Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private On time, In Spades

"So, I'm looking him right in his eyes... Just like this, in fact. And he lies."

A bloody hand rose up, turning to the other of her kind in the room, giggling to herself. Her victim in the chair seemingly going into shock. Well, a light shock, he could still hear and understand. She suspected he now knew that the ship named survival had long sailed. His family was in the corner, tied, gagged, and blinded. Their murmurs helping to create a light ambience in the background.

"Now, Malcolm can you believe that? Malcolm?"

The man tied to the chair nodded profusely, unsure of what to say, but intent on picking any answer that involved him not getting hurt anymore. She hadn't finished her procedure, but she had promised this man she would in verbatim 'open him, and pull his heart from his chest if he crossed her'... He did it. Here they were.

"It's a little difficult if you're not speaking sorry. Do you, or do you not believe that?

'I believe it, please just show me mercy this once. I'll never go against you again...'

Her lips pursed, leaning back and sucking the blood from her own index finger. She released a steady and audible sigh from her lips and truly considered it. In truth Malcolm was worth more to her alive, than dead. Still, he had crossed her, and those were lines you didn't cross in business.

"I'm a woman of my word, Malcolm. If not you, then who? Your Daughter?"

Her aqua blue hues scanned over to the corner, to which Malcolm spoke up quickly.

'Please! No, just... Just give me another chance Ms. Ambrosia, I won't disappoint you.'

He said shakily, trying anything to get out of his due punishment at this point. She sighed again, canting her head in thought, her own chair only a few feet from his own.

"You know Malcolm, I've never broken a promise. I'm not entirely sure if you are the person, I should break that streak for."

She stopped then, looking at his partially carved chest before rising to her feet. Exhaling again.

"I'll give you your chance though... Okay... I'm going to take something from you though. Of my choosing, at my leisure. Deal?"

'That's fine, please just stop'

The woman lightly bit her lip, smirking a bit.

"Splendid. Truly, outstanding."

With that, she reached forward, fingers grasping his bindings and clipping a single hand free before spinning on heel and sliding away from him. Gold heels clicking towards his door, and on to handle more business. Why exactly she was handling business herself was beyond her, though it was definitely fun watching the blood-bags squeal and beg.

\\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\

She hummed a melodic tune to herself as she clicked through the Coruscant streets, while taller than most, they tended to not pay attention to her, due to her own Esoteric Sangnir abilities. Those that did looked at her like a deer in headlights, entranced, stopping to stare until she left their field of view, then simply shaking it off and continuing on. Though only seconds would pass from seeing her, if asked they would likely say they didn't know who you were talking about, and for all intents and purposes, they weren't lying. They just couldn't recall the memory.

She would walk for a few hours, intent on heading back to her own place of stay for the night. Walking past some fundraiser Gala without giving it a second thought, unfortunately for her she couldn't smell the very viable threat that was currently less than thirty yards from her. And by the time she had walked past, ignorant and ego driven, she only focused ahead. Who would dare hunt her after all? She was the hunter...

Speaking of, she was starting to get a little peckish. She wondered what she could find on the menu tonight. A Twi'lek sounded tasty, maybe an Arkanian if she could locate one. In the end food was food, she wasn't too picky.

A light chuckle emanated from her, traveling on the wind as she strolled; seemingly unaffected by the chilly night air of Coruscant.

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Coruscant
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Persephone Ambrosia Persephone Ambrosia

After attending the fundraiser Gala, Valery returned to her hotel room and the very first thing she did was ditch the heels. While she didn't mind wearing them that much, taking them off always felt like a relief. But as she began taking off her dress to get ready for a good night of sleep, she felt something through the Force that drew her attention — a familiar presence called out to her.

It took her a moment to realize just who it was but she quickly knew it was one that she'd likely never entirely forget. Because how could she? This woman had drained her of blood during her pregnancy, and thereby risked the life of her daughter. Now she was out there again on yet another Coruscant night, likely stalking a new target to satisfy her bloodlust.

A soft sigh escaped Valery as she thought about what to do. She was a Jedi and even though she was a rather protective mother, she felt no desire to seek revenge. But she couldn't just sit here and do nothing while someone else was being targeted. She had also recovered from the parasite that nearly killed her, and felt stronger than ever before. So... yeah, she had made up her mind, and quickly changed into her Jedi gear, grabbed her new weapon, and left behind her hotel room.

