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Approved Tech Nub Oomomo's Holocron

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Name: Nub Oomomo's Holocron
Intent: To create the personal holocron of the late Nub Oomomo, to be owned and cherished by his student Chevu Visz, as well as used in training threads
Development Thread: Not generally required for a personal holocron. NPC is written about extensively in the following threads:
Its Our Time to Make a Move (Invite Only)
Crazy Like Me (The Galactic Alliance)
The New Jedi Order
So much for anyone hanging from a Noose today
Manufacturer: Nub Oomomo
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Personal
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Durasteel, Force-imbued crystal and Crystalline lattice

Description: This is the Holocron of Nub Oomomo, Sullustan Jedi Master and primary instructor of Chevu Visz of the Galactic Alliance’s New Jedi Order. He died of a mysterious illness of unknown origin, but before he did, Master Oomomo created this artifact to personally record his life and teachings.

The shape of this Holocron is one of a golden-colored Rhombicuboctahedron, also known as a cantellated cube, which has eight triangular and eighteen square faces. The artifact can be unlocked by deep meditation on it, by a user that is strong enough in the light side of the Force. The gatekeeper of the Holocron is Nub Oomomo himself who is a bit senile and obviously very ill while imparting the information contained inside.

Inside the Holocron is information on Sullustan history and culture, as well as the history of the Pirin Temple Sullustan Jedi. Additionally, the Holocron contains training lessons for the following skills:
  • Basic Force Telekinesis
  • Force Stun
  • Jedi Mind Trick
  • Malacia
  • Protection Bubble
  • Force Concealment
  • Jal Shey Force Imbuement
The last bit of recorded information in the Holocron discusses Master Oomomo’s feelings towards his student Chevu, the Mirialan whom he rescued from slavery in order to free and train as a Jedi. He describes Chevu as a powerful warrior, but warns that she is plagued by indecision. He argues that entertaining too many possibilities can be just as dangerous as entertaining only one, but he ultimately feels that doubt and uncertainty are things that Visz can work to eliminate from her evolving psychology. Oomomo also expresses his gratitude towards those in the Galactic Alliance for taking her under their wing as well as his hope that the Alliance will restore the balance to the Force and release worlds from the iron grip of the One Sith.

Primary Source: None
[member="Chevu Visz"]

Sorry for the wait.

Normally, no dev thread is required for the crafting of a personal holocron, but any top tier powers showing the development helps with the judging.

If it is an NPC Master, having the applicable dev threads showing the growth and abilities of the Master also helps. You've have a wealth of roleplay for Master Oomomos throughout those four threads.

The powers selected are reasonable, along with the Jal Shey imbuement.

My one concern was Malacia and the Sith Poison addition, but once you had removed the latter, I am okay with one top tier power for an NPC holocron.

If only for clarity's sake, could you please list the powers and abilities in a list format on what is included in the holocron for quick reference?

Other than that, looks good.
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