Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nothing Else Matters [Kyra Sol]

Abandoned and forgotten. Utter darkness surrounds me. There was never much in the way of 'hope' for me; now it is all gone. My will to live was with her. Now, there is nothing - I feel nothing. The one good thing in me vanished with her, and only she can bring it back to me. Nothing else matters.

And so he was on his own again. How did it come to this? One moment he was serving his Queen and Master with no regrets and would follow her into the Gates of Death a second time, if required of him. He loved her. He loved her with all his heart, if he ever had one to begin with. And now... she was gone. Disappeared when he wasn't looking, as if he was never worthy of her time anyway. Had she toyed with him after all this time - after everything he'd done for her? Did she regard him as nothing but a weapon, only fit to crawl amongst maggots and filth, thus leaving him without so much as a word? No. It couldn't be that way. No doubt she was forced to leave because of her plans. She was always plotting and scheming when he was not looking, and even when he did look she would not hide the fact that she was hiding something from him. Even him. He'd come to accept that side of her, for who was he to change who she was?

No-one, apparently.

Sat on the cold metal floor within his chambers, still not accustomed to utilizing the bed he'd been given, Thyrian the Ashborn kept a cold stare towards the door on the opposite wall. Every ounce of him died when his beloved left him to become dust in this place, leaving him an empty shell of his former self. There was no fire left in him; had he still been a creature of the flames, he would've crumbled the moment he realised she was gone. He felt compelled to remind himself of her name: Kära. Her name was not the one given to her all those years ago upon becoming a Sith Lord. Kyros. It meant nothing; a hollow name given as a price for her achievements in the eyes of the Emperor at the time. He loathed having to use that name, for it wasn't hers. It was... Kära. Vi'dreya. Snowflake. His Snowflake... wasn't she?

Since her leaving, another had come in her stead. Someone by the name of [member="Kyra Sol"]. So what? So the kark what? Did she believe he would be loyal to her at a moment's notice - the moment she set foot in this place? She thought wrong. No-one would control him but her. She. Kära Vi'dreya. Snowflake... Tears would be seen crawling down the sides of his face, had anyone been around to witness it. They were quiet, solemn tears, shed because he did not understand. Whatever the reason, he was certain he had driven her away, somehow. It was the only explanation he saw fit, and would not accept any other. All of this was his fault. Ever since they met 15 years ago he had been made her life miserable along with his own. Why was he worthy of coming back from the dead to bask in her light one more time? She could have found someone better, more dutiful and loyal. Why did she settle for him? Too many questions. Too many questions... so few answers.
Kyra supposed it was time to meet [member="Thyrian Ashborn"] - the leader of the Bladeborn or something akin to that. She wasn't really sure, but she assumed she'd find out. She had met him once before, when that Vi'dreya lady had handed her over all her assets in the form of a 'Legacy' of some sort. Even now she didn't fully understand it, but she figured that having someone who could keep tabs on one aspect of the company wouldn't be a bad thing.

As such she had ventured down to the surface of Teth where her now-personal bunker was. It was littered with odd balls insofar as people went, but each had orders to let her be by the Queen Bee so she figured it should be alright. She missed Connor at her side, but he'd wandered off to aid some Jedi or something. She didn't really mind.

"Ey', where's Mister Ashborn?" she asked some random guard posted inside the bunker itself. With a grunt they gestured off down the hall and thus she followed on and on and on. Man these tunnels were winding, it was like a village down here. She wondered if she hadn't been sent off to get lost, but suddenly she was there. Raising her fist she knocked on the man's door, it wouldn't do for her to simply march in after all. It would set the wrong ideas.

[member="Thyrian Ashborn"]
A knock was heard against his metallic door, followed by another. "Kära..." he whispered, throwing himself towards the door. For whatever reason, once he reached the door he froze in place without opening the door. He merely stood completely still with his hand reaching for the panel to open the door, but would not press it. Eyes staring straight ahead, Thyrian could not bring himself to open the door only to find out it was not his beloved Queen returning to him. "Snowflake...?" he breathed as he eventually managed to press the panel, watching the door slide open as if in slow-motion.

Before him appeared his beloved, shrouded in bright light and a divine aura like no other being in the galaxy, and she was smiling at him. In his brief vision he found himself reaching for her scarred cheek to settle a hand against it, but once he was about to meet his skin with hers, the moment passed and Thyrian was left staring at the disappointing sight of [member="Kyra Sol"]. His hand dropped to his side, and as he towered above the small frame of the young woman before him, he soon dropped to his knees in despair. He shuffled to the side, pressing up against the wall as he sat on the floor, not caring about what buisness this imposter wished with him. His world had shattered utterly at that moment. There was no acknowledging of Kyra ever being there to begin with. His face was void of emotion, as if shut down.
As soon as the door opened and the rambled words of the giant reached her she knew something was off... And then he tried to touch her. "WOAH... Woah now..!" she exclaimed, taking a hasty step backwards. "There's such'a thing as personal space y'no? And you're oversteppin' mine! Sheesh." Kyra laughed a little, shaking her head somewhat when the humour didn't seem to catch on to the man before her. "Blimey, what's got you all uptight an' mad?" She watched as he slunk to the ground, before sighing.

"Look, I ain't here to replace your woman, alright? I'm as new to this as you are. But this is what she wanted, so I'm damned sure as going to carry it out. From the looks of you, y'liked the white one a little much, so surely you wanna do what she wanted too, right?" It was a long shot, but one worth taking she supposed.

[member="Thyrian Ashborn"]
Ashborn never bothered to look up at her from the floor, instead staring straight ahead. "You know nothing, girl. Nothing..." When she continued speaking and made a passing mention of his Queen, he erupted from the floor and darted towards her, fire burning brightly in his eyes. "Do not speak of her in such a manner! She is a Queen and a Sith Lord, and..." The fire suddenly vanished from his eyes. He backed off and once again looked away from the woman standing in his doorway. "...she was never mine. But I was hers since the first moment I laid eyes on her."

Thyrian stepped away from her to return to the far wall of his chambers before sinking down to sit on the floor further, gazing across the room towards [member="Kyra Sol"]. He offered her a gesture to act as his invitation into his spartan abode. "Do you know, girl, how long I have served and remained loyal to that 'woman' you speak of? I have been at her side for the better half of two decades. I watched her grow from a mere child into the most powerful Sith Lord I have ever seen. When my old form crumbled beneath me... I returned from the dead to serve her once more. My love for her remains unending, but..."

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