time, he did draw the Glie-44 blaster pistol holstered at his waist.

"Prepare to repel boarding parties."

[member="Robogeber"] | [member="Gromm Cardan"]​
Combat Operations Center
Fort Dawn
Allies: [member="Mazik Stazi"] -AIE Personnel
Enemies:[member="Robogeber"] - First Order
Equipment: Armor - Standard Lightsaber

The Jedi Master closed his eyes for a moment as he centered himself with the force, even among different emotions that could be felt as the force flowed through him and through everyone on the station. He opened his eyes just as Mazik had turned around in his chair and reached for his blaster. Kahne however didn't have the look the others had, more so the look of hope and the fact that they would not fall here today. The would have to safeguard those that couldn't fight and get them to a secure location, and otherwise get them to some transports for them to make the jump to hyperspace.

He wasn't sure who all would be with the boarding parties, but he was Jedi Master and no matter what he would defend all those on board with his life. He would not falter, he couldn't...not now.

Kahne glanced towards Mazik and nodded his head with a determined look on his face. "They will come in heave numbers I sense. There has to be some way to get those that cannot fight out of here. I'll be prepared with any others willing to face down those that are foolish enough to board here."

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