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Odeyseis Dryar

Odeyseis Dryar


From top left to bottom right skipping red-eyed Sith: Twinlik, Antau Dryar, Kaira, Aurodium-Cortosis-Weave Armor Mark I, Odeyseis Dryar, and Aurodium-Cortosis-Weave Armor Mark II

NAME: Odeyseis Dryar
FACTION: The Republic
HOMEWORLD: Dantooine
AGE: 22 years old
HEIGHT: 1.80 meters
WEIGHT: 73 kilograms
EYES: Meat Brown
SKIN: White



When Odeyseis is alone, he starts to think and watch at the same time, his dead and beloved friend Kaira, making him to be sad, but when he is around with good people, he changes to a happy and friendly person who enjoys to be there with them. Being raised by a couple of mercenaries, which were killed by an Imperial attack to their base at the age of 16, Odeyseis started to know that the galaxy is a harsh place and if he wants to continue to live he needed to be watchful and careful of his actions, since there could be consequences which could harm him at the end. After he was found by his Jedi brother, Antau, and took him to a Jedi clan, he learned the way of the Jedi, which grew a personality of empathy and nobleness towards other people.​

With no intention to harm anyone or do acts for his own gaining, he is a self-less Jedi who wants to help people around, until the person he loves died and his clan was raided by one of the members of the clan with a powerful, controlled and small undead army, leaving him alone and witnessing and feeling every day and night the pain to watch how his clan mates were slaughtered and the death of Kaira.​

Although Odeyseis was trained by a Jedi master, he was only taught the three saber forms from his master and through practice against his clan mates and his own master. He learned about the Shii-Cho form, the Makashi form and a has little knowledge of Soresu Form. Unfortunately, he only learned saber techniques and has little knowledge of Force powers. The only powers he can control are the basic ones (Force Push, Force Pull, Force Jump and Force Speed) and Force Illusion, but in the past he had used with no intention and no knowledge of their existence are the Force powers Force Pulse and Deadly Sight, but these powers can not be controlled by Odeyseis if he wanted to and it was only used when the Dark Side of the Force was overflowing him.​

But, what he is most afraid is the one lesson that he was taught from his master, the only one who never wanted to fulfill to become a Jedi: "In order to fully commit yourself to the life of a Jedi and to serving the Force, you must sacrifice something dear to you, what you value most." And Odeyseis knew that he needed to sacrifice the one he loved the most... Kaira.​

- TIE-Fighter: After Odeyseis' lost his clanmates, he found an intact and old Galactic Alliance TIE-Fighter in a hangar. He took it to make his trips wherever he needs to go.​

(PENDING) - Aurodium-Cortosis-Weave Armor: One of Odeyseis' most useful item, since he used it against a small undead army. He obtained it after he was successful in the last mercenary mission that was given by his protectors. Because of the combination of aurodium and cortosis, the armor only minimizes the damage that could deal a lightsaber. He only uses it when he senses that it could be dangerous, because he could attract attention because of the small aurodium that has the armor. The armor was damaged after fighting the Seyfra and his small undead army and it needs to be repaired before can be used again. (PENDING)

Lightsaber: Trained to be a Jedi, Odeyseis was given a test of knowledge of the Jedi Code, and at the same time, the knowledge to construct a lightsaber. The lightsaber has a yellow crystal, representing that he was ought to be a Sentinel. Odeyseis always carry his lightsaber clipped on his belt.​

Datapad: His personal datapad that has records of his clan's history and members, and his personal diary.​


Odeyseis was born in Dantooine where he grew up for three years, then his brother, Antau, was born and continued to live in the planet for the next three years. Dantooine was invaded once again by the Empire during the war against the Republic, Odeyseis' father took his little brother to a place since Antau wanted to go with him. Odeyseis stayed with his mother. A firefight took place just outside of Odeyseis' house between Imperials and Dantooine soldiers, which one laser fire hit Odeyseis' mother after she told Odeyseis to hide until she would come for him. After the invasion, a couple of scavengers found Odeyseis and adopted him and took him to their home base, a mercenary base.

