Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NPCs by Sio


Intent: Expand on Shadow Knights and make use of some established Chaos lore.
​Image Credit: Here.
Role: Ahzija is a career rebel and Sith hunter. She is one of the few non-elves who is a member of the Shadow Knights, who have allied themselves with the Togorian group she is part of.
Links: New Caross, Togoria, Operation Hammer, Naamah Aesham, Naesala Faethyra, Caross, Darth Soteria, Natalie Dorne, Ylaea Althena. Firemane gained access to ARGH tech in this thread.

Age: Thirties.
Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
Species: Togorian.
Appearance: Ahzija is a Togorian female with the build of a warrior. She is 7'2 foot tall, which is average height for a female of her specie. She has fairly distinctive feline features. Her face has whiskers and her body is covered in fur. She has golden eyes and prominent ears. Being a Togorian, she has an extremely dense bone structure. This allows her to endure greater physical trauma than a member of a species with a similar physique. She has retractable claws on her hands and feet. Ahzija's life has been defined by hardship and struggle, and her body has the scars to prove it. Ahzija usually wears a combat outfit of some form, but eschews heavy, tanky armour in favour of more lightweight suits that give her freedom to manoeuvre. A much-scarred slaver's mark is still visible through the fur on her right shoulder and she tends to cover it. Her back was branded during her time in captivity to mark her as a slave. Ahzija could have it removed after her liberation, but chose not to.

Name: Ahzija
Loyalties: Shadow Knights, Togorian exodites.
Wealth: Low to Moderate. Ahzija accepts bounties on Sith, Imperials and similar individuals. This gives her a source of income, but it is obviously variable. She has no qualms about looting her enemies and has some loot stashed away. But this emergency fund is not always easy to turn into hard currency. The Shadow Knights pay her, but the rebels are not rich.
Notable Possessions: Collection of lightsabres, Sith swords and misc. trophies and mementos. A heirloom necklace she inherited from her mother and tooth of a Liphon. Both represent her ties to her homeworld Togoria. They remind her of simpler, more innocent times and of what she must avenge. Collection of guns. Owns a Sc'rath, the traditional sword of her people. She has an apartment aboard the Defiance, the flagship of the Shadow Knight nomad fleet. She is not there a lot, so it does not look very lived in. She has been given a pair of shatterguns and a sniper rifle by Firemane. She has a standard MKI Boltgun and a Shatterboltgun. Sometimes she makes use of Gorgon Web Rifle, as it is useful for capturing foes, particularly Force-Users. She often wears a pair of Mandalorian vambraces.

Skills: Ahzija is a highly experienced irregular fighter, rebel and Sith hunter. Her life has been one of struggle - first for survival, then for revenge. She is a Non-Force-User, so she has to rely on her wits, physical prowess and skill rather than preternatural powers. The impressive strength of her species helps as well. Ahzija is a highly capable sharpshooter, good with demolitions and slicing. She also has a knack for tech, especially droids and machines. These are all skills that have served her well as a career rebel and make her useful to the Shadow Knights.

She is skilled in small unit leadership, irregular warfare and acts of sabotage. The Togorian has made a living out of hunting Sith, Dark Jedi and Imperialists in general. She is very experienced in fighting Force-Users despite lacking Force powers. Moreover, she is a very capable investigator with an eye for detail. In addition to the Togorian language, Ahzija is fluent in Basic and reasonably good in Eldarai. She has some knowledge of Huttese, but while she can understand it just fine she is not that good at speaking it. Her Eldarai has a strong accent, but is understandable. Ahzija has an affinity for music. She enjoys playing the guitar.

Personality: Relentless. Vengeful. Ahzija has been sustained by a campaign to obtain justice for the many massacres the Sith perpetrated against her people, the Togorians. She has a heavy dose of shut-down anger. It gives her fuel, but is also her demon. She seldom conveys a lot of emotion in her speech or body language, but her fury is a sight to behold when it is unleashed. Tranquil fury is more her thing than being a berserker.

When she faces a threat, she will seek to methodically dismantle and destroy it. Blind anger is wasteful. Instead she nurtures an ice-cold hate. It is directed against Sith, Imperials and the like. She considers it to be her calling to hunt such individuals. Ahzija is driven by a strong determination to carry on no matter what, even if the odds are against her. She is stubborn, serious and opinionated. While a hard woman, she is not without compassion, especially for victims. However, she her idea of how to be nice can come across as rather rough, particularly to those who do not not know her well.

Her attitude can also make her come across as rather judgemental, while her fierce determination may make her appear arrogant and overly stubborn. Moreover, she is unforgiving towards those she views as collaborators and enablers. Her people have suffered much at the hands of the Sith since the days of the Old Empire. Her world was subjected to occupation, deforestation, saturation bombardment until it was turned into an arid waste. Her people have been murdered, intentionally starved, enslaved and experimented on. As a consequence, her motto is never again.

She is very protective of her people, but has found herself to be unable to settle down on Togoria. Today, her homeworld is under the protection of the Silver Jedi, who have carried out reconstruction efforts and provided humanitarian aid. Ahzija does not bear Jedi any ill will. Indeed, she does not care much about them either way unless they become obstacles for this or that reason. But she will not and cannot settle down. Like many veterans, she finds it difficult to turn her sword into a ploughshare. Of course, she could join her home planet's local defence forces, but she is too driven by her self-appointed calling. To her, peace is fleeting. She regards herself as an agent of justice.

Ahzija is part of a group of Togorian rogues and exodites. In addition, she has allied herself with the Shadow Knights because she believes in their cause. She shares their survivalist ethos, emphasis on self-reliance and military preparadness. The Eldorai have not been subjected to genocide like the Togorians, but been driven off their homeworld, experienced foreign invasion, persecution and enslavement. They also have the same foes as her. Aside from her combat skills, she also provides technical support. Eldorai are new to many aspects of galactic technology, and this applies even more to their cousins, the Xioquo, Qadiri and Vashyada. Thus she acts as an instructor when she is not off on missions.

Her being allowed to join them is unorthodox, as the Shadows are elf nationalists and suspicious of foreigners. However, they are willing to work with select ones and the pragmatic members of the coalition have recognised a kindred spirit in the feline aliens, though xenophobic elves have voiced discontent with such arrangements. Ahzija has history with Strategos Yseult Faerin, a former Republic officer and now the general-in-chief of the Shadows. This helped broker an accord.

However, Ahzija still runs her own missions. She has several contacts in the underworld. One of them is a Clawdite called Naameh Aesham, a former Inquisitor of the Atrisian Empire, then a Chaos worshipping darksider and now a cynical, somewhat morbid vigilante trying to atone for her crimes. Ironically, the fact that her species is not human-like at all has been a point in her favour, as the Shadows are not keen on humans. Racist Eldorai get short shrift from her.

Traditionally, Togorian males live as nomads, riding their mosgoths and hunting, and competing in contests of power, while the females stay in settlements with the pre-pubescent children, tend domesticated herds and develop technology. Males visit the females for about a month each year, but otherwise both sexes live completely separate lives. Ahzija had abandoned these cultural traditions. Needless to say there are many Eldorai - and human - customs she finds strange. Eldorai society is traditionally matriarchal, after all. Moreover, the elves have a penchant for ideological hair-splitting and often self-destructive schisms.

The Togorian has some radical left-wing beliefs. Association with fringe resistance groups as well as exposure to a Galaxy that is so often dominated by empires, megacorporations and elitist Force Orders have contributed to this. She has also taken notice of the fact that many big corporations have been owned by 'Business Sith' or worked closely with Sith and Imperial factions. Some megacorporations have puppetised or outright replaced governments.

She advocates redistribution of wealth and believes the common people should seize the means of production in order to establish a more egalitarian society. The Togorian despises Human High Culture and other humanocentric ideologies. Ahzija holds true to the ideal that the free should not need a boss to lead them to do the right thing. This made her reluctant to assume a greater position of leadership. Survivors' guilt also plays a role. From her perspective, she is a soldier. Others can lead.

Ahzija has a young ward called Qa'hasa. She saved the girl from the One Sith during the second occupation of Togoria. She was unable to save her mother, who begged Ahzija to take care of the girl, who was still a toddler then. Qa'hasa does not call her mother, and Ahzija is secretly grateful for this. However, she is very protective of the girl and cares for her deeply. Interestingly, she is trying to steer Qa'hasa away from a life of that revolves around revenge. She wants better for her ward than for herself. Qa'hasa does not quite know the specific details...deliberately. Ahzija is grateful for this.

Weapon of Choice: Ranged Weapons | Blade | Explosives.
Combat Function: Ahzija is a rebel and a Sith hunter. She is experienced in insurgencies, sabotage, targeted assassinations and leading small teams. She is strong and the extremely dense bone tissue of her species allows her to endure a lot of physical trauma. The Togorian does not have Force powers, and thus must rely on skill rather than preternatural abilities.

This is pertinent since she often hunts Force-Users. Like Non-Force-Using Jedi and Sith hunters throughout history, she generally relies on unorthodox tactics rather than direct confrontation. These include the use of land mines, sonic weapons such as hard-sound guns and sonic projectors, high explosives, nerve gas, slugthrowers and sniping. Thanks to harsh training, trial and error, Ahzija has learned how to hide her mind from Force-Users, using techniques similar to those employed by the assassin Atton Rand millennia ago. Moreover, she is a competent though not brilliant slicer and decent pilot. She can also use her claws in a fight. This is obviously of little use against an armoured opponent, but she has no qualms about using them to jab an enemy's eyes out.

Ahzija will actively seek out Sith and other hostile Force-Users in combat. She is a good planner, but her focus can give her tunnel vision, potentially making her vulnerable. She has a preference for more lightweight armour that allows her to stay mobile, relying more on her agility and the impressive resilience granted to her by her Togorian physiology than the protective qualities of tanky armour.

She has leadership abilities, but lacks the experience or interest in leading large units. She often operates in the shadows pursuing clandestine missions, where a large force would only arouse unnecessary attention. Thus she is most comfortable leading small units on the tactical level. For anything larger she is better off working within the framework of an existing command structure. However, Ahzija is stubborn, opinionated and sometimes hard to get along with, as she has a strong independent streak.

  • Highly experienced Force hunter and irregular fighter.
  • Togorian resilience and strength. Like a Nexu, or other feline predators, she has highly attuned senses of smell and hearing. This is quite useful in her line of work.
  • Lack supernatural powers herself. Has to rely on her skill, weapons and her wits to prevail in combat.
  • A tactical not a strategic leader. Good at small unit leadership, but is poor at commanding larger formations.
  • Distinctive. A tall, bipedal feline sticks out, especially in areas populated mostly by humans. Depending on the situation, this can make infiltration operations problematic.

Togorians are no strangers to warfare and hardship. They are a hardy people with a strong sense of honour and well-honed martial traditions. Their first contact with the outside Galaxy occured when the Mandalorians invaded their home planet, seeking to conquer it. However, the Togorians united to defend their home from the invaders. Their tactics and fierceness impressed the Mandalorians so much that they recruited them. Thus they were among the first non-Human or non-Taung race to join the Mandalorian ranks. Togorians aided General Grievous during the Battle of Togoria. Later a monarchy was established under Imperial rule.

Like virtually all worlds in the Galaxy, Togoria was ravaged by the Gulag Virus. This led to a period of isolation, technological regression and mass deaths. However, the planet managed to emerge from the Dark Age and reconnect with galactic society. Sadly, the end of the Dark Age did only bring benefits with it. Great powers arose, seeking to exact their will upon the Galaxy. Like many other worlds, Togoria would become one of the objects of the game stars. However, it would have a worse fate than simply being a prize being fought over or someone else's colony. The Togorians would be repeatedly subjected to xenocidal campaigns at the hands of the Sith.

Ahzija was still a little child when the forces of the First Sith Empire descended upon the planet to ravage it, slaughter and enslave her people. Her family held true to the old ways of their people. Her mother lived in Caross, where she ran a small droid shop. She looked after Ahzija and the girl's little brother, who was still an infant then. Meanwhile, her father lived the nomadic life of the Togorian hunters of old, taking her older brother with him. Ahzija only saw him rarely, as tradition demanded, but whenever her father came home, he brought trophies from hunts with him. Some of these were sold to off-world travellers who visited Caross, the only settlement tradition allowed off-worlders to visit. The business deals were arranged by her mother, who had a good eye for when off-worlders were trying to deceive the 'simple feline'.

It was a simple life, but not without its amenities and she was close to her family. Ahzija showed some skill tinkering with tech. However, it was not to last. She was still young when war came to Togoria. The Sith Empire had ruled Togoria since the reign of Tyrin Ardik, but their touch had been a light one. But now this changed. After Kaine Zambrano ascended to the position of Sith Emperor and the abolition of slavery was repealed in Sith space, Togoria became a target of the Sith. Sith soldiers, Blackblades and Sith warriors descended upon the planet's surface. However, their goals went beyond subjugation. Instead they wanted to enslave and break the Togorians. Any Togorian who was found was to be murdered or rounded up. Entire villages were razed, men, women and children were butchered. Others were rounded up and brought to the Sith's warships. Then the Sith fleet firebombed the planet. The once green world became a wasteland.

Ahzija's family tried to escape the inferno. Her older brother died during the fighting on the ground. Her mother and younger brother tried to flee Caross and reach the wilderness where they hoped they would be safe, but they perished in the bombardment. Her father was grievously injured during the fighting, suffering horrible burns, but survived. Father and daughter were both captured by the Sith. Their captors proceeded to put them to work in one of the enormous foundries they had built to exploit the planet's resources. There they worked as slave labourers. The conditions under which they laboured were horrific. They were slave labourers, and so their lives meant nothing to their overseers.

Their rations were far from sufficient, their hours were long and the labour back-breaking. A malnourished Ahzija soon fell sick. Her father, desperate to protect his remaining child, tried to shield her from the worst and cover her. Thus he took over work assigned to her, even though his injuries had not healed. He also tried to steal and bargain with camp guards to get her food and medical treatment. But the functionaries took notice and he was punished.

When a camp guard beat her to teach her a lesson, her father snapped and tried to defend her. Some other prisoners rose up as well, but they were beaten. At the behest of a Sith researcher, her father was taken away for medical experimentation. Later she learned that these had killed him. Orphaned and abused, she was left with her anger. Desperate, she tried to escape the factory complex. She almost managed to sneak out, but was seized. The guards made an example of her. To remind her of her lowly status and drill it into her skull that she could leave escape it, she was branded.

Despair threatened to overtake her. She had to bury her feelings. She was just an expendable drone in a huge machine. She survived, but many of her fellow inmates did not. Abuse and starvation took a heavy toll. Deliverance came when the Sith Empire collapsed under the combined Republic and Mandalorian onslaught. Togoria was far from the main battlefields, and the slave labourers did not have access to galactic news. Indeed, the Sith's propaganda machine fed them stories of glorious victories over the foes of the Empire, right up to the destruction of Dromund Kaas at the hands of the Mandalorians.

But soon word spread. Ahzija managed to overhear a hushed conversation between Sith functionaries. The Empire was finished. Cut off from the resources that had sustained them, many Sith tried to flee, fearing retribution from their vanquishers. A force of diehard Sith tried to liquidate the work camp in order to hide the evidence of their crimes.

Forewarned, prisoners rose up. A Jedi task force came to their aid. Ahzija made her first kill then. She managed to sneak up on a camp guard who had beaten her father and stab him. One of the Jedi rescuers was Shakkara Kalon, a radical Togruta Jedi Knight. In time she would forsake the Light and became one of the butchers she used to oppose, but back then she was still a paladin. Shakkara was in no mood to accept pleas of Sith minions who claimed they had been just following orders, and rendered swift judgement.

However, a number of high-ranking functionaries had managed to escape the planet. The once green planet of Togoria had been devastated, so many inmates of the camp were resettled. But Ahzija could not and would not forget. She could not fogive the Sith for the atrocities they had carried out, or forget her murdered family. Or the many other Togorians who had been butchered or enslaved. She could not bring them back, but she would have retribution. So when offered a chance for an education and a new life, she turned it down. There was only one form of training she wanted.

Recognising the fire burning inside her, Shakkara stayed with the girl for a bit. She warned Ahzija that the path she wanted to embark on might very well end in her death, told her to think hard about it, then come to her if she still wanted to pursue it. When Ahzija remained adamant, the Togruta Jedi started training her. The Togorian proved to be a good student. She pushed herself hard, determined to be as strong, fast and quick as possible. Shakkara taught her about combat and how to fight Force-Users.

Ahzija could not use the Force, but the Jedi educated her about the common techniques to take on space wizards. They meshed well together. Before joining the Jedi, Shakkara had been a huntress on the Togruta homeworld. She knew how to track down and hunt dangerous prey. To give her some experience, Shakkara brought her to Shili. There they trained and hunted. But their time together was short-lived. When the Republic went to war with the Lords of Fringe, Shakkara had to return to the battlefield. Reluctantly she bid Ahzija farewell, though not giving her all the information she had on fugitive Sith.

