The Upright Man
Section Zero - Classified
Deep within the bowels of Nar Shaddaa was a lonesome nightclub. The VonSchlitchen sat on the line of poverty and wealth. In some ways, it separated them and in others it brought them together. Rich and poor congregated in the club, but the building itself was the last line of neon lights to be seen before the ocean of slums that clung to the outer rim of the sprawling city. It was here that Lily Rose resided, though few knew of this. The music was loud and deafening at all hours of the day, and night. Purple and blue lights flared the room whilst female dancers swung their hips and swayed their bodies to the beat of the rhythm. Drunkards slumped over tables and slouched in chairs. Shady dealings were taken in the darkened corners whilst a host of sociable party-goers crowded around the bar. A staircase led up onto a walkway above the room and further into a set of apartments that was regulated by the owner of the nightclub. A bouncer stood by the stairs, ensuring no one without permission entered such an area.
One of the three rooms was occupied by Lily Rose. Single room with a view out onto the city. It wasn't clean, but not overly dirty either. The room had a white sheeted double bed. A plethora of posters decorated the wall. To the left was a large monitor with a direct connection to the holonet. The right held a thick titanium locker. Inside was her arsenal. The ASL-XI, AMR-1 Anti-Material Rifle, MP-77 and countless ammunition. He knew all this. The Upright Man. He was one of the few who knew how to find the often elusive assassin, and with all her cybernetics, she was more machine than she was Keshiri. She lay behind him, naked and drawing on a deathstick, and he the same. He too was bare, and his body was adorned with many scars. "I got what I wanted," Lily purred, "Now I'll give you what you want." She reached out for the controller belonging to the massive monitor and flicked over to a holonet recording, it was pre-recorded footage in the archives of the Holonews. The title read, 'Chief of Senate Election Speeches.'
When Lily pressed play, the Upright Man slowly lowered his smoke. He was shocked, perhaps a little too much. He knew that face on the screen as she stood up to the podium to deliver her speech. Her words became a dribble to his ears, more focused on finding his datapad. He was quick to dial up the Ravens, hot-wiring straight to Cryax Bane through the bounty he posted, he held up his datapad to show him visual footage through the datapads camera, pointing it at the monitor screen. "I found your woman," Upright Man said, and he repeated the words that the suspect spoke in her speech, "Geneviève Lasedri of Chandrila. If you get me the first flight off Nar Shaddaa and to the Republic capital, and I'll bring back your girl."
[member="Cryax Bane"]
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
[Reference: Election Speeches]