It was time to hunt down a vampire.

With her senses sharp again and her own presence within the Force suppressed, Valery didn't struggle to track the woman down but she still kept her distance, waiting for the right moment to make a move. Persephone Ambrosia Persephone Ambrosia was likely going to make her own move against a person who stood alone, or at least someone who wasn't in a crowd. So Valery stalked her from the rooftops and when Persephone finally stepped into a quieter Coruscanti street, she dropped down to land in front of the woman.

"Been a while," Valery said, the tone mostly serious but with a bit of sass to it. Unlike last time, Valery stood tall with strength and fire in her eyes and body language. She seemed and felt like a completely different woman.

"Your hunt is over."


Maybe a soldier would've been tasty, she thought, walking past a pair of them and inhaling their scent. As soon as it hit her nostrils, she was convinced she had found her meal for the night. Perhaps two was being a little greedy, but she had been so good lately. She deserved to treat herself to a nice snack. As such, before they were about to cross paths, she made eye contact with one, flashing him a smile. Just like that, he turned to a puppet. She nodded in the direction she was traveling, and he turned to follow. His friend noted, and turned as well.

'Malcolm, yah' damn drunk leave that lady al-'

When he looked at her, he froze, but spasmed slightly. A little more resilient this one. Strong minded. She simply stepped closer, slowly, but certainly right up to him.

"You don't want to have fun?"

He nodded sheepishly, then she in turn grinned, baring her fangs just slightly before turning and leading the pair into a shadowy, but relatively spacious alley. As she walked, her own bloodlust intensified. It was always like this before she fed. Even after all these thousands of years, she knew the difference between a regular feeding, and how she felt when she fell well intended on killing. She would eat the first while the other watched. Then use the second as an appetizer.

Fitting she consistently broke one of the rules she enforced in her own territories. She never claimed to be above hypocrisy though.

After walking with them for a while, she finally stopped, letting the pair come to a zombified stop behind her. Spinning on her heels with glee, fangs bared and ever so slightly salivating.

"Who firssst?"

She offered, enjoying herself fully. A light raspy hiss becoming evident as her fangs were bared in preparation to feast. Oh they were meaty boys too. No doubt ex-stormtroopers of something of the like. She was going to enjo-..

she dropped down to land in front of the woman.

The sound from what was unintentionally her rear made her eyes flicker to the side, though she didn't turn. She could smell it. Oh yes, for a different reason Persephone would never forget that scent. As such, she let her fangs recede, heaving a bit and composing herself with a murmur of pleasure.

Then, she snapped her fingers. Snapping the pair out of their reverie. They looked at her in confusion, then at each other before simply starting to back up. Ultimately turning around in confusion and walking away from her. Once they were a good way away, she would turn around and face her; icy blues staring at those fearsome orbs of fire.

"Your hunt is over."

She burst out into a fit of laughter, clapping her hands together as she did so. Clearly not taking the words seriously. Or at least not enough to be scared, or worried about the woman. Given, the lightsaber was specifically something she needed to worry about. She couldn't help but tease the woman. She had REALLY come back to find her. Didn't she have a baby at this point?

"Over... That's good. That's really good."

Then, Persephone put a sharpened fingernail under her lip quizzically, simultaneously taking a few steps in her direction.

"I can't seem to remember, what was the last thing I said to you Master Noble?"

She lied, then cemented the lie with a question she knew would aggravate the other.

"Mhmm, you see I know just a teeeeeensy bit more about you, than you do me love. How is your daughter by the way? And your little Jedi friend, with white hair? Aayla, is it?"

Her face became grim then. Preparing for some form of attack, her own fingernails pressing into a heavy metal dumpster to her right, leaning slightly as if she was playfully hanging from it. In reality, the second the other tried anything Perse was going to heave it at her like a child's toy.

Location: Coruscant
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Persephone Ambrosia Persephone Ambrosia

Valery remembered that night on Coruscant vividly — the way Persephone carried herself and the danger she formed to whoever had become her target. That confidence, the almost sassy and seemingly unimpressed attitude towards others; it was still very much alive in the tall Vampire.

Even with Valery being back at full strength, she approached the Jedi like none of it mattered. She was mocking her, even, and while that didn't bother the Keshian woman at all, the first question she asked caused her eyes to narrow. During their first encounter, Persephone had threatened Valery when it came to hunting her down — it wasn't something she had forgotten at all, but she couldn't let that stop her from doing what was right.