He grew up there, learning from his new parents a way to make money from the tolls of the war. As Odeyseis grew older, he was taken to more and more scavenging missions, learning from them how to make a living from scavenging. Years passed, the war reached a truce between the Empire and the Republic, and the scavenging became an old method to make money, so Odeyseis' parents decided to make mercenary works. Odeyseis had to learn how to use a blaster for his own protection.

At the age of 16, Odeyseis was sent to negotiate to another mercenary group to make a mutual alliance, since he had already experienced how to bargain easily items that his family needed, or that he needed. He was at a office of the station of this mercenary group, he couldn't stop notice across the meeting room in a little glass room a golden armor. The negotiations started, and it wasn't going so well for Odeyseis, then it reached a point that the leader of the group noticed Odeyseis watching at the armor, out of his desperation to gain Odeyseis' attention, the man asked him: "Is there any way to make you stop looking at the armor and end this negotiation on good terms?"
Odeyseis looked at him surprised, since he thought he said it seriously. He thought: "You can just give me the armor and accept my terms," after thinking that, Odeyseis bursted to laugh because of how foolish would that sound. The leader, irritated, asked him why he was laughing. After few seconds laughing, Odeyseis started to wave his hands for the intention to not take him seriously and repeated what he thought with some chuckles at the same time. There was a few seconds of silent, and the leader said: "I can just give you my armor and accept your terms." Odeyseis was astonished of what the leader said, then the leader stood up, took the golden armor, gave it to Odeyseis and shook his hand and said: "It was nice negotiating with your mercenary group," then, the leader made a confused expression trying to realize what he just did.

Odeyseis, more surprised than happy from the outcome of the negotiations, returned to his ship and started traveling back to the mercenary base. He arrived at the base, only to find Imperial ships jumping out of hyperspace and the base destroyed. Alone and sad because of what happened, he plot a course to the nearest habitable moon, Yavin 4. Finding no civilized place, he had to land since he was running out of fuel. After he landed, he decided to leave his ship and took his armor and blaster. After a while, he encountered a wild and dangerous creature which attacked Odeyseis. Odeyseis blaster was destroyed by the creature and he had to run for his life. When he was about to be killed by the creature, a pair of Jedi saved his life by killing the creature. Odeyseis was thankful and introduced himself to them. One of them was a Padawan which got surprised by hearing the name of Odeyseis, because he remembered in his childhood a brother who had the same name, and he introduce himself as Antau.

Antau approached to Odeyseis and grabbed his shoulder. He pierced the past of Odeyseis and saw himself when he was three years old through the eyes of Odeyseis, indeed, he was his brother. Twinlik, the Jedi master of Antau, was a female Twi'lek; she sensed the Force within Odeyseis, and because of it, she was able to find Odeyseis in the first place. Twin'lik and Antau felt Odeyseis' aura in the Force when he landed in the moon. Twinlik decided to take Odeyseis to the temple of their Jedi clan. After arriving, Odeyseis was introduced to the clan's council. The council decided to invite Odeyseis since he was Antau's brother and Antau became a good acquisition for the clan. Since Odeyseis didn't have anywhere else to go, he decided to stay.

The council decided too that Odeyseis had to be taught the ways of the Force by Antau's master, Twinlik. Odeyseis spent the next five years with the clan, he met new people and get to know even more from his master and his brother. Antau was reserved of his past, he didn't talk to much about it, but he and Odeyseis always enjoyed each other's company. Twinlik was reserved too, but Odeyseis learned from her that she has existed for thousand of years, being a servant of the Force through her whole existence. Odeyseis met too the one who changed his whole life, Kaira. Kaira, a human female, who was the one who shared her whole life to him, telling him her stories and experiences.

Odeyseis had always enjoyed Kaira's company, he always felt complete each time he was around her. Twinlik and the council learnt that Odeyseis had grew a Force Bond with Kaira, since each time Odeyseis was training around Kaira his Force powers grew stronger. It wasn't the first time Kaira had a Force Bond with someone, since she had the unique ability to Force Bond with the persons she considered special in her life.

