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Approved Tech Old Field Marshal Armor

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Field Marshall Armor


  • Classification: Multipurpose, Basilisk Rider Armour
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Extreme
    • Kinetic: Very High
    • Slugthrowers: Extreme (Small Arms), High (Heavy Weapons)
    • Lightsabers: Very High
    • Sonic: None
    • EMP/ION: Low
    • Sensors: Very High
    • Fire: Very Low
    • Cryo: Very Low
    • Acid: Low
    • Tensor: High
    • Radiation: Very Low
  • Heavy Environmental Seals, giving protection from hostile environments, and protection in a vacuum - 2 hours of oxygen during average endurance, 30 minutes during high endurance.
  • Beskar Alloy - Resistant to Lightsabers, Small Arm Blaster fire, Small Arms Slugthrowers, and Shrapnel.
  • Heavy Weapons Shoulder Mounts - most crew-served weapons or heavy weapons can be mounted in these slots, although it considerably would decrease mobility further, typically by two states. Four, if both mounts used (may become immobile).
  • Night Ops Stygian-Triprismatic Armor, causing it to be nearly immune to all sensors, and nearly invisible to the naked eye in pitch black areas.
  • Back as a slot and connector to fit a Jetpack
  • Advanced Helmet
    • 360 HUD; Displays tactical data such as the location and distance to a target, and the health of the wearer.
    • Specialized internal sensors which detect makes, models, and relative accuracy of any weapon that is programmed into it and can adjust the format of the targeting reticule for different weapons the user wields.
    • Built-in Enviro Filter.
    • Visor Special Features; Macrobinoculars, Night Vision, and Thermal-vision
    • Built-in GPS
    • Built-in hydration tube which allows for consuming liquids without having to remove the helmet, mainly used in combat situations.
  • Advanced Body Features
  • Beskar: Beskar'gam (Lightsaber, blaster, slugthrower resistance).
  • Stealth: Nearly completely hidden from sensors, and from the naked eye in dark areas.
  • Limited Range of Motion: The armor is excessively bulky, and even if being powered, the creates stress on the human frame. Excessive momentum requires high endurance, and least of all exceptional strength.
  • Weight: The armor alone weighs more than the average loadout of a soldier.
  • Lightly Armored Joints: To compensate for the weight and low mobility, the joints have more freedom than most of the armor, however this drops all ratings (except environmental related) one state.
  • Helmet Lacks Electronic Warfare Defenses: The Helmet is exceptionally sensitive to EMP/ION, and it completely loses all protection to EMP/ION if directly hit, causing the elctrical components to completely fail.
Ordo Be Ar'klim, the legendary Mandalorian Field Marshal, is not just defined by his name or his deeds on the battlefield; his history is intricately woven with the very armor he wore for a lifetime. Each scratch, dent, and mark tells a story of resilience, courage, and the unyielding spirit of a warrior who has faced the harshest of trials and emerged victorious.

The armor of Ordo Be Ar'klim is more than mere protection; it is a testament to his journey, a reflection of his experiences, and a symbol of his unwavering commitment to his beliefs. Crafted from beskar, the rare and formidable metal sacred to Mandalorian culture, Ordo's armor embodies the strength and tradition of his people. Its matte black surface bears the scars of countless battles, each one a testament to Ordo's indomitable will and determination.

From the moment Ordo dons this armor, he becomes a living legend, a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Whether he is leading his troops into the heart of battle or negotiating with rival factions, his armor serves as a constant reminder of his Mandalorian heritage and his unwavering dedication to his cause.

The armor itself is a work of art, meticulously crafted to provide maximum protection. Its sleek, angular design reflects the Mandalorian ethos of strength and resilience, while its reinforced plating ensures that Ordo remains virtually impervious to all but the most powerful of attacks.

But it is not just the physical attributes of the armor that make it so formidable; it is also infused with the spirit of its original owner. Ordo's existence imbues the armor with a sense of purpose and determination, empowering him or the wearer it is granted unto to face even the most daunting of challenges with unwavering resolve.

Throughout Ordo's long and storied career, he has faced countless adversaries, each one more formidable than the last. Yet, through it all, his armor has remained a constant companion, a silent sentinel that has stood by his side through the darkest of times.

From the dusty plains of Corellia to the farthest reaches of the galaxy, Ordo's armor has borne witness to his triumphs and tragedies alike. It has been battered and broken, but never defeated, a testament to the resilience of its original owner and the unbreakable bond between a Mandalorian warrior and his armor.

As Ordo continues to write his legend, his armor will remain a symbol of everything he stands for: honor, courage, and the unyielding spirit of the Mandalorian people. And though his journey may be far from over, one thing is certain: as long as his armor remains, it will always be a legend among legends, a companion of the Mandalorian hero.

Ordo's Field Marshal armor is a masterpiece of Mandalorian craftsmanship, meticulously designed to provide the ultimate protection in combat. Crafted from the legendary beskar metal, it is a formidable suit that reflects the resilience and strength of its wearer.

The armor's primary color is a sleek matte black, symbolizing Ordo's unwavering resolve and his readiness to confront the darkness of the galaxy. Adorned with gray joints, the armor seamlessly blends functionality with aesthetic appeal, ensuring that the wearer can move with power and precision on the battlefield.

The breastplate of the armor features striking red stripes, reference to claw marks, a bold statement of Ordo's prowess as a warrior. Each stripe tells a story of victory and triumph, a reminder of the countless battles he has fought and emerged victorious from.

The helmet, a crucial component of any Mandalorian armor, is a masterpiece of design and functionality. With its sleek black visor, it conceals the wearer's identity while providing him with enhanced visibility and tactical awareness on the battlefield. The T-shaped visor, adorned with a vibrant red hue, adds a touch of intimidation to the armors formidable presence.

Embedded within the armor are various compartments and attachments, each serving a specific purpose in the wearers arsenal. From the gauntlet-mounted vibroblade to the wrist mounted flamethrower, every weapon is meticulously integrated into the suit, ensuring that the wearer is always prepared for whatever challenges he may face.

The armor's construction is both durable and precisely made, allowing the wearer to move with daunting power without failure in combat. Reinforced plating protects vital areas while allowing for as much flexibility in the joins as it can, enabling the wearer to engage enemies with a defeaning presence and raw strength.

Scattered across the surface of the armor are the scars of battle, each one a testament to Ordo's resilience and determination. These marks serve as a reminder of the countless trials he has faced and overcome, a testament to his unwavering commitment to his cause.

As the Field Marshal armor strides onto the battlefield, the armor gleaming in the harsh light of the suns, it embodies the spirit of the Mandalorian warrior: fearless, indomitable, and ready to face whatever challenges the galaxy may throw its way. With this iconic armor as a shield and its unwavering resolve as a guide, the wearer - when granted unto, not stolen by - shall be emboldened by history, tragedy, and legend, forever, always.

Etched into the armor are words and names from those who Ordo considers to be the most important in his life. Anyone observing the armor would clearly see them in proper lighting.

Beskar cuyir cuun tal -- Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel
Vod o'r irud, oyar'u bal ratiin -- Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn
A full House Skirata emblem on the shoulder -- Gilamar Skirata Gilamar Skirata
"B D E" on the chestplate -- Ordo Ordo
Ni cuyir ni ceta - Preliat Mantis Preliat Mantis
Pabida gar osi'kyr tome -- Mia Monroe Mia Monroe
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