But then the pale woman followed her question with another, and one that caused Valery to clench her jaw. It was reasonable that she knew about her child, given the fact that she knew about her pregnancy. But the woman knowing that it was a daughter suggested that she knew more... and then there was the mention of Aayla.

Had she broken her friend to such an extent that she now knew all this?

"What did you do to Aayla?" Valery demanded, not even answering the question about her daughter.

She had to know what happened to one of her closest friends.


Persephone couldn't tell whether she was right or not about the daughter, and even assumed she might've guessed the gender wrong considering Valery instead grilled her about the little Jedi. Wait a second, did Noble think Persephone had done something with her? Hells, that could work out in her favor. She was briefly peering off to her left, considering what she had heard before pulling her fingernails from the metal gingerly. Light creaks of metal audible as she did this.

"Well, nothing yet. I just met her in passing."

She lied again. Not often a liar, but desperate times... Desperate measures, everyone knew that. Quite frankly, she wasn't intent on battling a woman wielding what seemed to be a dual-sided plasma sword right now. Especially not after threatening her friends and family.

"I do know what she looks like though, all of my family members know what she looks like."

Classic Psychology, tell a lie, mixed with a truth. All of it usually was taken as the latter.

"Oh, listen... It was nothing personal Master Noble. You were available, your blood was sweet. Very sweet in fact Like a finely aged wine. Like you weren't even from this time. You didn't die, you just got a little scared. Let it go."

She nodded a few times then, smiling at the other.

"Or don't... And go to war with me, see how that works out for you in the long run."

Persephone might not have been so defensive had she a proper weapon to engage Valery, but again, she wasn't risking getting ashed by going against a trained saber user. A Master at that, not taking anything away from herself, it was simply a tactically unwise plan of action.

"Now, unless you plan to be my substitute meal for the night... That was rhetorical. Ah, I have places to be"

She said, secretly cutting herself with a fingernail, and placing the cut hand back on that large dumpster, only this time her hand was out of view from the other. Finger beginning to write out a symbol on the back of the dumpster.

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Coruscant
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Persephone Ambrosia Persephone Ambrosia

"The only meal you're getting tonight is a prison meal," Valery retorted before she allowed a moment of silence to linger. She had fought many Sith, Dark Jedi, or other dangerous beings, but Persephone was quite different. She leaned heavily into the psychological game, and her intentions weren't as malicious as most others she encountered.

She was looking for food to sustain herself, after all.

"And I'm not here because of what you did to me, or what you might do to my friend," Valery continued while she removed the hilt of her double-bladed weapon from her belt. She kept it at her right side but the blades were not ignited yet — she was first gauging the reaction of the vampiric woman.

"I felt your intentions, and I can't allow you to feast on another innocent life. That's why I'm going to give you two options, lady. Either you come with me and keep that mouth shut, or I'll have to drag you along," Valery said, her gaze narrowed and the fire in her eyes ignited.

The two violet blades of her weapon finally ignited while her expression remained cold.

"The choice is yours."


Chit! Valery was proving more troublesome than she expected. Jedi, and their self-righteous rhetoric. She almost spat on the ground. Though, she had said enough. Valery wasn't going to let her walk off on this. And Persephone sure as hell wasn't going to find herself in a cell. Of course there was the much more pressing matter that the woman knew of her existence. Yet... She had come alone, what was the meaning behind it?

From Valery's angle, Persephone's face would be cast in a light violet light, her eyes snapping onto the saber. She would've preferred a blade, but she knew very well how dangerous the wounds inflicted by such a weapon were on her kind. She needed to end this fight before it started. As such, she sulked a bit, as if she was sad at what Valery had said, activating the anima mark she had left on the trashcan to make it weightless for a brief second.

"Fine.. I'll-"

Her right hand pushed forward, launching the object at the other with supernatural force as the mark faded, allowing the large dumpster to return to its previous weight mid-flight. As soon as she did it, she would turn and attempt to jump up, scaling the wall with all the grace of a spider on its web. Light heaves audible from the creature as she attempted to make a speedy escape.

Though the building she had chosen was particularly tall, and so long as Valery had got around her sneaky attack, Persephone would still have been in sight, and not had gotten very far at all. Though combat was clearly not her intent at the moment. She simply wanted to escape.

