Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Old Scool OOM

NAME: SC-A1 (Special Commander-Alpha 1) (Retcon)
AGE: Unknown (Earliest memory list the year BBY 20)
HEIGHT: 1.91m
WEIGHT: 65kg
EYES: Black
SKIN: Metallic Tan



Programming -

+ Pilot: Following basic procedure for the CIS SC-A1 was selected for the pilot program.

+ Engineer: Along with Piloting, Engineering programming was installed, for both repairing vehicles and fellow droids, to slicing mainframes or enemy vehicles.

+ Combat: Like every battle droid, Combat programming was the first thing installed.

+ OOM Model: Unlike the B-1 counter-parts SC-A1 is an older OOM model, which means he was given a personality cortex which allowed self-learning.

- EMP: Like every droid, EMP is a sure fire way to get destroyed or worse, an unexpected shutdown.

- Frail Body: SC-A1 is part of the Skeletal droid family, and thus is made of light and cheap materials which means he can be easily broken.

- Old Technology: Like most droids built for battle the average lifespan of droids ranges from a few minutes to a few years, thus their programming is never updated unless it has become debilitating.

APPEARANCE: B1 battle droid with Blue coloring on head and back signifying programming as a Pilot droid.

BIOGRAPHY: SC-A1, or ALPHA is an OOM model Droid built in one of the many factories on the Planet Geonosis, it was programmed to be a pilot droid initially for logistics and transport, but as the need for more cruisers was needed, to protect the CIS growing borders, SC-A1 was given an upgraded droid brain, and given the High rank, for a droid, of Lieutenant. Used mainly as an escort for non-combatants SC-A1 follows orders and commands only from the Admiralty. It may converse with any passengers it has or is escorting on its ship but will only follow the orders of the Military and protocol, though with the upgraded brain SC-A1 can and has learned and adapted to events that have fallen out of protocol. Though it is considered and Older droid, the fact that it is a droid who commands a cruiser and follows orders with minimal argument has made its mark on the Admiralty especially as something to send out on simple missions such as escorting Diplomats, or trade good, as then the more modern military tools can be put towards more important things.

SHIP: The Scar- Providence-class carrier.

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