But then, Kaira fell in love with one of the clan's member named Sefray, a human male with the rank of Jedi knight in the clan. Kaira told Odeyseis of her feelings towards Sefray, then Odeyseis felt pain within himself when hearing that. When Odeyseis felt that, he knew he was in love with Kaira, but he didn't told Kaira of his own feelings yet.

One day, Seyfra returned with his master dead, telling the council he was killed by an unknown Sith, explaining how they were attacked, leading his mission to a failure. Then, Seyfra was sent with another fellow knight and a Jedi master to search for the Sith. Days later, Odeyseis continued training, until he had a vision of the future during his nocturnal training. He saw Kaira being killed by the hands of Seyfra. After what he saw, he decided to look for Kaira to her room, but he did not find her.

Odeyseis then told Twinlik after he looked Kaira in the temple, then Twinlik and Kaira's master decided to look for her. Hours laters, they returned with Kaira. Odeyseis told Twinlik about the vision he had, and Twinlik, after hearing Odeyseis, decided to go look for Seyfra, suspecting he could have turned to the Dark Side. Twinlik ordered that Kaira must be guarded so she couldn't escape again and told Odeyseis not to confront Kaira or look for her anymore until further notice.
Odeyseis woke his brother up to talk about what happened and his vision. After hearing Odeyseis, Antau told him to obey Twinlik's order, since he was one of the wisest men in the whole temple. Odeyseis ignored his master's order and Antau's advice and waited until morning to talk to Kaira. Odeyseis confronted her after luring the guards with Force Persuasion. Kaira told Odeyseis she was angry at him for telling Twinlik since she got punished for her actions. Odeyseis and Kaira started to have a discussion, then Odeyseis had to tell her what he saw in his vision. Kaira, reluctant to believe him, she told him there was nothing he could do to avoid her relationship with Seyfra. Crushed because of what he heard, Odeyseis decided to go to his quarters.

The night arrived again, and Odeyseis spent his whole day thinking about the discussion he and Kaira had, then, knowing Kaira, he assumed she would run away with Seyfra after what she told him. Odeyseis decided to look for her again to her room, he found the guards dead and nowhere to find Kaira again. Odeyseis thought he didn't have time to let someone know about Kaira's intention. Knowing he hadn't much time, and using his Force sense, he tracked down Kaira to stop her.

After an hour, he was able to find Kaira, not reaching yet to Seyfra. Kaira, knowing Odeyseis' intentions, she decided to kill him, since Seyfra told her to kill anybody who was following her. Odeyseis, with no other option, decided to fight her so he could take her back to the temple. They fought, both powerful because of Force Bond, and at the end Odeyseis was defeated and hurt so much that he passed out. Then, within the darkness, alone, Odeyseis saw Kaira, and Kaira asked him why he has come for her after what she, Twinlik and Antau told him. Odeyseis then answered her because he loved her.

Touched of Odeyseis' answer, she told Odeyseis to move on and forget about her, sparing his life. After Odeyseis accepted his death, Twinlik found him, took him back to the temple and healed him. Odeyseis woke up hours later with Antau and Twinlik at his side. Twinlik told Odeyseis to rest up until he regained full health while she and Antau could go look for Seyfra and Kaira. Before leaving Odeyseis alone, Antau glanced at Odeyseis' datapad, making Odeyseis to know to look at it. In there, Odeyseis found an entry written by Antau, telling him that Twinlik found the two Jedi who accompanied Seyfra dead and assumed that Seyfra killed his own master too and had to be found before anything else happened.

Odeyseis, without stopping thinking about Kaira, he could still sense her through Force Bond and decided to look for her, leaving his bed with difficulties and wearing his Aurodium-cortosis weave armor for the first time in his life. After hours of going wherever he could sense Kaira, getting stronger and stronger her aura, Odeyseis felt pain within him, like he was stabbed. Seeing that he wasn't harmed, he knew it was Kaira's feelings because of his Force Bond to her, and started to ran using Force Speed as fast as he could. Minutes passed and sensed Kaira fading away, then he found her, lying on the floor, breathing, armless, in a lot of pain and in the middle of the jungle woods. Odeyseis reached for her and took off his helmet and peered her eyes. Kaira smiled when looked at Odeyseis' face, and told him that she knew he would find her. Odeyseis looked at another wound through her stomach, he tried to heal her with the Force, but he was already exhausted by using Force Speed. She told him to stop and that it was to late. Odeyseis asked why did she go with Seyfra, and she answered him because he promised a lot of power and happiness to her, but then when they got right where she was now and told her of his intentions to conquer the galaxy as a powerful Sith, she denied him in the end. Seyfra stabbed her with his lightsaber and told her that he was sorry but he needed her blood to gain power from a Sith holocron he found, and cut her arm with a sharp sword and left her there.