Armed with this knowledge, Ahzija began her hunt. Her first target was the alchemist who had been responsible for the death of her father and many other inmates. She tracked down, interrogated and hanged a former camp guard, who had settled down and was now running a cantina. In the process she found out that the alchemist had found employment with a respected medical corporation called Grace Medical. The Sith's new employers knew of her past, but did not care because her 'expertise' was deemed invaluable. So they had helped her conceal her past.

Ahzija tracked her to their office on Bothawui. There she spent several days studying the Sith, familiarising herself with her schedule and habits. The Sith believed she was safe. Indeed, she still maintained contact with some of her 'old comrades', who had formed a network of sorts to provide mutual assistance to one another. Finally, the time came for the Togorian huntress to strike. Her first attempt to kill her with a parcel bomb failed, but then she managed to ambush the Sith with a sniper rifle. She injured the Sith, but she used her powers to turn invisible and managed to sneak up on her. When she dropped the cloak, she attacked Ahzija with a blast of lightning and a mental assault.

While Ahzija was in the throes of agony, the Sith taunted her. Ahzija saw what her father and the other Togorians who had been 'selected' by the alchemist had gone through. But this also triggered her anger. She would not go down and capitulate. She was not, contrary to what her tormentor thought, just some animal. Thus when the Sith tried to land the killing blow, Ahzija struck, shooting her with a poisoned dart. Though injured by the Sith's lightsabre, her greater strength and physical resilience enabled her to overpower her and beat her down. Taking the Sith captive, Ahzija enlisted the help of a Togorian smuggler to get away. To keep the Sith from dying, she administered an antidote for the poison, forced the alchemist to confess her crimes and recorded the confession. It was broadcast on Galaxytube. Then she executed her.

Her next target was the head engineer and commandant of the foundry. Through some skilled detective work and diligent research, Ahzija learned that he now lived on Vandelhelm, where he was employed by Firemane Industries. It was ambigous whether the corporation knew of his past. She managed to infiltrate the planet, presenting herself as a technician looking for work. This gave her entrance. When she was able to catch the former Sith bigwig off-guard, she attacked him, knocking out his guards. She was able to overpower him. But when she held a gun to his throat, she was caught by Firemane security. A standoff ensued. Incidentally, Siobhan Kerrigan happened to be there on an inspection. The former Sith, who had become a respected engineer in Firemane, recognised the Togorian and tried to present himself as a victim. However, Ahzija proclaimed he was a butcher and presented proof.

After studying the evidence, Siobhan declared it to be genuine. The Sith pleaded his case, claiming he had never authorised slavery or inhumane experiments, but she blasted him with lightning, told Ahzija she had an hour, then left the two alone and sealed the door. When Ahzija was finished with him, she had a brief meeting with Siobhan. The two could bond a bit about their shared hatred for Sith. Siobhan enquired about the lot of the Togorians, expressing interest in aiding them. Doubtless she was aiming to advance her own business interests and perhaps gain recruits, but she was also genuinely sympathetic.

She gave Ahzija a reward for ridding her company of a war criminal, but admonished her not to sneak into her company again. When asked why she had not approached the company's leadership about her suspicions, Ahzija's response was to ask whether Siobhan would have done that if their positions had been reversed, and risked being turned away or silenced. This the Firemane executive understood.

However, they soon crossed paths again. Ahzija came across information on a Sith sect that had gone underground after the Empire's collapse and set up a base in the so-called Omega Neutral Zone. This was a buffer zone between the Lords of the Fringe and the Omega Protectorate. Occasional skirmishes and incursions took place in the zone. Rebels and all manners of characters used it as a refuge.

She obviously lacked the resources to face the Sith on her own, so she forwarded the intelligence to Firemane, but insisted on participating in the operation. The Sith had gained a following by founding a human centric cult which advocated the superiority of humanity and the inferiority of alien species. Indeed, the Sith sect blamed the Gulag Virus on alien Jedi, who had conspired to wipe out mankind. Firemane assembled a clandestine strike force to eliminate it. Ideological revulsion aside, the Sith had intruded upon worlds Firemane had interests on.

Agents were dispatched to gain information on the cult. Then Firemane conducted pinpoint stealth strikes on the Sith's fortress, combined with previous infiltration from its agents. Ahzija joined the strike force, working alongside Siobhan. The Togorian showed her worth by deactivating the defensive shield that protected the base, allowing Firemane to assault it in full force, and killing one of the Sith leaders. She and Siobhan fought alongside one another, taking down many Sith.

Ahzija turned down a job offer from Firemane, for she did not want to tie herself to a large organisation. Firemane was opposed to Sith, but it was a company and thus would focus on its commercial interests first. Ahzija took her leave. The Sith had seemingly returned to the shadows, but her quest was not over. Looking for work, she joined a bounty hunters' guild and specialised in contracts on Sith, former Imperials and the like. She acquired a reputation for reliability and competence, though the fact that she was quite picky about her contracts obviously limited her earnings. But then she not out to make a fortune. She donated a lot of her income to reconstruction efforts on Togoria.

Here and there, she did work for Firemane or shared intelligence with them. Sometimes she worked with Shakkara. Like the Togruta, Ahzija was obsessed with the idea that the Sith were planning something, especially after a terrorist attack on the Fondor shipyards. She was proved right when the One Sith resurfaced and invaded Coruscant, taking control of the Republic's capital in a surprise attack. Immediately, Ahzija returned to the battlefield. Now she was not just fighting for revenge, but for the freedom of her people, for she was certain that if the Sith won, her people would suffer.

She accepted work from the Republic military, though she would not join it. She conducted targeted assassinations of Sith and Imperial officers, ran blockades and performed sabotage. She provided aid to resistance fighters on worlds such as Alderaan. During the war she made the acquaintance of Major Yseult Faerin, an Eldorai royal bastard and mercenary who had enlisted with the Republic army. Both worked together on many missions. Ahzija also worked alongside Shakkara. She was shaken when she heard that the Togruta was missing in action and considered dead, and even more so when it turned out that her former friend had joined the One Sith, alongside several other Jedi.

The Republic was losing the war. Finally, Togoria was invaded by the Sith. Ahzija hastened to her homeworld, taking her place among its defenders. They fought bravely against the Sith attack. Ahzija was part of a unit holding a trench against a Sith force. Fighting fanatically, they repulsed several assaults. She sniped a Sith Master with a railgun. But during the battle she met Shakkara again. Her former mentor had now become a Sith Lord, who called herself Darth Soteria. She had to face her old friend. The battle was a ferocious one. The Sith Lord was a force of nature, slaying several of the Togorian's comrades. Ahzija fought fiercely, using gas, a bolter and finally a blade. But she was grievously wounded. Yseult came to her aid with a light walker, but they had to pull out. In the end Togoria fell. Caross, Togoria's old capital, had been destroyed. The Sith began to round up all Togorians. First they were interned in labour camps, then forced to live in New Caross, an enormous ghetto. There life was defined by squalour, fear and starvation. Some were taken away for experimentation and transformation into Sithspawn.

Ahzija managed to escape the deportations. She linked up with Togorians rebels who had managed to hide in the wastelands, along with Republic soldiers who had been unable to get off the planet during the retreat. She swore revenge on the invaders. Only a few fighters remained, but she took command of a rebel cell and fought a guerrilla war. Support came from Natalie Dorne, a rogue Republic agent turned terrorist, and Yseult. Though a mercenary now due to her disillusionment with the Republic, the Eldorai still provided help. Ahzija tried to free fellow Togorians from captivity and smuggle them off the planet. She also conducted terrorist strikes against Sith forces. The invaders were destroying her people, so she showed them no mercy, especially after she had to kill a comrade who had been turned into a Sithspawn abomination.

Captured One Sith minions were shot out of hand, hanged or crucified in the wastelands their masters had created. The rebels were able to score a notable success when Ahzija led a raid to blow up a Sith air base. The damage was considerable. However, the Sith carried out reprisals. Their victims were innocent Togorian civilians, who were massacred. Sith officers announced that they would murder even more unless the rebels gave themselves up. Stricken with guilt, Ahzija personally led an operation to rescue a group of Togorian civilians slated for execution. She only let volunteers go on the mission with her. Natalie went with her. Ahzija was able to ambush the Sith and rescue civilians, but there were casualties.

A Togorian mother who had been mortally wounded in the fighting begged Ahzija to take her her daughter Qa'hasa with her and look after her. Thankfully, the child was still very young. Ahzija vowed to protect her, but could not bring herself to tell the little one the full circumstances, as she felt guilty. The rebels had to move their camp to shake off their pursuers. Ahzija altered her strategy, focusing more on rescuing Togorians as possible and getting them to safety off-world as well as smuggling supplies into the camp. In addition to saving lives, the rebels also tried to preserve Togorian culture.

She steppped up her attacks as the One Sith's hold on their empire started to crumble. With the destruction of the One Sith at the hands of the Galactic Alliance, Togoria was liberated and the imprisoned Togorians were freed. Ahzija was a participant in the liberation. When learned that a group of die-hard Rogue Sith had built a superweapon called Omega and wanted to unleash it on the Galaxy, she joined the coalition of the willing. Ahzija fought at Castameer, working together with Firemane's task force. She was given a medal for ambushing and taking out a Sith artillery position. The coalition of the Galaxy's various powers was able to defeat the Rogue Sith and destroy the Omega.

However, their separation caused a rift between her and her ward. She had fought to protect Qa'hasa, but the girl felt abandoned, especially since she feared her caretaker might die, leaving her all alone. In the aftermath, Ahzija realised that she needed to actually be there to take care of the little one and fulfil her oath. Thus she took a step back from fighting. She might never truly heal, but she could try and help others do so and make sure Qa'hasa was not forced down the same path as her.

Eventually Togoria came under the protection of the Silver Jedi, who invested in the planet to rebuild it and provided humanitarian aid. But events had taken a heavy toll on the planet. Adrift, Ahzija fell in with a group of Togorians who wanted to seek their fortunes elsewhere and rebuild somewhere not ravaged by war. They called themselves the Wanderers of Gwaarth, deriving their name from a Togorian spirit of the hunt. She left the homeworld with a heavy heart. She brought Qa'hasa with her, having remained true to her vow to look after the girl. She refused to assume a leadership position. For a while she acted as an instructor rather than a field operative. The bloodletting had left deep mental scars. Life on the migrant flotilla was not an easy one. Resources had to be rationed carefully and the exodites had to protect themselves against raiders. To raise funds and provide for her ward, Ahzija reassumed her old work as a huntress, accepting bounties on Sith, Dark Jedi and the like.

However, the Togorian also had an unexpected reunion. While she was conducting a scouting operation in a remote system, she came across the Shadow Knights. This was a renegade faction of Eldorai that had been formed in the aftermath of the cataclysmic destruction of Kaeshana. Most Eldorai had been evacuated prior to the calamity, but not all. The Shadows tried to protect the few survivors. In the aftermath of the Battle of Kaeshana and the planet's occupation by the First Order, they had to flee the planet and formed a nomad fleet.

Ahzija answered a distress call from one of their ships, which was adrift in space and severely damaged. The Togorian was able to save the survivors aboard the ship. One of them turned out to be Yseult's younger brother. The group had to deal with Bando Gora pirate attacks, but managed to return to the flottilla. There Ahzija learned about the Shadow Knights and that her old comrade was one of their leaders.

The two groups made contact. The initial negotiations were somewhat awkward. Few of the Eldorai had ever met Togorians and the applied vice versa. Ahzija was no politician or career diplomat, but she helped bridge the gap, as she knew the Eldorai somewhat. She also had a reunion with Yseult. As a sign of good faith, the Shadow Knights helped the Togorian exodites wipe out pirate group that had been giving them grief and taken some of their people captive.

There was distrust and xenophobia on both sides, but over time both groups began to work more closely together. Ahzija became something like an unofficial representative to the Shadow Knights, though she disliked being called that. However, she had a connection to their leading general. She brought her little ward with her. More progressive voices on both sides began talking about joint expeditions and settlements. The Shadow Knights had larger numbers, but many elves were new to spaceflight and had only had limited exposure to modern tech. So Ahzija and some of her comrades provided technical support. A joint committee was established to pool resources and coordinate their activities.

Eventually her work with the renegades brought Ahzija to Tygara. At a summit of all the major leaders, the Eldorai Matriarchy and the native elves had decided that their people would go off into the stars to colonise. The Shadows intended to conduct a recruitment drive. Ahzija was the perfect contact since she was at least friendly with Firemane and not an elf, so she could move with less suspicion of being a Shadow recruiter. She also provided transport for Tygarans wanting off the planet. The Togorian warrior is now trying to balance her responsibility for her ward with that to her people and her quest of retribution against Sith. In the aftermath of Kaeshana's final, cataclysmic destruction due to Netherworld aftershocks, she started working with Kaida Taldir.

Intent: Codify a character established in rp. Expand on Tephriki lore.
​Image Credit: Here.
Role: Phoebe is a former prisoner of the Dominion of Light, a government Firemane recently fought. She led the prisoners of Serene Springs in revolt against their captors, thereby aiding Elpsis' escape. Now she acts as one of the main leaders of the Tephriki fugitives who have sought refuge with Firemane.
Links: Into Darkness, Dominion of Light, After Darkness, Republican Guard, Elpsis, Red Coral City, Rhea, Diona, Cassius.

Age: Mid-twenties.
Force Sensitivity: Untrained Force Sensitive.
Species: Nautolan.
Appearance: Phoebe is a rather thin and scarred Nautolan female. She is dressed in somewhat threadbare clothing. Her greenish skin is marked by scars and burns. These are the fruits of disobedience, rebellion and punishment. While a prisoner she was forced to wear a collar to keep her from using the Force. When triggered it caused electrical shocks. This has left her with burn marks on her neck. Her back is also scarred from lashes. But she carries herself with confidence, almost arrogance.

She looks grizzled and older than her years, but well and truly capable of getting down to battle if needed. Her face is surrounded by a mass of darkening head-tails. She generally wears them wild, though she will pull them together into a heavy band when practicality demands it. She has golden eyes. Prison and back-breaking forced labour has hardened her body. Phoebe is never unarmed, and favours a blade in combat. She speaks with a soft voice. Like all Nautolans, she has multiple hearts, which are capable of beating separately.

Name: Phoebe Callas.
Loyalties: Tephriki refugees. To be precise, she is one of the leaders of the Tephriki prisoners who rebelled against their Jedi captors and freed themselves with Firemane's help. She is associated with Firemane, but not beholden to it.
Wealth: Low. Phoebe is not wealthy at all. Her people are fugitives who have sought refuge on the arkships of the off-worlders. Even if she were one to flaunt her wealth, she would lack the means to do so. Phoebe is new to market economics, currency and banks. This is due to the fact that the Dominion has a command economy and abolished money, while the Republican Guard is an insurgency.
Notable Possessions: The collar she was forced to wear while a prisoner of the Dominion. A Force Imbued Blade she took from the corpse of a Jedi guard after rearranging his skull with a pickaxe.
Skills: Phoebe is Force-Sensitive, but has received very little formal training. The Republican Guard criminalised Force-use and she spent many years in incarceration while she lived in their territory. The Dominion offered her training, but tried to turn her into a drone, which she rebelled against. As a result, her knowledge of the Force is haphzard. Her use of it is instinctual rather than practiced, since she has not been taught properly.

It mainly manifests in form of precognition and extrasensory perception. She has good senses. Phoebe has a rare power called Shatterpoint, though she does not know it under that name or even really understand it. It is an innate talent that allows her to perceive fault lines, similar to different pathways of action. Shatterpoints are perceived like flaws in a Corusca gems. A single strike or action can have an impact it otherwise would not have. They can also be discovered in objects and the physiology of living beings. She has a minor talent for Force Persuasion and some empathic abilities. These make her good at reading people and anticipating their motivations. She has Telekinesis, but struggles with sustained use because she has not been properly trained. Short bursts of intense activity are tiring for her.

While not formally trained, Phoebe is skilled in melee and ranged combat. She is particularly adept with the blade and has a preference for melee in combat. A lifetime of hardship has made her body strong. She had to be in order to survive the concentration camp, as the forced labour she was subjected to was gruelling and both the medical care and the rations woefully inadequate. Phoebe is used to surviving with very little. Moreover, she is good with improvised weapons. She is well-versed in escape artist stuff and has some skill at slicing. Being a Nautolan, she is an excellent diver and swimmer and able to breathe underwater.

