Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Off Course Soul

Wearing: NJO Jumpsuit (Green)

Hooded Cloak (Green)

Armed With: Synthetic Crystal Lightsaber (Aqua)

Coruscant Sub-Level--unknown designate

Syd walked the ancient, abandoned level of Coruscant, having been drawn here by old memories as much by a small Jedi expedition, operating under the name Surt'r.

Ancient towers and streets once bustling with activity lay curiously silent, some forgotten calamity having made people leave their vehicles and flee long ago. Old advertisements lay half rotting on walls and billboards.

She had come here, just before the Plague ended. Or had it been The Amalgam, when the Reflection had not yet separated from her. She wasn't sure. But she knew she had to be here.

Syd had her cloak up, keeping her face, a face she couldn't stand having, obscured in shadow as she approached the forgotten temple in the middle of the abandoned level. It was not as impressive as the one on the top level. More fort like due to the pressure of the time. But it was being excavated by teams of Jedi, baffled that it had avoided getting listed in their databases somehow.

Syd knew their jaws would fall to the floor if they ever found out just how much had been deleted from their archives over the centuries. Or how much had never been recorded.

She had contented herself with scouting, battling the whispers in her skull, healing the random Knight who had gotten injured during the excavation. It almost reminded her of the Lothal Temple.

Suddenly, she paused in an abandoned plaza, peering around as other Jedi snapped shots of the area, taking notes.

She realized that whatever reason the Force had brought her here, that reason would be heading her direction soon...

Syd didn't know what that meant. But not in a position to question anything, decided to idly examined an old statue of Han Solo while she waited...

Joland Graves

Joland Graves

The Coruscant Underworld was an enigma.

Joland spent time there running investigations with the Coruscant Security Forces. Most of his time was spent in the entertainment district, the last vestigate of civilized society. But even there, violence and drugs held as much value as credits and decorum, especially in the lower levels of the district.

As one descended further, law enforcement presence went from minimal to non existant. The levels below teemed with criminal activity and destitution, beyond the reach of justice and the rule of law. Why the Jedi didn't focus more efforts down there, Joland didn't know. It was their own backyard, so to speak.

Except, that may have not always been the case. The archeological division of the NJO Service Corps had discovered something quite amazing: a small, abandonded Jedi Temple. When they asked for volunteers to help excavate, the naturally curious padawan just had to sign up.

And so here Joland was, an amateur scientist ready to get to work. As he entered the courtyard, a large statue caught the young man's eye. He approached the glorious structure, standing next to what he assumed was another Jedi in a green jumpsuit.

Joland's eyes scanned the statue. Han Solo. That was interesting. That potentially dated this temple as... very old. He turned to the woman beside and grinned.

"So, who do you think shot first?"


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