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Only Fools and Horses

The Road to the South
Finally, she can go home. Peace had come to Midvinter, a new King sits the throne and Aerin no long needed to hide. It felt strange really, almost unnatural as if something is missing, a purpose maybe or importance that she needed to feel of use? Be that as it may, she longed to see her home once more, to be able to walk into Rildonmark without the fear of trechery.

And there is her oath she would fulfil and take her long time companion home to be free. She stood by him as she looked up to the vast main doors of the Grand Hall, closed to the cold they are today but within her friend now resides and rules Midvinter. He will be just fine without her, having his loyal men around him to advise and protect the crown. Of course she will see King Dawnbringer again, but she has to do this and get her own House in order once more.

Her hand gently stroked the long black mane of BlackWing who stood restless to move, he has recovered well from the battle, his cuts and bruises all but gone and he nudged her to gain attention, which he achieved. Gripping the reins tight, she lifted herself into the saddle and settled before turning his head toward the gates.

Aerin was right of course, it had snowed that eve and the white snow that had fell now brown as sludge on the cobbled streets to Tháinbroek. The scent of cooking filled the air, the morning food prepared by the many houses that lined the street on which her horses hooves now trod. Smoke spiralled upward from chimneys and sat heavy in the thick moist air. She did not feel the cold, wrapped thick and tight in her Älk fur coat hood pulled up over her head, she disappeared into it.

Today she will ride to the south, on the road to Rildonmark. It will take her three days of light travel and tonight she will make for Péinecrag. Passing the main gates she looked out across the battlefield, very little there as a sign of the bloody war, save for a few items left by the death, she turned BlackWings head to travel around it all out of respect for the fallen.