Phoebe is not an exceptional orator. Flamboyant performance is alien to her. When she gives speeches, she does so with striking simplicity. But her plain manner of speaking has a way of reaching an audience. The Nautolan is adept in the art of dissimulation. She uses simple, down-to-earth language instead of rhetorical flourishes that might fly over the head of her audience or make it suspicious. Her speaking style is simple and clear. She speaks Galactic Basic, but as typical for Tephriki she has a strong brogue. She is fluent in the Nautolan language, which is maximised for use underwater and not fully pronounceable in a gaseous atmosphere. Phoebe has some artistic talents and is a good painter. This helped her survive her time in Serene Springs, as one of the commandants made her do paintings for him.

Personality: Driven, confident, wounded. Much of Phoebe's life has been one spent in chains. She had the misfortune of being born on Tephrike, a war-torn, impoverished planet. She grew up in Republican Guard territory. The Guard claims to stand for freedom and is the lesser evil compared to its rivals, but also discriminates heavily against Force-Users due to all the destruction they have caused.

The rebel junta put her in an asylum - a high-security facility meant to protect Force-Users from themselves by isolating and brainwashing them. Phoebe organised a breakout with the help of Dominion agents, only to realise that the Jedi were even worse than her original captors. She endured brainwashing, forced labour and torture in a concentration camp. She became a leader among the prisoners and helped spark a revolt against their oppressors. She has learned much from her time in prison, such as investigating, calculating and confronting in order to establish which prisoners are stool pigeons, double agents or the genuine article. She also became adept at exploiting corruption, trading small favours with camp guards and functionaries. She has done many things she is not proud of to survive. Sometimes they are the cause of sleepless nights. But against all odds she survived.

Now she is a free woman, and one of the leaders of the Tephriki fugitives who have sought refuge with Firemane. It is something she is still adjusting to. Her people are those who have suffered at the hands of Tephrike's rulers. Her experiences have left her with deep mental and physical scars. She is determined to never again be in the same position. She resents her family for giving her up to the Republican Guard. From her perspective, they abandoned her.

The sacrifices she has endured have also nurtured her ambitions. To be free, her people need to be strong and they need a leader. Some of the prisoners see her as overly ambitious or even accuse her of being power-hungry. Phoebe counters this with the argument that she is ready to assume responsibility. Someone has to, after all. Without leadership, they will crumble and forfeit their freedom. However, her position among the fugitives is as a member of a collective leadership rather than uncontested leader. She just so happens to be more equal than many others. The Nautolan is determined and very passionate about her goals. She has a keen sense of humour and can laugh at herself, but is not a graceful loser when thwarted. She is loyal and hard-working, but can be vindictive.

Phoebe has agreed to work with Firemane, but does not view herself as their hireling. Firemane troops freed her people, but the reason the corporation went to war against the Dominion was to free the daughter of their leaders and avenge the treacherous attack on their delegation. They were motivated by a desire for retribution, not altruism. If the Dominion had not betrayed them, Firemane would not have unleashed storm and fury upon it. Once they had achieved their objective and given their foe a bloody nose, they left.

Moreover, Firemane has an accord with the Republican Guard, a group Phoebe is hostile to. However, she does not expect their agreement to last. To her, the corporation has its own agenda and it may not necessarily be in line with hers. Her present goal is to give her people a safe haven away from the bloodletting and craziness. Her long-term goal is to return to Tephrike. Many people are still living in oppression and she has scores to settle.

Phoebe is a hard woman, but able to inspire her followers. She does not have a lot of formal training, but is brave in a fight. Her goal is not to be beholden to the outsiders. Rather she wants to be like them - in the sense of being independent and in command of her destiny. For this reason, she has a negative view of those Tephriki refugees who have gone native and fully assimilated into the company, since she believes that they are supplicating themselves before the off-worlders.

Phoebe's relationship with Elpsis is complex. The two are not friends or particularly close. When the young Firemane was brought to the Serene Springs concentration camp, Phoebe realised that she would be important in some way. In that regard she was probably seeing a Shatterpoint, though she did not understand it that way.

But unlike Rhea or Mara, Phoebe does not see the 'Fire Princess' as some kind of saviour. True, Elpsis slew the Grand Inquisitor of the Dominion, which was the catalyst of the revolt. She slew countless guards and Jedi Inquisitors. But a rebellion had been planned for a while, as the prisoners feared that the Inquisition would 'evacuate' the camp out of fear of the off-worlders. Moreover, rather than passively wait for rescue, the prisoners rose up in revolt and fought. Phoebe was the first of them to strike at a guard. As a result, she sees herself as a partner rather than a supplicant.

She has started learning the ways of the Force in order to gain greater control over her powers, though she is reluctant to seek training from Firemane instructors like some of her people have done. This due to her concern that this might make her indebted to them. Phoebe is pretty focused on her political and social agenda. It takes precedence for her. She has a good work ethic and expects subordinates and colleagues to keep up with her. The Nautolan is sterile, but she has sought medical treatment to cure her infertility.

Weapon of Choice: Sidearms | Melee Weapons.
Combat Function: A lot of Phoebe's combat skills are self-taught, but she is a capable fighter. While the Nautolan is Force-Sensitive, she is largely untrained. Her Force use tends to be instinctual rather than practiced. As a result, she cannot draw upon many of the devastating powers Force wielders make use of in combat.

However, she has good extrasensory abilities. Her battle precognition and Force Senses are pretty good. Moreover, she has an innate talent for Shatterpoint, an unusual ability that can give her an edge in dangerous situations and grant her insight into other beings. But she uses these abilities on instinct. Phoebe is skilled in the use of conventional weapons, with a preference for melee weapons. Her favoured weapon is a blade, but she is also good with an axe. She is particularly potent in close quarters. Furthermore, she is a good pistol shot.

Phoebe is skilled in stealth, evasion and dissembling. Having been raised in two oppressive environments, it was a survival mechanism for her to be able to hide her thoughts, for one wrong move could spell her doom. Phoebe has leadership skills, but has not had the benefit of proper formal training in a military formation. However, the Nautolan is inspirational for her followers and able to rally them when the situation is dire. Indeed, her ability to lead and inspire her people is probably her greatest strength.

However, she has limited experience with galactic technology and has not been trained in the use of a lightsabre. These weapons are incredibly rare on Tephrike and someone of her low status would not have been taught how to use one. Indeed, she had never seen a lightsabre until Firemane's arrival on the planet. She is good with a Force Imbued blade though.

  • Skilled fighter, especially in melee and close quarter combat.
  • She has strong extrasensory perception and Shatterpoint, though her use of these abilities is instinctual due to her lack of formal training.
  • Nautolan racial strengths. She can breathe underwater. Her people possess exceptional olfactory and pheromone-sensing skills, enhanced by head-tresses. These tendrils are used to detect the emotional state of another being, but are most effective underwater.
  • Only a limited command of the Force and repertoire of powers, as she has little formal training.
  • Not trained in the use of a lightsabre. She is used to melee weapons with actual weight behind them. If she were to find a lightsabre on a battlefield, pick it up and try to use it against an actual opponent, she would not perform well with it.
  • Limited experience with galactic technology, including space travel, starship piloting and modern computers. Phoebe is not particularly tech-savvy. Until Firemane evacuated her people, she had never been in space. She learns fast but many high-tech applications off-worlders take for granted will be new to her.

Tephrike has been isolated from the rest of the Galaxy since the outbreak of the Gulag Virus. Originally colonised during the twilight years of the Old Republic, it was subjugated by the Galactic Empire. The human supremacist regime established by the Empire was overthrown with the aid of the Rebel Alliance and the planet emerged as a multi-species federation. Then the Gulag Virus sent the Galaxy spiralling into chaos. Warlords, Jedi, Sith and rebels vied for power. Prolonged warfare and the use of primitive weapons of mass destruction brought great devastation to the planet. Benign intentions turned to evil over time. Jedi who sought to restore order and reunite the planet fell to the darkness they claimed to oppose, while still believing that their intentions and actions were good. In so doing, they followed in the footsteps of Atris and Joruus C'boath. Believing that they alone could lead Tephrike out of the darkness, they created a theocratic dictatorship.

Renegade Jedi established a Sith cult called the Disciples of the Vader, for they idolised the long-dead Vader as a god and believed it was his will to enslave all those who could not wield the Force and were not human. The Republican Guard, a faction that glorified the Old Republic and staunchly opposed Force-users, was founded by disgruntled clone slave-soldiers and racial minorities that declared war on both Force cults. In between these three extremes, several smaller factions tried to carve out a niche for themselves. The planet was locked in stasis, divided by riven groups trying to recall a past they did not remember. Here, the dark age never ended.

The Republican Guard rose up in revolt against the tyrannous Jedi and Sith. It proclaimed himself the spiritual successor to the Rebel Alliance and the heir to Tephrike's pre-collapse government. Its intent was to topple the mages who had brought so much misery, crush the warlords and unite Tephrike under the banner of a republican government of Non-Force-Users by Non-Force-Users for Non-Force-Users. Its intentions were noble and it did much to protect the common people. Refugees fleeing the Dominion's oppressive theocracy and the Vaderites' genocidal policies towards aliens found refuge in its territory. But owing to its weakness in terms of territory, material and manpower, its methods were that of a terrorist insurgency.

Centuries of brutal warfare, insurgency and counterinsurgency begot hatred and atrocities. Regarding the Force as a curse, the Guard concluded that the only way to prevent Force-Users from doing harm was to isolate and indoctrinate or cure them. Otherwise even the most innocent child who had been afflicted with the curse would one day risk succumbing to it. Phoebe grew up in Republican Guard territory, She was born in Red Coral City, the armed underwater settlement that served as the closest thing the Guard had to a capital.

Founded by Gungan and Quarren prior to the collapse, Red Coral City had been catapuled to prominence during the tumultous years that saw the rise of the Dominion. Here the Republican Guard arose and from here it conducted an all-out irregular warfare campaign against foes. Fear of enemy spies and closeted Force-Users was widespread. For this reason constant vigilance was the order of the day. Phoebe's parents were supporters of the Republican Guard. It was the government they knew and it protected them against the Sith and the Dominion, both of which would have forced them into servitude.

Her father had served in the militia, but been wounded in action. On the battlefield he had seen many of the evils perpetrated by Force cultists. Phoebe's parents were kelp farmers. The farmers were organised along syndicalist lines and both belonged to the local union. Her mother was one of the local elected representatives. She had her own bad experiences with Force-Users. Her sister had been Force-Sensitive. However, her parents had wanted to protect their daughter, fearing what the authorities would do to her. Thus they kept her Force affinity a secret and forced Phoebe's mother to stay silent on the subject.

However, the family did not have the knowledge to train Phoebe's aunt in the Force or teach her how to control her powers. Lacking control or guidance, the girl started to abuse her powers, using mind tricks on other kids and teachers. Her power soon went to her head, as she discovered she could bend others to her will. The strange things that kept happening around the girl eventually brought the militia to their doorstep. When she saw them, she lashed out and channelled the power of the dark side. Several people died. One of them was Phoebe's grandfather, who was stuck by lightning when he tried to defuse the situation. The soldiers had to kill his wayward daughter. This experience gave Phoebe's mother a harsh view on Force-Users, and why she thought that they had to be treated as people with a curse.

Phoebe fell victim to this view. Ironically, the act that caused her to be locked up was one of protection. She had known for a while that something was...odd about her. Sometimes she could see things happen before they did, at others she got vague impression of what other people thought or felt about her. But she kept quiet about this. Then one day she saved her family from being buried by a rock slide caused by the crumbling of sea cliffs. Her neophyte talents in the Force enabled her to hold back the avalanche. But it also meant that her powers were revealed.

She had saved her parents and condemned herself. Her parents were shocked, but to them there was only one way they could respond. Other farmers had seen the display and would report her if they did not. Moreover, they had an unborn child that was still growing her mother's womb to think of. When the lawmen came, Phoebe's tearful mother hugged her, apologised and exhorted her to be brave and good. What was inside her was not her fault. It was a curse the Guard would help her overcome. Then she would be able to return home. Until then, she would live in the Amidala Asylum.

It was a tremendous gut punch for the confused, frightened and angry child. She was put into the care of the Extraordinary Commission for Preternatural Regulation and Control. This body was responsible for enforcing the Guard's Force-User policies, including running the asylum, incarcerating or eliminating Force-Users judged too unstable. It also decided which Force-Users would be 'cured', in other words, turned Force Dead.

Officially it was the only body authorised to make decisions about the fate of an individual Force-Sensitive. It was policy to focus on rehabilitation and treat the Force as a medical condition, rather than retribution. However, the Guard's control over its cells varied and hatred of Force-Users ran deep. As a result, many a commander took matters into their own hands and often made arbitrary judgements. In any case, Phoebe was brought to the asylum. It was a depressing, foreboding place. In all fairness, the Guard was poor, and resources were scarce everywhere, but the lot of the inmates was a harsh one. Many of the guards were Yuuzhan Vong, since being Force Dead made them immune to mental manipulation.

The inmates were subjected to brainwashing, drugs and a good bit of mental trauma to associate the Force with bad things. This included electrical shocks for the undisciplined. They were told the story of the asylum's namesake. Padme Amidala had loved Anakin Skywalker but his curse consumed him and driven him to evil. He had used the Force to hurt his pregnant wife, choking her. This had caused her death. She died giving birth to two Force-Sensitive babies, Luke and Leia, who were separated at birth. Both were good people, but would be manipulated by the Jedi into perpetuating the cruel war. After going into exile, Luke tried to prevent the legacy of oppression from being passed on to future generations by burning the sacred Jedi texts. But Rey continued the misguided ways of the Jedi and fought the Yuuzhan Vong, who had come to liberate the Galaxy from the tyranny of Jedi and Sith.

There was a teaching staff that was supposed to teach them skills in order to help them integrate into normal society, but the quality of the teachers varied. Submission to authority was rewarded, and disobedience penalised. Phoebe found it depressing and oppressive. In her view, she had done nothing wrong. She had protected her family. She had never hurt anyone. Yet she was being treated like someone who was a public menace and her every move was being monitored. Her confinement fed her anger and resentment. Initially her parents were allowed to visit, but these visits soon stopped. Phoebe was angered when she heard that her mother had a new daughter. This made her rebellious and she was punished for her behaviour.

Ironically, the director of the agency, Jagat Gosir, had once been a Force-User. Unable to control her powers she was turned Force Dead. The medical procedure had nearly killed her, but she was free of her 'curse'. Her empathic powers had caused her to suffer greatly, so she came to see the Force's loss as a blessing. However, the loss of her Force empathy had also stifled her ability to express emotion.

The Republican Guard believed Force-users were dangerous, but that they could be cured and turned into productive citizens. However, some extremists were not content with collaring Force-Users. Hardened by the brutal fighting on the front lines and the atrocities committed by Jedi and Sith, they distrusted any cure other than a slug round. Phoebe suffered from abuse at the hands of overzealous guards. Her stubbornness did her no favours.

The first warden, a Yuuzhan Vong, who was responsible for the group she was in was stern, but decent. The fact that most aspects of the Force could not affect him might have contributed to him being less paranoid. However, he died under mysterious circumstances and was replaced by a radical zealot with a strong grudge against Phoebe's kind. Only later would the Nautolan learn that his predecessor had been murdered by a Dominion agent. Phoebe made the mistake of keeping a secret diary. It was a coping mechanism that helped her stay sane. She hid it, but one of roommates found it and ratted her out. For a while Phoebe was isolated from her fellow inmates. After being let out, she was publicly shamed and forced to undergo a self-criticism session, during which she had to confess her errors and affirm her renewed belief in the Guard.

She began to look for a way out. A few of her fellow inmates gravitated to her. However, she knew she was being watched. Phoebe did her best to keep head down. Ever since the incident with the diary, she had had her suspicions about another prisoner. She started feeding her false information, pretending that she had been turned herself. This proved that her roommate was a rat. When the time came, Phoebe used a sharpened toothbrush to shiv her and made it look like an an accident.

However, it was not only the Republican Guard that was watching her. A Dominion agent had infiltrated the Amidala Asylum. He was a Nautolan Phoebe knew by the name of Ner Kadi. Outwardly he was a dedicated member of the asylum's staff and convinced of the righteousness of the Republican Guard's cause. In reality he was one of the Dominion's Non-Force-Using agents. Using Jedi would have been a bad idea, so the Jedi Shadows used Non-Force-Users. Ner had gotten himself into a position of trust in order to be able to cherrypick the best 'recruits'. Now he cast her eye on Phoebe.

Their contact was a gradual one. At first Phoebe was hesitant. But Ner pulled some strings to make life easier for her. He did her a favour by getting rid of the cruel guard who had tormented her. Little did Phoebe know that the Dominion agent had been responsible for him being put into a position of power in the first place. The agent started working on Phoebe, using seduction as well as persuasion. First she posed as a dissident, then she revealed her true nature to Phoebe.

