Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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On The Grind

Jericho raised his head as he examined his surroundings, uncertainty glowing in his deep chocolaty emerald coloured eyes. He caught the sounds of laughing younglings in the distance and the sweet stench of the flowers carried down by the wind and river. A small smirk curled the edges of his lips under his black mask. He loved a peaceful mediation after all, the warrior did not get much of it in comparison to all the battles he had witnessed. The thirst gripped the young male, it was almost overwhelming. He was still weary from his travels, and also hungry. Just getting back to Voss had been a long and complicated escapade, well not really, just more sith.

The male appeared almost like a soundless ghost as he prowled through the beautiful halls of the academy as tracking his way to the mess hall. He ordered himself some food and drink and quickly finished his meal. Not too long after, the warrior went to the simulation room, basically the warriors second home in the order. He began his usual regiment, 5 sets of five hundred push-ups, sit ups, and squats followed by 200 sprints with his heavy armor. After his "light" warm up he took some time to meditate for some time. He took time time to think of the recent battles and saber duels with various trained force-users.

Most recently, he thought of the young Heavenshield, he was able to dislocate his shoulder because the warrior was sloppy and underestimate him. The warriors mistake was letting down his guard and taking it easy and assuming that most of the jedi were focused on their force abilities than their blade work. Theo showed the potential had within all the Order in both the old and the youth, both strength and determination. Just how deep did the sink in the other members, the warrior wondered? Also just where did his own skill peak could he push himself even more than where he was at? It was time to figure out both. He took in a deep breath and long exhale taking in a refreshing need of air and sent out a signal stating a lesson and a challenge for the order.

He was hovering with his legs crossed, awaiting for anyone who wished to partake.

[member="Spencer Jacobs"] [member="Nico Minuro Ike"] [member="Zak Dymo"] [member="Natoline Kerrigan"] [member="Ryn'Dhal"] [member="Nima Tann"]

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
[member="Jericho"] [member="Nima Tann"] [member="Zak Dymo"] [member="Ryn'Dhal"] [member="Natoline Kerrigan"] [member="Spencer Jacobs"]

There was something chiming as Nico sat there, with all the training she had been doing with Lily she really hadn't had the time to pay attention to what was in her terminal. The bed taking care of everything as she slept the worry about missing something important away and finally stopped being lazy laying there. She groaned at getting woken up but someone was issuing a challenge to the order and at the least she should go and see this.

THen she saw the name and realized who that was. "Oh." Saying it while she laid there moving with some of her attention on a few things around the room as she debated how to handle such a thing. Well the obvious answer was... be awesome and see what she could do with Lily's dad to show her what you can do with some dance moves and cool sabers. Her padawan was talented before she rolled off the bed.

"Ahhh" Falling on the stone floor and knocking her head back while she groaned laying there. "Owwie my head." Nico said it laying there and rolling onto her stomach while she felt the cold stone and stood up looking at her reflection in the metal surface as she was getting ready spending the time needed to prep and adjust. Her loose fitted pants with a belt as she secured the buckle of the shield amulet.

Nico finished as she grabbed her tank top and gauntlets checking the power cells with a smile as she grabbed her bracelets, earrings and necklace feeling the force energies flow throughout her body with some excitement looking towards the converter. "Caf, seven sugars." She said it and the converter was working with the cup appearing when she grabbed her boots with a grin letting them auto tighten after she put her feet inside.

The final piece was to just double check herself and Nico grabbed her robe, a special design with no sleeves and it went down to her ankles while she wore it moving a little from foot to foot in the mirror. Her gauntlets she laced up looking at the sabers and shields on them going back and forth while she balanced dancing a little in place spinning on her heel to go towards the door and she was ready wondering what her padawan was doing.

"Might need to explain this to her in some way... or." Nico snapped her fingers while she was conversing with herself. "I get her something shiny and pretty to distract her from the fact her daddy and master fought. Why do now what I can put off for several gifts and maybe years..." She might never have to discuss it if she continued to buy her things... That was as good a plan as anything while she moved to enter the room.

Looking at him, the man, the myth the smolder... no wait that wasn't right and Nico was taking in the sight of Jericho with a nod of her head. "Hey big daddy." Whoops... now she was not exactly certain if he knew who she was and she didn't see someone else near her and could point to and say it was them but taking a sharp inhale Lily looked at the man. Alright she was going to own it and stepped forward looking at him.

"You might not know who I am, or you might. I am not certain and I don't remember if I contacted you... but hi I'm Nico. I am the one training Lily and teaching her how to move like a jedi and run around with sabers. I am not certain what your plan is but hey this should be fun and I am here cause you know chance to meet you in case I forgot." Nico had a grin and a smile appear on her face though while she looked around.