"Come on BlackWing, lets go home".
[SIZE=26pt]The turn in the road[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=12pt]Tháinbroek is behind her now, a good day’s ride had made inroads into her journey. They had come to the turn in the road, which would lead her to Péinecrag and beyond to Rildonmark, Aerin encouraged BlackWing forward and he answered with a light canter, he knew the way of course. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The terrain is different here, the tree clung to the road and shrouded it with a shadow only filtering light breaking the tops to light the way. Some trees tall and stretched high to the sky, others dwarfed spindly and weak. All are laden with the fresh fall of snow. The scent of pine invigorating and cleared the senses, warmed the blood. As she passed the turn, the road leading off to the right would take the traveller to the tall mountains to the west and onward to the Falls of Crystal. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She had lived there for a short time, a place that would see the coming of the Dawn, she smiled remember that event, when [member="Thrand Dawnbringer"] burst into her home happy with the seasons festivities. And there their journey had begun, she smiled at the memory of it. Such an imposing creature is Thrand, intimidating, powerful, straight forward and stubborn and unshifting as the mountain rangers of Midvinter. He is this, to those that did not know well and yet the gentlest of hearts he possess in that broad chest of his.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The cry of wood fowl echoed down the tunnelling pathway, calling to a mate to come settle for the coming night. They would arrived to Péinecrag in two hours from now and find accommodation to rest tired limbs and a tired mind. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The war had taken its toll and although Aerin is of age and entering her middle years, the innocents of the Valkyri long gone. She has travel beyond the stars, something as a young girl she had hoped for and when the opportunity presented itself, she took it. There is no regret there, much she seen and will see in her life but yet she wonders if that path was the right one. So much gifted to her, and yet so much lost. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Onward she rode on the back of her stallion, this trip would be their last and so she is in no hurry. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]The mist, clinging to the side of the mountain side shrouded Péinecrag within its fold. The wetness settled on her face and hands chilling her to the bone, but soon Aerin would be warming close to a hearth and filling her belly with the local fare. BlackWing’s shod hooves rang out their arrival, as they crossed the ancient stone bridge to the crag. It had been some time since she had visited Péinecrag but Aerin remembered the place well enough and passing the outskirts of the village, she pushed BlackWing upward on the steep winding cobbled road to the Tops.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Very few Valkyri are out this night, and the ones passing her gave a cursory nod to a stranger and continued on. Finally, they arrived to an Inn, Eagle’s Talon perched atop the crag, alongside it is the stables for use of patron that will stay the night and upon her arrival a young stable boy greeted her. As Aerin dismounted, she issued orders to have the boy take good care of her horse and store away her large bundle which contained her armour. After ensured BlackWing was safely cared for, Aerin entered the Inn. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Moving immediately to the hearth, she wrung her hands to quicken the warming of her blood. There are few within the Inn this night, most appeared to be travelling as she, returning home after the battle she supposed, some of them carrying wounds and looked as she, tired. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“My Lady, do you require lodgings for the eventide? I have but one room left”, [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]as rough male voice broke her ponderings. Aerin turned to face the man, to confirm she did and handed him one small precious gem which she wrapped in his hand with a smile. The gem more than enough to cover her stay and for the stabling of BlackWing. The precious gem had come from years ago when she had ventured to the mountains beyond the Falls of Crystals and harvested them to convert to credits to use in the galaxy at large. The Inn Keeper looked down into his palm and eyes widened, but closed his fist quickly enough, “I shall have the girl prepare your room immediately My Lady. Do you require Sup?”. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]I do, please bring hot food to that table”, [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]she pointed to the back part of the Inn, and bowed her head before moving there herself. As she sat, the Force tingled through her, something familiar is close at hand and her eyes began to search the room, until her eyes fell on what appeared to be a man seated in a booth, shrouded in the recesses of the shadows, save for his eyes. Ice blue eyes watched her, yet with no ill intent.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=26pt]Company of Kin[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=12pt]His fingers tapped in a gentle rhythm upon the surface of the wooden table. His eyes had followed the new arrival to the hearth, sensing a known presence, unexpected yet most welcome. The indication through the Force of his cousin had been confirmed as she removed her furred hood from her noble crown, revealing her fire red hair which ignited as the flames of the fire set light upon her locks. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]A smile formed on his lips noting her countenance and gait as she walked, many times he had seen this visage of her, a strong walk with purpose in all things she puts her mind too. Once that happens there is no stopping Aerin Firebrand. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]And yet she seems weary. No wonder really, considering her exploits on the battlefield at Tháinbroek. He had been there, seen Clan Sabina standard ride to glory with Aerin at the lead of the charge, and rally to the King and from there, to Tháinbroek. Thaerd’s eye fell to her arm, injured as it hung by her side but it would mend. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Finally, she senses his eyes on her. Leaning forward out of the darken shadows, Thaerd reveals his face to her, a grin to greet his cousin. He stood and moved from the table as he gathered his lyre and mead to join her. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Well met, My Lady Firebrand. I am most pleased to see you are well”,[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] he said as greeting and bowed his head to acknowledge her not only as Lady of the Clan but as warrior to warrior. Pulling over a chair, Thaerd sat to remain with Aerin, they will travel anon onward the Rildonmark, a Company of Kin. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The white hair was the first that gave away the identity of the man, her head tilted to one side as her cousin came into view before she smirked. He was not supposed to be here and with that thought her brow raised. Her eye followed him as he approached her table and pulled up a stool and she folded her arms across her chest. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Well met indeed Thaerd. I see my words were not heeded and you are injured. No doubt falling off your horse”,[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] she jested knowing full well they are injuries of battle. “It is good to see you and that you are unharmed”, she added with a warmer smile. “I ride for Rildonmark on the morrow, and will be able to do so in peace”. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Her conversation was interrupted by the serving girl who placed her meal in front of her leaving after giving Thaerd a friendly coy smile to which Aerin rolled her eyes. “Have you eaten? I am sure you could be well fed here”. She teased as she began to eat. [/SIZE]
Knock. Knock. Knock.

There was somebody right outside. She didn't know what was behind the door. Didn't know what to expect at all. And that's what made it all so mysterious and fun. Taking risks had never been Ellya's think, but she sure loved to do something adventurous every once in a while. Her droid was with her, of course, so she was not completely defenseless.


She didn't know if there was anybody behind the door, but she wanted to get in. The planet was cold, it was something she hadn't experienced too much before. So that's why she wanted to get to the warm room.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

[member="Ærin Firebrand"] / [member="Thaerd Thawbearer"]
[SIZE=28pt]The Knock[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=12pt]Aerin’s humour was not lost to Thaerd and he smiled taking her hand in one of his own before placing the other on top. “I shall ride with you to Rildonmark. We will come home to much lost, but much to rebuild. And my ‘saddle’ is just fine”, he jested back with a flick of the eyes to the serving girl. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Before the conversation could go on, a knock at the door. This, event, most unusual for Midvinter, no one knocks to enter the Mead Halls. Thaerd curiosity made him straighten his back and head turn toward the large wooden doors. However, he noted others in the room do the same, all looking around as if not nothing what to do. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Aerin had removed her hand from his and gave him a questioning look one filled in intrigue, just as his. Yet no ill intent came from the other side of the door, and so Thaerd approached the wooden frame without hand on the hilt of his sword. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]With both hands he took hold of the iron wrought handles and pulled the double doors open, the stream of cold air filled the room, to much protest from some of the patrons, but before him stood a sight never seen on Midvinter. A woman, unclad for the conditions, but adorn with feathers and attire he had not seen. For a moment, he just looked, as if seeing a vision as his eyes took all of her in, but the cold night soon reminded him he is very much awake. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“My Lady please enter and warm yourself”,[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] he said as soon as reason returned, and stood aside for her to pass.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] ~[member="Ellya"] ~[/SIZE]​
So many smells. So many things to be heard. It was all a fuzz which Ellya sensed when the door was opened. She smelled food, she could hear how it was prepared, how it was being eaten.