The young Nautolan knew extremely little about the Dominion. All she knew was the Guard's propaganda, which painted it as an evil empire. But Aola presented it as a place she would not be persecuted for what she was. She would be respected and free. Slowly, Phoebe and her comrades began to plot. Some were hesitant, but Phoebe took the lead. She grew even more resolved when a fellow prisoner, who had been particularly defiant, was subjected to the 'cure' and was crippled by the procedure.

The Preternatural Commission was starting to get suspicious and Ner implied that he would have to leave soon, and that Phoebe and her friends would be either in or out. Fearful and yet hopeful, the Nautolan decided to act. Ner organised a 'prison transfer' to another facility for testing or turning the group of prisoners Force Dead. She was able to smuggle in a weapon. When everything was ready, she, Phoebe and the prisoners hijacked the transport.

Pursued by the Guard, they managed to escape, but one of Phoebe's comrades died. Phoebe mourned his loss, but they had no time to waste. Militia and specialists from the Commission hunted them. They had to abandon their transport after it was damaged. Ner set it to blow to hold off pursuers. They had to hide in the wilderness before meeting with a clandestine Jedi Shadow team. It was led by Jedi Cassius, a rising star in the Dominion's Jedi Order. Eventually Phoebe would learn that he had organised the operation. When she was introduced to the man she was impressed by him. While stoic, he radiated poise and control. He also dispatched rebel soldiers pursuing them.

The seemingly freed prisoners were smuggled out of Republican Guard territory and brought to the Dominion. Until now Phoebe had never wandered beyond the sea her home city was submerged in, so she was rather impressed when she beheld Nexus City. By Tephriki standards, the city was enormous. The architects had did their best to recreate Coruscant, right down to a grandiose Jedi Temple and a (never used) Senate Dome. There was also a spaceport, though commercial space traffic did not exist.

She and her friends were fed a rosy image of the Dominion as a land of plenty and equality, guided by wise Jedi Masters. Upon landing, they were given a hero's welcoming. Younglings dressed in brown Jedi robes and wearing a lapel bearing the Grandmaster's image greeted them warmly and the Barsen'thor congratulated them on their successful escape. They were taken for a tour of the Jedi Temple and of the city. Among other things they got to some of the shops, behold shelves filled with goods and even take some home.

Later Phoebe would learn that these were special shops only accessible to members of the elite. Common citizens had to stand in line for loafs of bread and other essentials. They were given rooms and Phoebe gave a few interviews, where she denounced the Republican Guard. All seemed well. Then it turned out that they had exchanged one nightmare for another. And their new one might be even worse. First the Dominion started pressuring them into accepting Jedi training.

When Phoebe attended a session, she was disturbed by the emphasis on blind obedience. When she spoke with Jedi at the Temple, she was even troubled as it turned out that few of them had had anything resembling a family life. Indeed, appeared to have trouble grasping the concept. They had been grown in laboratories and raised by the Order. The clones, who considered themselves 'Pureborn, called 'normal' born people like her 'Randoms'. As one of them told her "you never know what aberrant traits or features you might get, you don't even know how many might come out! It's all so very disordered and chaotic!" Phoebe deeply resented her family, but this seemed wrong to her. They had been good to her once. She had dismissed the claim that the Dominion raised its Jedi to be emotionless drones as Republican Guard propaganda, but now it did not seem far from the truth.

One of her comrades, who had been in a relationship with another prisoner, was particularly defiant. One day he simply disappeared. When Phoebe tried to find out what had happened to him, she was told he had been unmasked as an enemy agent. This was absurd, to say the least. All her attempts to help him were rebuffed and when she had an outburst she was warned to know her place, for anger was the path to the dark side. Her friend eventually returned, but now he was a changed man. They had just been tools in a political game and would have to conform or pay the price. Cassius blackmailed Phoebe, forcing her to make propaganda appearances by implying her friends would face consequences otherwise. Soon she heard rumours that she and her friends were supposed to be separated.

The group managed to come together for a covert meeting. Their comrade was lost. However, Phoebe made the mistake of still trusting Ner. After what she had endured, she wanted to genuinely believe that the Dominion was better and that there were just a few rotten apples spoiling it. She did not think Ner knew about the bad conditions. This was something the Dominion, for he had been assigned to investigate abuses and promised to protect her and her friends. Phoebe and her friends tried to escape through the extensive catacombs of the Jedi Temple. At first everything went well, but then things went awry. Realising that they could not overcome the Temple Guards pursuing them, Phoebe made a choice. Urging her cormades to go on, she tried to draw attention away from them, sacrificing herself for them. Several of her friends managed to escape.

However, the Nautolan was caught. Phoebe fought as hard as she could, defending herself with a stolen blade, fists and her weak, instinctual Force skills. But she could not overcome them and was captured. She was now in the hands of the Jedi Inquisition. Cassius was annoyed by this setback, but the Dominion used old recordings and a compliant clone to maintain the fiction of the Republican Guard prisoners who had seen the Light a while longer.

Meanwhile, Phoebe was brought to Serene Springs, an euphemistically named brainwashing and forced labour camp run by the Inquisition. There she was subjected to physical and mental torture. Among other things, she was tortured with electrical cattle prods, beaten and subjected to water torture. Her stubbornness and rebelliousness caused her interrogators to be very harsh with her. For a while she was largely deprived of food and drink as well as sleep.

Under pressure, she tried to divert attention from her friends by signing all manners of absurd confessions about being party to conspiracy against the Light and the glorious Dominion. Of course, her interrogators were using torture to force a confession they had already written out of her. She had to perform forced labour in a mine. Phoebe tried to reach out to some of her fellow prisoners, but being a newcomer she was distrusted. Moreover, she soon learned to be cautious, as there was the pervasive threat of informers. Her sanity was severely tested during her time in the camp.

The goal of the Inquisition was to stamp out any hint of an independent personality inside the prisoners, reducing them to drones that would perform as ordered and could be remoulded. She got a brief taste of freedom during the Netherworld Event. All of a sudden many of the guards and prisoners had vanished. Phoebe used the chance to make a run for it and escape. The camp was far from civilisation, but she hid in the wilderness. She hunted, stole and foraged to survie. The Nautolan had to hide from Vaderite marauders who had come to burn and pillage, for the Sith considered aliens like her lesser beings and murdered or enslaved them.

For a while she worked in a rural settlement under an assumed name, after helping the locals fight off bandits. It was a collective farm, but with most of the local administration raptured and the locals were more focused on survival. According to the stories she heard, the Dominion was being invaded by the Republican Guard and the Vaderites. For a while the war seemed far away. But Phoebe could not escape it for long. A force of Dominion soldiers arrived to carry out requisitions. The farmers had very little, but were being forced to hand over their produce for the war effort. This spell death for the farmers.

Moreover, civilians were supposed to be conscripted into the army or labour corps. The head of the community protested. When the locals were unwilling to cooperate, one of the Jedi, a woman called Diona, shot one of them to coerce the others. This led to the deaths of nine more. Phoebe fled during the massacre. She was angry at herself for running and being helpless, and at the Dominion. She would remember the face of the woman who had pulled the trigger. In the aftermath of the massacre, the locals were interrogated. Eventually word got out about the stranger who had sought shelter among them.

Ner was dispatched to find her and bring her in. He had run afoul of the Byzantine politics of the Dominion and been removed from the spy service and ordered to track escapees. His masters was capricious, so he himself was not sure why he was being punished. He made the mistake of thinking he could trick her. But Phoebe now knew that he had just used her, so she killed him. Phoebe managed to remain underground for a while, but eventually she was recaptured. She was put through re-education. However, she had learned that escape was possible. But she needed to be smart about it. So she said what her captors expected her to hear and accepted the punishment due to enemies of the Light.

Phoebe was able to root out some spies among her fellow forced labourers. This involved pretending to be an informant herself. Corruption was widespread among several guards and functionaries. Their pay was not the best, after all, and the fact that they wielded absolute power over the prisoners encouraged them to abuse it. Indeed, some of the officers used the prisoners as their personal labourers. Most of the time the labourers were not compensated for this, or just received things such as cigarettes. Phoebe was able to gain the favour of a senior camp officer. The commandant used prisoners to make carpets, vases, paintings, and even furniture. Some he kept for himself, others he traded for favours or sold on the black market.

It helped that Phoebe had an artistic streak. She made a painting for the commandant, who also put her to work cleaning his robes and those of his officers. For a while she was able to get out of working in the mines and toil in the garden. The officer who favoured her was later hanged for corruption. He had gone too far by illegally seizing a patch of land and ordering the prisoners to build the house of his dreams there. In addition, he had covered for Inquisitors who systematically stole provisions from the camp kitchen, storeroom and garden. A disgruntled guard denounced him. Phoebe was punished as well for having 'seduced' the Inquisitor, but their brief closeness helped her get access to some medical supplies. This proved crucial when disease broke out in the camp. She shared what she had been able to procure with some other prisoners.

Due to good behaviour, Phoebe managed to reach the position of a camp elder, which made her responsible for the conduct of a group of prisoners. This gave her the ability to help her people in small ways. Her knowledge of their corrupt dealings allowed her to blackmail some minor functionaries. She knew that some prisoners were smuggling provisions into a labour company that was under a particularly strict regimen, but tolerated it and covered for them. She also helped get frail or sick prisoners get removed from labour duty.

However, it also made her complicit in the system of oppression. It caused her a lot of internal turmoil. But if she did not discipline lazy inmates, they would have been tortured by the Inquisition and the rest of the forced labourers would have suffered as well. Sometimes she needed to be cruel to some in order to save the many. When she was ordered to murder a fellow prisoner, she refused, and was subjected to beatings. For a while she was removed from her position, but eventually promoted again because she had been effective at it. However, then she learned that another inmate was planning to run away, she was forced to thwart the attempt. The inmate was sent away for re-education. She hated herself for it and felt like a hypocrite, but she knew that if one prisoner managed to break out, the whole camp would suffer. The only way out, she reasoned, was to save the whole group. Thus she began to plot and reached out to trusted prisoners.

When the Ministry of Enlightenment sent a team to make a 'documentary' about Serene Springs, Phoebe and other camp elders were responsible for making sure that the prisoners gave the right answers, looked clean and motivated and that the least presentable ones were hidden away. The documentary was a propaganda film. It showed remorseful inmates who were being re-educated by vigilant, but benign Inquisitors. Smiling prisoners thanked their captors for teaching them about the Light. The Inquisition oversaw filming and censored the film's contents.

It was difficult to get any reliable news about what was going on outside the camp. When Phoebe heard that 'Sithspawn demons' had arrived in outer space and attacked the glorious Dominion, she dismissed it as a tall tale. She was both right and wrong. In actuality the 'Sithspawn' were humans from a foreign corporation called Firemane. It had sent a delegation to negotiate with the Dominion, but the fanatical Grand Master, encouraged by Grand Inquisitor Antonius, had ordered his followers to ambush them. Phoebe did not see any of the outsiders until Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori was brought to the camp.

The young Firemane officer had been captured during the fighting. In response, Firemane declared war. The people in the camp were told that the Dominion was victorious on all fronts. According to propaganda broadcasts, the 'Hammers of Light' had destroyed the Sithspawn's warships. Elpsis was accompanied by Jedi Diona, who acted as her jailer. Phoebe gave little credence to stories about outsiders, but the Force told her that this girl was important. The Inquisition seemed fixated on her to the point of obsession. This helped take the heat off Phoebe and her group. Phoebe chose not to approach Elpsis or involve her in the plans for a rising. This turned out to be a smart decision.

However, their plans for escape assumed greater urgency because rumours said the camp might be 'evacuated'. Camp guards spoke in hushed whispers about how the Jedi Temple had been levelled. Phoebe slowly began to realise that the war was real, and that it might not be going the way the Dominion claimed it was. One of Phoebe's friends, a Mirialan called Mel, came under suspicion. She had been an important contact. A fellow prisoner called Harald denounced her and Elpsis, who had tried to destroy her Force collar after a harrowing brainwashing session. Mel was locked up and Elpsis was physically and mentally tortured until she gave in and was reborn as Jedi Roxane. Then one of Phoebe's fellow prisoners, who regularly cleaned one of the Inquisitor's offices, reported that the Grand Inquisitor was due to arrive.

The group had to accelerate their plans. But when the revolt happened, it did so spontaneously. Phoebe was labouring in the mines when she felt an eruption of Force power. Elpsis had turned on her captors after being ordered to start brainwashing Diona, who had stopped believing in the system. The pair attacked the Grand Inquisitor and his minions. Phoebe saw guards approach her and her crew. It was sensible to assume that Mel might have broken under interrogation.

All of Phoebe's anger, frustration and rage exploded and she beat a guard with a pickaxe. Other prisoners followed suit. Meanwhile, a Firemane assault force led Major Tempest had engaged the Inquisition forces outside of the camp. The camp guards were caught off-guard. Many prisoners were malnourished and only a few had combat training, but they fought nonetheless. Phoebe managed to rid herself of her collar and grab a blade from an Inquisitor. The prisoners suffered heavy casualties. Phoebe herself was injured, but fought fanatically. Elpsis joined the fight after slaying the Grand Inquisitor and breaking Mel out.

So did Diona and the Grand Inquisitor's former apprentice Rhea, who had been cruelly abused by her master. None of the camp functionaries, guards and Inquisitors were spared. Battlemaster Mahtara, a high-ranking Dominion leader who had defied the Grandmaster and gone rogue, had dispatched a task force to retrieve Elpsis and use her as a bargaining chip. However, they found themselves caught in a cauldron and surrendered to Firemane. Phoebe and the surviving prisoners were evacuated by Firemane. For the first time, Phoebe left Tephrike and ventured into space.

It was rather daunting for her, but she swallowed her fear. Upon arriving on the outsiders' flagship, she learned that the rumours of an accord between them and the Guard were true. Their armies had worked in tandem to seize Fortress Purity, a major Dominion fortress. She had to restrain herself when she came face to face with Mezha Krazhmir, an officer in the Republican Guard's special forces. Phoebe, Mel, Mezha, Rhea and some other Tephriki were received by Tegaea Alcori, Elpsis' mother and the director of Firemane's Exploration Corps. However, the meeting left Phoebe disappointed.

Tegaea thanked them for helping her daughter and offered them resettlement. Firemane would als continue to support insurrectionary activity against the Dominion, but it was withdrawing its troops. This angered Phoebe. "I'm glad you rescued me to save your daughter's life. What about the other daughters down there still imprisoned?" Phoebe was disgusted, though Mel calmed her, reminding her of her responsibility to her people. Firemane did bomb the headquarters of the Vaderites.

Castle Maysaf was levelled by the Firemane warship's cannons. However, during the bombardment the Sith Lords tried to retaliate by performing a dark ritual. Demons manifested aboard the flagship. Many of them possessed crew members, others remained shades, invading the minds of those not possessed. Phoebe fought alongside the Firemane soldiers and Mezha, using her Force Imbued blade to dispatch demons. Her example rallied her fellow Tephriki, who had been watching the bombardment with her. Ultimately the spirits were banished after Tempest, Karrigan'Xalda and Hikari Saito slew the demons controlling them. After the crisis was resolved, Phoebe consulted with other leaders among the freed prisoners. She pushed for getting a ship from the outsiders and a place where their people could settle and recover from all the craziness. However, she had not given up on her desire to eventually return home.

Intent: Codify a character established in rp.
​Image Credit: Here.
Role: Leader of the Harrowed. Point of view character for the Kar'zun.
Links: To Hell and Back, Shatterpoint, Eldorai, Kaeshana, Kar'zun, Shadow Knights, Exodus from Kaeshana.

Age: Over a thousand years old. By the time Kaeshana was destroyed, Brak'Vrasz was essentially a rock. However, the Netherworld awoke him from his fossilised state. Reconnecting with the Force seems to have rejuvenated him to a degree. He is not immortal, but his maximum life span is certainly much more than that of other Kar'zun.
Force Sensitivity: Apprentice
Species: Kar'zun.
Appearance: Brak'Vrasz is a Kar'zun and thus essentially a walking rock on two legs. He is craggy, hairless and has bronze coloured skin. He is tall even for a Kar'zun. The stone he is made of is very thick. He has a gnarled body that shows his age. Some of his teeth are missing. Those he has left are incredibly tough and continually replaced due to their diet of stones and rock ores. They are made of a semi-organic material of the same hardness as corundum or diamond. His people can bear the weight of armour for a long time so he inevitably wears it at almost all times. Due to his age, Brak'Vrasz is rather ponderous and walks at a slow pace. But when he gets going in battle, he is a powerful force to be reckoned with.

