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Of Narshadda Days


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[member="Xiarr Sair"]

Of Narshadda Days

Large swaths of rain fell from the thick grey clouds circling above, dumping pounds upon pounds of rain onto the unsuspecting city below. The thick rain splattered onto the metal rooftops below, before slipping off and falling onto either metal walkways or a hard concrete ground below. The buildings seemed to not be affected at all by the heavy downpour. As it seems, neither did the people as well. They walked about as usual among the crime plagued streets of Narshaddaa. Despite rains not being too common on Narshaddaa, people didn't seem to mind too much. They could care less if they got soaked by heaps of rainwater. They were more concerned with staying alive, as that was always a struggle on the planet...or just 'Smuggler's Moon.'
Bright neon lights of reds, oranges, greens, and magentas flashed across the concrete ground, casting off an almost hypnotizing reflection of the lights in the puddles of rain. The signs flashed all sorts of advertisement's, from death sticks, to guns, pit name it. If you could think about any illegal or just taboo activities, it was probably already being advertised upon the large neon signs above, which changed every few minutes to a different ad in a large cycle of different ads. The people below however, mostly ignored the obnoxious signs from up above. Some looked at the signs, while others didn't. Some people were fighting, while others were giving out alcohol and death sticks...while others just walked about, trying to stay out of trouble.
Kaiya was one who didn't particularly want to get into any trouble, at least not any trouble with any of the local criminals. No, she wanted to make trouble with a newcomer to Nar Shaddaa. It wouldn't be that hard, honestly. They were easy prey, and it's not like Kaiya was going to kill them. At least, most of the time. Other times she had to because they decided to attack her. Sure she wasn't a saint, but she still tried to defend the defenseless on Nar Shaddaa. Plus, she hated rich people. Though that was more of a personal vendetta than anything else really. She mostly just hated the rich snobs, thinking that they were above everyone else with their thousands of credits and gold-plated watches and those 'fancy' suits. Though a mugging usually did those rich snobs a charity, helped show them that they had to be careful on Nar Shaddaa.
Kaiya blended into the crowd quite easily despite the off-putting of her armor. Her body was clothed in a re-purposed and modified set of scout trooper armor. She had found it some time ago when looking amongst the markets of Nar Shaddaa, after she had seen it...well the owner never saw it again. In short, she stole it with the owner chasing after her. Kaiya had modified the armor, both in terms of modifications and just physical appearance. The armor worn a weathered white look upon it, having seen many nights and days under the weather and the toll it took on armor. The helmet had those fighter-pilot jaws on the sides of it closest to the air-filter part. A painted red hand-print was on one side of the helmet while the other side was blank save for a few words with an X across them. The word was, 'Fire,' and it had a faded red X painted across the words. As for the rest of the armor, the chest had a similar design to the jaws on the helmet. The arms had black bandages worn around the wrists and shoulder-pads with some metal fittings.
"Oh boy, who am I gonna mug today?"
So, it came back to all of this eh? Walking around on the streets of impoverished worlds instead of fighting Mandalorians to defend a planet Xiarr had barely been to. However had to admit, these places always had the most charm, if you don't pay much mind to all of the suffering around you. Truth be told, Xiarr had barely been to Nar Shadda, he always went to the Coruscant underworld when he wanted to talk a stroll. Although Nar Shadda seemed like the underworld no matter where you went, no aristocratic skyscrapers filled with bickering bureaucrats. Instead, you got your death stick dealers at every turn, making a fortune off the addiction of others, but what else was new? The heavy downfall only added to the ambiance, and Xiarr had to pull up his hood. He should have brought his Beskar armor with him knowing Nar Shadda, but that would make him stick out too much, and that wouldn't end well for anyone. As he passed the neon lights, Xiarr turned to the crowd behind him, and he saw someone wearing repurposed imperial armor, that stuck out, and Xiarr decided to investigate.

As Xiarr got closer to this stranger the crowd started to disappear as it turned the corner towards the makeshift market area and an alleyway was right next to the armored figure. Xiarr knew this reeked of bad news, but a bit of fun can't hurt? He pushed his lightsaber into his cloak, obscuring it from view, he didn't want the stranger to know he was force sensitive of course, that wouldn't end well.