"You guys are killing me." She said it under her breath and bad at the real small talk Nico was wondering what best she could do while she bounced from foot to foot and let in her head her own personal soundtrack play. To dance and enjoy the sights of it all while she was preparing and warming up with inertia playing a part as she slid it to her feet and limbs letting them surge forward into a blur with a corkscrew and flip. 'I like to move it move it, he like to move it move it, she like to move it move it.'
Ryn had been up for quite a while. Being slightly more nocturnal than most at the academy, and surviving more on Meditation cycles than conventional sleep, he was actually meditating out in the gardens when the 'call' came.

He was always a strange one, this masked padawan. He didn't quite grasp that it was a call of challenge. At least, not yet. He felt a draw though. A pull. Towards.... where? He did not know. Setting foot to motion, he roamed, seeking the source of this lure. Down corridors, up stairs, over balconies, and through bushes. He roamed, wandered, and inadvertently found himself retracing [member="Jericho"]'s footsteps through the academy.

Before too long, he found himself in the Simulation Chamber. An armored Jedi, male, and a female Jedi, were already occupying the space. The masked padawan cocked his head towards one shoulder, mask angling in perplexity. "I... am unsure how I wound up here... I hope... I am not intruding, am I? I felt... compelled...?" He seemed to ask, confused. His golden eyes danced between the two faces as he tried to make sense of the situation.

After but a moment though, his back stiffened, as he felt that they both held a much stronger, or rather, significantly more disciplined, connection to the Force. Dropping into a deep bow, partly in respect, and partly in apology, he introduced himself, melodic voice (while slightly distorted by the mask) took on a faint, almost imperceptible twinge of panic. "I-I... I am Padawan Ryn'Dhal. Forgive my rudeness, please!" He'd apologize, perhaps a little more enthusiastically than was really necessary, but still, one only got to make a first impression once.

[member=Nima Tann] | [member=Spencer Jacobs] | [member=Zak Dymo] | [member=Natoline Kerrigan] | [member="Nico Minuro Ike"]
I am the terror that flaps in the night.

I am the headache in the criminal mind.

I am...


Yep. That's me.

What had Zak done this time?

...well, on the advice of legal counsel, we're not going to get into that. Plus, what's done is done. Let's be solution oriented. And right now, Zak was a youngling with about three Jedi Knights, five Antarian Rangers, and one slightly pastry plastered protocol droid on his trail. All of them put out, pissed off, and possibly falling to the Dark Side.

Bolting through the hallways, the Nautolan was a green blur of inhuman speed as he turned the Silver Temple into an Art of Motion playground. A sudden rush of air and the echo of juvenile laughter the mark of his passage as the youngling propelled himself over, under, beneath, up, over, and yonder with bursts of Force Speed.

Whatever cruel god had thought that it was a good idea to give Force powers to a 9 year old obviously knew nothing about children.

Hopping down from a higher level, the boy skipped three corridors over, and then ducked into the nearest open door.

Giggling, the boy peered out from behind the doorway as two Rangers went running past the room in which he'd ducked inside. Another clean getaway. Score one for the Green Te...

As he'd started to take a step forward, chest puffed in obvious pride, the Nautolan's head looked forward and the child was presented with one of those inconvenient truths.

There were people in this room.

"Uh..." the Nautolan began, as his dark eyes scanned the assortment of different faces. A brah in a mask. Random broad. And some dude who looked like he spent way too much time in the gym. "Hi!" the youngling chirped, with a wave of one hand at the gathered audience.

[member="Ryn'Dhal"] | [member="Nico Minuro Ike"] | [member="Jericho"] | [member="Natoline Kerrigan"] | [member="Spencer Jacobs"]​
Starleaves n Stimcafs
Stretching up with some considerable bounce, she pulled her arms behind her to warm up, leaning side to side, then waltzing forward with a Nato-wink, one petite kiffar girl popped herself up on a crate of boxes, because Nato just loved em, ask Fyor or Elpsis. Nato had armor on, whaaaat alright someone had finally won the Nato must wear armor battle going on, but ssssh. Duraplast, red, up to her neck, light, sleek and yes absolutely definitely dark red. Her long black locks draped down her armor, plaited to silver at their tips. Little Ms Kerrigan wore an amused smile to see levitation, she only knew one other person who could do that, so he instantly rated on her cool radar.

