Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private One Man, No Army

Coruscant, Underworld
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani

Jasper had never once in his life taken drugs of any kind. He was a good kid who would never do such a thing. Still, if he were to end up having a trip, he imagined this was what it would be like. It was a good thing Iris had sat him down, cause Jasper was sure that he would've fallen over out of shock. It was chaotic, oversaturated. The world appeared in such a way that the young Jedi struggled to even think of a way to describe it. It was almost as if he could see every little thing all at once, yet be so overwhelmed by the stimulation that he was incapable of seeing. the strangest thing was how the colors never vanished, even as Jasper closed his eyes in an attempt to clear his mind. Finally, it dawned on him.

"This..." Jasper began, his eyes still drifting about blankly, "This is how you see the world?"

Iris was right. It was overwhelming, even after everything he had been through these last few weeks.


"All my life, yeah."

Iris kept a calmer smile as she watched him. Made sure he wasn't getting too overwhelmed or such. It'd been too often people were. And yet, Jasper seemed fine. Mostly fine. Overwhelmed, likely. But not to a headache degree? She closed her eyes. "So, yeah. All these colors. They're feelings. Emotion of people around us. Life. It's all the Force. People affect it every day, just by living. Emotions change the colors, but so long as there's life, there will always be this. You just need to figure out how you see it."

Then, before he ended up getting too overwhelmed, she cut the meld.

"Does that make sense?"

Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
Coruscant, Underworld
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani

"It's... kinda cool," Jasper admitted. "I would never be able to focus."

How could he with so much going on around him? To permanently have Iris's eyes would end up making him the least productive person in the galaxy. Jasper had no doubt in his mind that, if born with such a trait, he would end up lost in all of the stimulation. Still, as the colors faded away, he understood what it was that Iris was trying to show him. Even with a lower connection to the Force, he was still a part of it. If the emotions of people had such a loud effect on the Force, his surely did as well. In that way, maybe he wasn't as weak as he had always thought.

"Does that make sense?"

"Yeah," the duelist nodded. "I think so..."

A frown spread across Jasper's face. There was something that he had been neglecting for a while now: His creator. Iris had done a lot in terms of improving his mental state, but as long as he procrastinated meeting the man who made him, there would still be that itch in the back of his mind.

"I can't stay at the temple long after my wounds are healed," Jasper told her. "I... there's someone I need to meet. I've been putting it off for a while now. That isn't something I can do anymore. This may sound weird, and I really don't understand it myself, but you've really helped me feel better about it. Thank you." A smile spread across his face. "I guess I owe you one."


Iris shook her head.

"I told you. We're Jedi." No way was she going to pry about whatever it was he was talking about. It was his business. And she wasn't a therapist. Especially with her own problems. What she could do, though? She gave him a smile and patted his shoulder. "If you need help, the Jedi will help. Never be afraid to ask. Especially the Masters. Even if they aren't y'know, yours, they'll always help.

But also yeah, let one of them know what you're planning to do. Don't just leave without word, okay?"

Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

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