"Thank you!"

She entered the room, Seeyeh right next to her beeping to her of everything which was on the girl's way. And even though she couldn't see anything, she got the picture of the room quite well, from all other senses she had. Of course she couldn't quite get the taste of anything around her, but the smell of air made her feel like she was able to taste the... meat. And ale. And everything else nearby.

"Would you tell me what place this is?"

[member="Thaerd Thawbearer"] | [member="Ærin Firebrand"]
Most of the Valkyri turned to see who would enter, and as the girl appeared, some would simply return to their meals while others would shift in their seat amazed at the sight of a stranger and a droid. Neither of which they would have ever imagined in their dreams. Thaerd had of course having been off world these past several years. But to have such loveliness simply knock on the door of a remote mead hall on Midvinter is indeed extraordinary.

His eyes found Aerin's and he smiled, she too would not be hesitant to approach, but Thaerd moved to be by the side of the girl. "You have entered the mead hall of Péinecrag on Midvinter my Lady", he answered as it was obvious the girl is blind and the droid her aid. In his life he has met many strange and different people, one thing he had learned over this time, is that one should never assume. This girl maybe unable to see physically but he knows very well that that does not equate to a disability, in fact such things can mean the complete opposite.

"Come you must be cold and possibly hungry? There is plenty of food and drink and the hearth roars with warming flame". Thaerd walked toward the hearth as he spoke, not that he really needed as the girl would sense the warmth on her skin.
Ellya nodded. She felt thankful. It was not a typical thing that when she met a new person, they took her as a friend. More of then than nor, she has been considered an enemy. This time, it started to look different.

"Thank you. Again."

She started walking towards the warmth along with the man. She could feel he was right next to her, another sense which seemed to be stronger in her case. The feeling of a person being in reach was comforting, and it was one of those Ellya depended on when she started socialising with others.

"I am feeling a bit cold. This planet is far from being Tatooine."

She laughed with a high tone for a few seconds and then noticed how she had come to the source of the warmth. It was... a hearth? She reached her hands towards the fire and started to feel its burning ability nearly immediately.

The girl turned around and smirked. Yeah, she could definitely spend some time there.

[member="Thaerd Thawbearer"]
~[member="Ellya"] ~
For the most part of the exchange, Aerin remained seated with her attention on her food and mead. She had traveled a long way that day and remains very tired. The sight of her cousin, here of all place, did a lot to quell the worries of her heart. But she could not help but smile and shake her head slightly before she took another spoon full of the stew before her.

The physical energy returning rebuilding in her limbs and tonight she will rest without pause. Something Aerin has not done for many many years.

As the girl laughed, Aerin's head turned once more, this time giving the girl a long look over her physicality. Aerin still has the nature of protection about her that will never leave and so she eyed the girl with an eye of intrigue and searching for weapons. So far there was no malice there, nothing rippling on the force to warn her, but she would be mindful of it. Thaerd's eye and mind, however occupied and taken by a pretty face.
Ellya took a short step away from the fire and tried to sniff the air; maybe she could find something interesting there. But she didn't. It was all about the food and that made the girl hungry.

"How could I get something to eat?"

She turned towards the place where she thought the man could be. She was not too sure whether he was there anymore or not, but it was worth to give it a try. Of course the girl had no idea she had caught the attention of a considerable amount of people in the halls. Would she have known that, she would have shut up and maybe even left.

That was one of the best things about being blind.

[member="Ærin Firebrand"] / [member="Thaerd Thawbearer"]
"I will never go to Tatooine quite simply because I cannot", he said to her. "If you would take my arm my Lady, I will lead you to a table and introduce you to my cousin and we will find you something to eat. There is roasted meats and vegetable or a hearty stew", he signaled for the serving girl to come.

In this moment, he took the liberty to look at her head wear, the plumage of avian he had never seen, of colours vivid striking and suited her as they adorned her hair. What an intriguing thing is this girl, to have come to Midvinter.