Someone else who instantly rated on her cool radar burst through their door, yep Nato had been following the exploits of mr dymo, or really just being nosy, you decide, and she flashed a brief wave back from her box mountain to everyone in their room. Actually she’d been hoping they’d run into each other somewhere, but don’t tell Zakki that!

Aurora her saber was twirled about in her fingers, levitated a short way from her hand and back down again restlessly, she was in definite mood for fun and games, shenanigans! “So… kinda busy here today.” The Kiffar girl said happily, blinking and flopping her lips about, she hated armor, made her toes curl up and her nose itch. "Watcha say we, ah, dunno," mischievous smile on, "do some duelin?" okay she was hoping for some saber swinging action piece, to get all dreamy about before she headed back home again on her boring space trip.

[member="Ryn'Dhal"] | [member="Nico Minuro Ike"] | [member="Jericho"] | [member="Spencer Jacobs"] | [member="Zak Dymo"]​
[member="Nico Minuro Ike"] [member="Zak Dymo"] [member="Natoline Kerrigan"] [member="Ryn'Dhal"]

The warrior kept to his meditation, his mind was at peace as the flow of the force around his being kept his body warm. The virtual room filled the enclosed are with fluffy white clouds that swirled ever slowly as if doing a smooth dance with the deep blue background of the Voss day sky. The sun was shining bright over the fresh and green grass. The smell of the calm river mixed with the smell of leaves and pines of the near by trees. Jericho narrowed his eyes briefly at it and gave a light sigh though his face mask of satisfaction as he got the meditation time that he wanted before anyone answered his call for the duel. It was needed to keep himself balanced in the force; to be neither slave of the extremities of the light or the darkness. It was by no means easy to do so but the way the warrior thought of it; as an irritation but one he had learned to deal with in his everyday life.

The large man leaned back as he hovered to feel the flow of the force more immensely. Jericho felt the warmth of the light and the cold of the darkness sway within his being pushing back and forth as the ocean. The warrior opened his eyes and his eyes picked out the brief twisting shimmers caused by the fish that darted just below the water’s surface. The sound of birds filtered through the air and the gentle scents of flowers in bloom caught the man’s senses and it filled him with ease. Then suddenly he could feel movement in the force. "Hey big daddy!" The voice called out rather loudly for how the setting was. He slightly turned his head and looked over to a face with the voice; it was a woman and a young one at that. Big daddy? He questioned to himself, was that a proper response to a master? The ability to speak to the higher ranking Jedi was different indefinately from that of the republic unless it was change there too.

Then again, he was privately trained by Asha Seren who was a quiet and calm master. They may have all been this way and he was just now understanding it. His feet touched the ground light and face her doing s slight bow to the young teacher. "I thank you." The man said calmly but his voice boomed and was stern. "I am sure she will learn much from you and it is truly a pleasure to meet you, Lady Nico." As he was about to explain his intention, It was not long after that a few more entered the room. He bowed his head to three that newly entered the once calm room now bustled with their youthful energy. So four on one, two were exceptionally young and the other two seemed to be more capable. Not that any of them weren't. He looked to the goldened eyed masked padawan shook his head. "You are not being rude at all, Padawan."

Jericho adjusted his mask slightly and let out a sigh, were the sanctum members all like this? Though it was a refreshing, it was different from what he was use to. He was more use to the intense situations, life or death. But a four on one duel may still give him that rush to take this duel seriously, only time would tell. "I am known as Master Jericho. Welcome." He started off. "We will indeed be duelling." He said to the knight. He used the force to to summon over to him a couple of training sabers and connected one of them to his belt. "Now, it will be you four against me. You made use your sabers and any force abilities you know. Take this as a training exercise for your own abilities as well as team building." He stated as he ignited the saber and its white glow took form. "Now any questions? If not, come and let us begin."

(OOC: Sorry for taking so long, I understand if you all are not longer interested!)

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
[member="Jericho"] [member="Natoline Kerrigan"] [member="Zak Dymo"] [member="Ryn'Dhal"]

Nico was looking at him and at the others as she thought about it with a grin on her face. Four on one... not since her days at school has she heard of such things.. though that was the head cheerleader and the gravball team rumors. She had her saber gauntlets while standing there and adjusting her shirt to make sure it was secured and wouldn't ride up while she was looking at the other ones. "Well this should be fun, might even break a sweat." She had to say it, this was just to good a chance to pass up and she would ge to say she smacked around her padawans dad.... or that he did it to her, either way she would have some fun and a story to tell while rubbing her hands together with the gauntlets. "Lets get it on."
[member="Jericho"] [member="Nico Minuro Ike"] [member="Ryn'Dhal"] [member="Zak Dymo"] [member="Natoline Kerrigan"]

