Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Old Wounds

Anora scoffed at him, "Yes," she answered and made a face at him when she was turned to face him. But then she continued to turn, and continued to move. Little sways of her hips became deeper gyrates, and there was less rigidness to her body as she shifted and moved about. Occasionally her gaze would find his between turns of her frame, but she never remained facing him or let her eyes linger on him long while she did a much less playful dance.

Tyran Numeck

Mandalorian Supercommando
This was new behavior and all Tyran could do was stare at her. No Jedi moved like that, or at least not one that he'd ever seen at any rate. "Are you sure?" He said turning his chair back to face her. "You're acting a bit....different."
"I'm fine," Anora repeated, though she hadn't stopped moving any. She kept at it, keeping her body in sync with the music, using the beat to really pop a movement here or there. "I told you I could dance." she stated, almost sing-songish as she turned her back to him and still continued to move.

Tyran Numeck

Mandalorian Supercommando
"Well based off what you showed me earlier I wasn't inclined to believe you. that was more like having a fit than dancing." He said as he watched her move to the music. "Where did you learn this particular skill?"
"Well you know," she started, and she gyrate in a slow circle until she had turned around to face him again. "I wasn't always stuck in a Temple on Kashyyyk." she remind him. "At one time, I did have friends, and I was just a regular girl who did regular things with those friends. Which included sneaking out more than I probably should have to go to what I had thought at the time were the most amazing parties."

She made a face and shook her head, "Looking back? They were not amazing."

Tyran Numeck

Mandalorian Supercommando
"See I was training to be a soldier as a kid, didn't do too much partying until I was in my early twenties." He admitted. Sure Mandalorians had parties but they had a lot of other past times and things to do that they considered fun that others in the galaxy might not. He preferred to spend his time doing those other things than party, it had to due with his need to be productive.

Tyran Numeck

Mandalorian Supercommando
"See I was training to be a soldier as a kid, didn't do too much partying until I was in my early twenties." He admitted. Sure Mandalorians had parties but they had a lot of other past times and things to do that they considered fun that others in the galaxy might not. He preferred to spend his time doing those other things than party, it had to due with his need to be productive.
"Makes sense," Anora shrugged, and somehow managed to make the movement fit right into her still dancing frame. "Obviously it didn't last long for me." she reminded him. "And you know, I don't even remember what happened when I apparently connected with the Force?" her head shook and her eyes narrowed just a tad. "Sometimes it feels like one day everything was normal, and then the next I was being whisked off to the Temple..."

Tyran Numeck

Mandalorian Supercommando
"So you weren't given any choice in the matter?" He asked her. "How old were you when the Jedi took you?"

He'd love to see a Jedi try to take a Mandalorian child from its parents without giving them a say in the matter. Wouldn't end well at all for the Jedi.
That question have Anora cause for pause, though her body didn't stop moving any. Well, not really at least. She did slow down a little as she thought about it. "Eighteen, or nineteen maybe?" She hadn't been a child, but there still hadn't been much hesitation from her family when it came to them agreeing for her to go.

"They all said it would be better for me, better for everyone for me to go. They made it sound like if I didn't go, I would end up doing something bad, or someone would end up hurt or something."

Tyran Numeck

Mandalorian Supercommando
"Sounds like you don't owe them any favors then." He said. He wouldn't blame her if she got a little rough with them before she revealed who she was to them when the pair finally got to Denon and finished up this contract.
Now she stopped moving, and a slow frown pulled down the corners of her mouth. "I don't owe anyone any favors, really." she countered. And it was true enough. Thinking on it now, her whole life had pretty much been one let down after another. One patch of problems traded immediately for another set. Being brushed aside by more hands than she wanted to bother counting.

"Well, maybe one person." she sighed as she returned to sink back into her chair. "But he's a bit of an nerf herder, so we'll see how that goes."

Tyran Numeck

Mandalorian Supercommando
He smirked at her. "See that sounds like you're trying to insult me but I've been called way worse than that, and who says I'd want any favors from you, the big pain in the ass that you are!" He said with an overly abundant helping of his sarcastic tone.
"Oh, well if that's the case..." Anora sighed and put her arms up behind her head and lounged back a bit in her chair. "I suppose you'll have a grand time trying to find my parents once we get to Denon..."
Her head came up slowly, and she squint across the small space between them. "And just what sort of favors are you talking about?" she questioned him, her tone as even as it could be in that moment.

Tyran Numeck

Mandalorian Supercommando
He opened his mouth to say something but the nav computer began chirping and drew his attention over to it instead of her. "You'll have to hold that thought," He said as he looked at the data. "We're coming out of lightspeed and into Denon's orbit. Time to suit up."

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