[member="Friedrich Stahlmann"]
The location: Archangel's office on Loronar. Whilst the new headquarters was being built on Denon, Nalia Alderana, respected droidmaker and co-owner of Archangel Research and Design, was using this building as her temporary centre of operations. Archangel had come to the planet comparatively recently, but had by now become a well-established droidmaker, which had also possessed ties with the Republic.
Word had reached her that the Republic intended to take the planet, which was no surprise really. Loronar was well-positioned and wealthy, even with the chaos caused by the great cataclysm. Its droid factories and shipyards would be invaluable, especially now that so many critical shipyards had been lost to the One Sith. So it was logical to get in touch with the potential new rulers. Especially before they tried to seize her property, namely her droid factories and shipyard, due to emergency laws or something like that. So she drafted a message to the commander of their forces.
"Dear Admiral Stahlmann,
my name is Nalia Alderana and I am co-owner of Archangel Research and Design. As I believe is known, my company maintains droid factories and a shipyard on Loronar. I understand that you are very busy man given your responsibilities, so I shall come straight to the point.
It is my understanding that the Republic seeks to take Loronar, a great asset in its campaign to rid the Galaxy of the Sith menace and restore peace - congratulations on proving how mortal the 'Immortal' truly is. Suffice to say after the horrible war crimes perpetrated by the Protectorate's former leader on Corellia, we are not enthusted with that nation and have no desire to hinder a regime change, especially if it can prevent the Sith from taking over. As I believe you know, we have been supplying the Republic with machines of war in the past and are eager to continue to do so. Provided our interests are respected and our property remains in our hands. At present Loronar is defined by lawlessness and chaos has broken out in many areas, we can offer the Republic the full support of our droid units in restoring order. Likewise we can aid in repairing damage to the shipyards and getting them functional.
If you desire a personal meeting, I am willing to oblige once possible.
Yours respectfully,
Nalia Alderana.'