Name: Brak'Vrasz
Loyalties: Harrowed, Kaida, Eyrecae.
Wealth: Low. Brak'Vrasz is not wealthy at all. To him, it is all vanity. He does not care for material possessions or wealth beyond what is needed to sustain himself and his people.
Notable Possessions: Collection of stone tablets with Kar'zun runes engraved upon them. Some of these tablets are culturally important, others are quite mundane. Owns a Force Imbued Greatsword.
Skills: Brak'Vrasz has an impressive amount of combat experience. He is able to use most melee and ranged weapons. Like many Kar'zun, he has a preference for heavy weapons such as a war hammer, a mace or a large shotgun. Moreover, he is a Force-User. His strength in the Force lags behind his conventional martial prowess since he has only been recently been awakened to it. His preternatural skill set focuses less on brute force and classical hard-hitting powers and more on Sense powers.

His most important power is Shatterpoint. Like Mace Windu, he can perceive Shatterpoints and influence them. They occur in individuals, events and physical objects. It allows him to sense weak points in opponents. However, often Shatterpoints only exist in very brief moments. Theoretically, the power can also be used to shatter objects normally deemed unbreakable. He also has precognitive abilities, is able to use Psychometry and occasionally receives Force visions, though interpreting them is another matter. His Psychometry allows him to pick up impressions and traces of information from objects. It is at its strongest when he uses it on dead bodies, rocks and objects made of stone. This skill is a boon for tracking, but not helpful in the midst of battle and can obviously fail to render useful information.

The time he spent in the warp as well as the manner of his awakening have left him with a connection to the spirit realm. He is good at sending ghosts and has an easier time finding his way through the Netherworld. His connection to the spirit realm allows him to sense Nether energies and other aspects related to it. Brak'Vrasz has some skill as an Earth Shaper, but it is limited in scale and range. Summoning an earthquake, creating an avalanche or splitting the earth is not part of his repertoire. He can employ magnetism though and is good at manipulating rocks, mud and plant matter. However, he cannot project power at far range.

Personality: Brak'Vrasz is ancient. He was there for the last stand of his people. It was the day when they rolled the dice a final time and lost. The Eldorai triumphed. He is the only participant of the final battle on either side who is still alive. He was there when his people withered away. Confined to reservations, they were decimated. He was there when the Kar'zun were emancipated by Tirathana VII, but by then they were a shadow of their former selves. He was there for the cataclysm that destroyed Kaeshana. Unlike many of his people and most of the Eldorai, Brak'Vrasz remained on Kaeshana. The curse of stone was upon him and he had had enough. Instead of trying to escape the inevitable, he would give up his place for someone younger.

He slept through the many upheavals his homeworld endured. Then he was awoken when the planet was dragged through the Netherworld. Born again in hell, he found a new purpose, and made friends among the people who had once been his arch-enemy. The relic from a bygone age who had turned into a hermit and been brought to death's door was now became a leader.

The key word to describe Brak'Vrasz is detached. He has very much got his mind on a different reality, and a different way of seeing things. He has a very different conception of morality now than he used to have. The traditional Kar'zun attitudes have combined with the centuries he spent as a rock as well as the time in the void. Today, he cares very little about personal property or government or religion. Nor is he particularly concerned with the acquisition of material wealth beyond what is needed to sustain his people. This does not make him apathic though, but priorities have shifted. Mundane crimes and day-to-day politics do not concern him.

Instead he cares about crimes which injure or kill, as that snuffs out life, and life is something he does care about. That does not make him a pacifist though, far from it. He is accustomed to taking a long view on things, and can arrive at a conclusion after some very interesting and speculative analysis. For instance, slavers and pirates are bad because they disrupt the natural order of things. Their vocation is to kill, maim and injure. He will do whatever is needed to nullify them in order prevent them from being an issue. By contrast, smugglers or thieves are minor issues and below his concern. Moving around goods does not concern him, no matter whether it is done legally or illegally.

However, if he feels, using his perspective and the Force, that an individual might become a danger he might seek to change the pathway to danger or eliminate it entirely. For instance a corrupt leader or politician or an ambitious general might one day become a danger and threat, so he would seek to guide them away from thread and then take more drastic action if needed. Brak'Vrasz is not above using violence, but it will not necessarily be his first recourse.

The taking of another life is a serious matter and what may seem like an easy solution in the heat of the moment can easily be the cause of greater tragedy in the future. As a result, he acts with prudence and deliberation. One could liken it to the perspective of mountain or an ancient tree. What matters to him are the patterns and trends, not the individual actions. His ability to perceive Shatterpoints ties into this. Brak'Vrasz is no Jedi or Sith and interprets the Force differently, but these fault lines are an important part of his philosophy.

This is not to say that Brak'Vrasz is wholly a creature of logic and devoid of feelings. Indeed, he feels affection for his comrades, the Harrowed. Unlike them, he can feel the Force now, but this does not make him better. Indeed, it imposes a special responsibility on him. His group is composed of Eldorai and Kar'zun. Once the space elves were his enemy, but he treats those who belong to the Harrowed no differently from his fellow stone people. Like him, they endured hell and were forever changed by it.

All the Kar'zun who marched to the final battle with him are dead, so are all the Eldorai he fought against. Pursuing a grudge will not bring them back. One could argue that the Harrowed are an equivalent to wards. He is more than capable of meting out violence on their behalf in order to protect them. One of his goals is to find the Kar'zun Paragon, the Progenitor of his species. To this end he has teamed up with Kaida Taldir and Eyrecae Alzari. He and the primeval Eldorai did not start off under the most optimal of circumstances, as he punched her in the face to make sure she was not a ghost or an illusion. Nonetheless, they work together well enough. Besides, she has potent regenerative abilities, so some pain and a little blood should not be an issue. The Kar'zun has a habit of talking to himself. At times he can seem like is off in his own world or has somehow received insights others are not privy to. His manner of speech is urbane.

Weapon of Choice: Mk1 bolter, Sarzmigar Mk2, Power Hammer, Cylix Bolt Pistol, Force Imbued Greatsword. He is able to use any personal weapon except lightsabres however. Favours a Reaper Shotgun for close assault work and a Mk3 Heavy Bolter for when he needs a lot of heavy firepower.
Combat Function: Brak'Vrasz a tank. Being a Kar'zun he is literally a walking rock and tough as a mountain. Thus he is incredibly strong, and resilient. Kar'zun grow stronger as they age, making him particularly tough. Being made of the toughness of stone, he is extremely resistant to cold and heat. While extreme amounts of both can still hurt him, it would require sustained exposure.

Being an unusual type of creature, his people are almost impossible to mentally dominate. Thus he resists mental attacks with ease. Brak'Vrasz is extremely proficient in the use of heavy weapons. He can easily use the heaviest weapons available. Favouring overwhelming weaponry, he can deliver a fearsome punch both at range and in melee. His skill, incredible strength and durability make him a fearsome melee combatant. He favours war hammers, maces and polearms such as the Sarzmigar. Unfortunately, being a walking rock, he is also slow and ponderous. This is something a more agile opponent could exploit in combat.

His size can make him difficult to transport, he cannot swim and would sink in a swamp. Muddy terrain is rather difficult to traverse. It also makes him poor at stealth. Bottom line, an opponent will hear and see him coming, and depending on the terrain, his size can become a disadvantage. He is a tank, plain and simple. While tough, he is vulnerable to sonic and pulse weapons. However, while he is an impressive conventional combatant, Force-wise he is only an Apprentice. This means that he is better off relying on his martial prowess rather than Force abilities if he faces an experienced Force-User. His Force powers are focused on Sense abilities. Shatterpoint is his strongest power. He has some skill with Earth Shaping, but nothing exceptional. Brak'Vrasz has not been trained in the use of a lightsabre and prefers weapons with actual weight behind them.

  • Stone warrior. Kar'zun are walking rocks and have the strength of stone. He is extremely strong, durable and resilient - and get tougher over the centuries. He is very resistant to intense cold and heat. Due to being an unusual type of creature, Kar'zun are almost impossible to mentally dominate with the Force. He resists mental attacks with ease.
  • Crack soldier. Brak'Vrasz has impressive combat experience and is good at leading small units. He is skilled in the use of most ranged and melee weapons.
  • Shatterpoint. Like Mace Windu, he can see the weak places in an opponent. They can occur in individuals or in events. He is able to perceive these fault lines through the Force and influence them. This also applies to physical objects. He can perceive an item through the Force, taking note of where it comes together and discover weak points in its composition. Thus he can effectively shatter an object by willing the Force to surge through the weak point. This even applies to materials that are normally near-indestructible, such as beskar. However, applying this ability in such a manner requires a lot of concentration and is very taxing.
  • Ponderous. Unfortunately, being walking rocks also makes him slow. His people grow more ponderous as they age and he is ancient This has implications in combat, especially against more lightly armoured, agile opponents.
  • He is very big and made of rock. As a result, he is not good at stealth. His appearance is always obvious. He is a hammer or a broadsword, not a scalpel.
  • Brak'Vrasz is an impressive conventional combatant, but Force-wise he is an Apprentice. This limits his strength in the Force and the powers that are available to him. He has a very narrow focus and thus uses the Force as a supplement rather than the mainstay of his skill set.

Brak'Vrasz is the last surviving participant of the Battle of Az’vakarz, on either side of the conflict. Centuries before the outbreak of the Gulag Virus, Kar'zun and Eldorai fought for dominance over Kaeshana. It was the battle that decided the fate of Kaeshana and ensured that Eldorai, not Kar'zun, would dominate it. It also led to the near-extermination of the Kar'zun species. Ironically, Brak'Vrasz was a nobody, yet now he is the only one still alive who fought on that terrible day.

At the time of his birth, Arz’alor was the King of the Kar'zun. The Eldorai were in a state of turmoil, weakened by civil war and strife, while the King led the Kar'zun to victory after victory. However, Brak'Vrasz was not a member of the aristocracy or the offspring of a mighty warrior. Instead he was born into one of the lower classes. Kar'zun society was very much defined by social caste. Movement between castes was almost possible except by patronage from a higher caste. Moreover, advancement and succession was strongly tied to seniority. One unusual way to rise in society was for a lower caste person to have a Force-Sensitive child.

Those with a strong enough connection to the spirits were trained to become priests and their family experienced an increase in personal wealth and status. However, this did not apply to Brak'Vrasz. He had no noteworthy Force connection and no patron. Born into a low caste, he found work as a delver. This was one of the lowest paying jobs in Kar'zun society. One could compare it to that of a miner, except that it was just about doing the work to create tunnels and caverns for people to live in. His salary was low. The nature of his work that he literally ate what he dug.

Being a silicon based life form, the Kar'zun eat stones and ores, in the same way carbon creatures eat plants and animals. However, not just any rock will work, just like a human does not consume any type of plant or animal. Brak'Vrasz was a good worker, though he chafed under the lack of respect he got. His low salary would also make it difficult to provide for a family. However, he was diligent and hoped to secure an apprenticeship under an engineer. However, the war interfered. His clan lived far from the frontlines, but news still reached them.

At first the Kar'zun had gone from strength to strength. But then a reaction was born. Eldorai propaganda claims that Arz'alor intended to exterminate them. There is no evidence of this. It is far more likely that he intended to expand his empire and defeat them. However, Ariane Saedaris, one of the greatest generals and nobles of the Eldorai, united the elves under her banner. She seized control of Santaissa and preached a veritable crusade against the Kar'zun. They were not merely enemies of the Eldorai state, but stone demons who had been spawned by Illyria to destroy Ashira's children. To kill the Agrai Arishae was not a sin, it was the pathway to the Goddess' love. The new Star Queen brought the worship of Ashira to new heights of zealotry, forming a massive army.

At first the Kar'zun still experienced victories. The Valora's Chosen, an company of Angelii, was annihilated at the Battle of the Pass of Thermiscyra. Eldorai clerics declared the dead Angelii to be martyrs, who had given their lives for Ashira. Divya Tarai, a soldier in the army of Ariane, managed to hold off a Kar'zun assault on the fortress of Oritave, making use of mining equipment along with blasters purchased from an offworld smuggler. The Kar'zun forces should have pressed on towards Santaissa, but made the mistake of deciding to grind down their enemy like an unstoppable glacier. This caused a delay that helped Ariane muster her forces.

After centuries of strife, skirmishes and all-out war, it all came down to one battle. Brak’Vrasz was a young Kar'zun, barely an adult, when he marched to war. The situation had become critical, forcing the Kar'zun leaders to mobilise their reserves, even those who would under normal circumstances would have been rejected. While he was resentful about his menial position in society, Brak'Vrasz was a patriot and wanted to his part - and survive. Service in wartime could also be a way to improve his lot in life. So he joined the army as part of the last levy. After some basic training, he marched to battle with his much older cormades. They were warriors as tough as granite, but they had been kind and taught him well. With the fate of their people hanging in the balance, there was no time for social snobbery.

The two armies met on the field of battle. The location they fought over was called Az’vakarz, Death Sorrow. King Arz'alor himself led his warriors into battle. The Kar’zun fought with ruthless skill and brutality as always, but a new fervour was driving their opponents, new weapons armed them, and a new Queen led them. The Eldorai imagine the battle as a glorious victory, and the Kar'zun as a cruel massacre. Both are not quite true. It was war, plain and simple, destructive, bloody and vicious. Brask'Vrasz was part of an assault company that tried to breach the Eldorai lines.

The howl of aircraft dogfighting and of artillery shells being fired could be heard as they advanced. Kar'zun soldiers charged in formations, crossing trenches defended by mines, protected by artillery and heavy anti-personnel weapons that could damage even the rocky Kar'zun. As Brak'Vrasz and his comrades advanced in small columns, each team covered by a shieldbearer, they came under heavy fire. The Eldorai fired for their lives, and Brak'Vrasz fired wherever he saw an enemy emerging. The Kar'zun warriors charged into battle, releasing war cries that sounded like the bellowing echo of a great rockfall. Special Kar'zun troopers cleared out bunkers and foxholes, using flamethrowers and polearms.

Brak'Vrasz was injured, though not seriously, and managed to take down an Eldorai. Strangely enough, they met little resistance. None of the witches, as the Kar'zun called the Eldorai's Force-Users, seemed to be present. Battle raged on in the trench, and the final Eldorai bunker was immolated with flamethrowers. The assault company advanced further, followed by tanks and other vehicles. As they advanced the internal between trenches grew wider.

However, little enemy fire came their way, aside from small arms fire from infantry. The Kar'zun advanced steadily. As far as anyone could tell, it seemed like an easy victory, as if the Eldorai were already retreating. Then the thunder rolled. What Eldorai propaganda consistently fails to mention is that they triumphed through trickery, for they had been able to enlist the support of humans, who possessed technologically more advanced than anything available on Kaeshana.

Indeed, most Eldorai do not know any better. The humans deployed a large spaceship. The Kar'zun had used bombers and jet fighters, but nothing this big. At first it bombarded them with laser fire. Beams of red energy threw the Kar'zun forces into disarray. Then it dropped a large sonic bomb, producing a massive shockwave. While Kar'zun are very hard to kill, sonic pulses affect their unique life chemistry, not unlike concussion waves affect Eldorai. While his ears rung and he staggered, a banshee like cry was heard. Hordes of Eldorai soldiers swarmed them, proclaiming death to the 'Arish' and glory to Ashira.

The Angelii led the charge, easily recognisable with their brightly coloured armour and gleaming Sarixi. Brak'Vrasz and the surviving members of his company stood their ground. They fought bravely and gallantly, and ultimately futilely. Brak'Vrasz faced the Angelii, the best warriors of the Eldorai. In spite of his inexperience, he managed to defeat two of them. He fought with increasing desperation as his comrades died around him. They were outnumbered and outgunned. A torrent of lightning from an Angelii Host Leader brought him to his knees, but as she raised her blade to kill, one of his badly wounded comrades used what little energy he had to take her down, then died. Abandoned and lying in a pile of bodies, Brak'Vrasz collapsed. The cheers of the Eldorai grew fainter they pushed on. When he awoke, it was all over.

An Angelii officer was leading Queen Ariane across the battlefield. However, when he started to rise, the Angelii spotted him. Her name was Seraph Taldir, a very distant ancestor of Kaida Taldir. Full of hatred for the 'Arish', the Angelii asked the Queen whether she should give the 'stone demon' the Goddess' mercy. However, Ariane ordered her to spare him. She proclaimed that it was not her goal to exterminate the Kar'zun. They had to be made safe, and never harm the Eldorai again. All prisoners were to be spared.

Ariane admonished Brak'Vrasz to remember what had hapened thos day and that resistance was futile. Brak'Vrasz, badly injured, shellshocked and full of survivor's guilt, said he would never forget. While he was being led away into captivity, he heard that the King had fallen in battle and that the rest of the Kar'zun army was being pursued. The Eldorai were not content with breaking the Kar'zun army; they wanted to end the eternal war and ensure that the stone people would never be able to rise again. The humans who had aided the Eldorai were rewarded and sent away. Ariane covered up their role because it did not fit the narrative.

