Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Old Wounds

"Mhm, suuure...." she let out, though had at least turned back to dishes now. "I see your strategy there though. Creepy mechanic gets an eyeful, creepy mercenary gets his hands all over the girl." Her tongue clicked and she shook her head just slightly. "I suppose if we're being honest, it was well played." Now she was smirking fully and couldn't even remotely attempt to hide it.
"I'll add it to the list of lessons." she shot back to him with a shake of the head. "Though you know, you don't have to execute half-lucky plans to get handsy. You could have just asked." She informed him with a shrug of the shoulder. Whether she was joking or not was completely up in the air.

Tyran Numeck

Mandalorian Supercommando
"What do you mean half lucky?! It worked!" He said with a grin that was promptly erased by her comment. "I will keep that in mind." He said caught offguard slightly before he pulled himself back together. "You know you just keep reinforcing my belief that the Jedi path was the wrong one for you. I've got a feeling you're going to be good at this job, once you get some training under your belt."
Anora was quiet for a moment while she alternated between washing and drying dishes. "Not so surprisingly, I agree with you." she finally stated. "About all of it." She most definitely felt as if she didn't belong anywhere near the Jedi now, and while she couldn't predict whether or not she would be good at this new job? She certainly wasn't opposed to getting the proper training and giving it a try.

Tyran Numeck

Mandalorian Supercommando
"So you're sister has a sith born lover, what about you?" He asked her. "Any goody-goody Jedi ever try to steal you away?" He grinned. "For all the talking we've done you haven't really told me much about yourself, other than your issues with the Jedi and your sister. What are some things you're good at, something you know that you're just naturally gifted with doing?"
"Me?" Anora's brow creased until it nearly met in the middle, and she shifted so that she was facing the cockpit again. "I'm sorry, have you met me?" a half laugh slipped past her lips. "No, no goody-goody Jedi, or any other guy for that matter has ever attempted to get my attention." she waved a hand and then finished up with the last of the dishes before she made her way back to the co-pilot's chair.

"I was good at running, which sounds like a ridiculous thing to be good at, but I was. Competitively even. I could always get the most stubborn animals herded, or to obey - though honestly looking back now, that could have been my connection to the Force." She sighed and rolled her eyes, "And dance," she pointed at him quickly, "Don't laugh," she instructed. "But I was good with all kinds of dance." It was part of why she was so agile.

Tyran Numeck

Mandalorian Supercommando
He did laugh because he just didn't see her as a dancer. "I'll believe it when I see it Anora." Then his eyebrow raised. "You know what, prove it. We don't have anything but time to kill and I'm game for some amusement." He said to her as he hit a few buttons on the control board and some catchy glimmick music began playing.
"I told you not to laugh!" the brunette protested, and there was even a hue of pink that colored both of her cheeks and across the bridge of her nose. "See if I give you information about anything ever again." she huffed out.

And when music started? Well, the blush stayed on her face, but her expression went flat as a board. "You have got to be kidding me..."
That...was a challenge. Even if it wasn't meant to be a challenge, to Anora? That was a challenge! "Fine."

With that, the brunette got up from her seat with a bit of a snap to her movements. He wanted a dance? Well fine, she'd give him a damn dance. Anora put a bit of space between herself and the chairs. For a moment she stood there, let the music play and caught up with the beat, and then she moved.

And clearly tried very hard not to laugh.

Tyran Numeck

Mandalorian Supercommando
Tyran started laughing. "Alright, alright you can stop. Please before you take your own eye out." He said as he shut off the music. "I think you need to change your definition of dancing!" He grinned. "Really though, it's good to see you not taking yourself so seriously." He stood up and went to the cupboard and grabbed that jar of homemade Mando booze that he'd given her a few days ago. "I think you can have this back, just go easy on it this time!"
She couldn't help but to laugh this time around, and when he shut the music off she whined playfully at him. "Oh come on, I was just starting to get into it!" she giggled but didn't really fuss over much.

However, when he came back with the good stuff? Both of Anora's brows lofted and she reached out to take it from him. "I promise, there will be no half naked escapades to kill creepy mechanics, or running half naked into creepy mercenary arms." She did not however hesitate to get the jar open and get a drink.

Tyran Numeck

Mandalorian Supercommando
"I will say you've taken to tihaar faster than anyone I've ever met." He said as he watched her take the jar with maybe a bit too much excitement. "Just so you know, I'm cool with the running half naked into mercenary arms bit, I had no problems with that part." he said as he grabbed himself his own jar and took a healthy sip and went back to the control board and turned on the music again.
Once Anora separated from the lip of the jar, she hummed out towards him. "Oh, I'm sure you don't." she half teased, and shook her head at him. "Maybe you'll get lucky." she added with a shrug of the shoulder before taking another drink of her own. However, she put the lid back on it and set it down beside her seat once she had sat back down herself.

And not ten minutes later had it back in her hands again - though she was sipping at it, rather than taking anymore big drinks like she had. "Drinks on Kashyyyk are not like this." she informed him, then made a face. "Though, I figure of course you know that. Naturally."

Tyran Numeck

Mandalorian Supercommando
"We take three things seriously on Mandalore: Soldiering, family and our booze." He said proudly. "This isn't even the strongest recipe, you can run a space ship on some of the stuff other Clans produce." he said giving her a nod. "Once we're done with your parents then we'll return to Mandalore and you can see for yourself."
She squint at him for a long moment, and then looked at the jar in her hands. "I don't know that I want to try anything stronger than this..." she admitted. "Or that I should, for that matter." Not that she was afraid to try it, and hey between now and then? She may want something stronger.

Tyran Numeck

Mandalorian Supercommando
"You might not have a choice in the matter," He grinned at her. "A lot of the bars on Mandalore serve only the strong stuff. Something tells me you'll have a tolerance for this stuff by the time we head out for Mandalore though." He put the lid back on his jar because he still had to talk with the air traffic controller on Denon when they came out of hyperspace in a few hours.
"Well, I suppose we'll see what happens between now and then, hm?" she shrugged a shoulder, and then got up from her seat and disappeared from view for just a moment or two. When she came back, her boots were missing, but she was at least still clothed otherwise. Though now as she made her way back towards her chair, there were little, but much more fluid movements of her body to the music as she made her way along.

Tyran Numeck

Mandalorian Supercommando
He was seeing those swaying movements in her body language again and he wasn't sure if it was from the tihaar or she was just moving to the music. "Hey, you good?" He called to her. She wasn't sloppy drunk or even wobbly but he still felt like it was the right thing to do and ask her.

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