Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Oh Yeah, I'll Be Responsible with the Force (Character Introduction)

Silver Rest, Kashyyyk
It had only been a few days since that shuttle had brought her here. She'd never seen so much wildlife in one place before. The concept of 'jungles' and 'mountains' belonged in grainy holovids about the rest of the Galaxy and stories she'd been told as a little kid. They never seemed like they'd be part of her reality. The first few days she'd stayed in the Temple, she'd looked out of the windows and out at the rest of the planet in a mild awe. So much green. She'd never breathed air so fresh, nor seen skies so beautiful. Of course, amazing new sights and a planet of wonders can only keep a girl from mischief for a short time.

Aoife had never really seen an organisation as large as the Order before but she'd started picking up on some things. The way things were organised, the movement of people and where she should and shouldn't go. She had a dormitory room that was easily double the size of her bedroom at home and they'd trusted her to decorate it how she saw fit. There wasn't really much in there yet, aside from a few broken electrical parts and a fuzzy hologram of her parents. The Gardens had looked very nice when she'd been shown around and she was itching to explore them one day. Maybe not when she was alone, though. One step at a time. Most importantly, she'd noticed where the food was brought in, and when.

That morning, she'd headed down from the dorms and out towards the hanger bays. There were vast landing pads there for shuttles and ships of all kinds. Aoife'd heard about Jedi ships and fighter vessels that docked there sometimes, as well as the shuttles that brought her and others to and from Kashyyyk. A couple of people had even said something about famous dignitaries from the Core Worlds, Republic diplomats and Alliance show-offs, but she didn't believe them. As if. They just didn't come to the same places that Aoife did, though she'd be hard-pressed to tell anyone why that'd be. What even is a Republic? Where is it?

She smirked at one of the guards as she passed them, giving him a winning smile as she stepped into the hanger bay. "Just seein' if my friends are back!" she said. It was only a little, teeny lie. She might have had friends off-world, waiting to come back. What would he know? Without waiting for an answer, or any real permission, she stepped inside the vast hanger bay and caught sight of her target. A supply shuttle, bringing in the essentials to keep the Order running. Aoife slipped between the ships, making her way towards the unloading shuttle. Hearing the chatter, arguments and complaints of the crew as they moved the crates. Aoife knelt by a passenger shuttle, staring as they pulled down the crates, watching the crew sweat it out.

Aoife waited patiently, watching. Waiting for the moment. It came pretty quickly. One of the younger crewman swore and dropped the crate, the box splitting open on one side. Aoife giggled quietly as she watched him dance around, wiggling his foot in a bit of pain. She took advantage though as she saw some of the goods skitter and roll out across the floor. Rolls of cloth. Metal discs that looked like they held full meals. Fruits and vegetables. And... Yes!!! Sweets. A metal tin she recognised.

She narrowed her eyes and reached out, willing the tin into her hands. With a little scuff on the floor, it started to roll towards her. Picking up speed, it rolled quicker and quicker until it zipped right into her palm. Aoife drew back and raised her fist in the air in triumph. Mmmmmm sweeeeeets, finally. She'd put them back, honest! Maybe after she'd sampled some. Gotta make sure they aren't poisoned, right? She stuffed them into her little satchel back and made for the exit, feeling a little bit of mischievous pride in a job well... stolen?
Aoife Lyons Aoife Lyons

Slip walked around the hangar, lost and confused. So much was happening, what was going on? He had only just recently arrived in a shuttle after being accepted into the order, thanks to Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red vouching for him, and his own dangerous Force abilities. Now, he was in the hangar, just recently having gotten off of the shuttle, and had no idea where to go. To be honest, he was pretty terrified, so many loud noises, people were everywhere, and his anxieties were coming up. The voices were telling him to just go back, forget it, no one wants you here. No, that can't be true. But... what if it was. What if everyone here actually hated him? Did someone just glance at him in disgust. Slip was panicking, hard.

He was really freaking out.

No, the voices must be wrong. Right? There was no way. Most of them didn't even know who he was. But maybe they could sense who he really was, through the Force. No one wanted to deal with the one that needed extra help, the one with mental disorders, right? He shook his head. But these were Jedi, they would be friendly, right? Ah! So much! His thoughts were spinning, flying here and there and everywhere, he was really freaking out.

He walked through the hangar, his hands on his head, like he was trying to keep it from breaking apart. Then, he bumped into a girl. He looked at her. "Ah- um, s-sorry!" He said. Slip noticed that she was picking up food from a crate from the cargo ship. Was she... stealing? Oh god, oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god. What was he going to do?! He hadn't dealt with anything like this before!

"Um, sorry, but- ah, are you, taking those?" He asked the girl.
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The morning hours found Milla following her typical path as she wound her way through the halls and into the hangar, before she'd try to sneak outside and climb up into the trees that bordered Silvers Rest. Her bare feet pa softly on the cement, while her tail lazy swung from side to side. Most people paid her little mind as she was a common sight early in the morning. A few people greeted her or merely nodded. All the same people going about the same..... Milla paused and took a step back to peer between two ships.

There she spotted two new younglings about her age, ones she'd never seen before. The first was a girl holding a metal tin of some sort. There was a look in her eyes that held a glint of mischief, and Milla knew her mischief when she saw it. The second was a boy maybe a year or two older than her. He looked nervous about something, was it what the girl was up to? There was only one way to find out.

Milla silently slipped closer, her bare feet making no sound. That's when she heard the boy ask if the girl was taking something. She knew it! Mischief was abound! Milla stepped out from her hiding spot and gave a toothy grin, showing off her sharpened canines, while her tail fought the urge to twitch excitedly. "Hi!"

Aoife Lyons Aoife Lyons Subject 648 Slipknot Subject 648 Slipknot
Aoife Lyons Aoife Lyons Milla Caranthyr Milla Caranthyr

Slip never heard the other girl approach them.

When she appeared out of nowhere, surprising him, he nearly had a heart attack. "Gah!" He yelped in surprise. He jumped a little bit, and he swore in Huttese. His heart probably skipped a beat. Why didn't he notice her approach? The other experiments probably would have noticed her. What was wrong with him? True, he had more mental issues than the others, and he was younger and his training was cut far shorter than the others, so he wasn't as experienced. Still, she nearly scared the living daylights out of him.

"H-hi. Has anyone told you you're a bit... what's the word? Energetic. I mean, it's cool and everything, but I think my heart stopped for a second." He told her, panting, out of breath. He coughed a little bit, but all seemed good.

He examined the newcomer. She was a young girl, smaller than Slip, and seemed to be about one to two years younger than him. She had what looked like fangs. Fangs?! Scary, but cool! She also had a tail that seemed to be wanting to twitch around and- wait, a tail?! She had a tail?! That was so cool!
"Cool! You have a tail! That's awesome!" Slip blurted out.

He blinked, realizing he said that out loud.
"S-sorry. I- uh, um. Right, sorry. Hi." He said, getting flustered. Why was he getting flustered?! It was just a girl that creeped up on him, scared him to half to death, and had really cool features like fangs and a tail. To be honest, these two were probably the first normal girls outside of the experimental laboratories he had ever met or talked to. Should he be nervous? He was pretty confused.

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