Brak'Vrasz spent the rest of the war in a prisoner of war camp. Conditions were very poor. Casual violence and abuse was common. He and the other prisoners were used as forced labourers. This, the Eldorai proclaimed, was penance for their sins against Ashira and the mistress race. At first the camp was just an open area sealed off with a wall and watchtowers with no inmate housing. They had to endure a terribly hot summer. Some prisoners tried to fight back or escape. Brak'Vrasz did his best to try and keep things together, acting as a sort of spokesman for a group of prisoners. The Kar'zun were left to provide for themselves, so he tried to keep them together and organise medical care for the sick and wounded as well as the construction of shelters. The fact that he was low caste did not matter anymore since they were all in the same boat now. While imprisoned, he learned that the Kar'zun capital had fallen.

The Eldorai had brutally sacked Vak’zahr, and eradicated all the Kar’zun they found. The final member of a line which had gone back (in name anyway) twenty thousand years, was killed and her body smashed with hammers and burnt to ash. The surviving Kar'zun capitulated. It was an unconditional surrender. With the conclusion of hostilities, Brak'Vrasz was repatriated, but he was not allowed to return to his home, for it had been decreed that the Kar'zun were to be deported to reservations far away from their ancestral homelands.

The attrition rate of the deportations was staggering. While the Eldorai did not want to completely exterminate the Kar'zun, they wanted to crush them completely and forever. The Kar'zun received few supplies, and the slightest infraction was used as an excuse to arrest or murder one of them. Some Kar'zun tried to flee and hide in the mountains or foment rebellion. So many Kar'zun had died in the war, and so few children were born that their population was decimated.

Brak'Vrasz tried to get better conditions for his community. He led a group of labourers and engineers that did work for the Eldorai occupation authority. Realising that further fighting was futile and would only motivate the Eldorai to destroy them for good, he spoke out against acts of terrorism. However, this caused more radical Kar'zun to label him a collaborator. Bizarrely, the Eldorai put him on a watch list and he was imprisoned a couple times as an agitator. The Eldorai commander in the reservation happened to be a member of House Cadalthor, which stood for ultra-orthodoxy and strict enforcement of the Matriarchy's religious laws. When an Eldorai garrison was attacked by rebels, Brak'Vrasz was blamed for it. He refused to implicate his fellow workers, despite being tortured. He was eventually released from jail after a more moderate Queen took the throne.

However, his tenacity had caught the eye of a radical group of Kar'zun rebels, the Legion of the Damned. The Legion wanted to avenge itself on the Eldorai at any cost. To this end they would leave Kaeshana and gather their strength in order to one day strike back. They regarded Kar'zun who submitted to their oppressors as weak. One of their recruiters offered him a place in their army. But Brak'Vrasz declined. He was forced to kill the recruiter in order keep the Eldorai from learning about the offer. Otherwise there would be grave consequences not only for himself, but his people.

The act of killing a fellow Kar'zun tormented him deeply. These experiences soured him on contact with the outside world. He retreated from daily life, and became something of a hermit, writing some history and cultural books. The Eldorai had looted Kar'zun museums and temples, destroying or stealing what they could, so he tried to preserve what was left of his people's lore. Time passed, and he became more and more withdrawn. Kar'zun were allowed to own property again, but could not leave the reservations.

Controls would be relaxed and then tightened, reservations would be altered and moved away from mountains to make the Kar’zun dependent on the Eldorai. The numbers of the Kar’zun declined and dwindled. Things changed with the accession of Queen Tirathana VII. Deeply troubled by the past treatment, she ordered the quarantine lifted, letting the Kar'zun return to under the mountains. But many Eldorai still feared that one day they would be strong enough to oppose the Eldorai. A Kar'zun elder was appointed to act as a representative to the Crown. But conditions remained poor. Brak'Vrasz went with his people, but seldom interacted with his people. He had become a relic from a bygone age.

He carried the memories of the Deadly Sorrow, but time has distorted even his recollection of what had happened on that day. The curse of stone was drawing near. When the Lost Kar'zun invaded Kaeshana, intending to annihilate their hated foes by dropping a massive asteroid on the planet, he took up arms against them. It was supposed to be his last battle. He returned to the ruins of his former home to become one with the earth. When he learned that Kaeshana's destruction was imminent, he showed no desire to leave the planet. Firemane had successfully lobbied for the Kar'zun to be evacuated as well, but he had decided to stay and gave up his spot so that someone from the younger generation could live.

At this point he was barely able to move anyway. He had had enough. Time passed. Kaeshana was devastated by an asteroid and turned into a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Later it became a battleground between the Galactic Alliance and the First Order, then an occupation zone. Brak'Vrasz barely knew anything about these events. Some Eldorai refugees, fleeing the war and Kaeshana's First Order occupiers, sought shelter in his cavern. He did not interfere. Then one day Kaeshana went to hell - literally. He stopped being a bystander.

The end of Kaeshana came to pass as the result of aftershocks of the Netherworld Event. The Netherworld's shockwaves had yet to fully conclude, and so strange and nightmarish things could still occur. Kaeshana was dragged through the Nether. There had been time to evacuate, so any soldiers or civilians in a position to flee would do so. But not everyone made it off. When Brak'Vrasz, he discovered that he had been seemingly cured of the curse of stone. He could walk again.

However, exposure to the warp had also turned him Force Dead, though this was something he did not quite understand at the time. Many of the few survivors had been driven insane. The ghosts that dotted the hellscape could not mentally assail him due to his new condition, but he had to protect himself against the ravenous beasts that stalked the hellscape. Even once peaceful animals had been turned into aggressive monsters. Spectres of Eldorai and Kar'zun who had perished during the Kar'zun War, the casualties of Eldorai dynastic conflicts, the Exodus and the Battle of Kaeshana were all locked in never-ending battles. Awakening in hell compelled Brak'Vrasz to shake off his lethargy. He set about trying to gather and protect survivors of the cataclysm.

At first he was focused on finding his remaining people, but over time he also came to work with the most unlikeliest of allies: Eldorai. Two of them were Macrina Lithala and Eliyen Kriswenys. The first had been a normal Eldorai woman who had been forced to become a hardened survivalist after the first cataclysm. She went a little mad when Kaeshana was sent to hell and embraced Illyria, the Eldorai Goddess of Death. The second was a former Ashiran fundamentalist who used to conduct terrorist attacks against infidels and 'human monkeighs'. Waking up in hell and being turned Force Dead caused her to reevaluate her beliefs and become an atheist.

The two became his friends, or at least as close as three rather damaged people could become that. Circumstance compelled them to band together to survive in the hellscape. The three worked together to take down a demonic entity that had gathered strength from the mass deaths. Survivors banded together around them. Brak'Vrasz, who had spent the last couple centuries in isolation and had wanted to be left alone, rose to the occasion as a leader. Not all were willing to move on from the past. Being trapped in hell drove many to madness. He had to battle a Kar'zun guardian who believed that the spirit of the long-dead Arz'alor had commanded her to be his wrath. Likewise, a radical sect of Ashiran fundamentalists believed the best way to escape hell was to cleanse it of demons and infidels. Other groups that sprung up included the Sicarii, a sect of Illyrian assassins, and the Hellbreakers, a group of survivalists led by a Dashdae Eldorai terrorist called Morwen. Relations with them varied. Brak'Vrasz focused on survival. His at times eccentric behaviour and the strange insights he claimed to receive from the stone caused many to consider him mad. None doubted his prowess though.

The struggles made the Harrowed hard, but also left them deep scars on their psyche. It also left them deeply embittered towards the powers that be. Time passes differently in the warp, so when Kaeshana finally appeared on the other side of the Galaxy, they emerged changed. The same applied to Kaeshana. The planet was now in a greatly weathered, aged state, as if a century had passed in the warp. It had been near scoured of life.

By then word of the strange events on Kaeshana had spread. Various independent Eldorai factions in the Galaxy took notice, though many suspected some form of trickery. One of these groups were the Shadow Knights, a nomadic faction of renegades. They dispatched a task force to investigate Kaeshana and, if possible, evacuate survivors. However, the time Kaeshana had spent in the warp had created a disruption field. It caused the Shadows' ship to crash near Santaissa's ruins. Led Kaida Taldir, formerly a royalist Angelii, the Shadows tried to locate survivors and find a way off the planet. After linking up with Morwen's crew, fighting beasts and Ashiran zealots, they ran into Brak'Vrasz and his crew. Guided by insights he claimed to receive from the stone, Brak'Vrasz had been looking into a way to get off the rock. However, the Harrowed were assailed by mutated beasts. The Kar'zun and his two comrades battled a twisted Rancor.

After taking down the beasts with the help of the Shadows, they confronted the newcomers. Needless to say the Harrowed were quite suspicious, as they could easily be illusions or shades. Brak'Vrasz identified one of them, Eyrecae, as Tarissane, a ghost from the past.

“But you're not like any other Eldorai I've seen. I have seen many Eldorai...many. 785, 519 Eldorai. No, that is too many. Hmm...if you are a ghost you must be gone from the ancient days. Yes! I will name you...Tarissane. Yes. What do you want, ghost of the past?“ Eliyen abrasively demanded that the newcomers prove they were real by shedding some drops of blood. Eyrecae was unable to do so since her blood would turn to ash once exposed to the air, so the Vashyada Ranger Tryana did so. Macrina confirmed it was real by licking it off. This left Eyrecae. The Harrowed did not like secrets. According to Macrina, they had to be revealed and picked apart. Brak'Vrasz punched 'Tarissane' in the face. It turned out she was solid. She was angered and warned him not to touch her again. For his part, the Kar'zun recognised her as one of the progenitors.

Once these niceties had been handled and the Harrowed had learned of the newcomers' endeavour, Brak'Vrasz was able to combine their knowledge with what he had already learned about the anomaly that kept them from leaving. The Sicarii had already reached it, but would be unable to overcome it alone. On the way, the party had to deal with various spirits. Some had been driven mad and attacked them. Others had been so traumatised that they had created a world of make believe, where everything was still fine on Kaeshana. Being Force Dead, the Harrowed were not affected by them, but most of the newcomers were.

They eventually reached the anomaly, where they were confronted by the Sicarii and their suspicious leader Raekana. The anomaly was a curtain of red, a dome of crimson surrounding a darkening void. As Yohara, the Shadows' researcher explained, heart was a pure pierce of Nether energy, which should not exist inside the realspace of this galaxy. Therefore, the Force had formed a barrier around it. However, this in turn had caused an opposing barrier of Force null to form. Thus the barrier was composed of three layers, and the party required the three opposite to penetrate through: A Force-User, a Force Dead being and a Non-Force-User. Kaida went through first, refusing to let a subordinate take her place and put themselves at risk. Thus she penetrated the first layer, using a machine Yohara had built.

She was able to succeed in this task, though her trek was arduous. Power spiralled out like a vortex, with Kaida at the centre. Her immense Force power strove to take the strain. Kaida was transfixed by the power bearing down on her. She was saved by her amnesiac sister Lavina, who regained her memories once she was exposed to the Nether energies. However, both paid a price, for the blast temporarily stripped them of their Force affinity or Sciia, as the Eldorai would call it.

Brak'Vrasz penetrated the next layer. When he marched through the void, he was brought back to the battlefield of Deadly Sorrow. He relived that terrible day where the Kar'zun had been shattered. What both he and indeed everyone else had forgotten was that the Eldorai had won the battle due to human intervention. It was not the glorious triumph Eldorai propaganda claimed it to be, but also not the pure slaughter the Kar'zun remembered. Brak'Vrasz was able to overcome this trial and activate the machine.

The massive blast of Force energy was agonising and drove him to the ground, but when he arose the Force had returned to him. His companions and Eyrecae quickly linked up with him. The primeval Eldorai penetrated the final layer. Brak'Vrasz and the others shared a vision she received of the progenitors of their races, including the first Kar'zun. There was also another vision that only Eyrecae saw. It took Brak'Vrasz a while to put the pieces together, but he soon realised that the progenitor of his species was still out there. The final layer penetrated, the field was overcome and their Shadows were able to send an evacuation ship.

Incidentally, it was the first time Brak'Vrasz had ever left Kaeshana. They were received by a Shadow Knight welcoming committee once they got aboard their worldship. The Archon, the elected leader of the rebels, gave a speech. Brak'Vrasz cared little for the riven factions of the Shadows, but was determined to make sure the rights of his people were honoured. They could work with the rebels, but on their terms. The many centuries he had spent as a hermit and his time in the warp had shifted his perception of things and his moral compass. Politics and government were not matters he cared about. Instead he cared about the preservation of life. Like a mountain or an ancient tree, he cared about patterns. He also had another mission, namely finding the lost Progenitor of the Kar'zun. He had determined that Eyrecae and Kaida would be important for his quest, so he resolved to remain in contact with them.
Intent: Sub some minions for Libertas.
Image Credit: Here. Here. Here. Here. Here. Here.
Links: Eidolon Supplies & Transport.

Crew Name: The Enlightened.
Crew Type: Special Operatives.
Base of Operations: Technically they have a facility on the Station R-32. However, Libertas correctly suspects that Enyo has bugged it, so she does not use it for anything too sensitive or serious. The team uses the modern equivalent of a Fury-Class Imperial Interceptor as a mobile base and personal transport.
Crew Size: 9.
Loyalties: Darth Libertas.
Description: The Enlightened are a body of seven Sith established by Darth Libertas to enforce her will and carry out special assignments. Some of the members of the group are not traditional Force-Sensitives. Instead they are servitors who caught her eye due to their tenacity, strength and commitment. As a reward, she made a Faustian bargain with them and used her knowledge of Sith sorcery to enhance their Force-Sensitivity. This is comparable to the rituals Palpatine performed to empower the members of his Dark Side Elite. Others are more traditional Sith who are naturally Force-Sensitive.

Whatever the case may be, they serve her in a manner akin to Emperor Palpatine's Dark Side Elite or Jerec's Seven Dark Jedi. They may be charged with acquiring artefacts or other items that are of value to her, eliminating threats to her and acting as muscle. As a result, each member of the Enlightened has some leeway when it comes to requisitioning supplies and resources. The Enlightened follow a code of edicts passed down to them by their Mistress. It is based on the Sith Code that has formed the bedrock of countless Sith orders and empires since the days of the Jen'ari of yore, but she has given it a personal touch due to her somewhat idiosyncratic beliefs. Strength must be balanced by reason; power must be balanced with control; ambition must be balanced with pragmatism; emotion must be balanced with realism.

Libertas is a Sith with a philosophy of liberation through self-actualisation. She is almost an anarchist Sith in her methods, though not in a chaotic way. From her point of view, she is the breaker of chains, the bringer of...freedom. Just not freedom in the way some would think. She is not a 'kindly Sith' by any stretch of the imagination. After all, those who do not fit into her 'utopia' must be culled. It is a pretty brutal version of the self-help doctrine of 'the Force helps those who helps themselves'. She respects those who have endured hardship and thrived. For this reason, she prefers recruits who have experienced great hardship and become unfettered by it. This affects her choice in candidates for the Enlightened.

Those who want to be free must cast aside slave morality and unfetter themselves. Thus Sith have a purpose beyond acquisition of power, namely manipulating social conditions to a point where people are forced to become unshackled übermenschen or be crushed. Darwinian struggle is Nature's law, thus the darkness the Sith use is natural, whereas the Light is not. Thus the members of the group are raised on the belief of survival of the fittest and rule of the strong. They are taught to regard themselves as revolutionaries, overcoming the forces of statism, corruption and reaction. Of course, how fervently the individual Enlightened believe in these tenets varies. Some are true believers, others have adopted a more pragmatic stance.

Interestingly, every single member of the Enlightened is a non-human. This is intentional on Libertas' part, who is a bit of a Twi'lek nationalist and opposed to Human High Culture. It is a rather eclectic, mixed species crew. Aside from learning how to harness the Force, their training involves infiltration, stealth, survival in hostile environments, marksmanship, demolitions, zero-G fighting and movement. All these things can be made much easier by using the Force, but they are supposed to be able to cope without using it as a crutch, as otherwise they would be replacing one chain with another. The methodology they employ varies by operative and the nature of the mission. Thus the Enlightened have styles ranging from silent sniper strikes to poison to brute force. While a cyborg with the skill set of a Sith Warrior, Libertas prefers discipline and disapproves of wantonly destructive rampage. Not only do they arouse unnecessary attention, they demonstrate a lack of discipline.

Libertas makes a point of being affable to her minions. The Enlightened are expected to obey her orders and do their jobs well, but she does not fly into sudden rages or throw tantrums when she receives ill news. Mistakes can be made here and there. One cannot learn without them. Of course, those who do not will be killed. Sometimes the herd must be culled for the 'greater good', and naturally she claims she has the right to define what that is. The group receives part of its funding from Eidolon Supplies & Transport. Officially the company sells antiques and valuable art. However, its real purpose is to create and sell items constructed with Sith alchemy to those who desire them. It is also engaged in smuggling.