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Coruscant
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Persephone Ambrosia Persephone Ambrosia

"Fine.. I'll-"

Valery continued to squint at the woman, her eyes not betraying what she truly felt or thought, but she was definitely not buying into whatever Persephone was trying to do. She felt the surge of danger through the Force and the moment the object was launched towards her with explosive force, Valery raised a hand and connected with the Force to catch it.

Of course, she couldn't handle it as wildly as Persephone did because she wanted to avoid damage to her surroundings, so this gave the woman some time to began making her way up the building.

When the trash container settle down, Valery exploded up into the air but to the opposite building, allowing her to use its wall to bounce from and get up higher and higher. She wasn't sure just how fast Persephone could be, but she was very confident in her own explosive speed, and she was also a rather persistent Jedi.

She wasn't going to give up the chase.

Then, in an attempt to capture the woman, Valery jumped towards her but in mid-air, a hand was extended that she used to tug on the vampire's body, hoping to off-balance her on the wall while Valery was getting closer. If it succeeded, she had no plan to use her blades to strike yet.

Oh no, this was going to get a bit more physical — a rather powerful kick awaited the woman if she was able to get close enough.


Now was a good time to mention she had no real need to 'climb' the building, other than trying to bait Valery to throw her saber, as she had seen other Jedi do in the past. Though it seemed this woman was truly intent on capturing her. She still crawled vertically at an impressive pace, though ultimately her subterfuge played out well. Valery was entering her melee range, though she thought it the other way around.

She played possum for now, turning and even feigning surprise at the Force tug. She fell back with a startled cry, turning into a solid kick into her form. With their combined inertias, Persephone's body hit the wall with a sickening thud, causing some damage to the wall before tumbling wildly to the ground. She made no attempt to stop her fall and would land again (unless stopped) with another audible thud, gasping out as she landed, and again feigning injury, writing around on the ground and slowly getting to her feet.

Location: Coruscant
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Persephone Ambrosia Persephone Ambrosia

Thus far, Valery's plan worked, and the kick connected with the woman's body, sending her flying into the wall because of the momentum the Jedi Master had. For non-Force-sensitives, such an attack would have likely been lethal, or at least crippling, but she knew very well that Persephone could tank a few hits.

So as the woman tumbled down, Valery made no move to slow her descent — she was going to be just fine. Any injuries she did sustain could be patched up later, and she was fully expecting there to be a few if this played out the way she thought it was going to. Persephone didn't seem like the type to just give up easily.

"Why must it always be the hard way," Valery muttered after landing on her feet, the weapon still drawn into her hands.

She then walked over and stopped just out of reach, so her legs couldn't be snatched instantly. The front blade of her weapon was directed towards the vampire and Valery's gaze narrowed again.

"Hands where I can see them or this is going to get less friendly,"



She asked, getting back to her feet and showing the other both hands. Still, she played possum, mimicking the movements of a winded individual, perhaps even a wounded one. Though it was to note she was speaking just fine. Considering the fact Valery was intent on taking her alive, it made it all the more entertaining for the Ancient Vampire. That said, it was clear Valery wasn't going to get moped again. She was certainly not the weak woman she had preyed on what had to be over a year ago now. No, Valery was intent on reclaiming something from her. Fine, she wanted to get beat to death? So be it...

"Fiiiiine, I'll stop kidding around."

With that, Persephone moved faster than she had moved at any point Valery had seen before, attempting to close the gap, and launch a quick hook at the others stomach, specifically her Solar Plexus to knock the wind out of her, if this strike connected, she would use the same hand to attempt a quick uppercut aimed at her chin.

Location: Coruscant
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Persephone Ambrosia Persephone Ambrosia

Valery looked at the woman as she got up with her hands visible — she looked tired at the very least but it didn't affect her speech somehow. Part of her hoped that Persephone would give up and just come along, but another part felt that it was way too much to ask for. This was going to get ug-

her thoughts were interrupted as the woman very suddenly blasted forward with unexpected speed. The punch connected with Valery's toned stomach, causing her to fold over from the abrupt shock. But in that same instant, she also let the Force take over and augmented herself to move her head out of the way. The uppercut grazed her cheek but it wasn't enough to send Valery stumbling back.

The blades of her weapon were quickly disengaged in the process as well, as she felt it would be dangerous to them both to keep them ignited this close. Instead, she turned and twisted her torso again, this time to aim an augmented punch to the woman's face. If it hit, she had no idea how much damage it would cause, but she didn't care at this point.

