Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nova Tordenbryter

Nova Tordenbryter

Nova Tordenbryter

NAME: Nova Tordenbryter


RANK: Jedi / Smuggler


AGE: 25

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 5' 9"

WEIGHT: 135 Lbs.

EYES: Green

HAIR: Black

SKIN: Caucasian




- Half Blind: "I'm missing my eye from an old duel. He lost a head though, so fair trade."
- Reckless: "Sometimes I can do or say things you may consider stupid, dangerous, suicidal, and even financially irresponsible. Haven't filed for bankruptcy yet through!"

+/- Sass Master: "Yes I am, now go ask your stupid questions elsewhere. I don't want to have to wave my hand and tell you off again."

+ I Can Fly Anything: "Do I have to say it twice?"
+ Deep Down I Care: "Really, though no one believes me."



Nova strikes ones first impression as a Wild Space corsair. Rough, dangerous and looking to steal your valuables. She's more in it for the fashion to reveal the truth. Pirates are cool, and who wants to look like they get their clothes from the mall.

Nova is a young woman with a trim muscular figure. She's missing her left eye with a scar running down from forehead to cheek. An eye patch covers the worst of the damage. She also has two moles, one above her lip and another above her breast. Nova's fashion is telling, the pirate look would immediately reveal she's a scoundrel. Looking cool is more important than having some full Beskar plate to tank for you anyways. Apparel can be deceiving in ways though.



Nova doesn't like to reveal much of her past, not past a few years ago anyways. What she will tell you though is she doesn't really remember her parents and her last name is of her own making. Her first name may well be too (Nova). She will tell you it's because she was born in a system with an exploding sun. Surly a fabrication to be dismissed. Not to be revealed is that she was once a member of the Jedi order in the days of The Republic. Those chaotic days lead many to flee the Sith and the Core Worlds. It is a shame she caries to this day. And that very shame keeps her from returning to the new organizations that have risen from the ashes. For fear of facing those she may have known would be a burdensome experience. Since then Nova has mostly been traveling within Wild Space and up and down the Mara. A good place to hide, also a great place to make credits. Whether it's smuggling, piracy, or "contract work". Nova tries to work for the right people overall, and hurt the real bad guys if she can.






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