[member="Kaiya Halycon"]


[ Message Received ]
[member="Xiarr Sair"]

Ah, perfect. Seems like some unfortunate soul decided to linger around till the crowd dissipated. Kaiya smirked under her helmet, seemed to be easy pickings today. She walked in the same direction of the crowd, keeping her head leveled ahead and out of the direction of the man who was lingering around absentmindedly. When she was within inches of the man, she decided to finally act. She contemplated pulling her rifle out, though that was too much work. It would be better to stick with her knife and pistol. At least those could be used at a moment's notice instead of having to aim properly and all of that jazz. Kaiya wanted this to be quick and efficient, no mistakes and no time lingering around. Kaiya upholstered her pistol before holding it tightly in her right hand. She then slammed her armored shoulder into the cloaked man before pushing him into the cold and damp alleyway. It would be hard to see, but at least her helmet would help...somewhat.

Kaiya turned to the man fully now, leveling out her arm as she pointed her pistol at the man. With her left hand free, she rested It up against her thigh, her armored palm brushing against the knife. Sure it was the same knife she had been stabbed with years earlier, though it was a good knife nonetheless. Plus, Kaiya sorta had a strange attachment to that knife, it had gotten her out of situations before so this situation shouldn't be any different.

Kaiya's fingers lightly grazed the trigger of the pistol, ready to pull at a moment's notice. Despite not wanting to kill him, she still wanted to be prepared encase he decided to attack her instead. Though, she doubted it. He was defenseless, well except for his fists. But those would be useless at this distance.
"You, yeah you, cloaked guy. Give me your credits and anything valuable you have, theirs no need for anybody to get hurt here. Just give me your credits, or you'll get a blast in your stomach," Kaiya said with an edge to her voice. The helmet modulated her voice, making it sound rough with a slight mechanical hint to it.
As he got even closer, Xiarr could tell it was a female. He was somewhat surprised as to how she found female scout armor, but you never really know anything about these types of cesspools, did you? Other than extreme poverty and crime of course. He also took note to the blaster rifle on her back, and the pistol on her side, it was clear as to what she was planning on doing, although she wouldn't be happy once Xiarr revealed himself. He passed the armored figure, and as he expected he was slammed into the alleyway.

Ow! He was expecting more of a shove, but that really didn't matter. He grunted as he was hit, trying to play along. He then raised his hands and turned to his mugger, biting his lip in order to not laugh at his current predicament. Oh, the look on her face once he wanted to play rough...

"Oh, sure thing, here!" He dropped the few credits he had into his mugger's hands, and then he placed his concealed blaster pistol in her hands, and then pulled out his lightsaber. "Oh, will this suffice?" He quickly ignited his lightsaber and slashed down at his attacker's barrel, he then quickly pointed his blade at his mugger's neck. "Just a tip, always observe your prey before you attack."

[member="Kaiya Halycon"]


[ Message Received ]
[member="Xiarr Sair"]

Damn, she had liked that blaster pistol. It had saved her life once and it kind of just became part of her ever since then. Sure it was strange, but not as strange as finding out who she was mugging had a light saber. You didn't normally come by those easily, meaning this guy was trouble. He either was some type of force-user...or he just had killed a force-user, or he had just found it somewhere. The possibilities were endless, though Kaiya would dwell on that later. She wanted that light saber, if she could get it and sell it...she could finally get off of this hell-hole. At last she would be free of the chains of this world, though that all depends upon if she could knock this mock-jedi out and take the saber from him. Despite how stupid and possibly suicidal this action was, it was the best bet she had on finally getting off of this world at last. She would need to try everything to beat him.
"You really don't think I have countermeasures?"

Kaiya unclipped a smoke grenade that was on her belt before dropping it to the ground, quickly filling up the alleyway with smoke. She could try to run out in the open, but that could wait. She wanted to try her hand at fighting him in this alleyway, she bet that she could beat him if he were unarmed though that would be difficult to say the least...but not impossible. Kaiya quickly withdrew her knife from her side before creeping through the smoke, she circled him like vultures circling a dead animal. She was trying to confuse him...if she could just distract him for a minute...
To be perfectly honest no, Xiarr really didn't expect countermeasures, not on this world anyway. Best you get was perhaps a few fists flying in the air. Although, he should have expected this going by his mugger's armor. Xiarr was caught in the smoke initially, but he gathered himself and lept out of the smoke, knowing it was suicide to try and fight his attacker in there. "You know I was planning on turning you in, but we can skip right to the execution if you so desire!"