She was going to drag this woman to a prison cell bleeding and crying if she had to.


Persephone was going to set the tone quite blatantly very shortly, her first hit landing made her moan slightly, knowing she was inflicting pain on the other. Though it was what she wanted right? Persephone had warned her, after all. Valery dodged the second hit, and Perse bit her lip at that. Her eyes alight with anticipation. Even here, she didn't really want to bludgeon Valery, but an animalistic part of her welcomed this form of combat. Valery had turned off her saber as well, fair enough. Although Persephone was still technically armed, as her fingernails could easily rend, or pierce flesh.

Valery was fast as well, her physical 'retort' noticeably moving her head back, and her body behind, a full step taken back; and right then Valery would have seen it. Her shock at the hit, then her bloody smirk. She was enjoying this. Persephone stepped forward, attempting to strike her with a simple backhand, though of course with the amount of Force behind it, it could easily do a lot of damage.

Hit or miss, she would berate the other.

"I really did like you Master Noble, why make me destroy you hmm?"

She asked, clearly assuming the end was decided though they were mid-fight.

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Coruscant
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Persephone Ambrosia Persephone Ambrosia

Valery watched the punch connect to leave behind a bloody smirk, but she wasn't quite as happy with it — there was no need for all this damage, and Persephone still seemed convinced that she was going to come out on top. The comment she made whilst sending a backhanded strike only confirmed this.

In a normal fight, Valery would have likely tried to deflect and counter, but she was still gauging the vampire's strength and chose to raise her arms to shield the sides of her head. The limbs would be augmented but even then, the strength of her attack was quite a bit to handle.

"Don't be so sure..." Valery said as she countered with a kick for the torso, aimed mostly to knock the woman back. This was getting to a point where she was going to draw her blades again, but she needed some distance. So whether the kick worked or not, Valery aimed a quick pulse of Telekinetic energy after her, hoping to send her flying against the wall of the building again.

Hopefully, nobody was home, because the banging was going to get loud at this point.


After the blood had hit her tongue, something had flipped inside the Vampire. She had been here so many times before in the past, and it was always the same. It was the reason she didn't bother trying to befriend humans anymore (excluding those she planned to embrace into her family). She just... Couldn't help herself. Like her mind was a million different piranhas, and one had taken the first bite. She got 'better' at controlling it, but she could never truly stop. It was her nature.

"Don't be so sure..."

In sequence, as her own backhand was blocked, she blocked the kick with a wrist, surprised when Valery quite frankly shattered it. The sudden shooting pain causing her to look down in confusion, opening up the next attack to work with emphasis. She growled at that, giggling to herself only a few seconds after hitting that wall hard enough to dent the metallic exterior.

"Ohhhh I'm sure. I just can't help it. Even now I can smell it through your poresss"

Her fangs began to elongate again as the taste, and smell of Valery's sweet blood coaxed her into the beginning stages of bloodlust. She held her mangled arm up, showing Valery as she fixed the gruesome injury within seconds. As she did this, Valery would notice her eyes becoming bloodshot. Her body seeming to... Bulk up, somehow. Muscles expanding ever so slightly, face contorting into something just slightly more animalistic. Though she seemed... Confused, as though she was expecting more.

She needed blood... She needed to feed.

Her eyes moved from her own arm to Valery's form.

"I'm going to have to open you now... Msss. Noble"

She said, hissing at the other like a snake warning a passerby they were too close, her eyes glossing slightly as she lunged towards the other. Even faster now, she attempted to tackle Valery to the ground.

Location: Coruscant
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Persephone Ambrosia Persephone Ambrosia

For a moment, she believed the fight was taking a positive turn — the kick did a bit more damage than she wanted, but together with her slamming into the wall, this fight was going to be ending soon. Or so she thought. The woman got back up to her feet surprisingly fast, and she was giggling mere seconds after hitting the stone.

The comment that followed caused Valery to take a visible step back, not because she was frightened, but out of anticipation of some kind of attack meant to drain her blood. This attack, however, wasn't coming quite yet. Instead, the vampire's eyes changed, her body shifted and Valery understood very well what was happening.

She was out for blood now.

"I'm going to have to open you now... Miss. Noble"

Valery briefly looked around, taking note of something, before she smirked in Persephone's direction, "You want some of me? Come and get it," she taunted the woman. As expected, Persephone blasted towards her and while Valery made what looked like an attempt at getting out of the way, in reality, she allowed the woman to tackle her down to the ground.