The Enlightened answer to Libertas personally. They seek to consolidate and secure their Mistress' own personal goals, while ensuring her followers remain loyal to the cause. They root out dissent from within, gather artefacts and servants from without, and eliminate potential rivals or threats. Of course, this also done in the hope of increasing their own personal power. Libertas is a Sith and thus under no illusions that one of her apprentices may challenge her one day. At present, Libertas is allied with Enyo Typhos, so the Enlightened have been called upon to perform missions in support of the Terminatrix' ventures. However, the Twi'lek is quite determined to keep the two organisations separate. Her alliance with Enyo is one of convenience, after all.

It is pertinent to note that individual members of the Enlighrened are not the type to demonstrate blind obedience to Libertas. After all, they are Sith and the Sith Code preaches exaltation of the self. Moreover, several members have their own agendas. Their devotion to the Sith Code varies. For instance, Aawala is an eco-terrorist and Tadiya joined because she exiled by the Vashyada for dabbling in the dark arts. However, one thing all members of the group have in common is that they are outcasts among their species. While Libertas only headhunted a few of them, this is deliberate on her part. It helps bind them to her.



Name: Jhassa
Age: Late thirties
Species: Selkath.
Role: Mentalist, water shaper.
Description: Jhassa is a Selkath and a native of Manaan. She is a survivor of the destruction of Ahto City during the Halcyon-era Republic's crusade against the Sith Empire. Shortly after the Republic initiated its offensive, the Sith Empire launched a counter-invasion to claim the kolto-rich planet. During the course of the battle, one third of Ahto City was sunk. It happened to be the part of the city that had been occupied by the Sith.

Thus the Republic was held responsible, especially since the disaster happened shortly after a Jedi Master unleashed a Force-based storm in the city. Actually a Republic-allied Mandalorian mercenary had sunk the city. However, attempts to open an inquiry were stonewalled. The death toll was staggering. Jhassa survived the calamity, unlike many others. Until then she had been an ordinary citizen. Indeed, she worked in tourism. However, the event radicalised her and drove her to extremism. When the Republic and the Jedi Order returnd to Ahto City to offer recompense and rebuild the city, Jhassa saw it as further proof of their hypocrisy to her. From her perspective, both only wanted to secure control of Manaan's kolto. Those responsible for the deaths of her people needed to pay.

She became a terrorist. The fact that few expected a Selkath to be a fighter helped. Jhassa was Force-Sensitive, but her Force affinity was fairly weak. However, Libertas saw her inner fire. The Twi'lek offered her a Faustian bargain and the Selkath accepted. She specialises in water shaping and mentalism - and is fond of combining both. One of her favoured applications is to use her mental powers to make people think they are drowning. It helps that she can use her water shaping powers to flood their lungs with water. She can also manipulate water if she is close to a source, such as a river or underground plumbing.

This is complemented by her affinity for fear-based illusions. Moreover, she is able to use some abilities commonly associated with the Order of Shasa, namely a mind-affecting power known as the Progenitor's Call, and a telekinetic power called a waveform, which manipulates the particles of the environment to enhance the impact of telekinetic assaults. She also carries a Fira, the traditional weapon of Selkath warriors. Her knowledge of mentalism means she complements Libertas well, as the Twi'lek is not much of a mentalist. Slow.

Jhasa has rejected the Selkath's traditional policy of neutrality. Their homeworld has repeatedly become a war zone and their capital has been sunk several times. Her people offered their kolto to off-worlders, naively believing that the precious resource could be their shield, even after bacta had become the primary healing agent used in medicine. Time again, the planet was subjected to occupation, pollution and destruction. The Selkath mentalist feels strong hatred for Jedi and their followers. She is also rather xenophobic towards humans in general. Anti-human xenophobia is not inherently a part of the ideology of the Enlightened, but Libertas allows it to a degree.



Name: Chraokh
Age: Around 200.
Species: Wookiee.
Role: Hunter, assassin, field team leader.
Description: Wookiees are commonly stereotyped as honour-bound, gentle giants. However, it is best to let the Wookiee win, as they have a fierce temper and impressive strength. Chraokh is, in his own way, honourable, albeit not in a way many people would consider. He is a predator, using cunning rather than primal ferocity. To him, the Galaxy is a jungle. The strong rule, the weak are trampled beneath them.

Life is defined by strife. He seeks interesting prey, and will take plenty of time to observe and study it when he finds it. Then he will systematically destroy it. Those who fight well will be given a clean death and he will take a trophy to honour them. He is remarkably good at tracking, trapping and camouflage. His Force abilities focus on phyiscal augmentation, endurance and concealment. In short, he is extremely strong and impressive tank, but also quick and stealthy. By contrast, he does not bother with more esoteric applications of the Force. His telekinesis is minimal, he cannot shoot lightning from his fingertips or drain someone's life force. Instead he focuses on being strong, and invisible.

These attributes make him a good assassin, though blending into human society is obviously a problem. He is the strongest and most tenacious member of the Enlightened, and has the most combat experience. This makes him an ideal field team leader. He utilises a Bowcaster and a Ryyk Blade, but also makes use of non-traditional weapons. He is fond of using two axes made of beskar. Moreover, he wears armour, since fur is very flammable. Because full plate armour is not practical for a Wookiee, he wears a helmet, cuirass, greaves, vambraces and pauldrons. He keeps it light since he relies more on his natural and Force-enhanced tenacity for protection.

In terms of character, he has more than a few traits of a blood knight, though not in a mindless way. He respects those who put their lives on the line and work hard to accomplish their goals. Significantly, he does not denigrate anyone who does not use a weapon and fight. But he is scornful of what he considers the shallow culture of the Core Worlds, with their obsession with fame, comfort, and hedonism. He is rather taciturn and a being of few words. Chraokh gets on well with Tadiya, the Vashyada member of the group. The Wookiee and the wood elf have a number of things in common. In a way, their friendship is a dark mirror to the partnership the light side Vashyada have forged with certain Wookiee tribes.

Chraokh feels a strong hatred for the social institution of life debts. These have a tradition among his people, but he regards them as akin to slavery. In short, from his perspective, his people willingly chain themselves, even though they have often had to fight against foreign slavers. This ties in with his own history, as he was forced into de facto hereditary serfdom since once upon a time a human had saved the life of his father. After his father's death, the debt was not nullified, but passed on to Chraokh and a cousin.

The holder of the debt was a Jedi Master called Markus Starstrider, who still saw fit to have a life debted Wookiee as his gopher. It was tradition, after all, and as an enlightened and wise man he would not abuse it. If this meant draggging the 'debtors' into all manners of conflict that were not their problem, then so be it. It was for the greater good. The original debt applied only to Starstrider, but it was later extended to his wife and their children. Chraokh rebelled against being Starstrider's mamluk. Cast out into the Shadowlands for using his claws in a rage, he eventually managed to kill the Master. By then the Wookiee warrior had found out that he was Force-Sensitive. The Jedi had not told him, because he was too old to complete his training. Knowing would have only led him down a dark path and it would have forever dominated his destiny. Chraokh concluded that attaining mastery over the Force was the pathway to power and thus freedom. Hence he devoted himself to its study.

Name: Tadiya.
Age: 55.
Species: Vashyada.
Role: Druid.
Description: Tadiya is far from home. She was born on Tygara before the planet was opened up to the outside Galaxy. She is one of the Vashyada, a race of wood elves. They are organised in a decentralised, tribal confederation, revere the Light and the forces of nature. Tadiya shares her people's respect for nature, but has turned away from the path of Light. Her story is a fall from grace. Her teacher was a well-respected Vashyada priestess called Vailkai.

Tadiya was a brave young woman, but also a problematic case. She lost most of her family in a Xioquo raid and hidden in the woods until she was found by Vashyada rangers. She rejected the pacifist, defensive mentality of her people in favour of a more aggressive approach. Determined to help the traumatised girl, Vailkai began Tadiya's training even though she was still recovering from her injuries. Having confronted her own darkness in the Dark Heart of Yarkul, she wanted to teach Tadiya the ways of the Light and how to control her abilities. At first the two wood elves managed to bond. Vailkai was a patient, attentive teacher. However, there was still a gulf between them. Vailkai believed in the old traditions that Tadiya was rebelling against.

When a Qadiri Mirza invaded Yarkul, Tadiya unleashed her anger in the fight, smashing an enemy warrior with a powerful telekinetic blast. She avenged her dead comrades by slaughtering invaders. She fought valiantly - but also ferociously. This was a cause of concern for the priestesses. Vailkai was worried as well. However, Tadiya did not see how she had done anything wrong. She argued that the Vashyada could not hide forever. Their enemies were only getting stronger and more ruthless. They needed to advance if they wanted to survive.

Vailkai had had her own struggles with pride and the dark side. Once she had gone on a pilgrimage to the Dark Heart, a powerful nexus. There she faced several trials, but was able to overcome them. Vailkai told her student about these trials. She intended it to be a cautionary tale, but unfortunately, it had the opposite effect on Tadiya. Her young student was fascinated by the story, believing she could emulate her teacher's quest. One night, after they had tended to some wood elves who had grown sick, Tadiya snuck away. Realising her intent, Vailkai pursued her, rightly fearing that her student was not prepared for such a test. However, the maze seemed to be actively working against her catching up with Tadiya, for each trial is meant for the individual alone.

Vailkai tried to reach out to Tadiya with the Force, but failed and was unable to sense her. When Tadiya emerged from the dark heart, she had been changed. She had embraced the primordial darkness of the forest. According to her, she had broken her shackles. Vailkai sensed a dark taint in her and confronted her former apprentice, seeking to talk her down and bring her to the priestesses. However, Tadiya refused to adhere to the rules, calling the beliefs of the Vashyada absurd. In the end it came down to a fight, as the wood elf, perhaps influenced by the darkness of the forest, attacked her. The dark had made Tadiya a formidable opponent, but in the end Vailkai defeated her. The darkness tried to twist the shaman's mind, urging her to kill her former apprentice, but Vailkai refused to do so.

As someone who had embraced the 'Drush', Tadiya was exiled. She has left her people and her home behind her. Her path has led her to the Sith and to Libertas. By then she had come across Rakata ruins on her homeworld. While her knowledge of her people's past is incomplete, the revelations she received about them and their prophetess Tylania solidifed her turn to the dark side. However, though she has abandoned many of the tenets of her people, Tadiya has not fully thrown them over board. Rather her beliefs can be characterised as a mixture of Sith ideology and bastardised Vashyada teachings. She has a strong thirst for knowledge. Her pursuit of it has given her insights into the forgotten past of her people. Tadiya is a skilled Earth Shaper and good at telekinesis. In addition, she has some knowledge of Nightsister magic and Sith sorcery. Being a Vashyada, she is physically hardy and strong, equal to a human.

Name: Cawne
Age: Early Thirties.
Species: Twi'lek.
Role: Enforcer, assassin.
Description: Cawne is a Twi'lek male who grew up in the same small town as Libertas. Then she was known as Koyi Fenn. The town was at the mercy of off-world pirates. These raiders were more canny than the average pirate gang, for they realised that it was better to milk a cow than to slaughter it. So they demanded tribute. When the inhabitants were unable to meet their demands, they took slaves. Things threatened to escalate when some patriotic Twi'leks took up arms against the outsiders and were crushed. The local police was forced to help the raiders round them up.

Indeed, a few of the local luminaries came to see the deals with the pirates as a form of population control. The corsairs helped them take control over a number of villages, and in return the oligarchs ensured a steady supply. Cawne and his twin sister were poor and thus could not pay any meaningful tribute. However, they helped fugitive slaves hide. This cost them dearly, for his twin was abducted. Unlike him, she had a strong connection to the Force, which made her a particular tempting prize. Cawne bravely tried to free her, but failed. Then the prodigal daughter Koyi returned. However, she was no longer Koyi. She called herself Darth Libertas and was a Sith. However, she defeated the pirates, who had decided it was time to kill the cow, and passed judgement on the collaborators.

Some of the pirate leaders laid down their arms and tried to make a deal, while the caged slaves demanded to be set free. But Libertas insisted that her people needed to understand that freedom was a privilege which must be earned, not a right everyone just got. Thus she said that they could walk free if they took up knives and slew their subdued tormentors. Cawne was one of them who took revenge. After the bloodletting was over, she passed judgement.

Libertas enslaved a number of collaborators. As she explained, words about atonement were hollow. They had acted out of weakness and dragged others down alongside them. As she explained to them, death was preferrable to submission. Those who did not resist would always be stomped upon. Equality was an illusion, for nothing was equal in nature. Cawne was focused on one thing: freeing his twin, for she had already been taken off-world before Libertas showed up. He had seen Koyi's strength and power. If he had this sort of power, he and his sister would never be at someone's mercy again.

Libertas offered him a deal. He would have his heart's desire...if he would only kneel. Cawne knelt. The ritual she made him undergo was a painful one, both mentally and physically. The dark side seized him in its icy grip, he had to face his fears and terrors. But when he arose, he was strong in the Force. Libertas proclaimed him one of her apprentices and started training him while they went hunting. During their quest, Libertas did her best to subtly press her philosophy onto him, exposing him to the dark underbelly of the Galaxy. On a certain level, Cawne realised what she was doing, but as time passed he came to care less and less.

With his mistress' help, he eventually managed to track down his twin, who was supposed to be given to the winner of a swoop race as a prize. Giving in to his fury, he slaughtered many of her captors, as well as several spectators and bidders. They had delighted in the misery of an innocent woman. None of them had raised a hand, so they were just as vile as those who put her in chains. Cawne was seriously injured during the melee, but his fury made him push on. His sister managed to break free during the turmoil and help fight off their attackers, and the pair escaped. She was shocked by what he had done for her and who he served now. However, she felt compelled to join Cawne and Libertas out of a desire for revenge, and gratitude.

Cawne has served Libertas since then. Of the two siblings, he is the one who has more bought into her Sith philosophy. He feels strong hated for those who exploit his fellow Twi'leks, especially if they are Twi'leks themselves. Nonetheless, he feels genuine affection for his twin. He prefers direct action and loathes indecisiveness. His fighting style is rather aggressive, relying heavily on his speed and martial prowess, often using the Force to augment his body's capabilities. He is very skilled in lightsabre combat, as well as Terä Käsi and other martial arts styles, and a good pilot. He has a very high tolerance for pain and very proficient in various applications of telekinesis, including stopping a blaster bolt in mid-air, altering its trajectory and paralysing a target. However, his focus on unrelenting aggression can also turn into a drawback.



Name: Aawala.
Age: 30s.
Species: Ithorian.
Role: Aawala works for Libertas as a special operative. She specialises in sabotage, healing and manipulating plant life.
Description: Ithorian are known for their reverence for nature, their environmentalism and commitment to pacifism. Their respect for nature goes so far that many Ithorians never set foot on their own planet, electing to live in floating cities above their world called herdships. This demonstrates their commitment to preserving their homeworld's ecosystem and avoid disrupting it through pollution. Many of the Ithorians' traditional traits apply to Aawala, but with a twist.

She is the exact opposite of a pacifist. Instead, she is a radical eco-terrorist. She subscribes to the belief of biocentrism and feels strong animosity for megacorporations, galactic government and mega-cities. In her view, these forces are destroying the foundation of life, as they only revere the almighty credit. She argues that if current society is left unchecked, it will lead to the complete degradation of the environment and regards overpolluted, dystopian slum worlds such as Metellos as proof. Preserving the forests, animals and trees is not enough. Sometimes those who prey on nature must become the prey themselves. Born in a jungle enclave on Felucia, she was later trained by Ithorian nature priests aboard a herdship. They worshipped the Mother Jungle and it seemed like her calling was supposed to be a healer.

The priests followed a code of strict pacifism and conservatism though. Aawala found this hard to follow. Time and again, she was confronted with the devastating effects of greed and sentient short-sightedness, witnessing nature paradises being despoiled. For a while she was stationed on Metellos. There, the priests were part of a humanitarian relief. The planet had a history of overpollution and poverty and things had only gotten worse in the past few centuries. The priests' restoration project had backers in the government, but their efforts were continuously stonewalled by vested interests in politics and business. Aawala chafed under the restrictions. She started to endorse the idea that sometimes one had to fight fire with fire. At first, she worked with a group of vigilantes and intrepid journalists to expose corruption and malpractice. When she was targeted by a bounty-hunter, she was forced to fight to defend herself. But though the group was able to expose some bad apples, the big fish were protected. Moreover, her actions forced her to operate outside of the law.