Odeyseis was shattered to see the one he loves in the brink of death, Kaira told him to stop crying and go back to the clan's temple to warn them since Seyfra also told her he was going to destroy the clan's temple killing everyone within with the power he was going to obtain. Odeyseis used his lightaber to stop Kaira's bleeding from her wound, grabbed her, and started to run to the temple.

While Odeyseis was running, Kaira told him that she was sorry for what she has done to him and to the clan. Odeyseis couldn't speak to her because he needed the air to caught his breath, and then she said that she wished to had spent more time with him, but not only as a friend. After he heard that, he looked at Kaira's lifeless body and stop sensing her aura in the Force. Then, Odeyseis stopped and started to cry for his lost, he could sense anger gathering within him. Then, he sensed a great disturbance in the Force, looking back at the horizon, he knew Seyfra's power grew stronger. Odeyseis had two choices, to go back and had revenge or go to warn the council. Thinking about his choices, he decided to go back to the clan, since he did not wanted to loose his new family and be alone again.

Odeyseis arrived to the temple with Kaira's body and had to left her to Kaira's master, telling him that Seyfra's coming to destroy the temple and everyone within, then Kaira's master told him to alert the council and everyone else. Odeyseis rushed to the council and arrived, telling them about the incoming danger. Seconds later Antau arrived to the council too warning them that Seyfra's coming with an "undead" army. Everyone could sense it, a great and overwhelming Dark Side of the Force getting closer to them. The council decided to evacuate initiates and Padawans and asked Odeyseis and Antau with other knights to protect the fleeing shuttles.

Odeyseis asked Antau while they were protecting the shuttles about Twinlik's whereabouts, Antau answered him that she told Antau to rush to the council while he fought against Seyfra and his undead army since they encountered him. Most of the clan died in the battle, even the council members were victim of it, the hangar was being overrun by the undead army, until Twinlik arrived to save Antau, Odeyseis and few of the knights that were left. She ordered them to take the last shuttle while she stayed to fight.

The shuttle was in the air with the doors opened, the knights and Antau jumped safely there, but when Odeyseis was about to get in, Seyfra pulled Odeyseis away from the shuttle with the Force. Odeyseis stroke the ground seeing the shuttle flying away to space, seeing how his brother couldn't go with him because the knights wouldn't let him. Odeyseis stood up to confront Seyfra and some of the undead army. Seyfra used Memory Walk against Odeyseis, which made Odeyseis to relive painful memories again to Odeyseis' mind which it started to make him feel physical pain. Odeyseis was in great pain by seeing losing Kaira in his arms while listening to Seyfra of how he obtained so much power from a Sith holocron.
Seyfra explained that he found a Sith holocron in a undiscovered temple secretly built by a dark lord. When Seyfra activated it, the holocron showed Naga Sadow's holographic image, and it promise him unlimited power if he could conquer back the galaxy in the name of the old Sith. Seyfra accepted, but told the hologram of the Jedi clan. After hearing that, Sadow offered him the power of the Sith alchemy, but he needed Seyfra to bring three measures of blood, one of the person who hated, one from the person he loved and one from himself.

