Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Onboarding (Ravens)

Katrina always did what was best for her daughter no questions asked. This move she knew was exactly what she needed or at least she thought. The truth was she was lost ever since he died. He had been the only one whom had ever understood the real her. She wanted so much to crawl back into that hole he had found her in so long ago but she couldn't. Madison needed her and she wouldn't let her down. She had to settle somewhere.

She had toured the lab already and found it to be acceptable. Katrina was happy there as long as she didn't have a bunch of criminals breathing over her telling her what she ought to do. If they had a request for something they could message her so she could look into it.

As much as she wished to just sit in the lab and get her hands dirty Katrina knew she ought to read first on what they had or apparently had not been doing with this lab.
[member="Katrina Garnier"]

Lisa sat idly in her swoop watching the street traffic along the urban district of Antecedent. The place was a sprawling metropolis, complete with the Dragon Palace casino. The government was in charge here sure, but they were just s shadow of themselves. On the back end the puppets strings were wielded by the Raven who had brought great prosperity and wealth to the local government in the form of paying their taxes.

Yes business was a booming. Each time the Ravens came down to port they willingly paid the tax for imports and exports, lining the governors pockets and shutting him up. The nice thing was that it was a legitimate bribe, as they all knew Ravens could refuse the taxes and no one could stop them. Nevertheless, it was good to be legit....for now.

But something new had arisen. A small swoop gang was tearing off profits and smuggling goods in through a shadowport. So Lisa had been set on them to track down their shadowport and kill them all.

She sighed, lighting a cigarette and leaning back, watching for any sings of the gang as the streets bustled.
Cryax was pleasantly surprised to hear that the Red Ravens had hired a scientist to join the ranks of their criminal syndicate. Although the Ravens had their slicers, it was sometimes hard for the nerdy Chiss to relate to the mercenaries and thieves among their ranks. Perhaps having another who shared his love of technology would make him feel less like the black sheep.

Cryax had volunteered his time to the lab to help set up its central computer system and install the systems wiring. And to meet the new scientist. With his equipment in tow, he entered the building, an old warehouse which didn't look like much now, but showed alot of promise and looked around for the new recruit. In the dim light, he saw a ruby haired woman in a nice dress appraising the space.

"Hello, are you Katrina Garnier? I'm your computer specialist."

[member="Katrina Garnier"]
How the vibrant colored billboards around [member="Lisa Ticon"] knew that she was a smoker no one would ever know. Perhaps it was just a coincidence, but nonetheless: In order to create awareness for the new souvenir of sorts which The Dragon Palace had finally started to sell in their bars, Martin Macdonafray - simply a paid off HoloNews and Talkshow host - had agreed after the promise few extra credits and screen time to participate in the commercial for the new cigarettes.

Upon the billboard one would see the broad smiling, pure white toothed Martin standing with a lit cigarette between his fingers, the cyan smoke from it seen calmly hovering towards the top of the screen. After a while he would look towards the camera in the video, exclaiming: "Oh! Didn't see ye there. Indeed this is the cigarettes from Cæmel, quite good." He would nod a few times and the image would fade black. Only to have The Dragon Palace's logo smash onto the screen:

The Antecedant Flavor​
Available now at The Dragon Palace Casino and in selected stores.
All risks associated with smoking cannot be traced back to these cigarettes [C]
Just felt like sharing since your char is smoking. :p Never hurts to spread the knowledge of the brand. Can be linked back to the Ravens, which is good marketing. :p here.

[member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Katrina Garnier"]
"Great, I'm not to good with technology. I can get the basics but other than that I am completely and hopelessly lost." Years of living in the forest kept her away from technological advances. She normally had Mav help her but he was dead now so she was on her own.

"Do the Ravens have any other scientists or is it just me? You can set it up anywhere. If I need to move the equipment I can do that." She normally was the quite one but meeting new people and this whole thing just freaked her out which in turn caused her to talk more. Hopefully it was just her in the lab so perhaps she could bring Mackenzie instead of leaving the baby at daycare.

[member="Cryax Bane"]
Location: Antecedent Streets

[member="Katrina Garnier"] [member="Martin Mcdonafray"] [member="Cryax Bane"]

Lisa couldn't find anyone in particular today, it seemed that the local gang was on the low and she was getting impatient, thirsty and hungry. Swinging her leg back onto the speeder she was ridding she smashed the deathstick into the dash and ground it out. A billboard caught her attention and she raised her eyebrow as the figure smoked away.

"Huh interesting."

She'd have to find out just how good these Raven Camels were.

She kicked the stand out and gunned the beastly speeder, racing down the street and around the corner. The g force of the turn pressed her back into the seat and she whooped loudly, enjoying the thrill of going over 100mph. Just at the end she swerved and hammered the brake,skidding sideways all the way down an alley and stopping just short of the wall. People gawked with their mouths open.

Lisa smiled, using the force to knock a nearby citizen back into the wall.

"Quit rubbernecking ya fool!"

Then she walked into the Jawa conrerstore.


"Yeah yeah, whatever sandman, lemme get a pack of them Raven Camels."

"Bopit, bopit bobit!"

Lisa shook her head at the creature weird noises.

"Dont speak jawa little guy, heres ten creds, more than their worth."
As he began to unfurl large cables, Cryax smiled at the scientist. The Chiss slicer already had a girlfriend he was head over heels in love with, but he couldn't help noticing how attractive Katrina was up close. "I believe it's just you at the moment. Unless you count a Sith alchemist. We have one of those, too. Most of what he does seems like gobbledygook to me, to be honest. It's more magic than hard science."

As an awkward silence hang in the air, Cryax decided to fill it with questions. "So how did you come to work for the Red Ravens, Katrina? And what kind of science do you specialize in?"

[member="Katrina Garnier"]
"After Mav died I just wanted to crawl in a hole. I couldn't though as I have our daughter to think of so I'm here trying something different. It will be nice to get my head back in the game. Anyway, she's sleeping in the other room if you want to meet her. I hope it's ok that I brought her as now it's just me and her."

She could find other arrangements but until she found suitable ones Kat would much rather have her little one with her where it was safe. The last thing she wanted was something to happen to her.

"As for science, I normally do medical work but I can do anything. If there is something you need I can certain look into creating it. Are you the computer analysis here?"

[member="Cryax Bane"]
When Katrina mentioned her daughter, he and blinked his glowing red eyes. The scientist brought a baby here? To an abandoned warehouse? Well obviously, if she she had nowhere else to leave her then of course she brought her here. Cryax had zero experience holding babies, but he didn't want to be rude. "Um, sure I'll meet her, unless of course you don't want to wake her." He scratched his head and gave her an apprehensive grin. "Where are you staying if you don't mind me asking?"

When she revealed that she was a medical doctor, he nodded enthusiastically. "Do you install cybernetics?" the Chiss asked with a grin. "I've got quite an interest in those."

"And yep, I'm the computer guy for the Ravens. Although you wouldn't know it by looking at me." The last part he said with a self-deprecating chuckle, knowing he was about as nerdy-looking as one got.

[member="Katrina Garnier"]

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