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Oh My! Power/Rangers Reboot. So dark. So GOOD

Connor Harrison

[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

That's the most mental thing I've seen for a long it drains the fun from the old golden days of the Power Rangers!

Love it. And that sword? Yes please.


Disney's Princess

Connor Harrison

The amount of short independent films like this show great potential in what could be out there. It reminds me of 'The Punisher'.

And on that note, check out this film from the same team - 'The Punisher: Dirty Laundry', with Thomas Jane back as Frank Castle and set after his 2004 debut. This Adi Shankar knows how to deliver!

Connor Harrison

[member="Kazuya Maxwell"] I don't think this incarnation is ever going to hit cinemas. In fact, the 'Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers' ARE due a reboot for the big screen but I think it's more family friendly, not this twisted awesomeness.

Anyone notice Megazord in the opening battle? That was amazing. Sad to see him lose his sword, then his arm THEN explodes! :(

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Sadly I agree with you even tho this version is cool and interesting. Tho was it me or did the beginning remind anyone of Halo?

Either way my friends and I keep finding hints about the reboot of the 'Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers'. Would like to see it when the reboot come out in theaters. Would be cool if they brought back some of the old members in the movie for cameo but I get the feeling that they might not do this.

Connor Harrison

[member="Kazuya Maxwell"]

Found this online about the reboot:

On May 7, 2014, Saban and Lionsgate announced that they would be working together to produce a new Power Rangers feature film. Roberto Orci was originally attached to produce and Ashley Miller and Zack Stentz were hired to write the script for the film. Orci told IGN that the film will be in continuity with the series and any of the original actors are open for a cameo in the reboot. This film is scheduled for release on July 22, 2016. On September 19, 2014, it was announced that Orci would no longer be producing the film due to his commitment with the Star Trek series. On September 24, 2014, Jason David Frank told Comic that he will probably will be involved and the studio has talk to him about doing the film. Frank told Comic that filming may start this year.

So it's not the worst bit of info, but still... I imagine it to be in context with most reboots nowadays, like 'Star Trek'.

And I agree about the Halo opening! Those rifles looked very Halo-esque, as did the planet and the 1st person shooter view.
I can respect Jason's opinion and I agree with him that it's kind of something you can't take away from the kids, but inside I can't help but love it. This is only a short film however and won't be going to cinemas at all. It was a short, one-off flick. There won't be anything more that comes from it.

That being said, I still loved all 15 minutes of it, especially the messed up plot twist at the end.


Disney's Princess
Funny. I wasn't allowed to watch Power Rangers as a kid because my mom was a pacifist and thought it was too violent of an inspiration for me and my brothers. Lol. Oops. :p

Got to give it to Jason though. When the real deal comes around, it will be awesome. :D
Not surprised. Just about any company will claim copyright for the sake of it now. Most aren't aware of the actual legality between fan-films, parody, and plagiarism. There's nothing in the video that violates the copyright. Saban is up in arms cause of their reboot with Lionsgate. Just sad when you can't even make a fan film without the fear of big corporation reprisal.

[member="Connor Harrison"]
I think Jason is a classy guy (maybe thats my inner crush on Tommy talking) and I do agree Power Rangers is certainly for the kids. The core of the show is a semi-morality tale of good v. evil and doing the right thing.

As someone who grew up with the show, the NFSW version is pretty awesome. Power Rangers all grown up with gritty problems, twists and turns. Certainly not for kids and I can see why Saban would want to distance themselves. Parents be crazy. If wind caught they were even thinking in this direction could you fathom the amount of outrage/think of the children posts?

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