Seyfra killed his master, being the person who hated the most because he felt he was holding his power and making him feel less than the others, and then the one from he loved, Kaira. Seyfra wanted to take Kaira with him and take some blood from her, but he though that because of Odeyseis' influence Kaira thought that what he was doing was wrong and he decided to take her blood by force because at the end she wouldn't be with him. After giving the power of Sith alchemy to Seyfra, Sadow told the newly dark Jedi to construct a pod that could send the holocron away from the planet to another one that Seyfra wanted from the materials in Sadow's temple in order to be safe from the Jedi. Seyfra did it, and sent away the pod with the holocron seconds before he was confronted against Antau and Twinlik.
Seyfra killed that one he loved, blaming Odeyseis and making him to take the pain from Memory Walking until he die. Seyfra then told him he didn't deserve to be with Kaira, when Odeyseis heard that, the Dark Side flowed within Odeyseis and used the power of it by using Force Pulse, making Seyfra and the undead fly away.
The undead rushed to Odeyseis to kill him, but Odeyseis, in rage, he easily and quickly defeated the undead leaving him and Seyfra to duel. Seyfra took out his lightsaber and fought to the death against Odeyseis. Seyfra noticed he was going to lose against the enraged Jedi in a lightsaber battle because Odeyseis had the advantage of the aurodium-cortosis armor. Seyfra used again Memory Walk against Odeyseis and took the pain. But with his immeasurable anger, Odeyseis used a power that was unknown to him against Seyfra, Deadly Sight.

When Odeyseis looked at Seyfra, the dark Jedi started to burn for various seconds until all of Seyfra's body became smoke, and with him all the undead that was in sight of Odeyseis. After he killed Seyfra, Odeyseis knelt, exhausted of the power he just used, but the undead wasn't finished yet, they were about to swarm the Jedi sentinel until Twinlik arrived to save him.

Twinlik told him to run away while she fights the remnant of Seyfra's army. Odeyseis denied that order and wanted to stayed with her, then she told him that he would die and she would not allowed it, because he needed to find the holocron that Seyfra sent away from this planet and destroy it. Twinlik knew Naga Sadow, she has fought him once and she knew the extent of his power, and she needed Odeyseis to stop the holocron of giving its knowledge to the wrong people, thinking too that the galaxy needed Odeyseis. But Odeyseis insisted, and the last words that he heard from his master was: "Don't worry, I would not die, I'm already dead." Twinlik used the Force to send far away Odeyseis in the air. Odeyseis, seeing the battlefield, Twinlik and the undead getting smaller in his sights, saw a explosion of light, reaching to everything in the battlefield, and covering the temple too.

Odeyseis tried to land softly using the force push, destroying the trees and plants in the process, but without success he crashed against the floor and passed out. After being woke up because of memories of Kaira, he decided to go back to the temple to see if he could find an undamaged ship. When he arrived at the temple, he found bodies of his clan mates and the undead, but couldn't find his master's body, assuming it was vaporized because of the power she used. He took the time to burn the bodies of their clan mates, even Kaira's body, seeing her physical face for the last time of his life. After that, Odeyseis found a TIE-Fighter undamaged that dated back to the days of Galactic Alliance and took it. When he was in space, Odeyseis didn't know where to go, the pod could have go to anywhere, but then he thought if he wanted to stop the holocron to make pain to everyone else like he had, then he needed to destroy it. Odeyseis plotted a course to Coruscant, he knew he needed help, he couldn't do it alone, but he wanted to save the galaxy for his beloved friend, Kaira.

While in his travels he started to see Kaira in her Force Ghost form, after some time he realized that he was the only one that he could see and hear her, haunting him everyday. Odeyseis heard of a Jedi Temple in Tython which he decided to go there. Odeyseis was accepted in the Jedi's ranks and spent time with them doing his duty as a Jedi, after that he decided to look for Naga Sadow's Sith Holocron for some time.
Time passed, and in his journey looking for the holocron he met new people and made few allies in the road, it has been a while that he hasn't come back to the Republic, to the temple, wanting to make a better place, he decided to come back to help the Republic, but not forgetting about his main goal, to destroy Naga Sadow's holocron.



- Aurodium-Cortosis-Weave Armor Mk II - Blinking again...

- Knight Next Door

- Geofront

- {TO} The Order: (In member section listed as "Jedi Knight Odeyseis")

- Putting your Force where your Mouth Is; Teaching Reela Witko Force Persuasion​
-[SIZE=14.3999996185303px] [/SIZE]Forging a New Path; Helping Xander to build his lightsaber​

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