Xiarr pointed his blade towards the now smoke-filled alleyway, losing sight of his mugger. If he could get her nice and out in the open he should be able to deal with her with relative ease. He then placed his blade on the side and opened fire at the alleyway, taking literal shots in the dark hoping to hit her, although that was highly unlikely. Hmm, perhaps he shouldn't just kill her? He could use someone in his crew, plus he admired the resourcefulness of his attacker, assuming she would survive all of this of course, and that was all up to chance at this point.

[member="Kaiya Halycon"]


[ Message Received ]
[member="Xiarr Sair"]

"Shooting blind, really?!"
Lucky for Kaiya, the man was shooting in the wrong direction. She couldn't help but laugh before she realized what she was doing and quickly shut her mouth. Crap, she had probably given away her position already. Of course, then she stumbled into the blaster fire while trying to move away from the spot she was at earlier. As shot hit her abdomen causing her to curse under her breath. Hiding in the smoke wasn't going to help much it seems, he was skilled. He knew better than tp charge her which was bad for her. How many other secrets was this guy hiding? Probably a ton of secrets, though she didn't really have an interest in finding out what these secrets were anyways. She was more focused on trying to figure out how to attack him. Maybe a tackle? Hmm, that might work...or she could get skewered on the light saber. Then she finally came up with the idea.

Kaiya grabbed her rifle carefully, before firing off a few shots randomly into the smoke. She hoped that would distract him enough to finally settle this. Though, that was just a guess anyways. She hoped at the very least, this would help her slightly. After firing off the shots, she threw her rifle to the ground before throwing herself into the smoke towards where she last saw the jedi-pretender. Hopefully she would hit him, if not...well that would be embarrassing. It would basically just be a fall onto the concrete then.
It seemed like Xiarr had managed to hit his attacker, which was great news for him! Not so much for her, however, not at all. He then saw the shots coming out of the smoke and in his direction, most missed, and those that didn't he managed to deflect back, but they wouldn't hit anything. He then prepared for the next attack, which he knew were inbound.

However, the tackle managed to pin him down, which caught Xiarr off guard by quite a bit, but he managed to try and fight back, placing both of his hands on his attacker's throat and squeezing hard, hoping to choke the life out of the mugger. He then saw his lightsaber roll away from his arms, too far for any of them to reach. If this didn't work then he was either screwed or he had to use the force, which he thought he could win this fight without using it, but it really wasn't that big of a deal. After a bit of choking, he attempted to slam his head into his attacker, hoping to end this once and for all.

[member="Kaiya Halycon"]


[ Message Received ]
[member="Xiarr Sair"]

Why did it have to be choking of all things? That was one of the most unpleasant things he could've done. Kaiya struggled for a moment trying to pry his hands off of her neck, though it was to no avail. Just as she was about to pass out, she remembered the knife in hand. It would have to be a close one...though she had to try something at least. Even if it was a stupid idea, any idea was better than succumbing to this pitiful defeat. Kaiya grabbed the man's wrist, making sure to keep it in place before driving her knife into the forearm of the man. If everything went right, the knife would dig into the man's arm and release her temporarily from his grip. Then he tried head-butting her. Did he really think that was going to work? She was wearing a helmet, if anything that would make him get a headache. She then wrapped her free hand that wasn't holding his wrist down, she sent an armored punch towards the man's face, hoping to disorientate him. Though, it was sloppy. Her vision was getting slightly blurry and her coordination was a bit off more so now than when she had stabbed him. It must be the shot, but...she could power through it. Though, she needed to get this helmet off, it was getting hard to breathe. Not just cause of his hands, the helmet wasn't the best at bringing air in anyways. Something she would need to fix.
Damn it, knifes! Xiarr had always hated them, always preferring nearly any type of blade, why knifes?! He grunted as the knife pierced his arm, however, he doubted this would go the way his attacker wanted to. As soon as the sharp pain in his arm was apparent, he sent out a telekinetic attack of the force, sending his attacker a few feet into the air before smashing down to earth, and Xiarr managed to roll away and stand up clutching his wound before reaching for his lightsaber, using the force to pull it to him, and he was half tempted to plunge it into her. He then stumbled over to his mugger and grabbed her throat, throwing her into a pile of trash cans, however since his arm had been stabbed it was doubtful she would land exactly were Xiarr wanted her to. No matter, he stumbled over to his attacker and pointed his blade at his attacker's throat once again. "Heh, wasn't expecting this to be that difficult. Say, I could use a partner of sorts, get you off this rock and get you a decent shelter and a shower. I have no idea as to why you wouldn't just stab me in the back, but I have faith. Or I could just leave you here for the authorities, and I'd doubt you'd like the prisons here."

