Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Of Wolves & Lambs [Plotter]

"Hunting is my passion little lamb. I live for nothing else~"
RED RIDING HOOD: Referencing the common nickname which is often given to Vanya, this relates to those hoping to perhaps form either a partnership or friendship with her. The way in which this can be done may vary wildly from person to person but Vanya is an extremely approachable character. Designed almost specifically to fit into any kind of situation, settings, or scenario she does excel at social interaction and is more than capable of being friendly with any kind of character given her tendency to always be almost overwhelmingly cheerful. Plots for this particular path can range from merely requesting a helping hand from a stranger, socializing over some drinks, or just stumbling upon one another while in some sort of conundrum that might push cooperative play. Need help tracking down a gangster who has your girl? Chances are the mere idea of a hunt would excite her, thus tempting her to help. Bored and need a buddy? Red is an endless source of entertainment with her constant singing, dancing, and quirkiness which gets her into all manner of drama. Temporary partnerships, long term friendships, siring apprentices and students, and lasting or fleeting romances are all possible within this category.

THE BLACK WOLF: The second category, named properly after her given 'alias' in which she is mostly known as to those who are neither her friend nor her foe. Neutrality exist in this category for the plots that might require a bit more setup or simply plays differently than other more confrontational plot types. Completely random, unpredictable and unplanned. This is the 'lets gun it' section where we can meet up in some abandoned temple and see what happens, cross paths during a robbery in progress, or any other kind of plot that might not have an exact direction in mind. If ya don't really know what you wanna do but wanna RP with Vanya anyway, this is the section to respond to. unlike the previous section however Vanya is not nearly as likely to interact with things that don't directly interest her at that exact moment. So whatever happens needs to be attention grabbing for her in order to get her to budge from whatever she is currently doing.

BLOODHOUND: Last but certainly not least is the section for the aggressors. Named after the title she was given by her many, many enemies 'Bloodhound' is the part that encourages mindless violence, carnage and completely and utter destruction. Raids on compounds, glorious hunts, gang wars, lightsaber duels, escaping the law, encountering a rival or facing a mortal enemy. No matter the reason or the cause Vanya is a violent woman. She cherishes her enemies and her prey, hungering for true glory and validation in the eyes of The Allfathers. It is not hard to make an enemy of Vanya, its almost as easy as becoming her ally. For those of you who wanna cross blades, create a tense, long lasting rivalry or if ya just need a monster to chase or be chased by. Respond with whatever ya might have in mind.


Read at your own risk but i feel Vanya comes with certain...qualities that might be better explained in a 'need to know' section. So if you need insight into her character, her quirks, or her tendencies simply reference this spread sheet or Snapple facts to ease your mind.

  • The Allfathers: Something that will likely pop up in every thread she is in is the mention of a 'ancestral gods' that she calls 'The Allfathers'. It is to them she dedicates her life and more specifically, her hunts. She can often be seen swearing in their name, praying to them, or begging them for mercy should she ever fail. More info about 'The Allfathers' can be found in the religion section of the Vycan species submission. More questions about them can be asked in a DM if anyone is curious on implementing her or her culture into the plot in some way.

  • ADHD: Something i should warn anyone who wants to roleplay with her about is her ability to completely drop whatever subject, activity, or thought process she is currently occupied with for something new and shiny. She has an extremely hard time focusing on one thing for extended periods of times and is easily distracted if something does not amuse her long enough to keep her attention. This can lead to the derailment of plots and 'climactic' moments when she suddenly smells a drop of blood from six miles away and goes sniffing around while someone is trying to tell her their 'traumatic backstory'. She is very much driven by almost pure instinct and as a result keeping her still can be a tricky task rather you are a friend or foe. Boredom is her worst enemy and the second she gets bored she will inevitably move on to the next big exciting thing to distract herself with. As rowdy and rambunctious as she is her energy is almost always directed towards something with equal energy.

  • Drama Queen: Not really a warning...or really even important but something i think i should explain anyway. Vanya is...taxing. She is almost always at 100% and is a very emotionally driven and open person. Can swing from bloodthirsty and diabolical to emotional and crying at the drop of a hat and has absolutely no problem with openly expressing any emotion she possibly can at any given second. She can be extremely encouraging and give a pep talk to someone trying to kill her, faint in the dirt if someone insults The Allfathers or just jump around in excitement when something brilliant happens before her eyes. Many might see these antics as childish and inappropriate and typically they'd be correct. But Vanya is a hedonistic spirit and pleasure and glory in life is the only thing that she truly desires. She will not filter, regulate, or limit herself under any circumstances

  • Bloody Mary: Not even gonna explain it all here but just be aware that Vanya be capable of some serious spooks. Despite her childish behavior and general openness as a person one would be wise not to overlook her talent in dark sith magic and witchcraft.
Looking forward to plotting with you all <3
I have a character that I'm willing to offer as useful blood prey/one-night romance, but I also want to try and train her in some Dark Side and/or Neutral Force abilities. Vanya seems like a good master for her. I was thinking that we could start with a private thread in a nightclub of some sort, then we could work from there. Would that work for you?

[member="The Huntress"]
[member="Immortal Cyan"] | Glad to see you are interested ^^. As for your idea, it sounds completely sound to me. Vanya does not have any apprentices yet so i'm not apposed to getting any for her. Were you wanting to start the thread or would you prefer if i did? Warning you now though if i start it i'm not gonna know what i'm doing i tend to suck at making bar or club threads lol.
Oh no worries, I can write the starter! I'll try to have it done for you later on tonight. Before it goes up, I'll send you a PM on the forum with the post in case you want anything changed and so we can establish a brain dump space.

[member="The Huntress"]

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