Poodoo....I'm late! He thought as he ran down the hall of the Voss Jedi Temple. His feet carried swiftly by the force as he turned a corner and then another, Nearly plowing over several Antarian Rangers as he did. They sure are in a hurry Ran through his mind as he quickly opened the door and burst into the class room.....Immediately tripping over the form of his young friend [member="Zak Dymo"] , A howl of pain leaving him as his masked face hit the floor, His mask cracking in twine to expose his scarred face to the light and sight of those around him. Seconds later he was back to his feet and wiping the blood from his nose with one hand as he extended the other to the young Nautolan in an attempt to help him up as well..... "You nearly broke my face Zak.... Not that it could damage all this beauty"
The masked padawan glanced between the various other contenders in the room. He genuinely did not relish the prospect of being on the receiving end of the unevenly scaled match. But, he would welcome the challenge.

He calmly took his twin sabers, adjusting their power output to their lowest settings. "It is safe to assume we're all setting our weapons to non-lethal output... correct?" He asked the question out of pure rhetoric. It was more to remind any whom hadn't already done so, to do it now. This padawan had no desire to leave this engagement minus a limb or two, or worse.

After adjusting his sabers, he'd step forth, igniting the pair with a dramatic flourish. "Under the current circumstances, and my distinct disadvantage of inexperience, I'll skip the single and go with my more comfortable duo." Those golden eyes danced between his would-be allies for this engagement, before focusing on the opponent. "I pray you'll let me take the first dance...." He'd say, that melodic voice never ceasing in it's velvety tones. Those silver blades passed one, after the other, in opposing paths, before his face, before striking a modified Soresu stance. He was not going to exert himself excessively from the onset, instead would rely on his naturally more potent agility and reflexes to enable him to attempt to block and evade the more experienced Master's inevitable attacks.

[member="Jericho"] | [member="Nico Minuro Ike"] | [member="Ryker Tal'verda"] | [member="Natoline Kerrigan"] | [member="Zak Dymo"]
Lightsabers were being ignited.

"ALL RIGHT!" The boy cheered, raising both hands in the air. This was much better than meditation class. Grabbing the curved-hilt lightsaber from off his belt, a pearlescant white blade shone brightly in the youngling's grip as he faced the center of the room and performed a quick Makashi flourish.

What was everybody waitin' around for? There was no taking turns in lightsaber! "Let's do this, fluffy!" the child sang, grinning over at [member="Ryn'Dhal"], before he barreled toward the uber-gym-time brah who seemed to be running the show.

Jumping up in the air, the small Nautolan was coming at [member="Jericho"] like a dark horse. Both hands wrapped around the lightsaber in what was supposed to be Form V's Falling Avalanche.

This was Zak. Zero thought, 100% action. Were you expecting anything different?

[member="Ryker Tal'verda"] | [member="Nico Minuro Ike"] | [member="Natoline Kerrigan"]​
He looked over to the new entry to and gave him a slight bow of his head. "Wel--" Jericho was about to say before being rudely cut off by the young padawan. Jericho took three steps back then raised his hand and focused a force push on the lone attacker. "Team building." The warrior uttered calmly to he young one before looking back to the knight. "Welcome." He looked to the masked one referred as the "Fluffy one" and analyzed him compared to the reckless one he was much more calm and relied on reaction and defense teeling by the soreau stance. Nico continued her light bounce telling from her actions she was prepping for fast movements most of her attacks and style, he assumed from her frame and bounce, were going to be light in and out meant to wear out her foe before ending with some sort of heavy strike. ericho couldn't help but let out a sigh and wondered how this was going to turn out. The warrior with sabers clipped to his belt; did a bow to his would be foes before quickly skipping backwards and unleashing a visble blueish colored force wave meant to push back anyone who didn't defend against it and shaped an under tone of air that would render the same effect second later to catch them off guard.

[member="Nico Minuro Ike"] | [member="Ryker Tal'verda"] | [member="Natoline Kerrigan"] | [member="Zak Dymo"] [member="Ryn'Dhal"]

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
[member="Jericho"] [member="Zak Dymo"] [member="Ryn'Dhal"] [member="Ryker Tal'verda"]

Nico moved with the push he gave while she focused to repel and protect herself while she saw the others. Her gauntlets remaining deactivated as she stopped seeing the others while her focus was on how she could duel Jericho. 'Alright time to have some fun.' She was looking at a few of the padawans and knights before she bounced off her foot and strafed around the sides looking for a quicker opening so the others could move in. Her opportunity would come with something fun.

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