[member="Kaiya Halycon"]


[ Message Received ]
[member="Xiarr Sair"]

Yep, that was it. Kaiya would've tried something else, but she had nothing else to do...especially considering this guy was a force-user. It was a miracle she had even lasted this long to think of it. She was basically defenseless now, with him standing over her with his light saber pointed at her neck. She saw his mouth move but couldn't make out what he was saying...if he was saying anything at all. Kaiya took her helmet off of her head, taking in a few good breaths of fresh air to help rejuvenate her lungs. She stood up wobbly at first, leaning against the wall for support with her helmet in hand. She placed her arm across her midsection, pressing it against her wound from earlier. She had to admit, he had got her pretty good with that blaster. It was hard to focus with that wound, though she was trying her best to do so.
"...W-what did you say?" Kaiya asked curiously, having not heard what the man had said. "Did you said something about leaving here..?" Kaiya asked hopefully.
Xiarr rolled his eyes, clearly, she hadn't been paying attention to anything he was saying. Although if he had just been thrown around like a rag doll he probably would be tunning out people as well. Although it was better than having her try to attack him again, plus it seemed like she was interested in the opportunity, which would be a decent start. Xiarr turned off his saber and placed it at his side, looking at the young women once again. "Yes, you come with me you can come with me and get out of this rock, or I can leave you for the local authorities, who I assume are on their way at this point." The spaceport wasn't too far from here, and he a good amount of supplies in his ship, which was basically his home at this point. "If you want to tag along, then follow me, just don't try to stab me in the back." He began to walk slowly to the spaceport, clutching the wound in his hand. He would have to heal up soon if he didn't want it infected.

[member="Kaiya Halycon"]


[ Message Received ]
[member="Xiarr Sair"]

"Hey, I can't stab you in the back while you still have my knife," Kaiya said with a weak smile.
Kaiya followed slowly behind the mysterious man. She would finally be leaving Nar Shaddaa, after so long...she would finally be rid of this hellhole. Sure, she had to team up with somebody she just had a fight with...something she wasn't happy about. Though if she didn't...she doubted she would be able to get away from the authorities In her state. She slowly followed behind the man, trying her best to not be left behind though it was difficult with her vision getting blurry. She could've sworn she saw blood dripping from her arm covering her midsection though it was hard to tell. She tried to blink it away, but it was to no avail. She would have to suffer with it for...however far away the spaceport was. She clipped her helmet onto her belt, securing it to free up her hands. Mostly because she didn't really want to carry her helmet around anymore...but she also wanted to be prepared encase anything happened.
"So...uhm..." Kaiya began awkwardly.
Xiarr grunted at the pain his hand, which was getting worse by the minute, thankfully the spaceport was in view. Speaking of the knife, he had no idea why he placed so much trust into his new partner, but he stopped and handed it to her, before continuing on his trek to the spaceport. A trail of crimson red would follow the two as they finally entered the spaceport, gazing upon its many neon signs and peculiar rabble. The sharp pain in his hand slowly began to lessen, Xiarr couldn't tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing in his current state. He walked up the stairs before stopping and turning to the women, who was trying to start something. "Ah right names. Xiarr Sair, and you may be?" He continued to cover his hand, still knowing that it would barely do anything then bloody his free hand. It would be a pain to get all of the blood and sweat stains off of his robes, but that was for later, assuming they weren't gunned down by pirates or police at this point, and Xiarr really didn't want to be caught.