Hitting the ground rather hard, Valery gritted her teeth and looked up at Persephone, who was undoubtedly going to try and get some blood out of her. But what the woman hopefully didn't realize was that Valery had prepared an attack behind her, which she hoped to turn against the vampire when she was least focused on her surroundings.

That moment, Valery believed to be when she was going for her food.

This was going to hurt.


She wouldn't have noticed her own Mother walking past in that instance, well... If she could remember what her Mother's face looked like anyway. No Valery's play had worked, but the trade off was the crazed Persephone now on top of her, not even minding where her teeth made contact in the moment. She just needed to to consume the other. It was these types of feedings that were the worst. Frenzied attacks with no etiquette. No consideration of time, locale, or outcome. Just a driving need to extinguish her prey.

Within her normal persona, there might have been some quip to add, but as it stood she only had one goal. As such, she reared her head slightly, allowing her fangs to elongate. The first bite was aimed for whatever fleshy part of her arm was visible, biting not just to take blood however, but with the same ferocity a dog might have bit a home intruder. Growling as she attempted to essentially maul the womans shoulder. If her attack landed, she would even attempt to pull her head back, seemingly intent on ripping muscle from bone.

Whatever Valery had planned, it might have been a good idea to spring it fast before Persephone had time to return to her senses. Though of course, that was all depending on if the bite landed in the first place.

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Coruscant
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Persephone Ambrosia Persephone Ambrosia

With Persephone on top of her, Valery knew a rather ferocious attack was seconds away from landing. And while that was part of the plan, she didn't want the woman to rip open her throat or sink her teeth into something that would be almost instantly lethal. So when the fangs grew and she began to come down, Valery rotated and turned her shoulder into the woman's path.

The result was an incredibly painful moment that caused her to scream in agony for a few seconds. The teeth sank in deep, and with the way she was moving her head, the flesh and muscle were being torn apart. If it wasn't for her use of Force Body in this very moment, she would have likely passed out from the pain.

But Valery fought herself through it and called on the Force again.

The second that Persephone pulled back her head to try and rip off the Jedi's flesh, Valery called the bricks that had fallen from the stone wall back over, sending one on a high-speed collision course with Persephone's head. In the vampire's current state, it would be a hit she'd survive but it was going to hurt like hell, and hopefully knock her out.

Whether it did or not though, Valery was ready to call the double-bladed weapon back into the arm that still worked, and ignite it to strike at the woman's legs to cripple her, if she got the chance to do so.


Light growls of malice left her as Valery screamed, fully enjoying herself. The Jedi wasn't so lippy now was she, she understood now what her place in the food chain was. Persephone was just getting started though, no one would come outside to help anyone in this neighborhood. Although without a doubt at least a few people were currently peeking out their windows. No, they would watch, and perhaps one or two would call the CSF, but overall it was time for her to make good on her promise. She was going to kill this girl... Such a shame, she really did like her.

Though, as aforementioned. She honestly couldn't help it. The screams of pain were just as joyous as when they begged for her to stop. It only made her more excited. More flesh to rip, and tear... An-... What was she reaching for?

There was a sudden thud against her head, and what felt like a flash of light. The next thing Persephone knew she was on her back, briefly stunned, but ready to...


Her shriek pierced the night, an inhumane death shriek, although Valery had far from killed her. The saber cut into her legs, and did the type of damage her kind could not easily repair. Not only burning, but cauterizing the wound on impact. She took a brief pause in her scream, then looked down at her near severed right leg, and her barely attached left...


She shrieked again, glaring up at Valery.

This was far from a good look for her and being not only burned but cauterized actually took a lot of her tricks off the table at this point. She growled in pain, and let her head fall back, eyes blinking up at the night sky.

"Ahhhh.... I swear... I swear I'll make you pay for this, you FILTHY JEDI COW. Ahhhh..."

She leaned back up, a very odd accent leaving her form then.

"Venedus êon DIE! Do you hear me, I'll kill you Valery. I am going to KILL YOU!"

She screeched at her, though ultimately would lean back, growling to herself further. She was good with pain, but this kind of pain was always... Always inconceivable. Didn't make it any better than she wasn't accustomed to feeling it.

Valery Noble Valery Noble

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