She radicalised further when a foreign corporation came to the land she had grown up on in order to 'develop' it and 'uplift' the natives. Their operations endangered the way of life of a native tribe she had lived alongside. Believing that this was the path to another Metellos, she turned to violence. At first Aawala tried to avoid loss of sentient life, focusing on economic sabotage and guerrilla warfare to stop what she considered the destruction of the environment. This included industrial sabotage, liberating animals held in captivity, monkeywrenching and destruction of property. But her methods soon radicalised, especially after she spent some time in jail. Her endorsement and use of violence led to her being exiled from the ranks of the nature priests. This fuelled her radicalisation even further, operating alone or with like-minded rebels too extreme for mainstream environmentalist groups. She started resorting to assassination to further her goals. She has tussled with Firemane Industries on some of the worlds they operate on, and committed acts of terrorism against industrial targets. Eventually she was captured by Jedi Knights. Force-Users are difficult to hold, so she was locked in a maximim security prison. There she crossed paths with Libertas.

Aawala is quite large and strong. She is not particularly fast, but tough and packs a hard punch. The nature priests taught her Plant Surge and she can still manipulate plant life, though her way of using it is probably a lot more aggressive than her mentors intended. Moreover, she is good at utilising Force Bellow, enabling her to unleash a deafening and potentially concussive scream. She can push enough power into her sonic bellow to shatter iron and shred plasteel. Her teachers taught her Force healing, but her fall to the dark side has left her unable to draw upon the Light for this. Instead she uses dark healing, which is less efficient. She is good at Force Affliction. Aawala is passionate, but very self-righteous, seeing herself as a crusader of life. Aside from her radical environmentalist stance, she also has anarchist leanings. Aawala has not fully bought into Libertas' beliefs. Indeed, their alliance is more one of convenience, though their Darwinist beliefs overlap and both an anarchist bent.



Name: Shakka
Age: Early Thirties.
Species: Twi'lek.
Role: Special operative.
Description: Shakka is the twin sister of Cawne. When she was seized by slavers, her brother made a deal with Libertas in order to gain the power to free his sister. He knelt, and the Sith Lady empowered him. Cawne managed to free his sibling, but fell to the dark side in the process. Though troubled by the price he had paid for her, Shakka joined him and his mistress out of gratitude, and a desire for revenge. This is what keeps her tied to the Enlightened.

As part of her escape, Libertas had instructed Cawne that his sister should strike down her master, just as he had. Shakka did so and felt ashamed that it felt good. When they returned to Libertas, the Sith Lady explained that this was because the power in her needed only release and now she would be strong. No one would cage her again. The abuse and humiliation she endured during her time in captivity has left Shakka vengeful. However, of the two, she is the one who is less enamoured with the Libertas' teachings and her position as their mistress. She knows that the Sith Lady did not help them out of the goodness of her heart. Their differing perspectives on their mistress have been the cause of disagreement between the two. Nonetheless, the pair still has a strong bond and is downright lethal when they work together on a task. Unlike Cawne, Shakka was born with a strong Force connection, though she lacked the training. It was what made her such a valuable prize for the slavers.

Shakka is more cautious and introspective than her brother. Her time as a slave and her subsequent apprenticeship under Libertas have shaped her. One could say she is the ice to her brother's fire. She rarely displays overt emotion in her body language. He burns red-hot, but her fury is outweighed and tempered by ice-cold hate. She is rather observant; a trait that is boosted by her Sense abilities, which significantly improve her awareness of her immediate surroundings. She has an acute sense of danger. The Twi'lek possesses a better-than-average aptitude for precognition. Her heightened extrasensory perception serves her well in combat, but also helps her find whatever she seeks or whoever she has been ordered to kill. She has an aptitude for mental abilities. Her most potent power is Dampen Force, which allows her to disrupt, suppress or dampen the ability of other Force adepts to draw upon the Force, though it requires a lot of focus and concentration. Her abilities in this regard could be compared to Darth Cognus. She is also good with a blade, pistol and has some skill as a slicer.

Name: Dayota
Age: 200s.
Species: Yoda's Species.
Role: Assassin, stealth specialist, thief.
Description: Yodalings, while very rare, are commonly associated with the Light Side and the Jedi Order. Well-known examples are Yoda and Yaddle. There is also Vandar Tokare, but he does not speak the way a Yodaling should. Dayota, however, is a bit of an outcast among her people. She grew up on Jakuu, a planet that had already been a desolate, desert wasteland centuries ago during the war between the Resistance and the First Order and was still one now.

Incidentaly, she lived in the now even more ancient ruins of the Super Star Destroyer that had crashed on the planet. She belonged to an enclave of Jedi who had ended up stranded on the planet due to the Gulag Virus. Cut off from the rest of the Galaxy, they went native. However, the community was destroyed. Dayota's memories are distorted and thus not very reliable. What is certain is that the young Yodaling was forced to practically raise herself from an early age in wasteland. She was able to survive, but went more than a little feral in the process, resembling an intelligent predator more than a sentient being. Natives started hearing stories a little, green creature that mainly communicated with growls, was crafty with a knife and a sharp bite. At one point, a gang claimed the Yodaling as a pet, treating her like a caged animal. When she was able to break free, she systematically took revenge on her captors.

Having grown up on a world dominated by warlords, criminal gangs, scavengers and crazy cults, she grew hard and ferocious. The world she knew had one well: kill or be killed, and she was determined not to be prey. Dayota manifested Force powers at an early age, but lacked fine control and proper training. As a result, she often drew upon the Force on instinct rather than using it with deliberation. Her Force connection might have helped her survive when she was trapped inside a cave after a cave-in.

Deep down, Dayota understood that she possessed some special power. She picked up some skills as a scavenger and a thief. Her dimunitive size allowed her to go places larger beings would have trouble accessing, and made her good at sneaking. Libertas gave the feral Yodaling a purpose. Dayota's fighting spirit and survival skills appealed to the Sith Lady. Dayota is far older than Libertas, but grew up largely ignorant of civilisation and was largely illiterate. As a result the Twi'lek Cyborg had to more or less teach her all about how to function inside civilised society, outside of the desert wasteland she had called home.

The Yodaling is a terse talker and short with speech, like a certain frost elf. She speaks primarily in short and simple sentences and often tries to respond in as few words as possible. She usually speaks in the standard way because she has not been around other Yodalings long enough, but sometimes falls back into the Yoda way of speaking. She dislikes extended conversation, considering it a waste of time. Her laconic attitude is also a defence mechanism, as she is less well-versed in social interaction. Thus she is a bit of a loner, but extremely observant. Dayota excels at using the Force to boost her speed and agility. This allows her to move extremely fast. Moreover, she has potent stealth abilities. She has very good survival and tracking skills. Like Yoda, she favours Ataru and carries a Shoto.


Name: Sulquit Elg'afa
Age: Late twenties.
Species: Caamasi.
Role: Negotiator.
Description: A Caamasi who was jerked around and tricked by the galaxy once too often. Once he was a diplomat who was sent out full of idealism. He wanted to be an ambassador of peace, but but instead found a galaxy where no one was good, no one told the truth and everyone was out for their own gain. The ability to share vivid memories - usually such a peaceful and joyous event - was tainted in him by his experiences. The defining event in his life was the conflict between the Galactic Alliance and the First Order. He worked for the Alliance and witnessed the aftermath of battles between the two powers, particularly Kaeshana and Skor. These painful memories stayed with him. But then the Galactic Alliance was defeated by the Imperial Bloc. Angrily, he used these memories to try and gather support for a continuation of the war, but many Caamasi shunned him. Peace for our time. Do not use your memories as a weapon. Angered by this, he left. Shunned by his own people he found Libertas welcoming of him for he had the strength to break from the herd. In her words, his chains were broken.

Like all Caamasi, he has the ability to share vivid memories called memnii with near-relatives and Force-Sensitives. A memnis is as vivid to the one who receives it as it is to the one who participated in the event remembered. His people's peace-loving nature is partly a result of their ability, as having a memory of killing or harming someone would be particularly strong, becoming unbearable in time. However, Sulquit has broken with his people's pacifist ways. The memories do not fade in intensity over time, but he believes he is obligated to beat this burden. By the same token, his approach to sharing these memories is a lot darker than that of the typical Caamasi. He has become fond of using memmnii as a weapon and a means of manipulation.

Sulquit has a natural charisma. He is a very skilled orator and a good public speaker. Sulquit has an inquisitive nature and is a very learned individual. He regards his dark mistress as a more reasonable brand of Sith, which is one of the things that keeps him loyal to her. He is a good propagandist and thus able to deputise for her if need be, proselytising in her name. Indeed, he is one of those beings Libertas will actually debate philosophy with. His regal bearing and refined mannerisms not to mention his heritage enable him to move in social circles Libertas would find it difficult to gain access to.

While by no means an uncouth brute, Libertas is rather distinctive due to her visible cybernetic implants, whereas Sulquit can mingle a lot more easily. This puts him in a position to act as a chief negotiator and do his part to promote his mistress' vision. However, he is also devious and deceptive. He has a variety of cover identities. In addition to his native tongue, he is fluent in Basic and severan alien languages. Unsurprisingly, Force Persuasion is his strongest skill and he is very good at shielding his mind from intrusion. Moreover, he is skilled in using the Force to alter or erase the memories of others. Similar to Alema Rar and Lomi Plo, he is able to manifest an elusive Force presence. This allows him to slip from the memories of those whom he has encountered moments after departing. Sulquit carries a lightsabre and is trained in its use, but he is not a master swordsman. When he is put into a situation where he has to use his sabre, he gravitates towards employing Niman, a throwback to his life as a diplomat, or Soresu.



Name: Malachite
Age: Over 900 years old.
Species: Shard. Uses an IG-88 droid body as host.
Role: Special operative, alchemist, tech support.
Description: Malachite is a Shard, a rather unusual type of creature. These silicon-based life forms are essentially sentient crystals, but they can be inserted into droids, using their mechanical bodies as hosts to interact with the Galaxy. For millennia the Shards lived in isolation, before coming in contact with the Galactic Republic during the last decades of its existence. Malachite was one of the Shards who received a robotic body. Being able to experience, feel and move was almost intoxicating. She found the organic beings with their myriad emotions and species intriguing, but also felt somewhat haughty. However, this peaceful existence came to an end with the rise of the Galactic Empire. Emperor Palpatine considered any Force-User he did not control to be a threat. The Emperor ordered Orax occupied and the Shards destroyed.

This view of the galaxy’s more destructive side profoundly changed Malachite's attitude. Shards did not typically die violently, except perhaps by an unfortunate rockfall, they merely slowly lost their light after many thousands of years. Malachite was part of a group of Shards who managed to escape the slaughter. It included Garnet, and was led by Ophila, the most powerful of the Shard, who later took the name Onyx. They fled to an abandoned Dyson Sphere in the Rishi Maze. There they built a new civilisation, safe from organic influence. However, this new utopia had a darker side – quite literally. As time passed those closer to the Dyson Sphere started to exhibit signs of a corruption. Ophila was the closest, and over time his once noble thoughts clouded. Soon he changed his name to Onyx, and those around him did likewise. Soon the prospect of a utopia was replaced with a desire for revenge on the galaxy. Malachite decided to follow Onyx when he declared a crusade. She worked on advancing her skills with the Force, researching and building technology.

However, when the Contingency, as the Shards now called themselves, mounted their Incursion, things did not go as planned. Their plan was to lure the Galaxy's great powers to the ring world so that they could use their doomsday machine to destroy them. Having provoked the galaxy into attacking them, the Contingency was slow and often deranged in its responses. Garnet and Enyo Typhos, whom the former had originally enlisted as an ally of the Contingency, turned against Onyx after concluding he had gone mad. The pair led the efforts of the strike team to destroy the mad Shard. Defeated in space and in a surgical ground strike on the station, the Contingency was mostly destroyed or blasted when the Dyson Sphere shattered into a nova. However, not all of its members were destroyed. Some returned to the shadows. Others were recruited by Garnet to work with her and Enyo.

Malachite was one of them. She is not entirely happy about the situation, but it is better than having her crystal broken. Like Garnet she has an interest in organics, but it is a lot darker. She finds them curious toys to take apart, find out how they tick, and then try and reassemble. Sadly most of the time they break. She is of the 'Onyx did nothing wrong' school thought and is still quite xenophobic. Nonetheless, she works for Libertas because she has broken her chains twice - once when escaping the galaxy, and once again when they broke free from the cosmic horror. Unlike some Shards such as Garnet, Malachite uses an obvious droid chassis instead of an HRD body. She is not an organic being and does not want to pretend to be one. For reasons that are entirely obscure, Malachite tends to use a really feminine voice. It sounds rather funny when it comes out of her IG body. Her droid body makes her extremely strong and tough and gives her access to a variety of armaments. She also has a talent for alchemy. This is an extension of her curiosity about life. She can put in very long hours as she does not need to eat or sleep.


Libertas did not fall to the dark side as a consequence of childhood trauma. She was no slave turned Sith. Rather she grew up in an affluent family. Her birth name was Koyi Fenn. Her parents were local notables in a Twi'lek community and successful merchants. However, though she was welloff, she was still confronted with the plight many of her people suffered. The Twi'lek servant girl who taught her how to read and write had once been a slave, until Koyi's parents purchased her and set her free. Injustice reached her doorstep when foreign raiders showed up at her hometown.

These raiders were more canny than the average pirate gang, for they realised that it was better to milk a cow than to slaughter it. So they demanded tribute. When the inhabitants were unable to meet their demands, they took slaves. Things threatened to escalate when some patriotic Twi'leks took up arms against the outsiders and were crushed. The local police was forced to help the raiders round them up. As local luminaries, Koyi's parents had to host the pirate leaders. Young Koyi was disgusted by what she perceived as capitulation. She could understand that her parents had no choice, but she was driven into a rage when she saw that one of her aunts was being amicable with pirates and making deals with them, offering 'undesirables' as slaves.

Things escalated and she lashed out with her power, awakening her long-dormant Force potential. Suffice to say she could no longer stay in her hometown. For the good of the family, her parents had to disavow her. However, her father arranged transport for her offworld by making a deal with a local smuggler. One of her ancestors had possessed Force powers like her. This woman had become a Jedi. Koyi presented herself to a Jedi Enclave. However, the Jedi were wary of her anger and aggression. Moreover, it was revealed to her that her ancestor had fallen to the dark side and become a Sith. This was supposed to be a cautionary tale, but inspired her to travel to Korriban.

To her, the Sith path promised the strength she needed. She was just one of many neophytes who ended up at the doorstep of the Sith Academy. After going through a series of trials, she was granted entrance. Here she was taught the ways of the Sith. A Sith Master called Darth Lüge chose Koyi as her apprentice. However, the Twi'lek never learned to respect the vainglorious, sadistic and libertine Sith. Nonetheless, she served the Sith Empire in many battles, fighting Jedi and Mandalorians on the front lines. Koyi was on Dromund Kaas when the Mandalorians razed the planet. The subsequent struggle to survive in the post-apocalyptic wasteland was something of an awakening experience for her. After managing to get off the planet with the help of a rag-tag band of survivors, she confronted her Master and slew her.

Taking the name of Darth Libertas, she returned to her home town to crush the pirates and teach her people the lessons of strength she had learned. Some were horrified by the dark gospel she preached, but others joined her cause. Two of her recruits were Cawne and Shakka, two siblings who had suffered under the pirates. For a while she worked with the Lords of the Fringe, before joining the resurgent Sith. While scornful of the Dark Lord's cult of personality, she respected the One Sith's determination and evident success on the battlefield. While fighting the Republic and the other enemies of the Sith on the battlefield, she had time for games of cat and mouse with Jedi Knights, founding a populist, revolutionary movement called the Breakers of Chains and pursuing power plays with rival Sith Lords. For a while things were good. However, as the One Sith Empire stagnated after going from victory to victory, she turned her eyes towards her own agenda.

The Enlightened started to take shape in this period. She crossed paths with the radical Ithorian eco-terrorist Aawala in a maximum security prison and recruited her. Later she found the feral Yodaling Dakuu on Jakuu. After the collapse of the One Sith, Libertas joined the coalition of the willing that rose in opposition to the Rogue Sith, as she saw no point in the destruction the latter wanted to unleash with the Omega superweapon. Sadly Darth Soteria, a former Jedi she had converted during the war, disagreed and joined the Rogues, only to become a warlord later. Following the Omega War, Libertas went back to working independently. This led her into a partnership with Enyo Typhos. The two had much in common - enough to stomach an alliance of convenience.

They were sharks swimming in the same direction. A disillusioned Caamasi diplomat and a murderous Shard became new recruits to her cause. With Chaokh leading them, the Enlightened were conceived as a group of special operatives that could function as her eyes, mouth and hands. Libertas and the Enlightened supported Enyo in her crusade against Archangel, participating in the final battle in which the Terminatrix overthrew her creators and took control of their company. Libertas received her share of rewards and now seeks to expand her power base. The Enlightened have an important role to play in this endeavour.

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