[member="Kaiya Halycon"]


[ Message Received ]
[member="Xiarr Sair"]

Kaiya took the knife happily before wiping the blood off on one of her shoulder pads before tucking it away, she'd have to clean all of that blood off of it later on though. But at least she got her knife back, that was the important thing. Well, not if they both got gunned down right now. Though, she didn't see anybody in sight so that counted for something. People on Nar Shaddaa weren't known for being discrete anyways, so they would hear them coming before they started firing, She was drawn away from her thoughts when the man, Xiarr, asked for her name. She didn't know why, but she blushed out of shyness and nervousness. That, or she blushed out of pain which doesn't make much sense but whatever, it doesn't really matter. Now was not a time to be timid, but she couldn't help was just a thing about her. She hated it when she was all shy and nervous like this, it didn't really irk her that much but she just hated being like that for some reason.
"'s K-kaiya Halycon."
Xiarr saw Kaiya blush, and he did his best to not at least giggle a bit. He had no idea what he found her shyness, a tad bit cute in a way? Well, he hadn't expected it from someone who was trying to mug him a few minutes ago at the very least, but people are people. Xiarr nodded at Kaiya's name and continued on his way up to his ship. Once the two finally set foot on the hanger his ship was in, it would be apparent that the ship was a model from millennia ago. However, Xiarr managed to keep it quite clean, which even himself found amazing. "It's a relic from a republic long gone, but it has served me well." Xiarr walked up the ramp of the ship and sat down, looking up at Kaiya. "There should be a bacta tank in that room over there, you need it more than me at the moment." Xiarr then walked into where he kept of all of his medical supplies, looking for something could cover his wound up for now.

[member="Kaiya Halycon"]


[ Message Received ]
[member="Xiarr Sair"]

Kaiya stared around the ship once inside. It had been so long since she had been inside a just felt so foreign and new. Like seeing snow for the first time, even though she had never actually seen snow before. Kaiya was surprised when he spoke up about a bacta tank. She had heard of them...but never actually used one before. When her friend had patched her up, all he used were meds. She didn't really know how to use a bacta tank or what wounds it was even used on. She felt awkward for asking him, as was apparent by the blush on her face...which didn't help any with her red hair. But, she kind of needed to ask him anyways. Sure she could try figuring it out herself, but she could accidently break it. Which would probably get her kicked off of his ship.
"Uhm...h-how do you use a bacta tank?" Kaiya asked with genuine curiosity and nervousness, curse her timidness.
After finding something to cover his hand with, Xiarr sat down fiddled with his lightsaber, making sure it was fine due to the recent brawl. Thankfully, he found nothing wrong, just a regular ol' lightsaber. The pain in his hand was now almost completely gone and all that was left was to finally get off of this rock. He walked over to the ramp and closed it and made his way to the cockpit before being stopped by Kaiya's voice, asking what at first thought was a joke. However, he realized how this girl likely grew up and turned around. "You never heard of bacta? It works wonders, simply step inside and it'll heal your wounds, it's also pretty relaxing in my case." She also blushed again, which once again Xiarr thought was rather cute, causing himself to blush, but he quickly turned back around and into the cockpit, and the ship would begin to ascend into the polluted air of the Smuggler's Moon.

[member="Kaiya Halycon"]


[ Message Received ]
[member="Xiarr Sair"]

When Kaiya saw him blush at her, she couldn't help but blush even harder before turning around. She had no idea as to why she was blushing, but she wished that it would just stop already. It was embarrassing, and it didn't help any that Xiarr blushed at her blushing. She then made her way into the bacta tank room before looking the bacta tank over, still slightly confused. She decided to trust what Xiarr said. Though before doing so, she stripped off her armor leaving her in her normal clothing before she got in. It...well it felt weird to say the least. Kaiya felt as if she were floating in water that wasn't too dense but also wasn't dense enough. She felt as though she were floating in the air, yet she felt all of the bacta swarming around her. It...was a strange and unique feeling, something that wasn't easily explained or understood. It was more of a feeling you get.
initially, everything went swimmingly. The ship left the atmosphere quite easily with no interference, however, once the ship was in orbit that was where things got messy. He was quickly stopped by the border security. "Light Corvette standing by to leave Nar Shadda." "Sorry, we're going to search your ship for any criminals, spices, or worse. Standard protocol." Oh, that's great. He really wasn't in the mood for butchering some people who were just doing their job, so he had an idea. He docked against one of the light cruisers, and a walked out of the cockpit, hoping Kaiya was still in the bacta tank, or this would go rather horribly. Just then, the doors to the ship opened and two guards stepped into Xiarr's ship. Before they could say anything, Xiarr waved his hand at one security guard. "You will report that this ship is clear." "I shall report that the ship is clear!" The other guard raised her blaster in terror, and Xiarr tackled the guard before he gets his shot off, hoping this wouldn't end in a giant mess.

[member="Kaiya Halycon"]

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