"If you ever find yourself in a mead hall like this all you have to do, is find a seat and someone will quickly come to attend to you", it is the way of Midvinter, no one goes without food in this cold cold place.
"I'll try to remember that."

Ellya tried to move along with the man, but her insecurities about the location made her steps seriously short and slow. Seeyeh didn't know a lot about this place, either, so he was having a hard time knowing where to go. Plus the fact that there wasn't too much room for him to move around so he had to constantly turn his head around.

"Oh, forgot to introduce myself. I'm Ellya."

She took a seat. The chair was not too comfortable for her taste. And even though she was familiar with wooden chairs like these, there were some which were lovely to sit on. And then there were the ones which were absolutely horrifying. This one seat representing the latter.

[member="Thaerd Thawbearer"] / [member="Ærin Firebrand"]
~[member="Ellya"] ~
"My apologies for the uncomfortable seating Lady Ellya, the furniture in the mead halls is rough to say the least", he said as he sat down near her and opposite Aerin. He order food for her and a healthy tankard of mead for her to warm her further.

"I am Thaerd Thawbearer, opposite you is my cousin Lady Aerin Firebrand. We are traveling south to return to our Clan on the morrow. May I ask what brings you to Midvinter?". He asked with growing curiosity.

Soon her meal arrived and placed before her, the plate laden with roasted meats and vegetables for her to enjoy.
When the man - Thaerd, as he called himself - told the girl there was another person sitting at the table, she was surprised. Mostly because she hadn't sensed anybody nearby. That could have been a bit offensive to the other woman, so she didn't show her surprise off. Instead, she smiled right in front of her, hoping to look directly at the woman, and spoke to her.

"Hi, Lady Firebrand. Nice to meet you!"

Then she turned to the man again and continued listening to him. It was an interesting story the man had to tell, Ellya could feel that. Her own tale was not that catchy at all, probably being the most boring one that has ever been in the galaxy.

"I'm an adventurer deep inside. I... think. So that's why I'm here now."

The girl could suddenly feel the smell of meat right in front of her. Was it... for her? Probably, she thought. She didn't dare to take a bite of that, though, just to be sure.

[member="Thaerd Thawbearer"] | [member="Ærin Firebrand"]

"It is a pleasure to meet you as well .. Ellya. But please just call me Aerin", Aerin smiled and gave a quick glance to Thaerd. "Please begin to eat, your meal is in front of you", Aerin added. That all to familiar tingle in the force told Aerin this girl is sensitive, raw and possibly only beginning her training. Yet there is something edgy about her, and Aerin quite like that idea.

"An adventurer, now that is interesting. You will find much to do on Midvinter, but the place is dangerous to those that do not know her power and might", poetic maybe but it is reality. Midvinter can also be deadly to those that do not heed her.

"Where do you go on the morrow?", she asked with genuine curiosity.
Ellya tried to take a fork from the table. She tried once, but only put his hand nearly into her own plate. The second try ended up going really far away from the fork, and exactly the same thing happened at the third attempt. Only on her fourth try did she manage to get the fork.

"I don't know yet," she said when moving the fork to the plate and attempting to get some food on it. "I'm probably going to travel around the planet a bit, and maybe later tomorrow, I will be heading to a new world."

She had no idea of what she'd be doing the next day, truth to be told. She had no plans -- she never thought of having any -- and all she ever did came from improvisation. There was no need for a huge set of strategies, she believed.

[member="Ærin Firebrand"] | [member="Thaerd Thawbearer"]

"You sound like you have an interesting life", Thaerd commented as he watched the girl with her food. In these situation he is at a loss to know what to do, not knowing if offering help will offend. So he would wait for her to ask for it if she requried it.

"You would be most welcome to join us traveling south, for as far as you wish to go", he offered looking to Aerin who smiled. "We have seen much war of late and it would be nice to have something to take our minds off the recent past".

He reached to the floor and picked up his lyre once more, testing the string are still in tune, he began to play a soft slow song. His fingers moving gently over the strings as the lyre rested on his lap.
Ellya heard a soft melody. It was something foreign to her, sounding a lot like if somebody just played a string that was stretched between two points. Maybe it was that, but she had no way to understand what it was, other than asking or touching. Both of them would have come off as rude, though.

"I would like to come with you, if that's not too much of a problem," she said. "I'd just love to learn a bit more about your culture. You seem to have an interesting planet here, so strange. I mean, the good kind of strange."

[member="Thaerd Thawbearer"] | [member="Ærin Firebrand"]

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