Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Name: Oasis

Image Source: n/a

Type: Haven-class medical station

Intent: to create a mysterious space station

Classification: misc

Location: Orbiting Hoth

Affiliation: unknown

Population: 1 population

Defenses: a massive emp emitter and an army of miniature drones

Points of Interest: interior gardens of unkown origin that cover most the interior beyond that there is not much known about the interior, on the exterior there spears to be the wreckage of a ship stuck in a perpetual orbit of the station being held in place by a tractor beam

Description: this station is shrouded in mystery, not many people have set foot on This station even though it's drawn a lot of atension to itself since it came through a black hole in the year 3000 aby, besides from arriving over night the station has a abnormally high force signature, thoughs who have set foot on the station report sightings of a humanoid figure that stalked them during there time on the station at the time they passed it off as there imagination until later scans showed only 1 life form on board.

History: N\A

Alright before I get started with this submission could you please link this to an existing space station type either in canon or as a factory submission?
Here's a link to space station classes.

If you'd rather make your own submission for a space station you can do that too in the factory, although that's optional. However; you do need to link this submission to some kind of space station before I can stamp it. :)

Once you have that done I'd like to see more Points of Interest with at least 3-5 sentences describing each and another 2-3 sentences in the description. I'd also like you to proof-read your submission and make sure that all the spelling and grammar is as accurate as possible. If English isn't your native language you can use this free spellchecker here.

@Axel Barton
Axel Barton said:
Anja Aj'Rou better

You've fulfilled only one of my requested edits, @Axel Barton

Feel free to take your time but be sure to make requested edits to the best of your ability. If something comes up short that's fine but what I'm looking for is effort so I can check off requirements.

If I might be honest with you, in this condition the submission is nowhere near being ready for approval. So I'm going to be working with you one step at a time as to not overwhelm you nor I in the process, the more effort you put into your edits means the faster it'll be approved.

As for the station could you please link to the medical station using the links field that you have marked as N/A?
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